Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Luvymomsorry your poorly. Hope you feel better soon. Great news Berlin has been sleeping through! Fingers crossed she keeps it up. Iya is tall to. She's just about the 99th. She's grown out of her carrycot on the pushchair! I'll have to check that movie out!

I don't mind the babies sharing. We will move as we will eventually need more room but for little peeps our house is plenty big enough. I'm sure we could squeeze 5 in. We do have a 7 seater! Haha!

We have a holiday booked for Majorca in May! I'm so excited!

Im doing okay. Still have memory problems but it seems to be improving a little. I take time out each night before sleep to remember small things like what the children were wearing and hubby will tell me if im right and im getting most things right now. My days are still very blurred tho and reading emails and holding conversations is still a little draining.
I saw the doctor again on monday and it was the first time I didnt burst into tears in 3 weeks out of fear, so thats an improvement also.

my panic attacks have stopped and I only have one or two moments during the day where I feel panicky but I have just increased my medication and it will take a week or two to settle down so that could be a side effect.
im also not needing sedatives anymore and can fall asleep and stay asleep. Last time I needed one for panic was friday.
its really just the memory thats bothering me. Having a ct scan done this week or next hopefully to rule out anything benign but if it was anything in my head they said I wouldnt be seeing improvements so thats reassuring. They are just wondering why the medication has taken so long to work.
Its likely postpartum anxiety that caused a weird memory block.

its so weird the way this all came about! All that back pain and headaches then memory loss followed by panic attacks.
I did not feel mentally unwell at all but looking back the not sleeping, not eating, worrying constantly.
I cant believe I didnt recognise something was wrong.
I had no issues bonding and I wasnt teary so I thought I was fine.
M2C, we have a 7 seater as well, but I'll tell you, with 3 car seats in it, it sure doesn't feel very big! :haha:

Zephyr, it's so good to hear from you. I'm glad you're starting to feel better. :hugs: I hope the doctors can give you some definitive answers for why you lost your memory, because that must have been so scary, and I know I would want to know why it happened and have some reassurance that it wouldn't happen again. When you first lost your memory, did you still remember your DH and your kids, or did you lose everything?

Oh, and funny side-note: DD saw the thumbnail of your profile picture on facebook and said, "That's mama!" :haha: I guess it's the red hair. ;)
Spiffy I don't think we could afford a bus! Hehe! Corban I right at the back so when no.4 arrives he will get indie in the back with him which he will love!

Zephyr it all sounds so scary. I'm so pleased things seem to be getting better though and it sounds like the drs are on the case!

Yeah I still remember everyone its more events so half an hour ago I could tell you that I ate dinner and what I had but the picture in my head is very fuzzy. Last week there was no picture and I probably couldnt tell you what I ate Even 10 minutes later.

I seem to be getting better little by little. I've still got a long way to go but aside from a panic attack last night and waking up feeling panicky today I came right later in the day. I even managed to do the back to school shop! A week ago I would of panicked and gone straight home.

We actually took Annabelle in for her 3 month immunisations today. A little late because of what's been going on but she now weighs 7.1 kgs!
She's put on 600 grams in 3 weeks lol probably cos we sat on the couch feeding while I rested.
M2C, Alia's in the back by herself right now, so I'm sure she'd love to have someone in the back with her, too. :flower:

Zephyr, wow, Annabelle's getting big! I wonder how much Asher weighs (his last appointment was his 2 month one). Well, I'm glad that you're seeing some steady improvement. Hopefully you'll be back to your old self very soon. :hugs:

Well, we're going to have an evaluation for DS1 today for his speech. He's about 19 months old and not really saying anything yet. If he qualifies for their program, they'll visit with him once a week to help him improve his speech, which would be great. So we'll see how that goes.
So the evaluators just left, and my DS definitely has a speech delay. His speech is equivalent to a 7 month old, and his speech recognition is equivalent to a 9 month old. :(
Aww Spiffy I'm sorry! I'm sure that's all extra stressful on you right now! Will they be working with him once a week?
Yeah, first we have to meet to write up a plan of action, and then they'll start working with him on a weekly basis. I knew he was behind, but I didn't realize he was THAT behind. :nope:
Don't feel bad spiffy. I think it's just an estimate of where he's at....I don't think they can really say for sure he's that behind. My friend had to do the same therapy with her son when he was Liams age. He caught up in literally just a couple months! He's now one of the smartest and most articulate 3 yr olds I've met.
Zephyr it's great news things are getting better. Just crazy though isn't it. Go annabelle!

Spiffy I'm sure with this bit of help he will catch up just fine.

Ttc how are you doing?

M2c, I'm doing great thank you :) I had my 2 week postpartum checkup today and everything looks good. :)
I need a moan! Feeling rotten. Was absolutely fine earlier. Had one feed that was slightly sore, then a while later started shivering and feeling achey all over. Within an hour I had a temp if 39.5C (103.1F)! I think it's mastitis- no red patch, but sore feeding and tender patch. DD1 and DD2 have both had good feeds, so hopefully they'pl manage to clear it for me. If not, I'll get some antibiotics tomorrow. :( I'm supposed to be going to my parents' on Sunday which is a 6 hour drive away- and OH is staying home to work!
Aww Cangaroo! Sounds horrible! I hope you feel better soon and can enjoy your parents this weekend!

Jude had his checkup today. He's 6lb 9oz...not even back to birth weight yet and only gained 2oz in 11 days :( I'm trying to keep him awake more to eat but I'm a bit concerned and feel terrible about it. To top it off, I was standing in the pediatricians office and felt a huge gush. Of course the first day I use a normal period pad since I've had no bleeding in days I gush through my pants :( Bleh not a good day :(
I'm feeling loads better this morning, just tired and a little sore. Hopefully the worst is over!

TTC, sorry Jude hasn't gained well. What did the paediatrician say? Does he seen to be feeding well? Have you/can you see a proper lactation consultant? Feeding frequently is a good plan. I hope he catches back up soon. Sorry about the gushing. :( How annoying!
I'm so glad you're feeling a little bit better Cangaroo! Mastitis is no joke! I hope you can get a little extra rest today :hugs:

The pediatrician was concerned for him :( He seems to be feeling well and also has plenty of wet and dirty diapers! it's so frustrating because I feed and feed him I'm so shocked he hasn't gained :( I fed him in the office and they weighed him again and he seemed to take in 1.5oz in just a short time. The dr agreed when I said it didn't seem like I had a low supply. He told me to feed him off of both sides each feeding (with my first ds I was told one side per feed). So I've been doing that....I think we may have a latch issue....I'm still very sore every feed :( But the lactation consultants in the hospital started us using a nipple shield which should help him learn a proper latch.... We go back to the ped on Wednesday for a weight check then if feeding both sides isn't helping I'll go see a consultant Thursday.
I'm glad there's a plan TTC. It's strange that he's mot gaining when he seems to be doing so well in all other ways. Tongue tie? Hope he picks up soon.

I'm a little tired and washed out still, but should be fine tomorrow. It's unbelievable how quickly I became unwell, but also how quickly I recovered, thankfully! Definitely mastitis- I had a red patch this morning. It's so weird. I've never had it before despite >3.5 years of continuous breastfeeding, and I have none of the risk factors. I have no idea why I got it!
Cangaroo, I'm glad you're mastitis is healing up. I got it with DD and it was horrible! Thankfully I was able to get rid of it without needing antibiotics, either.

TTC, so sorry to hear that Jude is having difficulty gaining weight. :( Hopefully, if there's a problem, it gets sorted out soon so that he can start bulking up a little. My DD gained slowly, too, and in her case I think it was due to bad reflux, but she's also just a little on the petite side, so it's hard to say for sure.

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