Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

M2C, did the iron help? I actually had to take an iron pill during my pp AF because I was dizzy and lightheaded, and it helped a lot.

Cangaroo, I'm sorry to hear that your healing has been interrupted like that. :( Hopefully the antibiotics get everything straightened out so you can get to feeling better. That's great to hear that Susanna is such an easy baby though. :flower:

I'm doing okay here. I feel like I'm still waiting for my hormones to go back to normal after having Asher, because I feel like I'm so up and down. One day I'll be fine, and the next I'm a depressed and frustrated all day. I'm hoping that things go back to normal soon.

Asher is doing well. He loves to lay on a blanket on the floor and just wave his arms and kick his legs and look at everything. It's great for me, too, because it frees me up for a little while to help the other two. :flower:
Cangaroo, I hope you get feeling better soon. Glad Susanna has been a good baby.

Spiffy, those hormones! I've actually lucked out (really dh had lucked out) I haven't had any baby blues at all yet! I normally get them slightly during the first couple weeks. But I always get them worse around 6-7 months when baby starts on solid food and I breastfeed less. So I'm hoping to keep in this streak of not having any.

Berlynn is doing well. She exceeded her birth weight at her 2 week appt. She sleeps really well at night sometimes only waking up 1-2 times. But she's not a great napper unless she's being held. Then she naps great. I just get nothing done. But she is a lot of fun. She's even started smiling at me. I just never have my camera when she does. And she has deep dimples which I love.
Cangaroo sorry about the set back I'm hoping the antibiotics sort it quickly for you. Hope that getting the tongue tie helps.

Spiffy so pleased Asher is doing so well. I'm scared at the thought of putting iya on the floor as indigo is a beast!!!! I've not taken any iron yet...... I keep forgetting to take it. Mdp try your a bit up and down. Hopefully it passes for you soon.

Luvymom I'm still waiting on a smile!!!! Even though I thought she may have done this morning! Guess we will see. It's the best ever isn't it.

M2C, there's no way I could have let Liam play on the floor as a baby, because Alia would have attacked him for sure. She was so jealous. But Liam is great with Asher. He usually ignores him (which is fine by me at this point) and sometimes he'll try to put his binky in his mouth, which usually ends up being his eye, but it's the thought that counts, right? :haha:

Luvymom, that's great that she's been smiling for you! None of my kids smiled that early. :flower:
Indigo is very loving towards iya but it's just so rough! Bless her she rubs her head and pats her back but just roughly! Hehe!

Glad Liam's doing well with Asher, Spiffy! M2C- it's nice Indigo is being loving, but it's so hard when they are too rough! DD1 is the same very occasionally- her hugs are just a little too tight

The antibiotics are kicking in already, so it feels like things are going in the right direction again. :)

The tongue tie release was done today. Susanna did really well. She complained more about being held still than the snip itself and fed straight away then fell asleep! She's been a little more unsettled than usual this afternoon so I think it's been a bit sore, but hopefully she'll feel better by the morning.

Luvymom- yay for smiles! I can't wait for smiles. :)
I'm glad to hear all the sweet babies are doing well!

Sorry I've been absent but I've been having a rough time. Been on a Rollercoaster pregnancy wise then today ds pediatrician referred us to a pediatric orthopedic dr for suspected hip dysplasia. I'm just very overwhelmed as we're looking at possible surgery and months of a constricting cast all when I'm 8 months pregnant. I'm really hoping it's not going to come to that but it's always scary getting referred out for even a possible problem :(
Sorry to hear that TTC! When do you see orthopaedics? I really hope it's not too long to wait and you get good news when you see them. :hugs:
TTC, I'm so sorry to hear that you have even more stress to deal with right now. :nope: I really hope your DS doesn't have hip dysplasia. Why are they referring him, if you don't mind me asking?

Happy 32 weeks by the way! :flower: Crazy to think that if Jude comes early like your DS (I know he was induced, but I remember you said you were already pretty dilated), you may only have a month left!

As for me, Asher is two months old today! :)


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Thank you ladies :)

Cangaroo, I'm so glad to hear the tongue tie is resolved. how is she doing today?

