Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Thanks, TTC. I really hope we can avoid the NICU, too. If I'm dilated to 2cm at my appointment this Wednesday, I'm going to ask her if I can schedule a 35 week appointment, since she's gone my 36th week, so I wouldn't be seeing her until 37 weeks. I'll also ask her what she wants me to do as far as limited activity, etc. Thankfully, this baby is already a decent weight, and they saw him practice breathing at the 32 week ultrasound, which gives me hope that if he shows up a little early, he should do pretty well.

I'm sorry to hear about your trip to triage! I'm glad that the contractions we only IU contractions, but I'm sorry to hear about your back pain. That sounds awful! :(

M2C, I hope you feel confident about your homebirth when the time comes and that you have a great experience. It will be nice for you to have Zephyr go first so you can hopefully be encouraged by her experience. :flower:

Cangaroo, don't wear yourself out! :hugs:
Had a restful evening and feeling a little better. I don't work Mondays, so thankfully can have a quiet ish day tomorrow.

Good plan about requesting a 35 week appointment, Spiffy. When's your appointment this week?
I'm glad you have a day off tomorrow to look forward too. :flower: My appointment is this Wednesday.
Hi girls! :hi: how is everyone?
Not too long now for some/most of us! These next 4 weeks will fly by and the labor stories will soon begin! :)

you girls that are dealing with the contractions I totally can relate.
I almost went to the hospital last night due to contractions every 10 minutes. I had a very busy day and was on my feet a lot. I decided to just go to sleep and hope that they went away....which they did.
Now it just seems that every time I get up and start doing things I start having contractions :( guess im just going to have to take it easy from here on out.....easier said than done lol
I have an appointment on Oct 1st so im going to talk to my obgyn and see what he has to say

Glad to hear that no one has experienced the "real thing" yet as these babies need a few more weeks with mommy, just to be on the safe side :)

So who all has their hospital bag packed???
I do not but I did take out all the newborn cloths and wash sort them :) so I kinda feel prepared lol
Zephyr I think it depends on the time of day where I would labour. At night I would go downstairs and probably use the sofa and during the day is be upstairs. I'm hoping it's swift like indies labour so it's done! I so look forward you reading your story.

Spiffy good idea about a 35 week appointment. Like you say at least you know bubs is a good weight and you've seen him practise breathing so hopefully he would be ok still hang on a little longer bubba Asher!

Jess are you having a section? Do you have a date? No bag packed for me. I'm going to put things in babies crib that I may need for a hospital transfer or I change my mind about home birth when labour begins.

Cangaroo good you have Mondays off. Nice to be able to relax a little!

Has anyone done there birth plan? Or filled out preferences in there notes?

M2c We just got a new couch recently so im funny about birthing near that lol!

I havnt even packed a transfer bag :/ eek. I started to and never finished it. Our baby stuff for after birth is sitting in the hammock ready for baby and I have a tub full of tarps and towels sitting in our lounge.

I'm feeling very crampy in my lower back and have had some very light spotting. Could still be a while away but im hoping this means baby will arrive by the time I'm due :p
I feel a bit better knowing all these contractions have been doing something at least.
I haven't packed a hospital bag, but I know pretty much where everything I need is.

Fingers crossed Zephyr!
Our sofa is fairly new aswell! I was just thinking I'd cover it with shower curtains and towels? I gave birth to indie on all fours so thought id be on the floor and lean on the sofa?! Dunno?! Those signs sound promising! Hopefully there the lead up to the big day. Hopefully you won't need a transfer bag anyway xxx
Happy 34 weeks Veronicaco! You look fabulous! :flower:

Jess, sounds to me like you've developed an Irritable Uterus as well. The fact that you get a contraction whenever you stand up or do anything is a big red flag. Mine is so testy at this point that I sometimes get a contraction just from DH rolling over in bed. :dohh: If it is just IU, then chances are you'll be fine, but the fact that you've had previous C-sections and are planning another might be cause for concern, because you don't want your uterus to be put under too much stress. I think I'd probably call and ask your doctor what they suggest rather than wait until the 10th, just for the peace of mind. :hugs:

Zephyr and M2C, I can't wait to hear how you home births go. I hope it works out the way you want it to and you don't ruin your new couches. :winkwink:

As for me, my uterus has actually been very nice to me the last two days. I've noticed much fewer contractions. I wonder why. My DH was joking that it was the "calm before the storm". Whatever the reason, I'm enjoying the break. :flower:
Glad to hear your contractions have settled a little, Spiffy. Fingers crossed they'll stay that way for a few more weeks!

