Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Naww it didnt feel like that mine was a bone crunching kinda pain down below and no higher than the pubic bone.

I hope its just baby sitting in a weird position!
Spiffy, that sounds like an IU thing. Lots of women report having tightening that feels like a constant contraction in either the whole uterus or even just part...
Thanks, ladies. I've just never experienced that before, so it was a little weird! Thankfully the feeling is gone this morning and everything feels back to normal.
Glad to hear it's back to normal again :)

So I spent another evening timing contractions. These ones were very uncomfortable in my back and my whole stomach over a minute long 6 minutes apart, then after about 15 of them they went to 8 minutes then to 11 minutes then nothing.

39 weeks tomorrow so thankfully its 3 weeks max of this to go. I was thinking about it and i've decided to go for a walk in the evenings from tomorrow onwards down our hill and back up again.
The fear of being in hospital getting induced again is so much greater than the fear of having a small chance of having someone I don't know deliver at home so im not sitting tight and wishing labour away till my midwife is back. I'd rather feel like I tried at least if I do wind up having to go in and it's only a walk lol what could possibly happen?
Spiffy glad things have calmed down. Have you checked your cervix again?

Zephyr how annoying! I reckon a walk won't do any harm! May just help things along a bit. I can understand your reasonings! Hopefully baby decides to make an apperance rather than teasing. 39 weeks! Crumbs!

Glad everything is back to normal Spiffy! Sorry your body is teasing you, Zephyr.

I'd love a quiet weekend but we've got loads planned and I have loads of work to do from home, too. :(
I walk a bit normally but this hill we live on is quite the hike. I limit it to once a week as I do tend to get contractions going up or down.
We get a lot of runners and walkers up it daily as its perfect for keeping you fit!
In saying that tho my neighbour walked it every day in the last week trying to bring on labour and she went the full 42 weeks so who knows! Maybe I'll sleep better at least :p

Cangaroo those busy weekends are annoying! I hope you manage to find some down time :)
Well you can only hope the hill walking does some good! Fingers crossed..... If not you'll be super fit! Hehe!

Cangaroo make sure you get a rest!

Zephyr, good to know! I will now be sending you labor dust again! I hope that baby gets a move on! I know people say that going up and down stairs is supposed to help, so I can only imagine that going up and down a hill should be just as effective. Happy 39 weeks! :flower:

Cangraoo, I hope you get a chance to rest this weekend. :hugs:

Yes, I caved and checked my cervix again yesterday. :blush: It's hard to be sure, because I really have no way of recording how it felt one day versus another, but I think it's slightly more dilated than it was the last time, because I feel like I could almost get two fingers all the way through (though I didn't try, because I'm definitely not trying to stretch things at this point!). The nice thing is, I know I'm being more gentle with my checks than my OB is, because there's no discomfort at all when I do it, versus a little when she does it. A midwife on a site I was reading put it this way: someone else can stick their finger up your nose and cause a lot more pain than you would if you did it yourself. :haha:

Anyway, if I'm right, and it is a little more dilated, then I think I can conclude that the times when I get the pain in my pelvis during contractions is what's dilating me, because I had another stretch of those contractions on Thursday, between the two checks.
Spiffy do you think you may go a little earlier with this one?

Zephyr happy 39 weeks!

M2C, I'm starting to think so. The fact that I was a fingertip dilated at 32 weeks wasn't too concerning, but the fact that I've progressed to 1-2cm in just a week and a half makes me worry a little. I'm anxious to have my 34 week appointment (this Wednesday) now so I can see what my OB predicts, and also so I can see how far dilated she says I am, since I know mine is only a best guess. Regardless, though, she told me in my last pregnancy that they won't try to stop labor once I hit 34 weeks, so when it happens, it happens!
Spiffy 34 weeks?! Wow over here when I had the twins they said they will try stop it up until 36 weeks.
I hope your baby stays put and you get close to term, its only a few more weeks away :)

Things have been very quiet for me, im feeling quite impatient now and time is dragging. Thankfully my son's birthday is not this Friday but next so I will be spending the next week planning his special day.
People walk around at 2-3cm dilated for weeks sometimes. It's so hard to predict! I hope it's at least a few more weeks for you, but if it happens sooner I'm sure all will be well. :)

I did get some rest today, but only because I did no work! Oops
Zephyr, I hope this next week flies by for you! And yeah, I thought it was odd that they won't try to hold off labor past 34 weeks, too.

