William didnt sleep in cot beside me but since he is used to the middle we wont force it and new baby can have other side, dont want him to climb over in to middle when new baby here, not good that. But its there blocking me in and I have to climb to end of bed with spd and a full bladder and walk like Frankenstein to the loo.
Yes I rent part of this place, there are two castles the original one I am in and then the big grey one landlord lives in which is attached to mine. HIs family build the one i am in in 1760 then in 1820 they wanted something a bit bigger so they made the queen ann revival design castle. They have plenty of money as they own the entire land around here in the town so everything that sits on it its still their land as its all lease hold. After 1820 when the family moved from here to the other castle servents lived here then during ww2 American soldiers lived here. My granddad lived in the castle in the 50s also with his sister so I am known here. Rowan Hand the author lives here he will gladly pull you over for a glass of wine and a chat, he is well known here for his radio and tv presenting and charity word. He loves my son, few others very few. Theres a few things on the land like recording studio and horse riding centre and farm.
Some of this building i am in is darelect , I am in the parts that was the original kitchens hence the hugh fire place in the hall which was used for cooking. Next to me would have been rest of house but its seperate now as I have a neighbour that end. Then theres rooms that look really bad next door, they have a communal hall I dont mines one ground floor bit no one above me or at side. No one can live upstairs so they dont bother renting it its just left now. I do know some that moved out as it was to haunted for them. I like my part theres nothing in it at least not nasty anyway.
The main castle is gorgous looking inside, all ornate and not cheap thats for sure. The owner lives there with his wife and 3 children. His wife is American she is lovely, they have weddings here and rent out the garden , basement of marquee whatever you want for it but not cheap, last wedding cost 20k! Darren helps him out. He is a nice man, his family have been here since it was build only they all have very posh accents frolm England as they all went to schools like Eton. His family are nice, lord William lives on the estate on another house its lovely also, he comes up and likes bee keeping so thats all he chats about really. The main castle is haunted, I think more than this old bit from what I hear only the landlord does say its only on certain poeple. I think whatever it is if it dosnt like you your out so I hope I am welcome, seem to be so far. Lost more history up here goes back to the norman era as theres another castle at the end of the drive way, nothing to do with her something military.
I cant think of anything else really. Its not dear to live as the landlord dosnt take the piss and you pay him your bills when you can which is fantastic i dont have a bill i just get a total from readings and its cheaper than my old house. We get to go anywhere up here also, we have that permission and take whatever we wish from veg patch. So william has loads to do as he makes it good for his kids to. We have rallys up here and fairs, one coming up soon which should be cool! course i get free admission

i cant wait till the xmas one in the castle and hope i will have given birth by then and ok to go.