Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Zephyr what names are you thinking now?

I really need to get thinking middle names. My DHs grandad was a Geoffrey England so we wanted to use England to carry it on but am unsure. Cooper England what do you ladies think?

Veronicaco, I like Corsten! It's unique, but not so much that no one would be able to pronounce it or spell it, and the nickname is cute too. :flower:

M2C, I think Cooper England works. :) We weren't sure what middle name we were going to use either, but I finally sat my DH down and we decided to use Daryl, since it's my dad's name. So now I'll ask the same question as you, does Asher Daryl sound okay?

Zephyr, I can't believe you're 38 weeks already! What a bummer that you have to wait two extra days for your appointment than you thought, though! I swear, the appointments are the only thing that seems to make the time pass at the end of pregnancy, else it seems to drag on forever!

TTC, that link was hilarious! My DS just had a little meltdown because he threw of a bottle of lotion over the baby gate and then couldn't get it anymore. :haha:

Well, I had some nice contractions last night before going to sleep, so now my butt and thighs feel sore this morning, so I guess they must have continued through the night for a while as well. Kind of makes me feel like I went horseback riding yesterday. :dohh:
Thanks guys we are feeling quite positive about Corsten just letting it sink in for a bit :)

Spiffy, could that be why I'm waking up with sore butt and thighs!? Eek I hope not. My uterus also aches in the mornings and I'm sleeping terribly :/
Spiffy Corban has the middle name john as both mine and dhs dad were johns. We lost them both to cancer. I think Asher daryl sounds good. Ouch on the contraction front! Really think it's not gonna be much longer for you! Wonder if bubs will wear his pumpkin outfit!!!!!

Veronica is your name choice after ferry corsten by any chance? I really like it!

Veronicaco, it could be! When I told my OB last week that I was waking up with a sore butt and thighs after having contractions at night, she seemed to think that was totally normal. And I always get my worst contractions at night.

M2C, I think I'll die of shock if I'm still pregnant on Halloween. ;) (Although every time I say that, I worry that I'm jinxing myself and I'll go overdue! :haha:)
Canga, Veronicaco and TTC, I hope you ladies are starting to feel better!

Zypher....I am so nervous for you! haha! That stinks your appointment days are messed up. Will they check you on Wed to see if you are dilating at all?

I'm loving all the baby name choices floating around! I like Corsten...not common at all, and not too out there!

My next appointment is this Friday. It should just be a standard visit, weight, etc, but I know they also plan to do the GBS swab...I am thinking of asking my OB to check and see if I am dilating yet at all, as I have a ton of contractions. I also need to schedule my growth scan and the rest of my OB appointments...once a week until baby comes! :eek:

I can't believe how close we all are to seeing our babies! I think I am in complete denial though.... My MIL is coming to stay when I deliver, but she lives in Idaho. We should be induced around the 23rd, so that is when she is planning on coming. I have not even given it a second thought that I could possibly go into labor before my induction date. I should probably come up with a backup plan for my DD. I seriously have no idea what I would do....but luckily I have a few more weeks to work out the details. :haha:

Hope everyone is enjoying their Monday!
M2c, i really like the name Cooper England! Very distinguished sounding! What is your middle name choice for Iya?

Asher Daryl sounds nice spiffy! Plus it's so sweet it's after your dad! Boy, it really sounds like things are ramping up for you! I bet you're going to definitely use that pumpkin outfit :)

Hi VJean :) How can it already be so close to baby time!!!! I'm sorry if I'm just ignorant, but why will they induce you?

So my blood has seemingly stabilized! It's great as i was hoping to be 24 weeks for transfusion, but at the same time I am stuck at this low level. It's not going up at all even though I'm taking iron, folic acid, and eating healthy. It's not low enough to get blood, but low enough that i feel so exhausted and like crap! Lol!!!! I just gotta take it day by day.

I'm finding myself very emotional today. My dh works in law enforcement. He's been working so much overtime and I have been pretty much on my own 24/7 (well he comes home to sleep) for the last few weeks. There is literally not one night a week he's home so forget about dates or time together. It's extremely frustrating because i never know his schedule from one day to the next. Well he told me his supposed court schedule for this week and after looking at it i asked if we could go to lunch today. He said sure and I was really looking forward to it.

He was supposed to have court this morning. Well we rushed around after my appointment to make sure he got there and then i went on some errands. Well i get home and he's still dressed for court. I said "oh aren't you ready to go?" And he said "didn't you get my text?" I didn't get anything so he told me his court was actually early afternoon. So our plans have to once again be cancelled. Then i was getting upset and so he got mad and said "well i texted you!" And i showed him i didn't get one. He looked again and had sent a text to his boss. Now he's acting like i have no right to ever express disappointment because "he doesn't control his schedule".... well no, but I'm sick of the department always controlling mine! Ugh! So now I'm sitting here crying. It's stupid but whatever!
Yes inspired by Ferry Corsten, saw him in Ibiza on our honeymoon :)

Spiffy - I hope your contractions ease, a halloween baby is pretty cool though ;)

Ttc sorry your hubby is not being very supportive at the mo :(it's crap when their work affects our lives so much. Dh got called out at 1am and was out til 5am, woke dd on the way out and by the time I got her settled again I was wide awake. Been feeling exhausted today! Just get as much rest as you can xxx
TTC, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad right now! :( I feel the same way about my DH's work. They put so much pressure on him that he constantly feel like he has to work more or else they might fire him. And then when I complain about us not having enough time together, he gets even more stressed because he constantly feels like he's either letting me down or his bosses (he has three different bosses, which is part of the problem, because they all assign him different things without talking to each other and then they each expect their project finished first. :growlmad:). Ugh! Makes me mad just thinking about it!

