Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Congratulations, Cangaroo! She's gorgeous! :happydance: (One nice thing about C-section babies is that their heads don't get too squished and funny-looking. :haha:) I'm glad that you're at peace with how things ended up, and I'm glad you're not in too much pain. :flower:
Actually, she had a proper cone head when she was first born from being so stuck for so long! It settled very quickly, though and there's no swelling now. She's feeding really well and just had the most wonderful meeting with her sister. DD1 was so excited to meet her and was really, really affectionate with her- lots of kisses, cuddles and "this little piggy"! The Kiddizoom camera DD2 "bought" DD1 helped too- she's been asking for a camera and loved taking pictures of her sister. So cute.
Aww, I'm so glad DD1 is taking so well to her new little sister. :cloud9:

Oh, and I was going to say before, M2C, we do have slightly more girls:

Boys- Vjean, Veronicaco, me, and TTC

Girls- M2C, Zephyr, Jess, Cangaroo, Luvymom
Oh what a beauty! Congratulations. Glad the meeting went well and the camera was a lovely idea!

Congrats Cangaroo! So cute!

I've been quiet. Im hoping things settle down soon but im so busy atm with my daughters and hubbys birthdays next week then I have to start xmas planning all while trying to find a new house.

We looked through our first one over the weekend and it was perfect. It ticked every box for us but there's around 10 other people who want it (that we know of) and they are going to decide at the end of the week who they want in there.
It seriously felt like home when I walked in there so I'll be a little upset if we don't get it.
House hunting is a real pain!

Annabelle is doing great, the probiotics seemed to have worked she pooped every day since taking them and shes not fussing like she was.
I did skip one day by mistake and she didn't poo and was grumpy all evening till she pooed so I think the not pooing really upsets her!

She has big conversations with us now and wants to sit up and watch everything going on around her.
Zephyr, we had to go through the house hunting not long ago, since we moved this past March, and it is not fun at all. I really hope you get this house that you like, and if not, then something even better.

I'm glad Annabelle is doing so well with the probiotics! Is it something you give in a dropper? That's great that she's babbling with you already. Asher isn't doing much of that, but seeing as he was 6 weeks in gestation behind Anabelle, I'm not expecting him to be able to do the things she can for a little while. :flower:
Zephyr- glad Annabelle is foung better! Good luck with house hunting!

My birth story is here:
Congratulations Canga!! She's gorgeous. Sorry you didn't get your vbac but she's here and you're both ok which is the main thing :) xxx
Finally got home late last night after a very delayed discharge. So glad to be home! Last night was great thanks to co-sleeping. DD1 has been amazing at letting her dad do things like putting her to bed as she knows I need to be with Susanna.
How is everyone getting on? TTC- hope you're well and haven't been having too many more contractions?
I'm doing pretty well thanks Cangaroo! Been having contractions but I've tried to limit myself and do my chores in small bits here and there :) We bought the baby's carseat today so I'm feeling very prepared now! it was stressful earlier this week when I got out ds1's old infant seat and the base was cracking and stressed! When I looked into a new base it was going to be $50-60 and since we hated his infant seat we put the money to a new one! That and we had thanksgiving dinner yesterday so haven't been on except to check in :)

Cangaroo I'm so glad you're home and your first night went so well! I enjoyed your birth story and have to again commend you for how relaxed and calm you were!

how are the other moms and babes???
Oh, of course! Happy Thanksgiving!

Glad you got the car seat sorted. That must be a huge relief!

I'm not sure I was relaxed and calm when my body was pushing uncontrollably at 7cm!

I think DD1 may have decided to wean. She hasn't asked for milk since her bedtime feed the night I went into labour. Even last night when I put her to bed, she didn't ask. She hasn't been even slightly jealous of her sister feeding, and on fact often tells me she needs milk and then watches her delightedly while she feeds. I'm loving the big age gap!
still waiting on post AF. Doc apt on the 3rd so I hope to get some answers then
Mo2P, I hope AF shows soon so you can get working on your rainbow. :hugs:

Cangaroo, I'm glad that DD1 is weaning so well and that there's no jealousy. Believe me, there are times when I really wish we had bigger age gaps! :haha:

TTC, I'm glad you have your new car seat and are feeling more prepared. :flower:

Things are going well here. DH had Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving, so I haven't been on my computer much, but I hope everyone's doing well!
Glad you had some lovely family time with your OH over Thanksgiving, Spiffy!

I hope your appointment goes well Mo2P.

DD1 asked for milk again last night. She is confused that it's different, and didn't feed for long. I suspect she'll ask again, but don't mind continuing the bed time feed for now!
Cangaroo I found Max asked less and less since Annabelle arrived. I think its been a week now since he last had milk.

Spiffy yup they are just in a little dropper bottle. I thought it was so good that I got all the kids some now :p

Annabelle is still pooping once a day yay! I know I keep saying it but getting to day 3 or 4 was odd since I remember my other babies pooping all the time, some were every feed.

We had her immunisations done today :'( I hated it and I cried along with her. Uggh

Oh and we didn't get that house :(
So after the xmas chaos we will start looking again.
Zephyr, sorry you didn't get that house. :( I hope something better comes up. :hugs:

So I definitely had my first PP AF last week. It got so heavy that I was actually feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I really hope that the next one isn't that bad.

Oh, and yesterday I was driving with all the kids, and a large semi-truck came into my lane (I guess he didn't bother checking his blind spot) and so I had to swerve into the lane next to me, and hit another truck. Thankfully no one was hurt, and the damage to the vehicles ended up being minor, so I'm feeling very, very blessed, because that could have easily been a fatal accident. :(
Wow, Spiffy! That sounds terrifying! So glad you're all ok. :hugs:

We saw the lactation consultant yesterday. She confirmed that Susanna does have a tongue tie, and even though she can stick her tongue out, it is still giving her a disordered suck/swallow. There are various indicators towards this, and I'm sure it was exactly the same situation with DD1. However, as she's feeding so well for now, the lactation consultant recommended waiting a couple of weeks before getting it snipped as apparently it can trigger of a nursing strike when done when they're really new. I'm happy we have a plan! Susanna was weighed again today (6 days old) and is already over her birth weight. :)

DD1 continues to be an amazing big sister. She is so loving towards Susanna! She has, however, very much gone back to wanting her bedtime feed. Now there's milk there, she wants to feed and feed and feed so bedtime is taking ages. Much as I love lying in bed tandem nursing my two girls, I wish bedtime was a hit quicker! It's such early days that I'm going to go with it a bit longer and hope the novelty wears off soon.
I am trying to keep up ladies! Do keep reading just haven't had the time to post.... Feeling tired.... Think I need to take my iron again.

Hope everyone is well? All babies and bump ok?

Hi everyone! Hope you're all ok.

We're doing pretty well. Susanna seems a little uncomfortable after feeds sometimes and has been having green poos (they had been completely yellow). I'm pretty sure it's the tongue tie, so we're getting it cut tomorrow. Susanna is an amazing baby, though. She's so easy! DD1 continues to be a great big sister. We're very lucky!

I was almost completely pain free at the beginning of the week. I then started to get more pain in one side of the wound, and it's now become red and hot. We're off to the out of hours doctors this evening for antibiotics. :( It's really disappointing as I was so well before and this feels like a real setback.

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