Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

I just saw that thread, Jess. They all completely overreacted! There are always threads of people starting to kickstart labour from aroubd 37 weeks so I have no idea why they thought what you said was unreasonable!

However, I think your OB is right- there is evidence that the risk to the baby is greater if an elective section is done before 39 weeks so it makes sense to wait. Hoping for spontaneous labour before that is a completely different matter, though!
As someone who has had a baby at 38 1/2 weeks, and one even sooner, both of which were perfectly fine, I think 3 days sooner wouldn't be that big of a deal, but I know they have their legal reasons. But regardless of all that, I wish women on this forum wouldn't get so high and mighty on women who are just excited to meet their babies! None of us wishes any harm on our kids, so people need to just calm the heck down. :growlmad:

Zephyr, I'm glad you're being seen by your midwife soon. Like the others have said, just keep an eye on how you feel. I'm also glad that your midwife will be back so that you can have her deliver you instead of a stranger! :flower:

As for the nursery situation, I guess I fail in that department. I'm actually looking forward to the time that the baby can be in the nursery at night so that I can try to get caught up on sleep before I come home and do it myself for the next 18 months until he sleeps through the night. :dohh:

Well, I have my doctor's appointment this afternoon. I'm guessing that I'll be either 1cm or 1.5cm dilated, but it will be nice to know for sure.
That thread of yours, Jess, reminded me of all the drama you usually get in baby club! 3rd tri is generally more friendly and supportive.

The NHS won't do elective sections before 39 weeks unless absolutely necessary either due to the increased risk of Transient Tachypnoea of the Newborn.

I would be amazed if I have an October baby! I'd be less surprised by a December baby than an October baby.

Spiffy- surely even if the baby's in the nursery you still have to wake up to pump? :shrug:
Nope, I decided earlier on in this pregnancy that I won't be breastfeeding this time. Just the thought of it literally gives me anxiety, and I just can't handle that on top of having 3 kids 2.5 years old and under. My experience with Liam was just way too traumatizing for me. I may give it another go with baby #4 after I've had some time, but the memories of last time are still too fresh right now. :nope:
Zephyr did you speak to your midwife? Xx

no not yet she is back at 2pm today (its 6am at the moment)

I did ring the other one again last night tho as I had tea and started vomiting again. She said that she really believes there's a bug in the house and that is not pre e.
She told me to ring her asap if I got any of the symptoms she listed.
She then said she thinks I was going to be having the baby as soon as I've kicked whatever bug it is and that I'll either be phoning her last night or my usual midwife tonight.
Then she just stressed the importance of ringing her after going over symptoms again but said she really didn't want me to worry because she sees this happen a lot when ladies are about to go into labour.

Max has woken up sick this morning and now I have a stuffy nose with a bit of a sore throat so maybe shes right? I dont know but Im a total worrier!
Jess I havnt seen the thread and I do agree baby will come when ready and don't like it when people start doing crazy stuff like taking castor oil at 37 weeks etc....37 to me is too early to start trying, 38 I don't really have an opinion on, I think people can wait but if they want to start trying then I guess that's their choice.
If baby needs to come early for health reasons or other then thats different and tbh I don't know much about c secs but 3 days doesn't sound like a big deal to me.
Some people get so worked up about it.

I've never ventured into baby Club I don't think, it sounds like a scary place haha
Baby club is a scary place, though I find it rather amusing! Hope your bp is ok today, Zephyr. Glad your mw is back!

Sorry, Spiffy, I'd forgotten that. Sorry you had a traumatising experience with DS. What happened?
Zephyr, that vomiting is just not a good sign with your elevated BP. I feel like that other midwife isn't being quite as concerned as she should be. I'm glad your regular midwife is back today.

As for breastfeeding, first of all, I had horrible nipple pain that didn't really start getting better until 10 weeks in (I had a lactation specialist check for lip tie and tongue tie and my latch, and she said everything was fine), but after that, things seemed to be going okay, and then all of the sudden DS went on a wicked nursing strike. I'm talking, screaming, arched back, complete freak-out whenever I would try to feed him. Once he started drinking, we were usually okay (unless something distracted him and he unlatched, then we'd start all over again, and with a young toddler around, there was a lot of distraction). The problem was, I was so desperate for my milk to start flowing so that he'd start drinking, but all the anxiety ended up making my let-down take FOREVER to happen, so I'd be sitting there crying desperately, "C'mon milk, start already! PLEASE!" but it wouldn't happen soon enough, and then he'd freak out. For a while, I could get him to eat if I was walking while I nursed, but after a while, even that didn't work anymore. In all, I went through 6 weeks of that hell and then finally he went an 8 hour stretch one day without eating and I said, that's it, I'm done! I actually cried the first time I gave him a bottle of formula, because he drank so much and so peacefully. I felt like I had not only been torturing myself, but him as well. I felt a lot of guilt stopping, but after 4 and 1/2 months of crying almost every day over breastfeeding, I knew it was for the best.
Awh im sorry you went through that! Breastfeeding is great if everyone is enjoying it but if mum or baby are unhappy its not fun at all.
I'm not surprised you're reluctant to try again after that experience. I've heard of lots of people have experiences like that and found out after months of struggling that the baby did have tongue tie after all. There is always a reason it's so hard, and it's dreadful there isn't more good quality support out there. :hugs:
Yeah, DD had tongue tie, so I knew to check for that, but both the lactation specialist and my pediatrician said he didn't. Oh well. Like I said, I may be more enthusiastic about trying again for baby #4, but I'm just not feeling it this time.

