Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

TTC, he's adorable! I'm so happy for you. :flower:

Zephyr that sounds so scary! I'm glad that you got help, though, and that your DH is really stepping up to help you. I was having anxiety attacks along with depression, and the medication I'm on has been helping both. It's so horrible to feel like you're not yourself. :nope: I hope you continue to feel better. :hugs:

M2C, I hope the jabs go okay. :flower:
Iyas injections didn't go to badly! She had a good scream and then was fine! She seems fine now. Just gonna give her some extra snuggles!

We're good, thanks! OH has been away all weekend so it's been slightly hard work. OH usually has Susanna while I get DD1 to sleep, and doing bed time on my own is hard! Susanna kept waking DD1 up so it took ages. It was otherwise fine. We went to the zoo today and spent yesterday with a friend. Susanna's getting much stronger and more alert.

Zephyr and Spiffy- how are you both? Hope the medication is well and truly kicking in now and things are improving.

TTC- hope you're recovering well.

Hope everyone else is good!
Hi Everyone :)

Good hear from you M2c and Cangaroo :)

Really glad the jabs went well for Iya!

And sounds like you're managing two beautifully Cangaroo :)

Spiffy and Zephyr, I hope you're both feeling better and better!

I'm having a very good recovery! Things still feel a little out of place but I'm sure that's expected only 12 days out :) My little Jude is absolutely intoxicating :) I love the newborn stage :)
So glad things are going well, TTC! I love the newborn stage, too. I loved it so much this time it made me think that perhaps we're not done with 2 children... For so many reasons, we should stop at 2, but it's sad to think I'll never have another newborn!
TTC, M2C, and Cangaroo, it's good to hear from you all. :flower:

Cangaroo, I hate doing the bedtime routine with my three when DH is still not home from work. It's such a juggling act!

TTC, I'm glad you and Jude are doing so well. :flower: How is your DS1 taking to his little brother?

Things are going well here. The medication is definitely helping. I still have hard days with the kids, but it doesn't phase me like it used to. Asher is doing great! He's only waking up once in the night to eat (though he's in a pretty light sleep between 4-6am and needs his binky a lot), but still, considering that our other two kids didn't get down to one night feed until after they were a year old, I'm so happy! :flower: Other than that, he likes to smile and coo and has laughed a few times. He's also hitting that stage where he like to be sat up all the time so he can see what's going on. DS1 was sitting unsupported by 5 months, and I think Asher may do it even sooner, but we'll see. :)
Cangaroo sounds like your girls are doing great. It's certainly hard work when there's not another pair of hands at night. DH is away this weekend so I'll be tackling bedtime for 2 nights! Eek! Are you defo just having the 2? No temptation for another? I don't know how I'll stop at 4!!!!

Ttc newborns are just yummy! You can't get enough of them can you! So pleased recovery is going well for you my lovely!

Spiffy I'm so pleased the medication is working for you. I think it's normal to have the harder days specially with 3 minis! How lovely Asher is giggling! Iya has an odd giggle.... I sooo look forward to more giggles! I love the cooing too.... Beautiful sound!

Spiffy, so so glad you're feeling more yourself :) That's so cute Asher giggles :)

M2c, are you broody for #4 yet? :) Iya sounds like a little sweetheart :)

Cangaroo, I have to ask the same...are you sure you're done? Lol I know thats nosy!

I'm already thinking about a #3. I'm like how can I already think of this again??? But this was a very stressful pregnancy with all of the high risk visits etc. I'm sure we still owe different drs about $1000.... bleh. Also my ob recommended that I wait 2 years (from delivery to delivery) for another so my scar isn't at risk of rupture. My hubby wants another but told me he needs a longer break between the next two lol :)
So glad things are getting better, Spiffy! It's great to read everyone's updates.

OH is sure we're done with 2. I'm almost sure, but it's possible I'll change my mind in 5 years or so. I've always wanted to adopt as well, so you never know, we might end up with 3 via another route! That would probably be an older child and not for a very long time, though. We'll see!
LOL Well I need SOMEONE to have a baby with me lol

Mo2P, hopefully it's your husband! :rofl:

Seriously, though, I think you'll be having a baby way before any of us are ready for another. :winkwink:

Cangaroo, hopefully you are your DH will both feel the same in the long run, whether it's sticking with 2 or having a third. :flower:

TTC, I was thinking about a third not long after my second was born, so you're not the only crazy one. :haha: This time, though, I'm good with waiting to try until Asher is 18 months at least so I don't risk having the next baby even more premature. Hopefully I don't get too broody before then. :winkwink:
Ttc I'm always broody! Eek! I'm scared that if no.4 is my last I'll feel awful as I'll have no more babies! We knew we wanted at least 4 babies. I'm going to hold out till about October! I really want to have a few drinks for my birthday in august plus I wouldn't mind a new tattoo so want that done before we ttc.

