Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Mine is Wednesday but I think a few people are before me :)

So as I'm 'halfway' today I was thinking about labour and what to expect this time- in some ways I feel a bit more confident now I've done before but all the same worries are there.

How were your previous labours? Lengths? Baby sizes? On time/early/late? How do you feel about your next experience? :)
I have another u/s tomorrow afternoon :) Wasn't sure I'd still get one since i had one last week!

My last labor/delivery experience was awful!!!!!! I can't even talk about all of it! But this time I'm positive it will go better as my new ob office is so wonderful. Little man was born at 36 weeks and weighed 6lbs 5oz :) one good thing was i only pushed 13 minutes! Hoping it all goes better this time :)
Ah hugs ttc, these things stay with us, I'm sure you will have a better experience this time x
Good luck with everyone's scans :)

I had my daughters 9th birthday yesterday it was loads of fun and she enjoyed herself.

As for my previous labours this will prob be a long post lol my first I lost my plug a week and a half overdue and I stayed in early labour for a day and a bit Then my midwife wanted to speed things up and I agreed to an epidural and syntocin.
Meconium in the waters so I wound up delivering with a bunch of people in the room.
She weighed 8.6, no issues.

My second I went into early labour on my due date and had her the next day.
again it was just mild contractions only this time I was determined not to have an epi or syntocin so I stayed at home. The contractions were mild, didnt hurt much at all really then they stopped all together and I thought it was false labour. After an hour of nothing my waters broke and I phoned my midwife, told her what happened and she said I needed to get to hospital else id be having my baby at home and sure enough half an hour later (still no contractions) I walked into the delivery room and all of a sudden needed to push.
she was born very fast.
weighed 7.6 and no issues

my third I went a week overdue again and my waters broke but nothing happened for 24 hours so my midwife (a different one than my 1st and 2nd) told me I had to get induced and iv antibiotics. So I did what she said and had the syntocin drip only this midwife refused to give me pain relief. I begged and pleaded and she kept saying no.
the whole thing was awful I think I've actually written about it already in this thread but long story short it was drug free induced birth that was not my choice.
my son was born 8.9 and was pushed out very fast and needed oxygen but was fine after that.

the twins I was induced at 38. I was told 37 weeks is considered full term with twins.
Went in mon morning had gel inserts morning and afternoon with no cervical changes.
stayed in overnight and started the process again the next day, in the late afternoon they broke my waters, got the epidural in fast
twin a was born fine 5.13 after a few pushes.
twin b turned so she was face up and it took a full 40 minutes of hard pushing to get her out. I was almost ready to give up.
she weighed 7.7
both were fine, no issues.

as for this baby I am nervous as heck about the birth tbh.
none of my births have gone to plan, my second was probably the only one that was close to plan so I dont know what to expect.
I planned water births before but none of them happened as I wound up stuck in bed hooked up to either a drip or epidural
sooooo im hoping to have baby at home, maybe a water birth.
Ttc I hope your scan goes well. Do you get DH blood results today too? I'm sorry your labour experience was so traumatic. Hopefully this time round it will be a lot easier and not as stressful.

Zephyr I'm hoping you get your homebirth and water birth if you choose one. I think it's awful your midwife didn't listen to your pain relief choices. I'm hoping for a home birth too.

Veronica what was your first labour like?

Corban was a week late. From first contraction to having him it was about 16 hours. I dilated from nothing to about 9cm in 4-5 hours so that was fairly swift. I pushed for 4 hours though as he had turned back to back and my contractions slowed. They gave me a drip to increase my contractions. I had no pain relief. Had a fair amount if stitches and had a catheter for a few days after as I had no sensation to wee! He was 8lb 2oz.

Indigo was 9 days late and from first contraction my labour was about 4 hours with 6 minutes pushing!!!!! No pain relief. Had a few internal stitches. Could wee after so no catheter. She was 8lb 9oz. Also I had 2 sweeps with her.

I'm hoping for another short labour! The pain was intense as I think it was so swift but was over and done with pretty quick. I can't wait but I know I'll have a moment of panic when I go into labour. I'm thinking baby will be late again! Hoping for a homebirth but if nearer the time I'm uncomfortable with that I'd hope to go midwife led.

TTC, can't wait to hear about your scan and your blood test results today. I'm so sorry your first labor was so traumatic. I know you had Pre-E, right? :hugs:

Zephyr, sounds like you deserve a good labor this time around!

