Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Hi & welcome to the new ladies and congrats on all the recent milestones :flower:

I think it makes a world of difference!

If only the general public would realize breast is NOT best... it's NORMAL, things would improve I think.

Completely agree.

Kaiden has had the occasional sniffel which usually passes as quickly as he gets it thankfully. He's had a couple of bouts of a sore bottom too but again usually heals up with 24hrs and lashings of cream. He normally starts sprouting a new tooth after having a sore bum as well....I still don't understand why that happens? :shrug:
Hi & welcome to the new ladies and congrats on all the recent milestones :flower:

I think it makes a world of difference!

If only the general public would realize breast is NOT best... it's NORMAL, things would improve I think.

Completely agree.

Kaiden has had the occasional sniffel which usually passes as quickly as he gets it thankfully. He's had a couple of bouts of a sore bottom too but again usually heals up with 24hrs and lashings of cream. He normally starts sprouting a new tooth after having a sore bum as well....I still don't understand why that happens? :shrug:

From some random internet site that explains it better than I can:
Teething definitely can cause diarrhea, diaper rash, congestion and increased reflux. The body's process of teething creates histamines which in turn increase stomach acid production. That acid mixes with the saliva which runs down your baby's chin, causing a teething rash. As the excess acid works it way out the other end it causes diarrhea and spurs diaper rash.

Kel - Welcome, hon! It feels good to have gotten this far, doesn't it? I can remember in the first few weeks thinking that 7-8 months seemed an eternity away!

Ana and Dragonfly, congrats on reaching 20 months! What an inspiration you both are. :thumbup:

Mum2J&Kx2 - Fingers crossed none of you get sick. The only time Ronan has been sick was a snotty nose he picked up from someone bringing their sick snotty kid to swim class one week. It was very mild though and never progressed past mild congestion before clearing up.

Flobo - Lots of baby making vibes and here's hoping that it happens before Christmas!

Well, in a week and a half we've gone from toothless to having cut 3 1/2 teeth (the 4th is imminent). I haven't gotten bitten yet, but he does 'graze' so I'm feeling a little raw! It's definitely not intentional. I just think he hasn't really realized the teeth are there or how to manage with them. The worst part is that my entire tube of Lansinoh has gone MIA! :wacko:
my nipples have gotten really sensitive again! prego hormones. Its hard to breastfeed, and my son is not laying off i only hope when i go to have this baby he will be ok without it for a night or so he is ok when distracted and then he can have all the milk he wants.

We had to make up Williams xmas present the jeep, just as well as the front was broke and i was near out of time to do anything on ebay about it, no where to hide it so gave it to him as he coudlnt stay away from it,. i blame OH more than anything for that as he opened the box in first place but glad we did as i got a partial refund on it and can get him something else out of it,. its to big for him anyway he cant reach pedals and way to powerful! near pulled me down when i hit pedal to test it. good item for strength but to much for him at the mo. He likes it so much he got up at 6.45 out into the hall playing on it pretending to go places and in an NI accent all we heard was "right see ya later boy" lol whcih is what his dad says alot on the phone.
Oops been a bit awol!
My son has never been a sicky baby in that he has never really spat up at all. Like ever. But I think he has had some lung issues and currently has a lung infection *sob* so loads of extra boob for him which is the best comfort and so good for him too. Sustaining a toddler on it alone is draining though as he has lost his appetetie.
We are ttc as well so fx we will see loads of preggo ladies on here soon :)
Oh no Hivechild - I just gave away my half used tube of Lansinoh to my pregnant friend - thinking I had no use for it now. Completely forgot about teething!!

No sign of any teeth yet though so I'm making the most of indent-free boobs!

Congratulations to all the recent milestones :flower:
Hi everyone, congratulations on all the recent milestones and hello to the new girls!

