Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Jess sorry your post got nasty! I say ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Hugs for you!

Spiffy sorry breastfeeding little man didn't go so well. I think your right to bottle feed this time round seeing as it caused so much stress last time. It's just not worth the upset. So it really could be weeks till this bubs appears! Happy 34 weeks lovely!

Zephyr your so close now. How long is it before your midwives would start talking induction? Obviously hope you don't go that far. Hoping this baby decides to come very soon and you get your homebirth. Zephyr Ny thoughts on baby sex? Going for a 7lb 13oz girl for you!

I've been catching up each day but I always forget everything everyone has said by the time I start writing! My bad!

Thanks ladies. I hope bubs decides to stay in until at least 36 weeks.

Jess, I was just looking at your thread again, and the one nice thing is how many people "thanked" me for my post, which means they all agree with what I said, so not everyone is against you! :hugs:

Zephyr, I really think it's be soon for you! Did anything come of those contractions that were building up the other day?

Well, here's my 34 week bump. I know it doesn't look like I've dropped (my short torso always makes it look like I'm sticking straight out) but I can tell it's lower, and the fact that he's at a -2 station now confirms it. :flower:


  • 34 weeks with Asher.jpg
    34 weeks with Asher.jpg
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It's 430 am and I can't sleep. Contractions stayed all day and evening, got a bit stronger and then went away completely late last night. Im feeling beyond frustrated, I expected to go overdue and that is okay but not with all this happening beforehand.
I'm freaking out im going to need to be induced again and I have no idea how hubby can be there. Last time it took 2 days and we just don't have anyone that can stay that long with the kids. Ive never left the twins with anyone because I don't trust anyone I know to really keep up with them. No one we know has experience with twin toddlers. New city also so we don't really know anyone.
Now I'm losing sleep just thinking about it :(

Spiffy you are looking really great!

M2c I'm not sure when they will start talking induction normally it is at 2 weeks over but if labour stalls (like it has done before) ill need to go in and also if my bp doesn't right itself by the time I see my midwife next I imagine they would probably talk about it but I don't have experience with bp stuff so I don't know what they do.
Hehe I'm so hoping for a girl! But a boy would be nice too. I do think it's a boy.
7lb13 would be a nice weight!
Is your midwife willing to strip your membranes to help things get started? Other than that, I guess I'd be doing everything I could to try and kick off labor so that you can still have your home birth. Just before I went into labor both times, I'd been for a walk and had sex (I also happened to have internal exams on both days, but I know you won't be getting those). I really hope those contractions stop going away, though! How frustrating!
Yeah she probably will strip them but I don't think they look at that till about 41 weeks.

I never did walk up that hill at all! After our beach trip on Monday and shopping Tuesday I was too tired and then wed morning after my appointment I decided to take it easy instead and avoided it.
Will wait and see how my next check up goes before I do anything too strenuous.
and sex. ....omg I don't even feel like that at all haha
I have to be honest, I don't always want to have sex, but at the end, I'm willing to do anything that gets baby out! And sex always makes me have contractions. Plus, I know DH appreciates it, since he knows he won't be getting any for 6 weeks after the birth. :winkwink:
Zephyr couldn't you talk your midwife round to giving you a sweep? Explain your worries about going to far over? Surely they would offer you one sooner? Hope so.... Might just tip you over seeing as your so close! Are you any closer to deciding a name??

Spiffy my midwives have always said sex! Hehe!

Hope things start happening soon Zephyr! Fingers crossed.

Looking good Spiffy!

I was back at work today. So tired still after being ill. And the reflux has finally started. I was hoping to escape it this time! I bought some Gaviscon the other day, but managed to drop and smash the bottle before I took any! :haha:
She's coming to see me this morning to check my bp and sending me for some testing.
She did say there's a small chance I wont be having a home birth if nothing changes with my bp.
Fingers crossed everything is normal and the tests are all fine! Once I know that everything is good then ill be asking for a sweep, walking and probably bugging hubby lol

spiffy thats so funny! Normally hubby cant keep me off him near the end but this time im just not feeling it. I feel bad for him he was really looking forward to the end of pregnancy sex lol
Cangaroo I probably would of cried if I dropped my bottle of gaviscon! Sorry about the reflux, its got to be one of the worst pregnancy symptoms I reckon!
I was pretty annoyed! But then it got better for a couple of days so I figured it had just been the bug I had causing it. Back with a vengeance now, and no gaviscon in the house!!
Jesse, that stinks about your baby having to be in the nursery if DH isn’t there! I can’t imagine having to be without BOTH of your girls! I saw your post about wanting to have your baby a few days earlier, but without even clicking on it I was already imagining the response you were getting! These women are brutal, and so close minded! My sis is the same way with me, because I am being induced, and I can’t wait to have an epidural. :haha: Don’t feel bad! We all have those thoughts that it would be cool if baby was born on this day, or baby came before this event/holiday, etc.

Spiffy, that does sound traumatic! No wonder you want a break this time around. Your bump always looks so cute!!

