Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Cangaroo loving the cot set up! I'm itching to get ours out of the loft along with the carseat xx
I really couldn't say, I guess I'll have to meet baby first :p

I slept solid last night. Asleep at 11pm woke once to Max moving round and woke at 5am. I didn't even wake to pee!
normally max wakes me a number of times and im up and down peeing so im feeling pretty good right now.
I forgot what sleep feels like :p
Hubby took the twins at 5 to let me get a couple more hours but I can't get back to sleep now.
Zephyr, so glad you got some great sleep last night! I know there was a thread in third tri the other day about someone wondering if there was such a thing as "the calm before the storm" because she was able to sleep really well for the first time in forever and was wondering if that meant her body was preparing for labor. I guess if you go into labor in the next few days, we'll know if it's true or not! :winkwink:
Glad you got a good sleep last night Zephyr! Makes such a difference. I'm also usually up at least once to DD and once or twice to wee, but last night we all slept through!

M2C- I want to get the car seat all ready too! I got it down from the attic a couple of months ago, but my friend is borrowing it for her 1 year old who had grown out of their Maxi Cosi in length but wasn't quite at the weight limit for the next stage seat. We have a Graco which is bigger so is better for them for now. I can't wait to set it back up with the newborn insert and the straps on tiny!
Cangaroo, I'm glad you had some good sleep last night as well! Tonight is DH's shift with my DS, so I should get some better sleep (though the hip pain wakes me up off and on throughout the night.)

Our carseat is just sitting in my DS's room for right now, since we only took DS out of it about a month ago! So it's not that exciting to see it again. :haha: Though I do have to go find the newborn insert...
I managed to drift off again for another hour. Wow I feel amazing!

Glad to hear you got some sleep last night too cangaroo.

spiffy hope you get a good night sleep tonight :) ive heard about that too and was wondering the same, I guess we will find out hehe
my midwife is here in 4 hours, I cant wait.
Ooooo zephyr! Keep us updated!

I found the newborn insert for the carseat on the clothes box just need to get the car seat down! Wanna give it a wash! Eek!

Love all the good night sleeps! I've had a few better nights but still wake a fair bit! Just getting ready for those night feeds!

It's so exciting how close we're all getting! Do you all have clothes washed and ready to go? We had a fair amount from DD, but we also had a lot loaned to us for her which haven't come back to us, plus most of the clothes were summery. I've therefore picked a few warmer bits up in sales and on eBay plus lots of long sleeved vests and tights to go under the summer dresses!
My appointment was okay. Im fine and baby is doing well.
she confirmed baby has 'backed off the pubic bone' but hasnt engaged. I was surprised as that's not what I was feeling yesterday lol!

Some really stink news though she has to go away in two days till next Friday which is 2 days before my due date which means I will have two complete strangers deliver if I go in the next week so baby has to stay put now!
I'm quite stressed about it tbh, I was okay with a home birth because it was her but if it's someone I don't know?
Zephyr, I'm sorry to hear that your midwife is going out of town! Why do they pick the worst times to leave? As I mentioned earlier, my OB is out of town for a week, too.

Well, I now rescind all labor dust I was sending! I hope baby sits tight until she gets back so you can have your relaxing homebirth and not be stressed about having strangers attend to you. :hugs:
Thanks Spiffy. It is stressful when they do this! I remember you saying yours is away too :(
bad timing I guess but they c ould of done it when someone else was due lol

oh and the backup midwife who I meet next week who would deliver while mine is away well shes going away next friday for a week so if im still pregnant that week I wont meet the backup till during labour.
Zephyr that's not good. I may not have my midwife as it all depends on whose free. Both of my midwives that delivered my babies were lovely so I'm hoping I'll be third time lucky. Hopefully baby hangs in tight until your midwife comes back so your more comfortable with your homebirth! I'm excited to hear your story.... Hopefully give me a little confidence boost!

Zephyr, that's rubbish! We almost never know the MWs/Drs who care for us during labour, but it would be so much better if it were someone you'd built up a relationship. I'm sure whenever it happens whoever attemds will be lovely.
Here you pick a midwife early on and they look after you for the pregnancy, birth and 6 weeks afterwards. So building that relationship is good. When I had the twins with ob care I had no idea who I was seeing or who was delivering and although they were all wonderful I preferred the one on one care.

I'm sure what will be, will be. I'm feeling less stressed about it now that I've realised theres actually nothing I can do about it haha!
For me, it's a mix of the two systems. We get an OB that we have the whole pregnancy and 6 weeks after, so the one-on-one care is really nice. When it comes to delivery, though, it just depends on which OB is on call. So I'm whining about my OB being out of town, but she may not even be able to deliver my baby even if she wasn't out of town. It's a just a guarantee that she won't if she gone! But the OB that delivered my DS was great, and I'd actually met with her once before during an appointment while my OB was gone, so it worked out fine. :flower:

M2C, looking great! I guess I'd have to go compare to the last bump shot, but you seem to look a lot bigger this time! My DH looked at my tummy when I took my shirt off last night and was like, "Whoa! Your stomach looks huge all of the sudden! Does it hurt?" :haha: So I guess our bubs must be going through a growth spurt right now. :winkwink:
I think bump is bigger this week more so than the last. Bubs is definately running out of room cause some movements are pretty painful!

This bubs of mine has the hick ups loads! Corban did too so it's making me think this yellow bump could turn blue??? That and because Corban refers to baby as a boy! What are your bets ladies?

While I was reading your post, I actually had to remind myself that you were Team Yellow, because I was thinking you were having a boy, for some reason. So I guess that's my bet! :winkwink:
Everyone says boy! The morning sickness made me think girl but a few things make me say boy. I think I'd be more shocked if it was a girl xx

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