Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Hi Zephyr! Nice to hear from you. Sorry there's illness in your house. :( Glad you're enjoying your wrap! How much does Annabelle weigh now? I used the stretchy wrap until 7 months with DD1! I'm loving the stretchy wrap- I put it on in the morning and put her in and out all day long. We're going to OH's work Christmas party tomorrow with DD2 in the wrap.

How did your play date go yesterday, Spiffy?
Zephyr, sorry to hear that your family is dealing with illness. :( I had a rough night last night with Asher and only got about 3 hours of sleep, but I don't think he's sick. I guess he must be going through a growth spurt or something. It's so hard to deal with the regular stress of kids with no sleep! :nope:

I'm glad you're enjoying your wrap! I love mine, too. I need to use it more often, but Asher will usually fall asleep in it and stay asleep, and I worry that he'll be up too much at night. I'm curious as well to know how much Annabelle weighs now. We'll be getting Asher weighed at his pediatrician appointment next Tuesday, so I'll know his weight then.

Cangaroo, the playdate went great! The three women who said they'd come all showed up, so we had 8 kids playing, which was basically chaos, but they all seemed to have fun. Thankfully Asher slept through most of it, and Liam slept through all of it (which was for the best, since he's been going through some major separation anxiety and stranger anxiety). It was so nice to be able to talk with other adults for a while. :flower:
Hehe im not sure how much she weighs just that she was in the 98th percentile for weight height and head circumference at the last weight check and I think she was 6kgs on the 3rd of Dec but I can't remember, it's written down in her book so I'll look later.
Our next visit is the 10th Jan.

I love my moby but she started feeling like she was getting too heavy for it, I remember max getting to a stage where he was too heavy also and it just wasn't as comfortable anymore. I do have back issues though which may be why.
I feel a bit sad packing it up for the last time! It's going to go into the twins special box of stuff since I used it mostly with them.
I'll have to get some wrapping practice in over the holidays. I've got one wrap down pat. Cant wait to try a back carry hehe.

I'm not sure if I have everyone in this thread added on facebook?
I think I have everyone except Cangaroo and TTC, and I don't think TTC is on facebook (am I remembering that right?)

Zephyr, what type of wrap are you using with Annabelle right now? I always use the standard front cross-carry, but one of these days I ought to experiment with a few others. I've done the back cross-carry successfully with Liam when he was a baby, but he didn't like it. Most people recommend that one for older kids.

So we got some great news yesterday! DH is going to get an awesome raise starting in January! We'll now finally be able to get out of debt and get some savings, which will be soooo nice. :flower:
I don't usually add people from here on FB, but I think I've been talking to you guys long enough to add you! How do I find you all?

I've only mastered front wrap cross carry and back wrap cross carry with the woven wrap. I tried back ruck and double hammock, but DD1 was too small when I first attempted them and I didn't try again.

We went to OH's work Christmas do last night. It was great! Good food, and Susanna was a dream baby- she slept in the sling the whole time apart from being handed around (asleep) and two quick feeds. A great success!
I got the Kokadi rainbow stars. They were all so lovely so I just picked the one that I loved the most.
The front wrap cross carry is what I've been using. Not sure which one to try next.
I see all these ladies wearing babies on their backs but im too scared she will just cry and hate it. I do want to try it though.

That's really good news spiffy congrats to you and hubby and the raise!

Cangaroo, ill pm you my email addy, just pop that in the search box on facebook. Hopefully it comes up, if not then I can try search yours.
Cangaroo, once you're friends with Zephyr, it should be easy to find the rest of us in her friend's list. I'm Jordyn. :flower: I'm so glad the Christmas party was such a success!
Just waiting for her to wake up and accept my friend request (as long as I've got the tight person with her name- I went for the one with the profile pic of twins!) - I think it's still night time there!

Amazing news about your OH's job, Spiffy!
Thanks! :flower:

Everyone else but TTC is on facebook, and they're all in my friends list. Jess (Jessica), luvymom (Jennifer), M2C (Laura), Veronicaco (Kate), plus I'm also friends with Mo2P (Amanda) and Sharnw (Shahn) and NDH (Natalie) from the "Breastfeeding baby, not preventing another" thread.
Great, thanks!

I've got a cold.... I really hope Susanna doesn't get it!
I didn't have M2C added! Thanks for posting that Spiffy, I sent a friend request.

Just figured since I find it hard to come back here often it's still nice to keep in touch. I still have people on my list from the twins and seeing their little ones now is really cool.
I didn't add any October ladies with Annabelle tho I seemed to have fit better here with you ladies :)

the countdown to xmas is on!! It's everyone ready?
I just have my fresh produce shop to do. Im really excited.
You ladies make me want to get on Facebook! Too bad for real life in-law drama. I just can't! lol Plus we have an unusual last name and dh has dangerous job :(

Glad your playday went well spiffy!

Hope you feel better soon Cangaroo :)

Zephyr good to hear you're doing well :)

I spent yesterday in l&d because my heart is racing on and off. Looks like it's just a pregnancy related arrhythmia. Still annoying though.
Zephyr, I'm glad you've been hanging out here with us, or else I'd be the lone October mama!

Cangaroo, I hope you feel better soon!

TTC, sorry you were camped out at L&D yesterday. :( I had a racing heartbeat off and on during this last pregnancy, and it sucked because it made me feel like I was panicking, even though I wasn't.

As for Christmas, we're pretty much ready. We still need to wrap a few things and get something for DH's brother, but that's about it. I got my DH something I know he's going to love, so I'm really excited to see his reaction. :flower:
Thanks. I'm feeling a lot better today, and Susanna has been fine. Phew!

Sorry you had a stressful day at the hospital TTC. Glad everything's ok.

I finished all my wrapping yesterday, and DD1 helped me put together our bags of all the presents she's made for family today. I'm really pleased with them! We made snow globes, snowman soup (hot chocolate), snowman baubles (DD1's handprints with the fingers as snowmen) and salt dough ornaments of Susanna's hand and footprints.
Yay for all the new babies! :happydance::happydance:

I'm crap at getting on here now, and it will just get worse as I prepare to return to work in a few weeks. How do you ladies do it?!?

If anyone wants to add me on face book (Verna Payne) please feel free too! :)
I go on B&B on my phone while I'm feeding Susanna and DD1 is watching TV!

Susanna was baby Jesus in the Church nativity yesterday and her sister was an angel. It was super cute! We're all ready for Christmas.

VJean- there are lots of Verna Paynes on FB- which one are you?

TTC- is it your DS's ortho appointment today? Hope it goes well and you get some answers.
Hi Cangaroo! I typed a nice reply on my phone yesterday and it got lost :( Anyway thank you for asking about the appointment. It turns out he very.thankfully does not have ddh! I'm so happy and relieved! The xray showed his hips are at slightly different angles and that's due to the muscles being a little tight on the left side. He should hopefully outgrow it with no further issues! Thanks for thinking of us!

I also had my.ob appointment yesterday afternoon! Her hope is to deliver between 37-38 weeks :) So I've got about 3 weeks to go! If I get a say I want to have him on the 13th. So we'll see what the perinatalogist says Monday and make a firmer plan from there.

I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas!

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