Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Wow ttc, it seems like you're pregnancy had gone by so fast! So glad things are well with his hips!

I haven't been on much either with the busyness of the newborn abs the holiday season. I haven't even done any neighbor gifts this year.

I've been super lucky that Berlynn sleeps through the night most nights. She'll go down around 11, sleep until 6, eat and then sleep again until 9. Lay night though she went to bed around 1 and sleep until after 8, but my toddler kept me up all the rest of the night with croup and breathing troubles. I site he gets over it quick. It's always such a scare and no one wants a holiday trip to the emergency room.

It's Christmas eve here. Kids are in bed, but not asleep yet.

Merry Christmas to all of my b and b friends. :)
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you've all had a wonderful day.

So glad everything's ok, TTC!
TTC, I'm so glad to hear that your DS will be okay! What a relief! Also, you're going to be coming up on baby time pretty quick! :flower:

Luvymom, so sorry to hear that you've been dealing with sick kids. :( I hope the croup gets better soon. :hugs: But can I say how insanely jealous I am of Berlynn's sleep? Asher does a 3.5 hours stretch, followed by a 2 hours stretch, followed by a 1 hour stretch, and then is up at 5am. DH and I are always tired. :sleep:

I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful! I know ours was. :flower: (Well, minus the fact that I started AF yesterday and was cramping through most of Christmas. :dohh:)

Oh yeah, I forgot to say, we had Asher's appointment this past Tuesday and he's 11 pounds now. :)
I go on B&B on my phone while I'm feeding Susanna and DD1 is watching TV!

Susanna was baby Jesus in the Church nativity yesterday and her sister was an angel. It was super cute! We're all ready for Christmas.

VJean- there are lots of Verna Paynes on FB- which one are you?

TTC- is it your DS's ortho appointment today? Hope it goes well and you get some answers.

Wow! Didn't realize there were so many! My profile pic has the Littles with Santa. :)
Hey everyone! Happy new year to you all and all the sweet babies!

How is everyone?

Yesterday my dr scheduled a c section for the 13th! If he turns we'll just induce that day! Yay!!!!! So excited!
TTC, yay only 2 weeks left to go! That's going to fly by! :flower:

Not much new for me. Asher is doing well. He loves to smile and have "conversations" with me, which is adorable. Unfortunately, he likes to wake up around 4-5am and won't go back to sleep, so that stinks. Though the trade-off is that he goes down for the night around 7-8pm, so DH and I get our evening together with all the kids sleeping, which is really nice.

My DH has been amazing. We figured out that my postpartum depression is so much worse when I don't get very much sleep, so he's been taking most of the night shift with Asher for me. I'm so grateful for him. :cloud9:

I hope everyone is doing well. :flower:
Happy New Year everyone! We spent it at a friend's house in the countryside. DD1 slept upstairs and Susanna was very happy on the wrap while we partied downstairs. I was a bit rubbish not drinking while everyone else indulged in excellent wines and cocktails (I limited myself to one small glass of wine early on as we co-sleep), but it was otherwise great! The girls both had a lie in, too, so we didn't wake up until 9.40!

On other news, Susanna has been smiling since before 4 weeks (the first responsive smile was 3 weeks 3 days!) and we're getting more frequent smiles now. I love baby smiles! She had a really unsettled time last weekend (I think she had my cold), but is back to her usual happy, easygoing self now. Phew!

Not long left at all now, TTC! How exciting! Do you have any more presentation scans before then?

I'm really pleased you're getting more sleep and feeling better, Spiffy. What a supportive OH you have!
Thank you everyone!

luvymom, how is everything with you?

Spiffy, that's wonderful your dh is so supportive :) I'm glad that the extra rest is helping you to feel a bit better :hugs:

Canga, no way!!!!!! That's incredible Susanna smiled before 4 weeks :) Yay!

M2c, how are you and your little ones?

I'm feeling pretty good! I think it's a little more uncomfortable to have him breech in there than I remember with ds being head down. My tailbone hurt with him but my whole stomach aches with this babe! Otherwise feeling good!

I see my ob Monday and the perinatalogist Tuesday and I'll have the same weekly ultrasound of his brain both this Tuesday and next Monday so we'll know for sure if he turns. I don't think he's going to turn.

