Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Okay, I apologize in advance for this weird TMI moment: :haha:

So since I've been getting uncomfortable contractions almost every night for the past several days, I decided I wanted to check my cervix and see if I was continuing to dilate. I had only ever before felt just inside the cervix, but never to the inner opening (because it was closed), and I have to say, it was pretty empowering to be able to do it for myself! Maybe that sounds weird, but I like knowing what's going on in my body. So I'm pretty sure I'm 1cm dilated now, because I could only fit one finger in, but had a little wiggle room, so I think that put's me past a "fingertip" dilated, but I definitely couldn't get two fingers in, so I know I'm less than 2cm. I was also able to feel baby's head through the amniotic sac. Pretty weird and cool at the same time!
I think boy M2C!

DD had hiccups all the time while I was pregnant with her. So far this time, I still haven't felt hiccups once! It's really surprising since DD had them so often.

I've just booked for DD, MIL and DH to go see to the Nutcracker Suite at New Year for DD and MIL's Christmas presents. I really wish I could go too, but I think with a 4-6 week old exclusively breastfed baby it would be rather unrealistic! DD loves her ballet classes and spent the morning watching videos of ballet on You Tube so I think she'll live it.
Spiffy, that actually sounds cool! But terrifying too! Lol!!!! I wish i could be more empowered about learning about my own body, but somehow it's just ingrained to"leave it to the professionals".... I'm glad though that you had a cool moment and maybe toward the end I'll be brave too :)

Canga, how exciting!!!! What a wonderful gift! That's so cute your dd does ballet! You should look up Juliet Doherty on YouTube. I danced with her sister years ago :) Your dd would love her performances :)

My uterus is officially acting up! Now we're both irritable! Lol!!!! But seriously contractions all evening now my hips and tail bone are killing me!!!!

I also wanted to say thanks for everyone's sweet and supportive comments the other day. It's really nice to know that so many of you know how i feel. I wish all our OHs could be home more : hugs: Things are better with us and its so weird but with him actually off working another busy week, i seem to get on better than when he's
M2c I'm going to say girl :p

spiffy wow that would be so weird to feel and kinda cool!
Im always too scared to go near the middle of the cervix but have occasionally felt the side of it to see if it has changed position or thickness.

Cangaroo that is really cool! Im sure she will love it :)

Ttc sorry you are getting contractions but im glad to hear things are better with dh :)

I had a freaky afternoon. I went for a wee and as I stood up the baby started wiggling its head a whole lot which hurt!! It felt like it was pinching my bladder and was enough to double me over so I got down on all fours which relieved the pain and stood up again and all was fine.
Then about 5 minutes later the baby started doing it again! So I had to go down on all fours again to stop it which it did.
I decided to sit and rest and the baby kept moving heaps like it was trying really hard to change position THEN I started getting contractions that seemed to happen one after the other so I started timing and for about 40 minutes I got 2-3 minute apart contractions that lasted about 40-60 seconds. They were uncomfortable but not enough for me to want to ring anyone.
then it all went away, babys back is now on my right side instead of my left and it is moving like normal again.
what the??
Yikes Zephyr! Sounds extremely painful :( You poor thing! Do you think baby tried to engage maybe? Or just a little warm up to the big day? Ouch! My pelvis has sympathy pains for you after reading that!
Thanks ladies. I told my DH that I checked and he got all weirded out and told me I should stop, but I told him I won't check again until I'm 35 weeks, since my OB will be checking me at 34 weeks anyway.

Cangaroo, that's a lovely gift. I'm sure your DD will have a great time. :flower:

Zephyr, that sounds really bizarre! I wonder if baby got him/herself into a weird position and was uncomfortable and thus all the crazy movements and the contractions. Either way, I'm glad everything has settled back down and that you're not in pain anymore. :hugs:
After I got down the second time the really sore bladder pinching pain had stopped so I wasnt too worried but yes I think these contractions coincide with baby shifting round.
Ive had more later this afternoon and evening but nothing regular.

I'll be fed up of this in a week if it keeps up lol
Zephyr, welcome to MY world! Stupid contractions that don't go anywhere. :dohh: But hey, congrats on hitting the single digits! :)

Speaking of contractions though, I meant to say sorry, TTC, that your uterus is going crazy again, too. :hugs: I was right about 22 weeks (so not far from where you are) when it really started acting up for me, too.

Also, what the heck is a durian fruit? I've never heard of it before! :haha:
Cangaroo isn't it strange! Indigo would have occasional hiccups but this bub and Corban had them all the time! At least a few times a day! Also what a lovely gift!

Zephyr wonder what's going on? Maybe cause baby shifted. Hopefully it all settles and nothing more happens until baby is actually on the way.

Spiffy go you for knowing what your looking for. I wouldn't have a clue as to what I'm feeling. Pretty cool you poked bubs head! Happy 33 weeks my dear!

Durian fruit is common in Asia and smells dreadful, so much so that they ban it from many establishments!
Ya im a bit fed up of them, I got them early with the twins but I expected that! I don't know how you ladies do this so early on. I remember panicking every time cos I wasnt even close to term when I got them.

Got woken up to a few sore crampy ones this morning in the space of half an hour then nothing.
Hopefully it just means it is less work on the actual day :p
M2C, I guess you didn't notice in my post that I asked what a durian fruit was. ;)

Veronicaco, that's really interesting! My baby is the size of a stinky fruit! :haha:

Zephyr, I got to 4cm dilated before labor even started in both of my pregnancies, thanks to those "warm up" contractions, which made my actual labor way easier! Here's to hoping it's doing the same for you!
Spiffy no I didn't! Sorry!

I think I've been lucky that I've not had Braxton hicks or any contractions until I've gone into labour. Some say your third messes about so maybe this time I'll get contractions before labour!? Who knows!

I'm getting excited that we will start getting baby news! Eek!

I've had a fair amount of Braxton Hicks in both pregnancies. Nothing painful, though, and last time they definitely didn't lead to a quick/easy labour!

DD napped in the buggy on the school run with the childminder today so took ages to go to sleep tonight. That was the last thing I needed after a long, busy day at work! 6 more weeks of work after tomorrow. :sleep:
Happy 32 weeks, Cangaroo! Hopefully your last 6 weeks of work go by fast! :flower:

So today I've definitely been having a lot more discharge than normal. Trying really hard to resist the temptation to check my cervix again and see if something somehow changed in the last 24 hours. :dohh: I'm way too curious for my own good!
Hey girls how has everyone been?
Is everyone as impatient as me at this point? lol
My friend who was 35 weeks weeks had her baby today lol im a little bit jealous
Hey Jess! How's your friend's baby doing? Any NICU time?

As for me, I feel like I've done 100 sit-ups today. My stomach is so sore! I guess baby has been kicking me a little roughly today.
Okay, it's not just sore from kicks. All evening I've felt a tight pressure in my lower stomach, like a constant contraction, but only affecting the lower half of my uterus. It must be baby in a really weird position, because I've never experienced this in any of my pregnancies before. Has anyone else? Zephyr, I know your baby was sitting on your pubic bone for quite a while, did that feel like what I'm describing, or was it just pain?

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