Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Hello ladies :hi:
So sorry I haven't been able to catch up and post much. Things are still hectic around here, we are trying to get the house and yard all cleaned and ready by next week. Its DS birthday and we are having our families over for the party and to check out our new house. And with me having OCD and being a huge neat freak and perfectionist, ive been constantly busy with something. Oh and our basement is getting new carpet! I got to pick it out last week! It's getting installed on Tuesday :happydance: I cant wait!

other than that not much going on. I will have a 20 week scan, I just dont know when yet. I'd imagine ill find out at my next appointment. Ill keep you all informed of course :)

I saw some talk about names, who all has them picked out?. We dont :( we can't agree on anything.
Thing is...I foolishly made a deal with DH (back before we knew Charlotte was a girl) that if we had a boy he could pick the name. I really regret it now :( I HATE the name he likes, which is Lyle, afterhis grandpa. I dont mind Iit as a middle name but not as a first name. Idk what to do, we keep arguing about it. DH keeps sayin "you made a deal" I honestly didnt think he would want a name like that though :(
He kerps saying how I picked Charlottes name but thats not true because I liked Vanessa and he didnt so I found one we both agreed on. I wish he would do the same.
But as of right now we have nothing, just a few names that beboth sort of like
Spiffy, the middle of the pic, at the bottom is baby face, looking straight on. Baby is upside down. Right next to baby's face, kind of under his chin is his arms/hands. Baby's tummy is in the middle, but a little lighter in color. Then the two bright dots on the top left are baby's feet. :)
Thanks, Veronicaco, I see it now. :flower:

Jess, I understand what you're going through! Our backyard is a disaster and needs some serious work. We still need to build a fence, and our yard has to be completely killed and started fresh, since it's probably 80% weeds. :dohh: Remember to take a break every now and then!

As for me, we have DH's grandmother's funeral today. I sure hope the kids can behave!
aww Spiffy im so sorry for your loss :( hope it goes as well as possible :hugs:

As soon as our gardens complete ill post a pic! We sprayed weed killer this weekend so im hoping to get the plants in the ground in the next few weeks. DH still needs to till the land and set the paths for the garden.
We did manage to get the deck all done and ready to go!
And now the weather is calling for cooler temps and rain for this Saturday :( Go figure! All this work and it looks like its going to be an indoors party anyways
Hope today went ok Spiffy. :hugs:

Week 12 is really dragging! Not surprising since I thought I was 12+5 until I got put back 6 days at my scan last week. I really missed not seeing my ticker change to 13 weeks on Friday! In the grand scheme of things, 6 days is nothing, but it's been slightly disconcerting this week to still only be on week 12.

On the plus side, I've told all the most important people at work, and they've all been very supportive. I'll be taking 9 months off plus annual leave which will take me up to September when DD starts school anyway. Perfect timing! I'd always said after last time (when I went back just before 6 months which was way too soon) I'd take a year the next time. However, that won't really be feasible with work, and I feel going back 3 days per week when small is 10 months will be immeasurably better than leaving a 5 month old EBF infant to work full time! What are everyone else's plans?
Spiffy sorry for the loss of your dh's grandmother :(

Cangaroo I will be looking for work in the evenings for a few hours each week after baby is born.
I could stay at home full time however on one income we can only afford the things we need and it would be nice to have some extra money floating around so we can do more things we want to.
So. ..... maybe 2 nights a week.
If I can't find an evening job I won't be looking for one tho. I find it hard to trust people with my kids, only hubby :p

I have my midwife appointment in an hour. Hopefully all is well im sure it is but I had some spotting on Saturday And even though ive heard baby on The doppler it still makes me nervous as the latest I've ever had spotting was 15-16 weeks with my twin pregnancy.
I had spent the previous two days vomiting hard after my flu shot tho (I reacted quite badly) so I get the feeling the spotting may of been from that?
Will soon find out!
Appointment went well she said it prob was from vomiting so much. Baby is fine! Now just looking forward to my scan next week.

I asked about home birth and there's no drugs whatsoever. Eeeek.
asked about pool hireage and thats fine!
She also said if I have pushed out an over 3.5 kilo baby before there shouldn't be any issue pushing out a 4 kilo baby.
I asked about the what ifs if it was a big baby and that was the answer.

My goodness. Have to get my head around a drug free birth otherwise hospital it is!
I mean I think I can do it again. ..... not quietly tho haha
Zephyr I can't believe your nearly 20 weeks! Mega. Sorry to hear the flu shot made you sick but at least there's an explaination to your spotting. I'm hoping home birth too. Eeeek!