Spiffy, happy 2 months to Asher! :)

Still no word on when the appt is so if I don't hear in a few hours I'll call the ped office.

Spiffy, my ds is still not walking on his own but what prompted my pediatrician to look into it further is that he turns one foot way out when he does take steps holding onto hands. I just asked if it was weird and he examined his hips and legs. He has asymmetrical thigh folds and his left leg appears slightly shorter and doesn't turn out like the right when he is laying on his back with thighs relaxed. That combined with the delayed motor skills, and certain risk factors (first baby, low amniotic fluid during pregnancy) makes me extremely nervous. I mean we don't know anything yet, so I'm trying not to be too upset but if he does have it the standard procedure for catching it so late is surgery and months in a "Spica cast" (Google and you also might cry thinking of dealing with that with a newborn). I'm praying so hard that even though he has the indicators it will turn out to be a minor little quirk.
PS, crazy to think you were less than 3 weeks from having Asher when you were at this point!
Just googled. I really hope he doesn't need a spica cast. :( That looks miserable for him AND you. :nope:
TTC- how old is he now? Has he had an xray yet? I really hope it all turns out to be nothing. And I hope the appointment comes through quickly. It's so rough having to deal with this worry so late in pregnancy and so close to Christmas.

Susanna is doing fine today. She's back to her usual self, pretty much. I'm waiting to see if the tongue tie release improves things, but I mostly had it done to hopefully prevent her getting reflux and needing medication like DD1 did.
thank you guys :)

Cangaroo he's 15 months now. I found out today they have to get approval from my insurance which could take 2 weeks! That's before they can even schedule an appointment :( I really hope it does not take that long!

I hope Susanna can avoid the reflux and medication too! So glad she's back to herself :)

Today I had my appointments. Jude has turned himself breech. He also didn't do well on the special doppler ultrasound so we'll see how he looks next week. If he's still not good they may just deliver. We will see! I could not believe the stinker turned head up!
TTC- it's great he's been referred as if it was DDH you'd want to know asap, but the not walking alone is totally normal. My friend's little girl didn't take her first steps until 17 months, and then refused to walk until 18 months exactly when she took off walking confidently completely out of the blue. Iam really hopeful your DS will be just fine, though with the worries you and your Dr have, getting checked out properly is a great idea. I hope your insurance gets sorted quickly! How frustrating. And I hope Jude turns again and the USS next week is better. Will be thinking of you all!
so update on ds1... the approval from insurance came through at 4pm! so I then called to make his appointment. the children's hospital has one dr that specializes in pediatric orthopedics and she especially deals with hips so I'm hoping and praying we like her.

At first the scheduler told me they couldn't see him till January 14. I said "I'm sorry I really need you to do better. " And he goes Dec 23!!!!! That's a relief that we can at least know what's going on before Christmas.
TTC, that's great news! I'm glad you don't have to wait another month to know what's happening. :flower:

So I got ovulation cramps today, and since I typically have a 14 day LP, that means I'll be getting AF on Christmas! :growlmad: I'm not too happy about that, especially since I got WAY hormonal during my last AF.
Ttc glad you got an appointment sorted. My mil fosters and last Christmas had twins which one of them needed the cast. As horrible as it was she adapted and got round just fine. Hopefully won't need one though.

Spiffy that's rubbish! Fingers crossed you'll be less hormonal this time round! I don't miss AF mood swings! I'm hoping AF stays away for a while!

Spiffy- :( Hope it's not as bad as your last AF!

TTC- I'm pleased he's being seen before Christmas. Will they do xrays etc there and then so you get proper answers? I hope the Christmas preparations help the wait go as quickly as possible.

OH went back to work yesterday. I coped fine on my own, even though he had an evening meeting so wasn't home until after 10pm! I seriously don't understand how it would be possible to look after 2 without babywearing, though! Susanna spent literally 90% of the day in the sling, which made it easy. DD1 is at the childminder's today, so Susanna and I are having a day of rest!
Cangaroo, I'm glad your first day on your own went well. :flower: I wish I made better use of my wrap, but I hardly ever baby wore when I had two, and even now with three I only use it when I take all the kids to the children's museum by myself.

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