Thought i would give you a quick update, firstly thank you all so much for your kind words. It has been just over two weeks since Sophia last fed, she has shown know interest in booby since. On the upside she is now keen on cows milk and is having approx 400 ml a day (morning and night) which makes the whole calcium worry easier. We struggled for a week or so without her night time routine and getting her to bed, but she seems to have sorted herself out and now goes to bed with no issues (touch wood :haha:) although she is teething at the moment so I expect a bad night tonight. I struggle in the night if she wakes up (which luckily is rare) as without booby I find it really hard to calm her down, but I guess with time I shall learn hwo to best comfort her. As for me, well i am slowly coming to terms with it, i haven't cried about it for a good few days now. Sophia seems fine so I am just gonna have to accept and move on and enjoy some of the freedom that no longer beastfeeding can give (I was away over the weekend and didn't have to pump!)

Anyway, keep up the good work ladies, I'll still pop in here and keep an eye on all of your progress :hugs:
Cocoa - I didn't think I'd ever need it again either but I have been using it on his teething rash on his face. It's driving me nuts that it's gone and disappeared now and I have no idea where it is! I even did a massive clean of the house last weekend and it didn't turn up. :wacko:

Shiv - I'm glad Sophia's drinking cow's milk for you. My heart aches just thinking about how hard it must be for you when it was so sudden and so unexpected. :hugs:
hey girls
we are currently full time BF again no ebm at the moment as EJ has been co-sleeping with us so feeding in the early hours as well so i dont have time to express anymore its taken a couple of days for my body to adjust as it seems ive started to give him solids just for him to want more boob time too and without his pacifier ( thanks my my 2 yr old chewing holes in it ) and being unable to get him to take a new one means im stuck in the night caus i have to keep him settled as i cant have him waking our housemates with screaming when they have to work
Ikkle William today.
WIlliam by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr
William by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr
William by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr
you can see where he hit himself in the eye in last one, done that 2 nights ago with his wee car somehow :(
Hivechild - thanks for the info about teething & sore bums! That makes some sense.

Dragonfly - what a shame for william and his sore eye...he is still gorgeous though! Kaiden always seems to have bruises on his legs - he is such a climber :wacko:

We had K at the HV last week for the MMR. He got weighed again and hadn't put on any weight since the last visit abour 4-5 weeks ago. HV wasn't concerned but I told her I was worried that for ages now he throws most of his 3 meals on the floor :cry: and I was worried about it. I work near enough fulltime now so he gets a bfeed on waking, pounces on my boobies when I get home from work around 4PM and then a feed at bedtime and then several more during the night. I'm getting pretty tired now with the night wakings (and we do co-sleep). I asked could the fact that he knows or has become used to getting bfeeds during the night be stopping him being hungry for solids during the day. She said that it could be a factor. Obviously me giving him a BF at 4 might put him off his dinner a bit too. She said that my boobie juice will be full of all the good stuff just now and he obviously finds comfort in the feeds. He may in the next couple of months just decide to like solids better. And that he would not starve himself. If he was hungry he would eat the food. DH with with us at the time and we think when I am on holiday the first week in November we will try get him to deal with K during the night and see if we can reduce the night feeds and then see if it makes any difference in his eating solids. I think its going to be tough! I guess K will need to go in his own bed too as it probably won't be fair having him in the bed next to us and not letting him have the boobie :cry:
he has had cuts, bumps and bruises. All part of being a toddler . hate when he hurts himself though. Williams eyes are going like a green in the middle, me and his dad have green eyes mine are bright green but where blue when was williams age.
Kaybee- Kira isn't much older than Kaiden, but huge changes in her eating habits have happened over the last couple of weeks. She cut way back on night feeds and will often sleep from 9pm till 3am until she needs a feed (we co-sleep too). She also started eating loads of breakfast. Just a couple of weeks ago she ate 5 cheerios at most and the rest was boobie juice. Now she's eating a whole piece of chopped up fruit and a small handful of dried cereal! Her dinner use to go all over the floor too, but DH and I noticed that during the past few weeks the floor is much easier to clean, LOL. So perhaps Kaiden will shift how he eats soon. :hugs:

It's easy to worry about them not eating enough, but as long as he's not losing weight I think everythings fine. Kira has gained very little weight too. She weighed 19.2 pounds at 7 months and now at 14 months weighs 21.6. One thing that we started doing was giving Kira food off our forks at mealtime. Up until then we did BLW, but Kira really thinks its fun to eat food off of my fork. If it means she'll eat more, then I'm okay with it! I know what you mean about being exhausted from night feeds. I honestly don't know how full time Mommies do it.
I worry william dosnt eat enough as at 14 months he was 19lbs! I dont know what he is now but he is eating a lot more now, loves boob still abd rather than than loads of food. But this past while he has been tucking into dinners, wont eat just anything has to be good food, spuds the lot. He didnt eat his lunch though today.
Hi & welcome to the new ladies and congrats on all the recent milestones :flower:

I think it makes a world of difference!

