Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Glad you're starting to feel better, Spiffy! That's great!

Susanna has a slight cold. She's not too bad; mostly just a bit snuffly, but she's so much more unsettled than usual. She's usually so happy all the time so I'm not used to it! She's clearly not feeling well. Plus she has green poo again for the first time since not long after the tongue tie was snipped. Hopefully it won't last long.
Hi ladies! Just got home!

My appointment was much better. The brain blood flow was still higher than it should be, but not as bad :) So we are good to go until Tuesday (unless I go into labor...I was having lots of contractions on the nst). I'm so excited! Going to clean my house tomorrow, pack my bag (WHY CAN'T I MAKE MYSELF DO THIS??? Lol), and do a couple of last minute errands. Sunday we'll take ds1 out to do something fun and to dinner. Then Monday I've got appointments and pre-reg at the hospital :) Ahhhh! I'm so excited, but I'm getting nervous and emotional about my baby becoming a big brother. Did any one else feel that way?

Spiffy, very very glad to hear you're feeling a bit better :) Hope it only continues to improve :)

M2c, how are you?

Cangaroo, I'm so sorry Susanna is sick :( I hope she feels better soon!!!!
My daughter was 6 when my second came around. She was so excited. We even let her cut the cord so she could make her little brothers belly button. She was in the room when he was born but at the head of the bed so she didnt see anything :) We watched LOADS of baby story and such so she had an idea of what it would be like. She still talks about how neat it was and she is 12 :)

So glad to hear about the blood flow. Sometimes I want a scheduled baby, just because of the convenance (Ever tried to get 3 kids dressed and in the van in the middle of the night??) But then I think how nice the surprise is. Plus the waiting! You know bubs is coming tue, so you have to wait! But knowing is so exciting too! Aww gezz I think I may be just as excited as you :)
TTC, last day as a mom of one! I can't wait to hear your update tomorrow (or whenever you manage to get online ;)). Good luck! :flower:
Hi everyone! Quick update!

He arrived 12:12pm 6lbs 11oz! Everything went well but I threw up pretty much the entire 2nd half of surgery! It was terrible! But that was the worst part and I'm so happy we're both doing well :)
Congrats! So happy for you! Sorry about the throwing up. Can't wait to see pictures.
Congratulations! Sorry the surgery was unpleasant, but hope you're feeling much better noe. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Can't wait to see photos.
Congrats, TTC! I'm so happy that both you and he are doing fine (sorry about the throwing up part, though. That sounds awful!). How amazing that, despite all the fears and worries this pregnancy, everything ended up great in the end. :flower: Can't wait to see pictures!
COngrats TTC! I am so happy for you. I cant wait to see pictures Im sure he is beautiful! Sorry about getting sick part though. I remember throwing up once while in labor. Every time I had a contraction, It really is no fun. I can't imagine not being able to sit up fully to be sick :( Poor dear!
Hey everyone! Wanted to show off a quick pic of my little squish!


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Congrats ttc hes beautiful!

I havnt been around much lately ladies I had a health scare 2 weeks ago which resulted in half a dozen doctors visits and 2 er trips.
I lost my memory and started having really bad anxiety and panic attacks. It's been two weeks now and today my doctor told me that she's certain it's nothing serious and that it is a weird form of post natal depression and/or anxiety with a lack of rem sleep.
Fingers crossed I'm back to my old self again soon. I've never experienced anxiety quite like this, it crept up on me and came out of nowhere! I don't feel depressed so they are leaning more towards anxiety. There's no red flags but shes written to a neurologist just in case.
No one on my Facebook knows. Hubby has been off work cos I forgot how to even cook it was that bad! My dad's staying atm and hubbys back at work tomorrow.
My medication is working at least so I can function again but im still very foggy and panicky at times.
I'm no longer co sleeping at night because I can't sleep without a sedative :( but Annabelle is doing well in her hammock and hubby has taken on the night shift until I don't need sedatives anymore.

So there's that. We had such a perfect birth and shes a good baby so its kinda left field really. Annabelle is doing great, she has definitely helped me get through this, focusing on her really helps.

Hope everyone has been well.
Beautiful, TTC! How are you all? Hope you're home and recovering well.

How scary, Zephyr! I'm glad you're on the mend, but sorry that had to happen. I really hope you're feeling back to yourself soon. :hugs:
Ttc how beautiful! Hope your all doing well!

Oh zephyr you poor thing! How scary that must have been for you all. Hopefully it's nothing serious but it's good there checking everything out.

How's everyone else?

Iya has her dreaded injections later on today! Hopefully she's ok with them xxx
Good luck with the injections M2C! Susanna has hers on Friday. I can't decide about the rotavirus oral vaccine. I'm a massive believer in vaccination, but being EBF, and since she'lo breastfeed well into toddlerhood, her risk of serious problems from rotavirus us tiny...

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