Cangaroo, glad you are feeling better! Sorry the reflux has started. Are you going out to get a new bottle? I live on zantac these days!

Zypher, so glad you were finally able to eat something without feeling bad afterwards. Hopefully you are on the mend….just in time for baby to come!

I’m so impressed that you ladies are able to get on here daily and respond. I am still working 9 hours days and can barely keep my eyes open when I get home!

AFM: We have our baby’s birthday set! Keegan will be here on the 17th, a week earlier than we had planned. We had our growth scan yesterday and he is already 7 lbs, +/- a pound for margin of error (so he could be 6 or 8!). Some people frown upon the growth scans because they are just an estimate, but really, it’s the only thing my doc can go off of to try and prevent shoulder dystocia during delivery. So I have 6 days of work left, and 15 days until baby! Panic has fully settled in!

As a result of my delivery date being moved up, guess who CAN’T come to visit! :happydance:!!! That’s right! The MIL has an audit at work that week and doesn’t think she can get away! When we told her the date she got upset and asked why we moved it up! As if we really wanted our baby to come before he is possibly ready. Dr’s don’t induce before 39 weeks unless they feel there is a reason, and my dr clearly feels there is a reason! So I have been working on a backup plan for childcare for my DD and I have also been trying to contain my excitement that we should be visitor free!!

Now if only baby hangs around until my induction date! I was 2 cm dilated at my last appointment, but we all know women can go weeks being even further dilated and not go into labor. And I am having contractions daily, but they linger around 10 minutes apart. Just enough to be annoying! I love that I have a date set though, because now I can focus on my To Do list, instead of wondering if every twinge will is the start of something!

Hope everyone is gearing up for a fantastic weekend!
Zephyr hopefully not too much longer now! :) Keeping everything crossed for you and that you get to have your home birth!
Ill def keep staling for updates! :) Im going to say 8lbs 1oz!

Spiffy looking good! :thumbup:

Cangaroo that stinks :( hope you manage without it

Ugh last night I had contractions so bad that they woke me from my sleep!
And worst part is DH doesnt even remember lol I was talking about it this morning and hes all like "what are you talking about?"
I should have know better than to try and tell him something when hes sleeping lol I guess unless im screaming in pain he wont wake up enough to remember

Drinking plenty of water today and hoping that it doesnt happen again tonight.
I have never had that happen, except when I was pregnant with DS and my water broke
Zephyr, I hope your midwife will give you a sweep earlier than normal due to your BP being raised. It's probably worth asking about, anyway. Oh, and I'll guess boy and 8lbs 6oz. ;)

VJean, good to hear from you! How exciting that you have a date set for Keegan's arrival, and even better that it also worked out for you on the MIL front. :winkwink:

Cangaroo, sorry about your gaviscon! I have horrid acid reflux as well, but have been surviving on Tums so far. We have some gaviscon, but I hate that it starts foaming up in my mouth before I can swallow it.

Jess, I hope those contractions settle down for you. Hopefully the water helps. :hugs: Oh, and my DH forgets about things I say in the middle of the night as well. Must be a guy thing. ;)
No time to get more gaviscon tonight. :( Didn't get home until 8.30 pm, then had to get DD to sleep (she won't sleep without me...) and have dinner. Oh well, it's settled again now. Thankfully doesn't tend to last long when I have it!

How exciting about having a date vjean! And it's so close! Jealous of you only having 6 more days to work. I have 5 more weeks!!!

Hope the contractions stay away Jess. :hugs:
Well good news is theres no traces anymore and my bp is back to normal again. Getting bloodwork done later as a precaution. So relieved!
Baby is still posterior and was told that there's probably going to be a bit of a build up till baby turns.
no chance of a sweep yet but im happy and feeling a bit better about everything.

Jess sorry about the contractions! I hope they ease up!

Vjean wow you are getting so close! Thats really cool about the no visitors thing! I hate visitors after birth.
Well I went for a walk today to get my bloods done and the office was shut. I missed it by 8 minutes can you believe it! So I had the choice of going back home and going by car to town to get them done at the other lab or catching the bus so I decided id just bus in. Sat at the back and it was a bit bumpy hehe.
Then I bused home and walked up that darn hill!

Been having strong contractions ever since. Lost a teeny bit of plug but no show or anything yet.
Decided to have a warm bath to see if it would make them stop and although they don't hurt as much and my backache is gone they are still going.
About to get out and see how I go for the night. Going to try sleep since I slept so little last night!
Fingers crossed this was all I needed and if it goes nowhere well then. just going to have a big sulk and I definitely won't be walking up that hill again haha
Vjean not long till you meet bubba! Great news about mil! Hehe! Hopefully you get your bits done and also get a bit of rest in too!

Sorry to hear about everyone's acid reflux! I've seemed to escaped that! Doesn't sound very nice.

Zephyr I'm sooooooooooo hoping this is it! Maybe the bumpy ride and walk has done it's work! Come on baby!!!!!!!! Gonna keep checking in for news! Thinking of you xxz

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