Cangaroo im a stay at home mum. My oh is on call etc so earns loads more than what I ever would in a evening job. Defo be easier leaving a 10 month old. I was only put back a day so it's not to bad but I can understand that being put back would feel like your doing that week again.

Veronica how are you feeling about things?

Jess sounds like your busy! Ima little OCD! Hope you and oh decide on a name you both like. Were struggling!

Everyone else ok?

Jess- good to hear from you!! Glad all is going well.

Spiffy -sorry for your loss :( hope everything went ok xx

Zephyr - home birth :) that's great if that's what you want to do :)
I like to be at the hospital, just gives me confidence but it's like an hour away in traffic so I worry if I had an emergency it's just a very long way. What are everyone else's plans for birth?

Cangaroo- I am a sahm and will be as long as we can afford it, as soon as baby no.2 is in funded childcare I will start to pick up a bit of work and once they are at school I will head back to work during school times. We are very lucky Dh gets a good wage for where we live but he's also on call so I would have to fit around him.

After we find out the sex I think we will discuss names, we agreed happily with dd so hopefully we will again this time!

M2c -how are things going with you?

Veronica I'm hoping home birth but I said to my midwife I'll see how I feel closer to the time. I know I can do it without pain relief and my hospital is only about 10-15 minutes away. If I don't then I would like to go midwife led again as it was just a really lovely experience. I'm throwing my lunch and tea up now so it's a bit rubbish!!! Your so close to finding out bubbas sex! We need to have a little guess before everyone finds out.

Spiffy I'm sorry for your loss. Hope your littlies were good for you. Hugs.

Thanks, ladies. The funeral service went really well and the kids were hard, but could have been worse. I think the whole family is just relieved that she is reunited with her husband again. He treated her like a goddess, and it was so sad when he passed away a while back and she was alone.

As for me, I know I've said before, but I'll definitely be doing a hospital birth because I looooove the epidural. :haha:

We're still struggling with names, too. Turns out DH is not a fan of Avery, so I think that's out. But he was considering Eden, which I also like, so we'll see. We both still haven't found a boys name we like better than Ammon, although we don't love it as much as we loved Liam (my DS's name).

Zephyr, I'm glad the spotting was nothing to worry about. And holy moly! 19 weeks! I was talking to a lady at church the other day and she said she was going to be having a baby in October, and I said, "Oh, me too!" and then she asked what my due date was, and I said, "...Uh, mid-November." :dohh: When that happens, I always have to explain my history with DS and why I know I'll be going early.

I'm a SAHM, too, and will be until all of our kids are in school, and then I might work part-time. Or we've tossed around the idea of me homeschooling, so in that case, I'd pretty much never go back to work, but because I'm a teacher, I'd still be doing the work I went to college for. We took a leap of faith when I quite work to be with DD, but we've been financially blessed with each new pregnancy, so I know God will help make it possible for me to always be home my babies. :flower:
Hey Everyone!

Jess I hope the weather turns around and works in your favor. All that work needs to be enjoyed!

Mummy2Corbin, sorry you are still so sick. I'm right there with you. Yesterday was horrible! I keep thinking I should be almost done being sick, right?

Zephyr, glad things went well at your appointment. That spotting must've been so scary.

All of you going for home births.....I think you are amazing! I'm with spiffy, though, I prefer the epidural. I really have no desire to try it drug free. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so I think I could probably do it, however, my babies always drop heart rate towards the end so I think my anxiety would be my downfall and work against me.

Spiffy, sorry about your grandmother. Thankful for eternal families! I homeschool my kids and love it! It has it's rough spots but I know it was the best decision for us. My sis-in-law in Magna homeschools too, and she would love to find other homeschoolers out there. I'm lucky to have a huge homeschool support group up where I am. And I've found a lot of places even offer homeschool discounts!

As for my pregnancy, since I had a few people guess just by looking at me, we decided to just go ahead and announce it. So now EVERYONE knows. But doing that so early gives me a lot of anxiety over the fear of loss and then having to retract. Trying really hard to keep faith in and fear out. God in control.

Hope everyone has a great week!
Jealous of all the SAHMs! I never understood why anyone would be a SAHM until DD was born. Now I completely understand and would absolutely do that if our circumstances were different. I earn considerably more than OH so it wouldn't make sense for us. I had a meeting with our childminder yesterday, and she'll be able to take the new baby on when I go back to work next September. It will all work perfectly from a child care point of view!
I'm also a SAHM :) I LOVE it!! Wouldn't want it any other way!
Day care is too expensive, I would basically be working to pay for daycare. We manage to get by with just one income. I have started my photography business and I have my 1st wedding next month!! Im SO excited!!! That will help put acouple extra bucks in our pocket!!