So I just got back from my 34 week appointment. I'm 1.5cm dilated, 60% effaced and baby is at -2 station (-5 being free floating, and 0 being fully engaged). I was 60% effaced with DD when I went into labor, and 70% with DS when I went into labor, so I don't expect to get much more effaced this time around either, but at least I know I still have a week or two before labor, since I tend to be between 3-4cm dilated when I go into labor.

Also, I asked my OB about my next appointment, since it wasn't until almost 37 weeks, and she told me to schedule one for the 13th, even though she's technically booked, so I'll have another appointment in two weeks instead of three. :flower:
Spiffy! I can't believe you are so close! I still feel so far away. Add much as I can how to go early o know I'll be right close to my due date. And haha, my next appt is also on the 13th. It would be so fun to run into each other one of these times.
I know, one of these times we need to bump into each other! Of course, it would be a lot easier to make that happen if our doctors were even on the same floor. :dohh: :flower:
Zephyr I hope you feel better soon :hugs: and I hope everyone in the house doesnt get too sick, thats no good with a LO on the way. Glad you talked to your midwife though

Spiffy that sounds like a terrible experience and I can def see why you would not to go through that again.
Are you going to try to nurse the cloustrom in the first few days?
Your appointment sounds like it went well! :) thats awesome that you are progressing as you expected. At that point do you think your regular dr will be around if you do go into labor? I know you mentioned that she will be gone for a period of time.

I also had my 34 week appointment today! :) We talked about my contractions. Dr said im going to have them the further into the pregnancy I get, and that with each pregnancy they get worse ( im on my 3rd) so that explains it lol
He also said that if it really starts to get bad and that if I go back to the ER with them anytime after the next 12 days hes not going to stop them! I asked how close apart they have to be and he said every 5 min. I told him they were every 10 minutes on Saturday. And he said to just take it easy and we'll see what happens.

So speaking of labor and whatnot, I think my tread needs to be taken down. I can not deal with these girls and their judgmental attitudes, its not very supportive.
Its getting a bit out of control, not a single person has had anything nice to say. Besides you Spiffy :hugs: thank you
Jess, I'm sorry your thread got so out of control. I know it's just a bunch of women on the internet who feel bold because they're not talking to you face to face, but it's hard not to take it personally. I know I'd be upset. :( I hope your little girl comes on Halloween, just so you can throw it in their faces. ;)

I'm glad your appointment went well. It sounds like your uterus is just tired of pregnancy like mine is. But hey, if you make it to your section date, that's still only a month away!

As for the colostrum question, I don't think so. I feel like I have to do all or nothing, because if I nurse for the first couple days, I'll just feel so guilty stopping, whereas I've already made peace with my decision not to BF this time.
:hugs: thanks
lol I hope I do too lol ;)

Yeah I hear what your saying, it kinda would be an all or nothing type of thing.
Zephyr!!!! I really hope you're ok! Thinking about you and checking for updates. I agree with spiffy that the other midwife doesn't seem to be concerned enough. A stomach bug wouldn't be off and on and with your increase in bp i honestly just hope your regular midwife will do a sweep or something. (Honestly i think they should induce you but I want so badly for you to get the homebirth you're wanting) hugs to you! :hugs:

Jess they are being totally mean on your thread! :( I hope you're ok and don't take it personally! Glad you had a good appointment today :)

Spiffy, I'm so relieved you're not already 2cm!!! :) Glad everything went well! I don't blame you for not wanting to breastfeed this time. There's a lot of benefit to bf, but personally I think there is bigger benefit for a mom not to feel so incredibly overwhelmed and have her sanity! I had a really really tough start with bf my ds and i hope this time is easier. I can't imagine trying to troubleshoot problems and deal with stress with toddlers to care for too!!!!

My stupid hip is just going to kill me I guess! I am just really hurting today :(
TTC, I can truly sympathize with the hip pain. :hugs: Mine feels like it's just going to tear off every time I roll over in bed at night. I've been getting chiropractic adjustments, and it's been helping a little, but I know that nothing except labor is going to really get rid of it. :(
Spiffy eeek! I hope your baby cooks for a wee bit longer, glad everything else is okay and that you got an earlier appointment.

thanks ttc, im feeling pretty good as the day goes on. My appetite has returned and ive been feeling hungry so have eaten quite a bit today without feeling sick or vomiting.
I started barely noticeable contractions this morning and they have progressed into more noticeable (but not timable) ones as the day has gone on. Not hurting or uncomfortable like the others ive had but they are getting stronger.
Sooo my midwife also thinks my body is close to labouring. Its funny because I dont see how they can tell that! Maybe they are right, with my son being sick also it may of just been a scary coincedence.
Aside from the vomiting those couple of days I havnt had any other symptoms they told me about. Im taking it very easy if I do start feeling off im going to bypass the midwives and just go to the hospital tho ive decided.
Jess, I don't blame you for wanting to take your other thread down. I read through the other people's comments and it's like they didn't even read what you were saying! I know it's hard not to let it affect you, but know that all of us here have your back!

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