I've come to terms with a section and have been mentally preparing so it would really throw me off now if he did turn. I really like the idea of it being scheduled and overwith. I think I'm a bit more traumatised from last time than I originally thought and I'm kind of relieved. I read an article by a midwife who believes breech babies turn that way because they can feel they're mom's anxiety about birth. who knows if it's true, but I certainly could see that in my case. So I'm relieved. But now I'm anxious he'll turn and I'll have no time to mentally prepare for another induction!
TTC, so close now! I'm glad that you've come to terms with the section and are looking at the positive side of things. I hope he doesn't throw you for another loop and turn, though. I'm glad that they're going to induce you on the same day anyway, even if he does turn, though, because I saw an episode of One Born Every Minute, and the poor mom came in for her C-section, found out her baby had flipped, and had to go home and wait until labor started on it's own. I think that would be so disappointing, since you'd have already prepared to have your baby that day.

Things are a little rough for me right now. DH and I are going through a difficult time in our marriage right now, and things are just strained and uncomfortable at the moment. It doesn't help the depression either. :(

I hope everyone is doing well.
Spiffy, I'm sorry things are rough right now. I've noticed things a little more rough with dh here too. Not arguments but definitely feeling distant. It seems it happens with all my babies at first. Just both of us adjusting again. She's most fussy in the evening/night time so we've not been getting our just us time. Her schedule also keeps us from even going to bed at the same time. :(

Things will get better. It's hard to date at this stage but check out the dating divas website. They have a ton of date at home ideas.

I wish we lived closer. We could totally hang out. Maybe in the summer when I drive down to slc more. We'll plan something. :)
Sorry things are tough, Spiffy. :hugs: This is a massive time of adjustment. Things will get better. You must both be exhausted, which never helps! Could anyone help out at night to give you both a good night's sleep?
Thanks, ladies. Things were going okay between me and DH, but a few days ago he told me that he had looked at pornography, which is absolutely not acceptable. He had a problem with it before we got married, but he'd gotten over it, and promised me he would never do it again. So not only did he betray me by looking at other women naked, but he also lost my trust. I just feel heartbroken. :cry: He already feels awful about it and wants to make things right between us, and has promised he won't do it again, but I'm having a hard time getting over it. I'm already suffering from postpartum depression, and this has just compounded things. I'm crying all the time, and feel so lonely and isolated, because this isn't something I can talk to family and friends about, because I don't want them to think less of my DH. I just feel so deeply hurt every time I think about it. And what's worse is, I feel angry, and I keep taking it out on my kids, yelling at them more than I should, so now I feel like a bad mother on top of everything else. :cry:
Aww Spiffy :hugs:

My dh and I have gone through the same thing. we separated over it twice. I'm here if you need to talk. I know exactly how horrible you feel. :(
Thanks, TTC. I feel like you ladies are the only ones I can talk to about this. And I feel like a lot of people look at pornography as something that men "just do" and that we women should just accept it and be okay with it, but it's not. It hurts so badly to feel like you're not good enough for your husband, especially after just having a baby and not being at the weight I would like. It just makes me feel like crap. :(

If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for you and your DH to get past it, TTC?
Spiffy, I can see why that would really hurt, especially as it's something he promised you he wouldn't do. It's so easy to take frustration out on the children. I often catch myself getting annoyed with DD much too easily when I am tired or frustrated with OH.

My OH is completely against pornography since we had DD1. He has completely turned into Feminist Dad. Perhaps talk to your OH about how he would feel if men looked at your DD in the way he looks at the women in porn and see if that changes how he feels about it. Has he suggested any strategies to help him change?

Ttc I'm glad you've come to terms with the section. Hopefully bubs stays put and doesn't wiggle round. I wonder if bubs do feel the worries and turn?! Kinda interesting. Well hope all stays well and all goes ahead for your section. Really not long! Can't wait to see pictures of your little guy xxx

Spiffy I'm so sorry things are a little difficult right now. Sending you some big hugs. Depression is a hard thing to deal with so you don't need extra troubles on top. We are all here for you to talk to. Sometimes it's easier sharing problems on here rather than with friends or family.

Me and iya had our 8 week check today and all is good. I got the mini pill as we don't wanna try for no.4 until sept/oct. I've booked her injections for the 19th so not looking forward to that.


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