Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Updated in my journal :) feel kind out of place on this tread now that I'm not prenatal and all the babies have been born
We're doing well, thanks! It's been nearly a week since Susanna had her tongue tie snipped, and she's finally having yellow poos again! (They had gone very green prior to the tongue tie release.) Her tongue is also much less white, which means she's got a more efficient suck so is clearing the milk residue, apparently. I hope we'll get away without reflux as a result! Fingers crossed. Susanna is having longer alert periods, which is nice. I'm still keeping her in the slung most of the time, which she loves. We've had a Christmassy weekend seeing Father Christmas yesterday and going to the Church Christmas Tree Festival today. :)

How is everyone else?
Hi m2c! How is Iya?

Cangaroo sounds like a lovely weekend :) Also great news about Susanna! :)

I've been in super nesting mode. It started suddenly yesterday and I did a ton. cleaned out all cabinets in the house, washed all baby clothes and blankets and put them away, and sorted through toys. I have one closet left to clean out and a bit of sorting in the garage. I really really overdid it though so even though it's making me sick to sit here and do nothing I really have to rest.

I have 3 appointments tomorrow! Hoping the mca doppler looks good and I'm curious if he's still breech...I think he is but we'll see if I'm right. My hospital does automatic section for breech birth so Cangaroo (and Veronica or Jess if you're still around) any advice on what to expect? I have been trying to get him to turn and I know he has plenty of time still but in the case he doesn't I'd like to have some idea of what things are like, if I'd need anything special in my hospital bag and any recovery advice. :)

Oh and 33 weeks today! Yikes!
TTC- I hope your LO turns, but if not c-section is really not that bad! I've had 2 emergency sections, and elective section is supposed to be much nicer. Have you had an epidural before? The spinal is very similar, I believe. Just a quick injection of local anaesthetic and you don't feel the rest. The section itself, all you feel is pressure and movement. The baby is out very quickly. Ask for skin to skin and try to feed in theatre if you can! I did and it was great. I'm not the best person to talk to about recovery as I recover insanely quickly. I took literally no painkillers after the c-section and was up walking around as soon as they took the catheter out 12 hours afterwards. Coughing hurts at first and it's best to hold a pillow over your tummy when coughing for support. Moving around e.g. getting out of bed is hard, too- I used the bars on the bed to haul myself in and out at first! It gets better quickly, though- I was almost completely pain free after about 5 days (though it got a little sore again when the wound infection set in). I'm back to driving etc now.

How come you have 3 appointments?
Wow you must be the queen of recovery! I tend to recover quickly from things too but I've only had one minor surgery nothing major. Thanks for all the tips I really appreciate it! Do they put the catheter in after the block? That was the worst part of ds1 birth to me. Getting that dang thing in and out!

You sound like a complete champ though as far as recovering so well even with the infection set back!

I have my blood appointment and they'll check on my anemia and antibody levels. Then see my ob. Then the perinatalogist :)
Yep, the catheter goes in after the spinal so you're not even aware it's being done. I've never had any other surgery to compare it to, but I really did recover quickly both times. The biggest challenge I have right now is remembering I'm still supposed to be taking it easy e.g. not lifting heavy things. They tell you not to lift anything heavier than your newborn for 6 weeks. It can be hard with a toddler as well! Luckily, DD1 understands and is very good about me not picking her up. I have a couple of times (e.g. lifted her onto my knee when she's hurt herself) but I'm mostly good.

Good luck for all your appointments!
Cangaroo, I'm glad things are going well after the tongue tie release. :flower:

Mo2P, you have an app on facebook that posts for you each week your baby's progress, and every time I see it pop up, it breaks my heart for you all over again. :cry: I really hope that you have a great Christmas and that it helps take your mind off things for awhile. :hugs:

TTC, let us know how your appointments go today!

