Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Have your periods returned cocoa? I know some women get a dip in milk when they get a period. I know I'm shooting in the dark with it. :haha: Maybe you could take some fenugreek to help her get the supply up where it needs to be. It's hard to say from my own experience because Emma has always been a frequent feeder. Maybe her growth spurt is lasting a bit longer than you thought. :shrug: Hopefully someone else can be more helpful. :blush::hugs:
Cocoa, we definitely did, and my period also returned just at 7 months too. I just rode it out and it seems to have settled again and he's feeding better. I do find I have to make sure I'm drinking plenty of water though. I used to all the time early on and then kind of kept forgetting and i notice he's a lot fussier nursing if I haven't had a lot of water recently.
yeah my period made its lovely reappearance last week and EJs feeds have been all over since he got to 6 months and we started BLW i think hes getting thirsty on top of the food so demanding a bit more plus the milk dip from my period meaning i feel like i have less so ive actually dropped one of the expressed evening bottles and he just gets one now and the other is a direct bf and it has helped up my supply as im effectively for my boobs adding an extra feed into the day in the evening, you could try pumping once shes in bed to up your supply and it will give you some milk to mix in with her food
Period hasn't returned, but I'm on the mini pill, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference?

I'll try expressing before I go to bed and see if that ups my supply a bit. I suppose I could do the other boob while she's eating in the morning too I'm so lazy with expressing! Well, it's not the expressing that's the problem, but sterilising the bottles etc is!
I never bothered sterilizing after the first couple months and just washed in hot soapy water & rinsed well in really hot water.
That's what I do with her sippy cups, but I get a bit paranoid if the milk is going to be sitting in the fridge for a couple of days. I've got about 10oz in the freezer from June that needs using soon - so unorganised!
lol i have to work now to replenish and changeover my freezer stash before it gets to old lol just a bit of work lol although im not sure what i'll do about it when it come to moving lol i'll have to "run out" in my stash before we leave as i dont want to try and take frozen milk anywhere lol im going to be solely BF on the plane and its 30something hours flight time with a 2 hour stop over in LA then i think we get a little stop/transfer in Auckland
lynnikins - where you moving to?

I am sooo tired today. :sleep: Just about to head off to bed. K has never been a very good sleeper but in the last week I've had a couple of nights that he was only up once and then again at 6 something. Think I was getting a bite used to it. :haha: Last night, however, he was up loads wanting the boobie. And DH was snoring which was annoying me because he was sleeping and I wasn't :growlmad:
Today is my 14 month milestone!! Woot! :haha: I didn't even realize until I saw my ticker this morning. :dohh: Time goes too fast.
Hello ladies, can I join in please?
I'm Sarah, and have been bf my son for nearly 9 months. Just gonna carry on I think, until he decides he's had enough!
congrats on the milestone clenker

We are moving to Brisbane, Australia. as thats where my parents are located and its alot closer to the majority of OH's family
It's been a little while since I've read in here. Just wanted to say to Shiv that you shouldn't leave the group since you have lots of experience and advice to give still. :hugs: How are you doing now- I know you were trying to find other ways to comfort Sophia.

Cleckner- congrats on the 14 month milestone! I'll be reaching mine in a few days too. Our babies are growing up so fast!

So I think Kira officially slept through the night for the first time the other day. We went from 9pm till 5am with no feeds! It hasn't happened since though, LOL.
It's been a little while since I've read in here. Just wanted to say to Shiv that you shouldn't leave the group since you have lots of experience and advice to give still. :hugs: How are you doing now- I know you were trying to find other ways to comfort Sophia.

Cleckner- congrats on the 14 month milestone! I'll be reaching mine in a few days too. Our babies are growing up so fast!

So I think Kira officially slept through the night for the first time the other day. We went from 9pm till 5am with no feeds! It hasn't happened since though, LOL.

woohoo! Gabriel did this from 14 months and man was i happy!!!

Any advice though ladies Gabriel is teething (I can see its teeth) and has no appetite for anything other than breast. Yesterday all he had was 1/2 a crossiant and boob. He would normally only have 3x a day so its quite demanding and Im tired I was so empty that yesterday I felt the worst mummy ever and gave him some chocolate milk so I could have enough mummy milk for bedtime. Ironically he is still sleeping through but Im so worried about him, he was never a great eater of solids untila month ago and now he seems to have regressed..should i worry? is there a light at the end of this tunnel?
hey all and welcome newbies!

I got carpet in my bedroom, looks real nice in there,. Attached cot bed to our bed and its all level and looking good! woohoo! william wont leave it alone he will probably be in that rather than new baby. Which ever. Crap removed from hall nearly! (I cant stand crap lying about and am forever in it!).

Toddler sneezing while breastfeeding is not good, not good at all. Ouch.

I have like a month left till I am due!