If only the general public would realize breast is NOT best... it's NORMAL, things would improve I think.

Completely agree.

Kaiden has had the occasional sniffel which usually passes as quickly as he gets it thankfully. He's had a couple of bouts of a sore bottom too but again usually heals up with 24hrs and lashings of cream. He normally starts sprouting a new tooth after having a sore bum as well....I still don't understand why that happens? :shrug:

From some random internet site that explains it better than I can:
Teething definitely can cause diarrhea, diaper rash, congestion and increased reflux. The body's process of teething creates histamines which in turn increase stomach acid production. That acid mixes with the saliva which runs down your baby's chin, causing a teething rash. As the excess acid works it way out the other end it causes diarrhea and spurs diaper rash.

Kel - Welcome, hon! It feels good to have gotten this far, doesn't it? I can remember in the first few weeks thinking that 7-8 months seemed an eternity away!

Ana and Dragonfly, congrats on reaching 20 months! What an inspiration you both are. :thumbup:

Mum2J&Kx2 - Fingers crossed none of you get sick. The only time Ronan has been sick was a snotty nose he picked up from someone bringing their sick snotty kid to swim class one week. It was very mild though and never progressed past mild congestion before clearing up.
Flobo - Lots of baby making vibes and here's hoping that it happens before Christmas!

Well, in a week and a half we've gone from toothless to having cut 3 1/2 teeth (the 4th is imminent). I haven't gotten bitten yet, but he does 'graze' so I'm feeling a little raw! It's definitely not intentional. I just think he hasn't really realized the teeth are there or how to manage with them. The worst part is that my entire tube of Lansinoh has gone MIA! :wacko:

Kayleigh is sick! :( Runny nose... really stuffed up. Slept her in her swing last night and she slept through the night for the first time in months! I'm thinking maybe some reflux? I'm going to see if once she is better she still sleeps through when her head is evelated some. Anyways, the other little girl is sick now too! FX Mark and I don't get it! Ick!

No teeth for Kayleigh yet! She will soon though I think. I can kind of see where the two bottom teeth should be coming in :)

Spidey - thanks so much for that. Its definatly giving me some comfort & hope! I long for the day we can have a meal without cleaning the floor etc afterwards. Duke (our dog) does quite a good job but still leaves us with something to clean :haha:

Mum2J&kx2 - hope Kayleigh is better today. Kaiden is cutting his 7th tooth now.
Today William was in his jeep, but he is to small for it and cant reach the pedal for exhelator so he gets some wood thats knocking about here and puts it in footwell and in he goes all working now he uses it to get pedal :O
Awe! So cute about the jeep!

She is feeling better already! Only was real stuffed up for one day! Go boobie juice! She is just a tiny bit stuffed up now, that's it :)
Lucky you!! Emma and I have been stuffed up for 2 weeks now. :dohh: I get a cold with almost every season change. And Emma gets them with me so we've had about 4 colds since she was born. 2 of which weren't bad and only lasted a few days but the last two have seemed to last forever. :wacko:
Lucky you!! Emma and I have been stuffed up for 2 weeks now. :dohh: I get a cold with almost every season change. And Emma gets them with me so we've had about 4 colds since she was born. 2 of which weren't bad and only lasted a few days but the last two have seemed to last forever. :wacko:

Ick! I hate colds... I'm getting one! I woke up with a sore throat and my head is killing me! Kayleigh seems fine though, Jake and Mark haven't got it yet either! :shrug: Hope you guys feel better soon! :hugs: and that darn scrapbooking thing sure is addictive!

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