Things are okay here. I'm still struggling with depression off and on, so I'm wondering if I do have PPD. I hope not. :( I definatey do better on the days when I've had a full night of sleep, though, so that's good. Part of the depression if from loneliness, too, since my DH works all the time and I'm just by myself with three little kids all day.
Thanks, TTC. :flower:

On a happier note, though, do any of you have nicknames for your new baby yet? We call Asher "Ash-Bash" a lot, and that has developed into a lot of other nicknames, like, "Bash-Bash" and "Ba-Shash." But I guess it's not that weird, considering we call our daughter "Babber-dee's" and our older son "Guy-Man-Dude". :haha:
:hugs: Spiffy. Are there any children's groups you could get involved with? Or other young families you know through Church or anything you could spend time with? We get out and about as much as we can, which really helps us all. Does your OH have any time off over Christmas? I hope things feel easier and brighter for you soon.
Thanks, Cangaroo. I set up a playdate with 4 different ladies in my church two weeks ago, and none of them showed up, which just made everything worse. :( But we're trying again this Wednesday, so hopefully someone comes this time. As for getting out, it does help, but it's just so hard with 3 under 3, especially because Liam is now going through a phase where he's constantly trying to run away.
That's awful that they didn't show up. I really hope Wednesday goes better! 3 under 3 must be such hard work. I can't even imagine!
Aww spiffy that's a shame they didn't show! How rude! I'm sure it didn't help things :( I really hope this week works out and lifts your spirits a bit.

My appointments took all the darn day! Seriously I'm so tired of waiting at the perinatalogist. My appointment was at 11 didn't get seen till 1. Didn't get to leave till 2:15! That's after my other two appointments at 9 & 10. Everything looks good but he is still breech. He has time to turn but I don't know if he will. Seems odd that he was head down until 32 weeks. silly baby. And for an irritable uterus having a breech babe is the way to go! No contractions in days!
Aww spiffy that's a shame they didn't show! How rude! I'm sure it didn't help things :( I really hope this week works out and lifts your spirits a bit.

My appointments took all the darn day! Seriously I'm so tired of waiting at the perinatalogist. My appointment was at 11 didn't get seen till 1. Didn't get to leave till 2:15! That's after my other two appointments at 9 & 10. Everything looks good but he is still breech. He has time to turn but I don't know if he will. Seems odd that he was head down until 32 weeks. silly baby. And for an irritable uterus having a breech babe is the way to go! No contractions in days!
TTC, I noticed the same thing! Asher flipped breech one time around 29 weeks, I think, and the contractions really tapered off until he flipped back around. Although I did get kicked in the cervix and in the butt a few times, and that wasn't very pleasant! :haha: Sorry your appointments took all day,, but I'm glad that everything looked good. :flower:
Sorry don't know why I posted twice!

OK so it's not in my head then spiffy :)

I'm feeling like if he stays breech I will go to at least 37 weeks. So weird everything has settled down so much. Even my blood count has stabilized at 10.5! That's very high for me so it's fantastic news! :) I kind of wonder if I should wait for the other shoe to drop? lol! I just don't see myself going into labor while he's breech. I think he will be here mid Jan right on schedule!
Glad the contractions have settled down, TTC! That's great! Hopefully he'll stay breech until 37 weeks with no contractions, then flip head down and put you into labour!
Its so good to catch up on everyone's posts!
I find 'me' time is very limited these days.

I am with ya on the being stuck at home with 3 under 3 Spiffy. I get lonely too but don't want to venture out on my own with all of them just yet.
As for nicknames I call her Flowerbelle and my little flower :p

We are having a very rough night tonight. We have a sick in the house, it's midnight and Annabelle just wants to be rocked and I just want to sleep.
Usually she will sleep all night next to me but there's no laying down tonight *sigh*

I got what I thought was ovulation pains about 2 weeks ago and thought no way! But sure enough I got my af this morning.
I thought it was a bit stink cos I only just stopped my post partum bleeding 4 weeks ago!! It was heavy right the way through and im breastfeeding every couple of hours so I was hoping I would have a few months without it at least.

A couple of weeks ago I brought my first woven wrap! The pouch pack I brought I cant use yet because she's too little but shes too heavy for the moby so I got a woven and omg it is so comfy! Wish I got one years ago.
She spent about 5 hours in it today. Can't believe how well she sleeps in it.
I got a rainbow one and as soon as she sees it she starts kicking her legs and grinning hehe it is so cute and im really glad she loves it.

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