Cangaroo, I'm glad you got some rest after all. Work is overrated anyhow. :winkwink:

I know some people walk around dilated for a long time, but that hasn't been the case for me so far. With my DD, I was 2cm at 36 weeks, 3cm at 37 weeks, 4cm at 38 weeks and went into labor the day of that check. With DS, I was 2.5cm at the end of 35 weeks, and 3.5cm at the end of 36 weeks and then went into labor the day of that check. So my trend has been to dilate a cm a week and go into labor around 4cm. Of course every pregnancy is different, but it's enough to have me preparing for the possibility of a baby in the next 3 weeks. And if that's not the case, then all the better. :flower:
Spiffy I really really hope your baby stays in... at the very least I hope they give you steroids for baby's lungs if you're dilating so fast! The nicu is so not fun at all and i can imagine it'd be awful trying to balance seeing new baby and still seeing your kids at home. Plus it's the worst recovery having to trapse to the hospital for feeds or meetings with drs all day and night and freaking out when the phone rings at 2am because they need permission to insert an IV or feeding tube.I'd strongly encourage you to pay close attention to your contractions and seriously take it easy or have them stopped instead of chalking it all up to IU. Every day baby is in is two less nicu days :) I hope your little one stays in for just 4 more weeks :hugs:

Canga, I am glad you got some rest even if it was at the expense of work! Lol!!!! :) Those days are much needed!

Well i had to go into triage tonight. I have been having contractions and they said i shouldn't assume everything is fine like last time and they asked me to come get checked. I was also having sharp back pain on one side that i didn't know what it was! Turns out my cervix is just fine and i have instructions only to worry with contractions if they hurt, wakeme from sleep, or i have odd discharge or blood. The back pain is saccralitis (sp????). Lots of inflammationbetween my hip and spine. It should be ok with ice and pain relievers so I'm not worried now :)

Hope everyone else is ok!!!
Spiffy at least you don't have to wait long for your 34 week appointment. Be good to get her view on things. Hopefully bubba stays put a few weeks longer so you avoid a nicu stay. I was a stretchy 2cm with both my sweeps (one at 40+4 & 40+8).

Zephyr hopefully bubs turns up soon so your not left guessing at these contractions. Like you say at least you have a party to plan to slightly distract from the waiting.

Ttc sorry to hear about your trip to triage but great news it's nothing of to much concern even though I'm sure your uncomfortable! Hopefully the ice etc will help relieve that for you. How's bump coming along???

Cangaroo glad to hear you got some rest! Even if work didn't get done! Hehe!

I have my 34 week midwife appointment tomorrow and health visitor Tuesday! Not much to report here really! Just baby doesn't stop dancing and constantly has the hiccups! Hehe! Just trying to remain patient with getting the crib and car seat out! Gonna try hold out to 36 weeks!!!!!!

Ttc sorry about your trip into triage glad to hear that everything is okay! Hope the ice and pain relief works for your back.

m2c I agree lol it really sucks having them and knowing I could go into labour at any time but nothing happens. Good luck with your appointment tomorrow.

I'm still in one piece lol I'm just feeling so tired and sore now.
Thanks zephyr! Im excited because the next one will be about a homebirth! I so hope I feel confident enough to stay at home when labour hits!

I spent many hours catching up on work today and felt pretty awful by the end! OH took DD swimming to give me quiet for work. Phew! Feeling good that it's done, but ugh it was hard work!

Good luck with your appointment M2C! I'd definitely have a home birth if I'd had a normal delivery last time, and will stay home as long as possible this time.

Sorry you're so uncomfortable Zephyr. :hugs: Not long now, whatever happens!
M2c how exciting! I'm sure you'll know when the time comes whether you feel comfortable with it or not.
I'm still finding the giving birth part at home weird to get my head around mostly because I have no idea where to do it if it winds up not being in the pool :p

Cangaroo sorry about the work catch up and feeling awful afterwards. Hope you got some rest.

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