Cangaroo my MIL fosters babies. Such a wonderful job but I can imagine it being tough at times. I'm sure you'll work out what you guys want.

Spiffy how many bubs are you guys wanting? Is it possible for your babies to become more and more prem? Or is it just there close?

Zephyr hope your doing ok Hun

M2C, it's possible that my babies will keep coming more and more premature, but all we know is that having them close together increases the risk, so that's why my OB has said to wait 18 months before TTC. I am pretty curious to see what difference that will make. As for how many, we know at least four, but have never really set a cap. We're just hoping that we'll get a feeling that we're done at some point. :flower:
I hope I feel done at no.4! I feel that I won't though. Think I could maybe persuade hubby for 5! Hehe!

I always get the told we will have to move.... We currently have 3 bedrooms. Do any if yours share? Or as your family's get bigger will they share? Currently Corban has his own room and iya will go in with indie. When no.4 comes along it depends on the sex as to where it will go. Eventually we will move but even then we will probably only be able to afford 4 bedrooms! I don't really see it as a problem! What are your thoughts?

Hello all! I just got caught up. I've been sick so laying in bed a lot I've been able to read everyone's posts.

I can relate with all the single mom bedtime woes. Dh travels a lot for work so I do it alone quite often and it is the worst! With 5 kids is gets a bit crazy but the older ones are doing better. And hooray! Berlynn has been sleeping through the night 4 out of the last 5 nights. I sure hope it stays that way.

She's pretty tall too. In the 99%! The smiles and coos have begun and it's so fun.

I'm always up for more babies but we'll see what God has planned. :)

We just booked a trip in September taking the kids to lego land. And dh is planning a trip for the 2 of us (and the baby) in June.

Have any of you seen the movie Mom's Night Out? It was hilarious! I got a girls night with my mom and sisters on Saturday and we watched it. Laughed through the whole thing.
Luvymom, that movie was hilarious. :haha: I haven't had a girl's night out since December 2013. :dohh: I'm so glad to hear that Berlynn is sleeping through the night and that you have some fun trips planned! DH and I are going to Disneyland for our anniversary next month. It's going to be a quick trip (we're flying out in the morning, going to Disneyland that day, and flying back the next morning) but it was the only way we could get babysitters for our kids.

M2C, I shared a room with my brother until I was 8 and he was 7, and my two even younger brothers have shared a room for most of their life (they're teenagers now and still share a room). So I'd say don't let the number of rooms you have determine how many kids you have. My dad was married to a woman with 4 kids at one point, so there were a total of 8 kids in 3 bedrooms, but we made it work, and it was actually a lot of fun most of the time. :flower:
I agree with sharing rooms :) We have a 3 bedroom house and the boys will be sharing because I think it's good for them.:).I shared with my sister (22 months younger than me) almost the whole time I lived at home! We're still very close. At one point, my parents had 4 kids in 2 bedrooms so I.think it's not at all a problem.

I found out the other day that my mom had wanted 5 kids but she was high risk (went into preterm labor every pregnancy) and had to be done at 4.

I really really really would love 4 or 5 but I'm not sure dh will go for it. He has 3 sisters and growing up he felt like they didn't get enough attention so he thinks it's impossible to have 4 kids and pay attention to all of them. :( I think I can change his mind as we do love our babies :) I do think we'll wait the recommended 2 years (delivery to delivery...So not ttc before 15-16 months) or maybe wait even longer. I think it'd be nice to have a larger gap then have another two that are closer together. :) We'll see. But I definitely don't have that "done" feeling yet.

Cangaroo, I think adoption is wonderful! My cousins adopted a little girl and she's been a huge blessing to the whole family :) That's a great route :)

Hi luvymom :) Sorry you're sick, but glad to hear your other updates and glad you've had time to read and say hi :) feel better soon!

Jude is 2 weeks today :) Hard to believe!!!!
Hope you're feeling better soon Luvymom!

My friend has recently adopted a little girl, and she's fab! I also have a friend who was literally saved by being adopted aged 13 (she was suicidal prior to finding her adoptive parents completely by chance). I don't know if things will work out for us to he in a position to adopt, but we'll see.

I'm going to stay with my parents with the girls next week while OH stats home for work. We've got loads of fun things planned! We're going to go away somewhere in April, probably, but not yet booked. We're also going to legoland in June! Plus my parents are taking the girls and me to centre parcs in June (not OH as he Hayes it there, strange boy!). Lots to look forward to.

My sister and I shared a room until we moved aged 4 and 7. It was great! We actually have plenty of room for our girls to have separate bedrooms, but I suspect they may choose to share a bedroom when DD2 moves out of our room in a couple of years. Lots of co-sleeping families find the siblings choose to sleep together (often in a double bed) after moving out of the family bed. We'll go with the flow!

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