Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Spiffy I noticed your comment about going up and down the stairs lol it kinda make me chuckle because the stairs in our house are a pain too, DH and I are always saying "ugh but I just came down stairs" or yelling to the other to grab something because we dont want to have to walk back up or down them lol
Jess, we're the same way! Except since I'm heavily pregnant right now, DH is more willing to do the stairs for me. I might be able to stretch that out a few weeks after the birth for recovery time, but I have to face the fact that soon I'll just have to do it myself! :haha:

Sorry your uterus is being irritable as well. But hey, you, me, and TTC can start a club. :winkwink: My OB has never restricted my activity or anything because of it, but if this baby comes earlier than my DS did, I think I'll have to impose some restrictions on myself for my next pregnancy.

Did they check your cervix to see if you're dilating? I know you're having a C-section, but it might be nice to know if labor is just around the corner.
Oh the dreaded stairs! I am so winded by the time I make it to the top! And I want to cry every time I drop something on the floor. Soooo painful to pick anything up. Baby has been back to her busy self since Friday so she must've been going through a long growth spurt. Had an appt today and all is well though I wish I could stop the scale from climbing. I always gain 40 lbs with all my babies but this time I might go slightly over. Oh well. It'll give me something to work towards after the baby. And I bought some new workout videos for Christmas that I am very excited to try. I am super excited to start reading all of our birth stories. I love reading birth stories! I've read pretty much all on here so if you have any other sites where I can read them let me know. ;)
Sorry you've been having a rough time, Jess. Hope it all settles down.

I'm feeling much better today, though tired. DD is at the Childminder, so I can catch up on some sleep!
I was hoping it was a sign too but im still here.
Still back crampy and very light spotting but nothing different than yesterday so im not holding my breath :p
I still don't have much of an appetite and feel queasy at times I did go shopping tonight and decided I wanted a big steak sandwich tho so im going to cook that up soon yum hopefully it stays down.
I walked around the stores for a good 2 hours getting last minute presents for my son's birthday next week along with groceries. I'm so tired now.

I really hope this baby comes out soon, I'm over being pregnant now.
1st of Oct tomorrow!
:rofl: i have mastered picking things up with my feet! I cant bend over to get anything anymore lol or i ask the kids to get it for me :) i need to train the dog!

They did check my cervix yesterday and is close tight!
I figured it was, i have never had my cervix dilate, well i got to about 4 with my son after 8 hours of labor but nothing past that. I think it's due to my narrow pelvis, my babies can't drop to dilate me :(hence why i have to have c ssections.

Luvymom glad to hear your little one is moving about :) always a good thing.
I've gained 40 lbs already so im suspecting ill go over as well :) i told DH we can work out together after the years over

cangaroo glad your feeling better :)

Zephyr you make me want a philly steak sub now lol
Ugh, I still can't think of Philly cheese steaks without my stomach turning a little. The last time I ate one was during a 12 hour car trip while pregnant with DS, and my DH and DD were throwing up the entire car ride. The smell of vomit and that sandwich might forever be linked in my mind. :sick:

Luvymom, I'm glad your little lady is moving like normal for you! As for weight gain, I also gained 40lbs with each of my children, and am trying really hard to gain a little less this time. I told myself that even if it's just 39lbs instead of 40lb, I'll celebrate. :haha:

Jess, I used to pick up everything with my feet, but now the motion of bringing my feet close enough to pass it off to my hand hurts my hips too much, so I'm stuck doing the awkward pregnant women squat to pick things up. :dohh:

Zephyr, I would imagine that all that spotting has to be your mucous plug going, which is obviously a great sign! I can't imagine that baby will be hanging in there too much longer. ;) All that walking has to be helping, too!
I've been really enjoying stalking the last few days :)lots going on!
Zephyr- not long now :) I'm sure that's your plug going!!

So I had my scan today, little man was showing off his boy parts :) he also was head down and well into my pelvis which would explain the discomfort I've been in for a couple of days now. They have estimated his weight at 5lb11oz which is fab and later at the antenatal appointment she said the head is engaged. So different to with dd!

Super excited albeit a little nervous as he's bigger than dd at this stage and head down so i am all on track for my natural birth, I just don't want to go too far over if he's massive lol!