Did I post new pics of WIlliam? if I did then you see them again as I am obsessed camera mum. 20 months of boob jiuce so far, defo good stuff. William 20 months old by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr William by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr William by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr

this is the garden of the summer house in the court yard. Salem and William by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr 2010 by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr

such a nice day on sunday for them, and cool I dont have to walk far just outside.
congrats on the milestones Clerkner & Dragonfly (and anyone else who's celebrating them at the moment!). And welcome to the group any newbies :)

Celine, my son's a bit younger than yours, but whenever he has teetrh coming through, he pretty much refuses to eat anything except super soft things like fromage frais, over ripe fruit & mashed potatoes, lol & wants to be permanantly attached to my boob :dohh: I think it's pretty normal, as they use it more for comfort, especially when foods seem to hurt their little gums more than sucking for milk does. Poor little things. I certainly dont envy babies while their teeth are coming through :(

Spidey, you're giving me hope with the sleeping through the night thing! I'm starting to think Harry will never sleep a full 10-12 night. At the moment, I'm seriously struggling just to even get him to go to sleep before 10pm & I can always guarentee he'll wake up around 5am every night, no matter what, then again when OH leaves for work at about 8am, then he dozes on & off with some playing till about 10am when I finally get my own butt out of bed, lol. I suppose since I'm not working now, that it's not a huge issue, but man, if I do decide to go back full time ever while he's still doing the night waking, breastfeeding & refusing to drink out of bottles or accept any kind of milk (wont even drink ebm anymore!) from any kind of cup or beaker... then I will be screwed!!! :dohh:

Oh well. How's everyone doing???
flora- in regards to sleeping through, just over the last couple of weeks Kira will go from 9pm until 3am most nights. Its a HUGE improvement for us, and I can see her slowly maturing in how she sleeps. She also just started being able to fall back asleep in the middle of the night without a booby. Not every time, but its a start. So there is hope for you :hugs: Kira also refuses EBM from a bottle or cup. I work part time and still have to pump once during the day, so the milk I express is basically poured down the drain because she'll only drink from the tap, LOL.

Dragonfly- handsome boy you have! He looks so happy :-)

Celine- Kira's a little younger, but some days she hardly touches her food too. Atleast they're getting booby milk and it will give them the nutrients they need until they eat more solids again. When Kira seems to be teething I always give her mushier foods like ripe fruit and soft cereals like oatmeal. I also started letting her eat breakfast in front of the tv in her highchair and she'll sit in her chair much longer and will often eat more. check him out being helpful as usual.
^^ lol! Aww. Emma did this when I was taking down her crib(cot). She kept stealing my screwdriver and 'helping'. So cute!

I have meant to ask you about your house dragonfly. It's a castle right? What's the story with that? Are you guys renting part of it or something? I know I'm totally nosy. :blush:
William didnt sleep in cot beside me but since he is used to the middle we wont force it and new baby can have other side, dont want him to climb over in to middle when new baby here, not good that. But its there blocking me in and I have to climb to end of bed with spd and a full bladder and walk like Frankenstein to the loo.

Yes I rent part of this place, there are two castles the original one I am in and then the big grey one landlord lives in which is attached to mine. HIs family build the one i am in in 1760 then in 1820 they wanted something a bit bigger so they made the queen ann revival design castle. They have plenty of money as they own the entire land around here in the town so everything that sits on it its still their land as its all lease hold. After 1820 when the family moved from here to the other castle servents lived here then during ww2 American soldiers lived here. My granddad lived in the castle in the 50s also with his sister so I am known here. Rowan Hand the author lives here he will gladly pull you over for a glass of wine and a chat, he is well known here for his radio and tv presenting and charity word. He loves my son, few others very few. Theres a few things on the land like recording studio and horse riding centre and farm.
Some of this building i am in is darelect , I am in the parts that was the original kitchens hence the hugh fire place in the hall which was used for cooking. Next to me would have been rest of house but its seperate now as I have a neighbour that end. Then theres rooms that look really bad next door, they have a communal hall I dont mines one ground floor bit no one above me or at side. No one can live upstairs so they dont bother renting it its just left now. I do know some that moved out as it was to haunted for them. I like my part theres nothing in it at least not nasty anyway.

The main castle is gorgous looking inside, all ornate and not cheap thats for sure. The owner lives there with his wife and 3 children. His wife is American she is lovely, they have weddings here and rent out the garden , basement of marquee whatever you want for it but not cheap, last wedding cost 20k! Darren helps him out. He is a nice man, his family have been here since it was build only they all have very posh accents frolm England as they all went to schools like Eton. His family are nice, lord William lives on the estate on another house its lovely also, he comes up and likes bee keeping so thats all he chats about really. The main castle is haunted, I think more than this old bit from what I hear only the landlord does say its only on certain poeple. I think whatever it is if it dosnt like you your out so I hope I am welcome, seem to be so far. Lost more history up here goes back to the norman era as theres another castle at the end of the drive way, nothing to do with her something military.

I cant think of anything else really. Its not dear to live as the landlord dosnt take the piss and you pay him your bills when you can which is fantastic i dont have a bill i just get a total from readings and its cheaper than my old house. We get to go anywhere up here also, we have that permission and take whatever we wish from veg patch. So william has loads to do as he makes it good for his kids to. We have rallys up here and fairs, one coming up soon which should be cool! course i get free admission :D i cant wait till the xmas one in the castle and hope i will have given birth by then and ok to go.

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