We are all getting close to finding out gender!! I know I wont be able to sleep at all the night before my US lol I didnt with Charlotte lol or the night before my c section.

We have a few names that we both kinda like. Tell me what you ladies think

Boys names:
Lucas Lyle (my favorite)
Xzavior Lyle
Jacob Lyle
Dylan Lyle

Girl names:
Maria (Mary) Jean
Bonnie Jean
Vinvian Jean

Honestly I'm not thrilled with any of them. If I had it my way our son would be a junior (Joshua) and our daughter would be Francis (we would call her Frankie)
But DH doesnt want to name him after him and DH's brother will throw a hissy fit if we do Frankie. So as of right now we are stuck deciding on one.

On the whole birthing subject I would have loved to given birth but that will never happen for me :( I dont have the pelvis for it. It's too narrow to birth a child. We figured that out the hard way when I spent 18 hours in labor with DS :( So I have to have a c section, which im ok with, honestly. Im just a little worried this time because Ill have a 2 year old to chase around and DH wont be home during to day to help me. I wonr be able to do anything for the 1st week (or 2) that im home. IDK how im going to do it. Im really stressing over that the most, mostly because I dont have anyone that could come over and help me during the day, everyone is working. Ill just tackle that issue when the time comes
Luvymom, I take it you're LDS also? Too bad you don't live in Magna, too. I love my online mommy friends, but I could sure use a few more "in real life" too! :flower:

Cangaroo, that's hard when your OH makes less than you do. For us, it was a no-brainer, since DH makes double what I could make (though he's had to work to work his way to that point over the last few years).
Jess, I like Jacob Lyle the best, but that's because I love the name Jake (my brother is a Jacob that goes by Jake, and if he wasn't, I'd probably use it myself). Of the girl names, I think I like Bonnie. I prefer Vivian, but am not sure I like it spelled that way.

I understand the frustration with names! I am tempted to make DH do the searching from now on, but am afraid of what he might come up with! :dohh:
Spiffy, yes, I'm LDS.

Jess, I like Lucas (Mostly, I like Luke). I also like Vivian.

DH and I don't usually even discuss names until we know if it's boy or girl. Though I think we both think about names earlier than that. :)
Seeing as I'm nearly at second tri, I decided to take another bump pic today. :flower: Anyone else want to show off theirs?


  • 14 weeks #3.JPG
    14 weeks #3.JPG
    67.9 KB · Views: 4
Goodness me spiffy! That's impressive!! Are you quite tall or petite? It's so difficult to tell in a pic :)
I still dont have a bump! Lol my pants are tighter but not in my belly :p
im hoping ill pop soon.

Spiffy wow! Thats a bump!

As for home births, I too love the epidural but I really disliked how we were treated in hospital. We were left alone to fend for ourselves after the twins because I already had kids. I asked for help on the second night cos I hadnt slept for almost 4 nights (night before induction, induction night, birth night and second night of babies)
I was soo exhausted I asked them to take my boy because he wouldnt stop screaming for me.

I zonked out right away and a couple of hours later I woke up and I could hear a faint cry down the halls and knew it was my boy so I got up and tried to work out where it was coming from (I dont remember going in and hadnt left my room so didnt know my way around)
Anyways I made it to reception to find the nurse who took my baby for me reading a magazine and she looks up and says "ohh he wouldnt settle so we left him to cry a bit" and then she wheeled him out of a cupboard!!! A large cupboard but it was a dark empty teeny room like cupboard. I was mortified! I have no idea how long he screamed for. I the worst mum ever.
We checked out as soon as it was daylight.
which wasnt the best idea because they missed arias feeding issues but no one knew how bad it was and we just wanted out. We figured we would do better and it would be less stress at home and it was!!

Long story and thats only one thing that I hated theres so much more!

So for me being at home id be most comfortable before and after for sure! But its the pain part that im trying to get used to. It's the only real fear I have since I know what drug free is like hahaha

we live around 7 minutes to the hospital if it were over 10 minutes id probably do a hospital one.
Im confident my midwife knows what she is doing also. She was a nurse for many years before she was a midwife and she will transfer me if there's any sign of trouble.

If there's any preg complications or if baby is breech then we won't be at home either.

As for names we have ours! Hubby choose Felix for a boy. It took a while to grow on me but I made him pick a few out of a top 100 list cos theres no way im calling our son conan bear spartacus whatever else he came up with!
Lilybelle for a girl but I think I already shared that.

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