I've heard shower curtains are a great idea for home births. Cover everything up!

I've felt rubbish again today and have been vomiting for the first time this pregnancy. :( I'm pretty sure it's a virus so have called in sick from work tomorrow. DD will still go to the childminder, so I intend to sleep most of the day!

Also, the midwives' strike that's just been announced is on the same day as my next appointment, so I'll probably have to delay my appointment even longer. It will probably be a whole week later as they only do Monday appointments in my surgery. Typical the first strike they've ever done is a day I have an appointment! Thankfully, the strikes are only affecting clinics, not labour wards or emergency care, so it won't be putting anyone at risk. It's just a minor annoyance!
Spiffy hope your uterus gives you a bit more rest!! Hope it's not quite the calm before the storm just yet!

Cangaroo sorry to hear you've been sick! Be good to get some much needed rest tomorrow then.

So had my midwife appointment and I have to have to go back in 2 weeks to have my blood drawn. She said ideally for homebirth they like it at 10.5 as your more likely to bleed after with it less than that. She said if it's lower it's my choice at the end of the day. I'm not sure how I feel. The bleeding with the molar was horrible so I guess we will see what my bloods say. Hmmmm! Anyway all else is fine and dandy which is good news!

M2c I never thought of giving birth like that lol crazy huh but makes sense!
I gave birth to all my babies semi reclined in a hospital bed so this is all a bit weird and new to me.
Good luck with your blood test results, I hope your levels have picked up!

Spiffy I'm glad to hear your contractions are giving you a break!

Cangaroo how annoying about the strike! Hope you are feeling better soon.

Im vomiting too! I woke up and felt so sick this morning. I feel a bit better now.
No vomiting here, but I've been getting random waves of nausea. I think in my case it's due to the horrible acid reflux I've been having. Zephyr and Cangaroo, I hope you two feel better soon! :hugs:

M2C, are your levels under 10.5 right now? Either way, I hope they're nice and high by your next blood draw. I'm glad that the rest of your appointment went well. :flower:

Well, I think I figured out why my contractions settled down a bit the last two days. My DH had Friday off work, so I had three days in a row of him helping me with the kids, namely carrying DS for me and going up and down the stairs when I needed something. Now that I'm back on my own today, my uterus is starting to get feisty again. :haha::dohh:
Oh no Zephyr! Sorry you feel dreadful too! Hope you feel much better soon.
Ick I feel so gross. It's after 2pm and I've only been able to stomach eggs for breakfast and a hot chocolate with an orange :( just the thought of food makes me want to puke.
Zephyr, sorry you're feeling so gross. But it sure sounds like your baby will be here soon! And don't worry about the home birth. Everything will be fine. My mom, all of my sisters and sisters in laws do home births. I'm the only one that does hospital and that's mainly because I want the epidural. And my first baby was a scary experience even in the hospital so I just feel better in a hospital setting. Anyway, they've had lots of babies at home just fine. One sister had a c section with her first, second vbac at hospital and her other 5 at home.
Zephyr, I sure hope the nausea and vomiting is a sign of impending labor for you! If not, then I really hope it just goes away. :hugs:

Luvymom, it's good to hear from you! How have you been feeling?
Spiffy I think your right, its def irritable from doing anything, esp sitting in this computer chair lol
I actually just got home from the ER, I was having contractions again and I figured Id call my Dr to see what they have to say about it, esp after this weekend.
Kinda figured that she would just say go to the ER. We were there a few hours, they monitored me and took a urine sample. No UTI and def not labor contractions. So I was told to take it easy, as 34 weeks is too early. I guess according to my DR im 34 weeks and my due date was a few days earlier than I thought it was! But either way I need to keep this little miss in for a few more weeks!
My next appointment is on Wed, not the 10th, so ill have a nice long talk with my dr then.

It probably didnt help that I took out the car seat, bouncer, swing and stroller from storage and scrubbed them all down lol but it needs to be done, sooner than later at this point.
So now all the baby clothes are washed and ready to go and we now have the car seat ready, thats all that matters :)

Spiffy I hope your contractions ease up :hugs: i know how hard it is to just take it easy, esp with the little ones. They dont let you do anything easily lol

Cangaroo and Zephyr I hope you ladies are feeling better :hugs:

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