I hope your DH gets some time off so you can be together. Having that time is so important to a relationship (and to a pregnant woman's sanity). :hugs:

Veronicaco, my DH had to get up for work at 4am this morning and woke up my DS, and then just as I got him back to sleep, my DD woke up, so I lost a good hour of sleep between all that. So hard not to get upset with DH when stuff like that happens, though I try to remind myself it wasn't intentional.
I really like carrying on family traditions with middle names, so Darryl and England sound like good choices. DD is still set on Ruby. I've come around to the idea, but DH still isn't sure. If we go with Ruby, we'd probably add it on to the beginning of the name we were planning on, so it would be Ruby Suzanna Christine. Suzanna and Christine honour the two branches of our families not in DD1's name, so it seems right to keep both.

Yay to your Hb being stable, TTC, but sorry that means you won't get the quick fix of a transfusion to make you feel better. Hope the iron tablets start to help a little more. Lots of steak, spinach and OJ?

Our cot mattress finally arrived today after some confusion over the delivery. It's a perfect fit and makes our cot into a co-sleeper withoit the need to drill any holes! However, I did end up with 2 custom-sized mattresses, 4 mattress protectors and 6 fitted sheets due to the confusion- any suggestions as to what to do with the extras?!

Oh, and I know it's not ideal to have the cot by the radiator. I'll make sure it's switched off all winter!
Cangaroo, lovely cot! I'm glad the confusion got cleared up. As for the extras, do you know anyone nearby that might need them?

I like the name you're working with, too. I think I'd end up calling her Ruby-Sue as a nickname. :flower:
Yeah I'm not cross with DH, he volunteers for the lifeboat crew and is on call 24/7/365. The pager is really loud when it goes and usually wakes me first he then has to leave in a big hurry so there's not much time for quiet lol. Last night they had to go and collect a man who had sadly passed away:( he then had to get up and go to work as normal so it can be tough from time to time. Its just hard when we are both so tired. X
The mattress was custom made for our cot and is extra wide to make it cover the gap between our bed and the cot for safe co-sleeping so wouldn't fit any other cot. It would be completely the wrong size for anyone else's cot!

TTC- it's so rubbish when OH is out all the time. It may be his job, but it's hard on you when you never get any down time together. Is it likely this busy period will settle soon? I hope you manage to get some time together soon. My OH has a hobby which keeps him very busy. He's up super early most mornings training, and often has weekend committments too. It gets so frustrating sometimes!
Oh what?! I replied to everyone and it was long and I accidently hit the wrong thing and it all vanished gaaah!

m2c those names sound great together, ive never heard of England being used before but I like it!

spiffy I think your names sound good together too. Sorry you are feeling sore today.

vjean I have never been routinely checked before, even during labour I found midwives here to be quite hands off. The two times I was checked was to see if my waters had broken with the twins and also during their induction and for a stretch and sweep for going a week over with my son so I dont think she will check. I am curious tho!

ttc sorry you are feeling bad today I hope he can get some time off soon.

Cangaroo love your names too! And yay for the cot mattress. Is that just a standard cot without the side? Such a good idea I wish I had thought of doing something like that.

Well the most recent names are Arthur and Abigail.
hubby doesnt like Annabelle anymore :(
Dont even ask where he got Arthur from lol but he loves it and says its not something you hear of, im still thinking on it.
It feels weird cycling through so many names which is why I said we should wait.
Also our tastes are very different so its hard finding names we are both okay with.
We havnt even thought about middle names lol!

on the upside people who have asked what the names are will get a shock cos we are now 2 or 3 names ahead of what we have told people :p
Zephyr- it's so annoying when posts disappear like that! I live Arthur, Abigail and Annabelle. I think you're right to wait for his/her arrival and see. You have some ideas, but you may well end up going with something completely different!

Yep, it's just a normal cot with the side off pushed right up to our bed with a mattress wide enough to fill the whole space. We've never used the cot with all the sides- we set it up like this from when DD was about 7 months old. I actually lost the fixings for the 4th side some time ago! You're supposed to fix the beds firmly together, but we haven't needed to as we've moved our bed so the cot is wedged in tightly and can't move. We've really lucky in that the mattresses are the same height without us having to drill extra holes in the cot to move the base to make them level.
That is really cool! I seriously wish I had thought of that with the twins, we would of had more room for ourselves.

my belly is lower again believe it or not! Im not sure how much lower it can go.
if I am feeling babies shoulders just above my pubic bone I can assume that the head must be engaged does anyone know?
I just want to see my midwife and find out!
Zephyr, I'm surprised you can make out the baby's shoulders! Most of the time I just feel all the bumps and lumps and have no idea what I'm feeling. :dohh: But yes, I definitely think your little one is engaged! :thumbup:

And I have to ask, are you and your DH set on an "A" name? I'm just noticing a trend with Asher, Arthur, Abigail, and Annabelle... ;)
Yes hehe im not sure if we mentioned it but we would prefer an A name. Theres not many we like tho!
Ttc hugs for you my lovely. It's hardwork when oh are out working all the time. I've said from November he has to decline work as I'll be a tired out whale by then! Hehe!

Zephyr we kinda sway towards boys names with a C! I think the names are all good. I wonder what you'll go with? Or if you'll go with something totally different once bubs is here. Come on baby!


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