
to Polaris and all of you who've already gone through the weaning process. i don't have any words of wisdom or anything, but you ladies have done brilliantly in providing the very best for your LOs for as long as they wanted it for and that will have life long positive influences in their lives for sure. x
well, harry just celebrated his 2nd birthday 4 days ago, so we did make our 2 year BFing milestone. i was so sure after my milk dried up and he dropped feeds and even skipped a couple of a days that we wouldn't get there, but bless him, he's still hanging in there on his 1 feed a day, and a couple of days ago i noticed i'm making colostrum again, so i guess he must be getting something? He only nurses for about 2 minutes on each side (sometimes only 1 side) once every day, usually late afternoon after his nap but before dinner. he has also named my boobs now, crazy kid- i have 'yellow one' (the left one) and 'blue one' (the right). He prefers the 'yellow' one, lol!

I still think he will wean before the new baby comes, which I know hubby would prefer, as he thinks tandem feeding is 'controversial' and thinks it should just be for the new baby, but at the same time, he does still want it to be harry's decision, so i think he's kinda struggling, bless him, to get his head around it all. I figure what will happen will happen and just to go with it.
Shiv, thanks for the birth info- it sounds lovely! I'm in 2 minds here- one part of me is really looking forward to the birth, the other part of me is terrified & keeps panicing in case something goes wrong!

I'm definitely going for a water birth at the midwife led unit, but beyond that, i'm pretty clueless. The unit is about a 5-10 mins drive (depending on traffic) so very close and very familiar since that's where all my apps are and also where i spent 3 days after having harry and they were all amazing and encouraging and relaxing- they really helped me get BFing off to a good start and reassured me when he took forever to regain his birth weight, and the atmosphere there is very laid back and calm, unlike the hospital where i actually gave birth where everything was manic and clinical and loud and bright and not comfortable or reassuring in the slightest!
Oh- for those of you with more than 1 child, how did you find your eldest adjusted to the new babies? I'm expecting some jealousy and transition period, and I'm including Harry as much as i can in everything and chatting about the baby and stuff, but feel a bit lost in how else to prepare him?
But yeah......
Hope everyone's ok? I notice quite a few people are getting colds at the moment, so I hope you lot aren't getting any nasties or anything too!