Sympathising with all you ladies on the aches and pains!! Also feeling a bit more excited as its feeling more real. Must pack hospital bag and get organised!!
Well my midwife appointment was okay. Could of been better. My bp is up a bit with traces of protein in my urine but nothing to worry about she said that sometimes it does go up a little when you are close to the end. Its gone from 110/70 to 132/96
I don't have any experience with that stuff so I have no clue what those numbers mean. Do any of you know?

baby is posterior. I thought it was with those weird bladder pinching pains I keep getting which is probably baby's hands. It's really funny because I suspected as much and all this week ive been trying not to slouch and have been doing cleaning on my hands and knees and forward leaning as much as possible. Which is what she told me to do today.

She said it sounds like I'm getting close and it doesn't mean labour is ages away it just means I'll probably have a longer harder labour if baby decides to stay put. Great! That just what I wanted to hear lol

With how I've been feeling the past few days I bet if I could only get baby to turn round and put pressure on my cervix properly id go into labour soon. How frustrating!

Appointment on Monday.
Veronicaco, so glad your scan went well! My little guy was estimated at 5lbs during my scan at 31+6, so I'm cooking a big one too! Although in my case, I'm really glad because that way if he comes early, he should still be a healthy size. I'm glad that your baby is snuggled in and engaged. My second engaged a lot better than my first, too, considering she was still not fully engaged when I was 10cm dilated! :dohh:

Zephyr, I'm sorry your baby is posterior. :( My DS was that way, but flipped over during labor and was born the right way. I hope it happens sooner for you, though, and that it'll kick off labor for you. As for the BP, that's a little close to 140/90, which is when they start worrying about Pre-E, but like you midwife said, it could just be that you're at the end and your body is done with being pregnant.

Well, I'm having another rough day, just one of those days where everything goes wrong and I'm sleep-deprived thanks to a bad night of sleep with DS last night, and so I feel tired and frustrated and hormonal on top of everything else. It got so bad that I had to just go put my DS in his crib for a bit so I could go lay down and cry. And in moments like that, I start worrying about how much harder it's going to be with a newborn and two toddlers, and then I worry about being depressed and not coping after he's born. But at the same time, I can't wait for him to be born just so I can have a few days of "vacation" in the hospital. How pathetic is that? :cry:
Spiffy! I am so glad to hear you say that! I told my mom just yesterday that as much as I'm excited to have the baby, some days I'm more excited for a few days without the other kids while getting pampered at the hospital. Bad, I know. My kids have really been testing me lately and I too, have been crying so much! and I'm not typically a cryer! Though in my kids' defense, they are probably just as ready for a break from me as I am from them. :)

Zephyr, I hope baby changes position and gets things rolling! I'm so excited for you! The end is so hard with all the watching and being just plain done with being pregnant. You are so close. Hang in there!

And it sure is nice to have a place to come (here) to whine and complain. DH just doesn't get it! I sure wish they could just experience for a day what we feel. :)
Luvymom, that makes me feel better to hear that you think the same thing! And I wasn't a crier before pregnancy, either, but those hormones just love to manifest themselves in the form of tears, apparently. :dohh:

And yes, thank goodness for a place to moan and whine, because my poor DH just doesn't know what to say to me sometimes, and unfortunately he'll never really know how I feel.
Ah DH and I just had that conversation last night on the way to the ER.
He was worried that Charlotte is going to think that we abandoned her while im in the hospital for a few days and as much he wants to be there with me he doesnt want to leave her, for that long.
I told him its not like we just wont see her for 3 days, she will be at the hospital ever day with us, she just cant sleep there and whatnot. I then preceded to say how I would like a break and it will be nice to have the nurses "pamper me" for 3 or 4 days (depending on how fast I recover) and as much as it pains me these will be the only few days i will have to relax, and when it comes to recovering from a c section its important to have that. He then (very jokingly, hes always playing around with me) says how im abandoning our daughter lol I wanted to punch him ;)

Im not sure how many of you girls have had C Sections, so im not sure if you know this, or if the rules there are different. But here, if you have a c section and are alone (no DH or boyfriend) there with you at night, the baby has to sleep in the nursery :( because you cant really get up and get out of bed for the first few days.
If I wasnt having a c section and could get up and move around right away I would just have DH stay home with Charlotte :( but thats not an option and Im not going to have my little girl away from me in the nursery, thats just not an option for me!
Oooh lots to catch up on today!

