Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

VJean glad to hear everything has worked out and it wont be long now until you meet your little one!

Speaking of meeting their LO, I hope you get to soon Zephyr!!
Bumpy rides can def do the trick! The hill almost doesnt seem worth it esp if it didnt do anything but make your back hurt! Hopefully not to much longer now!! eeekkk!!! :)

So I was looking at my calender last night and I noticed that this weekend is like the only weekend I have free until I basically due!!! And I have SO much that needs done!
We need to get a couch for the den since ill be stick down there for about a month. And we also need a mini fridge. DH is moving the big tv down there for me, along with the cable box and Xbox. I also need to call the cable guy to come rewire so I can put the computer down there also. Were basically closing off the living room for winter as there is no heat vents, just a propane fire place that will suck our tank dry if it needs to stay running. So we will just use the den for now. This house was built so stupid, were not 100% if were going to buy it. Ill decide after this winter lol
Ugh the list goes on and on but im not going to get into it all. Right now im just concentrating on the den, and thats it.
The next few weekends after this one I have plans so now I feel rushed to get it all done this weekend, exactly what I wanted to avoid. I didnt want to rush to get ready for the baby :( I wanted to relax in Oct
Zephyr, I hope you're in labor right now!!! I'll be checking frequently until I see some sort of update from you!

Jess, I'm sorry you have to be so busy this month! But if nothing else, at least it should make time go faster for you. I know the last month of my DD's pregnancy flew by because we had just moved and I was busy all day unpacking things. This time I have nothing big going on to distract from how sloooooow time is going by.

Oy, this morning I feel like baby is trying to fall out of my cervix. Lots of twinges and uncomfortable feelings every time I stand up. I remember this happening towards the end with DS, too. The funny thing is, I'm still not having as many contractions as I was last week. I swear, all week I've only been having them every 15 minutes or so, which is not bad! It's odd though, because if anything, I would expect them to be getting more frequent at this point! My uterus is a mystery to me. :haha:
Well I slept well and woke to a few uncomfortable ones but it seemed to have died down again during the night.
Had some more this morning after I started going about my day, they do hurt a little but they are so far apart im not even bothering timing. At a guess I'd probably say every 15 minutes maybe?
I just can't believe how drawn out this is becoming! Once it starts properly it'll hopefully just happen quickly.
I feel like the walk moved baby slightly, I'm not sure if it's still posterior or not but it has changed its position slightly and doesn't feel so weird anymore.

Spiffy that is great you havnt been getting many contractions! I really hope you go a few more weeks yet :)

Jess sorry you are so busy! On the upside time will fly by.
Jess you sound super busy! Hopefully you get your bits done you need to do and have a bit of rest time aswell.

Spiffy maybe is the calm before the storm???

Zephyr indigo was posterior for most of my pregnancy but turned in labour Corban on the other hand was in the perfect position during pregnancy and turned back to back in labour! Monkey! So hoping it all kicks off soon for you! Nearly full term! Come on bubs xx
Zephyr, wasn't the midwife saying that she thought the pre-labor was so drawn out because of baby's position? If so, maybe now that baby has moved a little bit, labor can finally get started! I'm so crossing my fingers for you that it happens soon!

M2C, I don't know what it is! My contractions never settled down like this last time around, so who knows? Maybe my uterus finally just got exhausted and gave up. DH and I even DTD last night, which usually always stirs up a bunch of contractions, but they were still pretty infrequent. Maybe baby will stay put past 37 weeks after all!
Spiffy you never know! It will either come early like your ds or near term or term and shock you!

Maybe because you bought the Halloween outfit it's decided to stay till term! Hehe xx
Oh man, I can just see myself sitting around on November 13th, dilated to 6cm, 100% effaced, and still no sign of baby. :rofl:
Yes I hope your labor starts soon too Zephyr! :) I cant imagine it dragging out much longer

Spiffy weird that they have calmed down. Just when you thought you had it all figured out lol maybe you jinxed yourself by buying that Halloween costume ;)

I have thought the same thing too about being so busy that this entire month just flies by!
I went to the mall today and walked around with Charlie a bit. They have this thing every year called the "Trail of Treats" where each store and a bunch of tables are set up inside the mall and you take the kids trick or treating to each "station". Its SUPER busy and packed each year but the kids LOVE it. Plus it gives them a chance to trick or treat in their costume without coats on lol its usually really cold here by Halloween, snowing some years. So its nice to take the little ones.
Well you can reserve tickets at a cheaper price if you buy them in advance, which I was going to do today. So I asked the lady what days it on this year (usually a 2 day thing) and she said the 23rd and the 24th.
I decided to pass on the advance tickets because I could possibly be having a baby! :) Ill just wait and pay a dollar or two more the day of. Plus who knows, walking around the mall for a few hours that far along just might kick start something! ;)
I can't believe that some of us will have our babies by Halloween! Doesn't seem like yesterday we were testing! Crazy! Exciting though!

You're so right m2c! As Halloween is a big deal for us being Dd's 2nd birthday it's crazy to think she might be a big sis by then. Can't wait for more labour-watch ;)

Zephyr! How are you today? Xx
Veronica when are you having DDs birthday party again? So exciting!

Yes any news zephyr??

Veronicaco, wouldn't that be bizarre if your son was born on Halloween, too? It'd be a pretty unforgettable birthday present for you DD to get a new brother! :winkwink:

Well, after just saying that my contractions were so mild yesterday, I had quite a few of them last night. Nothing too serious or anything, but just goes to show that my uterus will be keeping me on my toes right up until the end, I guess. Oh, and we went to a reunion for my husband's church mission, which he served 5 years ago, and we were sitting on metal folding chairs, and at one point I readjusted and realized that my butt and my lady bits had all fallen asleep. Quite a weird sensation! :haha: The crazy thing is, I could actually feel the pins-and-needles sensation in my cervix as the blood flow returned. It didn't quite hurt, but I kept updating DH on the status of my numb lady parts and we were both trying really hard not to laugh. ;)
Spiffy that's hilarious. Numb bum!

I have though that it would be crazy if he came on her birthday but I'd be so disappointed to be away from her on her birthday. This will be the first one she really understands so I want to make it a special as I can for her. The only thing is that it would be cool in years to come to share a halloween birthday as we love halloween so much and always make a big effort! :)
No news :( I'm sick as anything! It was mild for a couple of days then it hit last night. Worst head cold ever!! Hopefully it passes quick.
Due today!

Thankfully I'm not being harassed by everyone, ive kept my pregnancy progress quiet on facebook and irl so I don't think many are aware I'm due now. Last time I had a weekly app posting and so everyone would always message me.
I have one person messaging me every day but shes the baby sitter so I don't mind.
Happy due date, Zephyr! I hope that little one gets a move on, soon! I've heard of so many women that come down with flu-like symptoms before going into labor, and they all say that the sickness clears right up after baby is born, so I hope the same is true for you! :hugs:

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