M2C, they say the third baby is a wild card when it comes to labor (earlier, later, faster, or slower than your others) so you never know. Maybe this baby will make an appearance before your due date. :winkwink:

My first came a week and a half early with a 12 hour labor, though 3 hours of that was pushing. There was meconium in the waters, which they thought was odd, since I wasn't overdue, and then I developed a fever during labor, so they had extra staff in the room when she was born. The OB cut the cord and handed her off to the nurse upside down, holding her by just an ankle, which was really scary for me to see, and then it took a little bit for them to clear her lungs so she would cry. I was given an episiotomy (my OB never even asked before she did it) and my placenta was dead and calcified (DD had IUGR that wasn't caught before delivery) so my placenta had to be manually scraped out of my uterus. My epidural had worn off shortly after pushing her out, so I had complete feeling for that and for all of the stitching, so when they finally brought my baby to me, I was in tears from the pain. She was 5lbs 7oz, and I had to be in bed with a catheter the next day because of how bad my episiotomy was. Overall, not the worst labor but certainly not the best.

My second labor was great! He came 3 weeks early and it was 6 hours long, with about 10 minutes of pushing. My epidural worked for the whole time, so I was never in pain once I got it. I tore along the episiotomy scar, but it healed a lot faster and I didn't need the catheter after the epidural wore off. He was 6lbs 11oz and was much healthier than my DD, despite being technically "premature". I had a new OB for that pregnancy by the way, so the whole experience was much better. :flower:

This time around, my OB is thinking I'll go early again, but of course I'm wondering if that means another 36 weeker, like DS, or more like another 38 weeker, like DD. Either way, I hope my labor is identical to my second labor, because I really had no complaints.

Oh, and I know Luvymom and I both have scans tomorrow, and I think Jess does too!
Spiffy I keep reading about the third labour being a wild card!!!! Hmmmmm! Could be in for an early one but I'm gonna set my sights on baby being late so I'm not to drilled! Let's hope this next labour is like your second then.

Looking forward to scan updates and pictures from all you ladies! Can't wait till Friday!

Wow! Everyone's experiences are so different but also i think that peoes perceptions are so different too. I have friends with kids who have had and easier time than you guys (who've had hard times) and they think they have had disastrous experiences!

Mine was fine really. She was breech til 37 so I was relieved when she went head down as breech is a common complaint on bicornuate uteri as there isn't space for bubba to turn late on. She was back to back and I tried to turn her but no luck. My contractions started 3 mins 'apart' at 11pm Monday night after a really busy day, they didn't really have a space between them it was just constant pain. I sat in the bath in agony, I went to the local birthing centre to get checked and they said go home. I couldn't cope with the pain and went to the hospital I was booked into. They admitted me stuffed pethidine in my leg and left me alone. The next day they sent me home I could have cried. I couldn't cope at home and went back to te birthing centre where they said I was stretching to 5 but babys head was not on the cervix . I hadn't eaten for over 24 hours and they were worried about my urine test. She sent me to the hospital saying that they could break my waters and babys head would come down - problem solved. Nope... admitted me stuck pethidine in my leg and left me alone. I was so out of it as I couldn't sleep because of the pain I kept falling asleep standing up. I was really scared and confused as to why I was in so much pain but nothing was happening. I went and laid in one of ther baths on Wednesday afternoon after they had tried to send me home again and I had refused to leave as I couldn't take another two hour-long journeys in the car. I woke up half an hour later and as I stood up her head came down onto my cervix like a knife!! That was it I was finally in proper labour. They sent me up to l&d to have an epidural and the Midwife up there was amazing she gave me gas and air and I was just fine. Proper labour didn't hurt anything like the previous two days, she said I don't think you'll need this epidural and I was keen not to but I kept assuming it would get worse - it never did she broke my waters and I did two hours like that then pushed for two hours and she was finally born at 10:18pm on halloween 7lb5 1/4. So glad I didn't have an epidural and was back in my own bed by 3am. I would have done it again there and then, just a little graze- no stitches :)
Oh and she was a week late lol. Looks like a saga when I see it all written out like that!!! Hahaha
Veronicaco, hopefully your pre-labor is a lot easier this time around! I had a "free-floater" the first time around, too. My DD wasn't engaged until after I was 10 cm dilated! They told me that I needed to rest and let her descend before we started pushing, and that seemed to help, but I think that's why it took 3 hours to push her out.

So it sounds like I'm the only one who has gone early without an induction (TTC, I'm assuming you were induced with your Pre-E, right?). I hope that you all join me this time around! :winkwink:
Thanks spiffy, I hope it won't be so hard to push this time! It's a common thing with bicornuate uteri again that the muscles aren't quite right so I will probably find out if that's the case one way or another this time around lol :)
Thank you all for your thoughts today! I got good and bad news..

Starting with good: My scan was good! Baby measures 8+1 with heartbeat of 163! So glad! She also saw a small subchorionic bleed and determined that caused the spotting. No worries because it's tiny tiny!

Bad news: they ran the wrong blood test :( Still no answers on that. They did an antibody screen on dh and it that tells us nothing because it's his antigens that matter and MY antibodies. So I've got to call tomorrow and hope they'll understand what I'm saying about what test needs to be run... ugh :(

Then i found out my old ob office goes on call on weekends for these drs! Two out of the three obs there made such huge mistakes i could literally have reason to sue. So my new ob said I need to decide if I'm ok with one of them potentially being on call if there's a weekend emergency etc. So now I think I've decided i don't want to risk it and will be calling a different ob tomorrow. I know it might seem kind of dumb to switch when i love this new office so much, but i was in tears over the thought of one of them delivering my baby... so i thought carefully about whether I'd be ok taking that chance... what would you ladies do?