Zephyr, be extremely watchful for headaches or anything weird with your vision. When I had preeclampsia, i got this random horrible nausea and vomiting. I almost mentioned pre-e after your post about being sick earlier but didn't want to worry you. But with protein and bp that has gone up that much you need to be careful! Anytime there is an increase of 20 points or more for either number in bp during pregnancy it's a concern. Coupled with protein it's a very likely chance you have the start of preeclampsia. It can get nasty quickly so please please watch for any changes. Even if you just feel a little off you need to call. Pre e is extremely serious and I just don't want anyone to go through what i went through because my dr dismissed the earlier signs of a problem. I almost died and I hate to think what would've happened to my little boy had i not disregarded the dr telling me i was fine and gone to the hospital anyway. Is there a pharmacy or something near that you can have your bp taken a couple times a day? I seriously wouldn't just let it go. Please be careful!

Spiffy and luvymom, hope youboth can get a nice rest from all the hormones soon! I'm a cryer as well when pregnant and today was a doozy! Maybe something is in the air?

Jess! So glad you're doing ok after your er trip! Hope the contractions give you a rest!

Hi to everyone else :)
Thanks ladies!

Ttc my midwife is apparently back a day early (2pm tomorrow)
I dont think having a new midwife that doesnt know my history or anything helped and I am very annoyed my midwife went away right before I was due.
im planning on phoning her straight after she gets back and asking her to come check me which is less than 24 hours away now.
Dont worry if I feel any worse than I do now ill be getting checked asap.
I feel better than yesterday. I havnt vomited but still have a loss of appetite and still a bit queasy.
It's very hard not to worry tho! And I don't think the stress is helping.

Sorry for the lack of response to anyone's posts! I feel a bit stink having a moan.
Zephyr, sorry you feel rubbish still. I agree about getting your bp checked again ASAP. The 96 is too high to be comfortable about...

Jess- that's awful that the baby has to go to the nursery! We don't even have nurseries in hospitals here any more, only SCBU or NICU for sick babies. Taking a healthy baby away overnight is completely against the baby friendly initiative, which the hospitals here all aspire to. I had my c-section at 10pm so wasn't on the ward until probably 2am. They still left the baby with me. DD cried when they tried to put her in the cot, so the midwife left her in bed with me. I was very surprised! Otherwise, they I would have been able to pick her up from the cot myself as it was right by the bed. There's no way I'd allow my baby to be taken away from me unless it was completely clinically necessary.
Cangaroo i completely agree! Thats awesome they let you slerp with her!
A nurse actually commented on DD sleeping with me! She said "thats not really safe!" I was just like "seriously? "

Ok so i need to vent. ...
i posted a thread about wanting to have LO in Oct as it would be cool to have LO on Halloween, my dads birthday.
And i feel like these girls are yelling at me for not letting baby come when shes ready. And i totally understand their points
but since i have to have a c section and im "choosing when my baby comes" anyways whats 3 more days?
My dr will do it on the 3rd but not any sooner, for legal reasons, to cover his own ass.
If 37 weeks is full term then why cant i have her at 38 1/2? When its convenient for me?

Idk now i feel guilty , for even having to pick a due date in the first place :(
Some people bug! I'm all for waiting until baby is ready for vaginal deliveries. And while I've never had a c section, I agree with you. You have to schedule it anyway. You aren't asking for a crazy early date. Don't let those other women get to you. The way I see it, since you have to have a section anyway, isn't it safer than waiting until you're in labor that could go too fast or other complications that would lead to an emergency section that would put you both at risk? I've never had a c section but I sure wish women would be more supportive of each other rather than be so critical.
Oh gosh Jess! Sorry you're getting raked over the coals!!! I think that's so dumb your doc won't do it...esp when the office even has a different due date recorded for you! I don't know why 39 weeks is the magic number... how frustrating! It's not like you're requesting a 36 week date!!!!

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