Sorry that's my late update, I'llcatch up on replying to everyone soon! Also, hope everyone has great scans tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the big day!!! :) Im so excited!! :happydance:

On the whole labor subject I have nothing, I have had C-sections with both of my other 2 and this one will def be one also. Yet another reason this is our last one :( dr says any more than 3 C-sections is a bad idea.
I will add something about my labor with my DS though. My water broke with him 3 days before my due date, at 3am, woke me from my sleep. I was in labor most of the morning. My contractions and cervix were doing nothing progressive so they gave me pitocin, which made things progress but I couldnt handle it so they gave me a shot of something in my arm and then everything stopped, I was so doped up I was ready to sleep lol. So with my water being broke and now nothing happening they decided to do a c section :( and with Charlotte I had an appointment 3 days before my due date so we just scheduled for delivery the next morning.

I honestly kinda envy every one of your birth stories :( a part of me will always want to have birthed a child. Does that make sense to anyone?
Veronica hopefully as your body has done it before it will be a little easier on the pushing side this time.

Ttc great news bubs is doing well. Rubbish they done the wrong test though! Hopefully they get it sorted and you get those much needed results. I dunno what is do. If your that uncomfortable at the possibility of one of them delivering your baby is it worth it but then if your happy and there's plenty of others that could deliver?! I dunno honey!

Jess my friend had 3 sections and with the last wanted a vbac so bad but her body just doesn't go into labour. She also said she wished she had birthed a baby. Labour is so unpredictable that a natural labour doesn't always happen.

Ladies with scans today Goodluck! Look forward to seeing pictures. Is anyone finding out the sex today???

TTC, I'm glad to hear baby is looking good! I wish you had gotten your results today though, on the blood test. I bet having to wait so much is killing you. :( As for the OB's office, if it were me, I'd change OB's. Because if I went into labor, and was unfortunate enough to have one of the doctors I desperately did NOT want, I would be kicking myself, saying, "I knew this could happen. Why didn't I just switch?" But that's just me. I had an OB I didn't like the first time around and I switched to a new one the second time. I ended up having a different doctor deliver my baby, but she was lovely, so it was fine.

Jess, I can totally understand that. I have a friend who is nearly due with her second, and it's the same as you. Her body just stalled, so she had a C-section. They actually put her under general anesthesia, so she doesn't remember her child being born at all. :( She wants her body to do it right this time, but from the way it's looking, I just don't think her body will. :nope:

Well, I'm off to my scan! I have my OB appointment directly after, so as soon as I get back home, I'll update! :flower:
Hi all, sorry I've been AWOL. We've been away with no WiFi and rubbish 3G! I survived 4 nights camping in a small tent with DD and OH, which was actually quite good fun. The weather has been fantastic, thankfully! My bump is really growing now. We went to Centre Parcs before camping and each day in a swimming costume the bump seemed more obvious!

Veronicaco- your early labour sounds very similar to mine. I had contractions 2 in 10 minutes pretty much constantly from Saturday night until Monday evening when I eventually caved and went in. I had to pace through each contraction with the TENS machine on and was vomiting frequently. It was horrible! When we eventually went in, I was only 3cm so they gave me anti-sickness medication and knocked me out with Pethidine. I slept for a while, then was up and pacing again from the early hours. When they eventually checked me in the morning I was finally 6cm, so went to the birthing centre for the pool and gas and air. From that point on it was SO much easier than the previous 2.5 days. The contractions were no worse and the gas and air plus water helped loads. Unfortunately I stalled at 9.5cm and ended with a c-section anyway. Who knows what will happen this time around, but I'm going to take loads of baths in early labour and try to sleep!

Good luck with all the scans coming up! Still 2 weeks until mine...
The scan went great! The baby looked good and was measuring about 3 days ahead. He/she is so cute! Baby was really squirmy and had it's hands by it's face a lot. When the ultrasound was over and the tech left the room, DH turned to me and said, "Well, I know what the gender is. It was written right there on the screen!" So after deliberating for a bit, I told him to tell me so we'd at least know together. He said it was a girl, which was exciting. Then the doctor came in, and asked if we were keeping it a surprise, and I explained how the surprise had actually been ruined, and the doctor laughed. She said, "The gender you saw on the screen was your gender. We should give a disclaimer beforehand, because this actually happens pretty often." So we're still Team Yellow! :flower:

Oh, and I asked if my placenta was high anterior, and the tech said, "Yep! Wow, I should just have you do this ultrasound." :haha: Now I hope it stays up high and provides a good rib-cushion later on. ;)


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