Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Hey guys...almost 10 months already here!

But I have a problem! I need an operation, badly! It's a knee one, not sure which op they are going to do, as I need to be re-assessed (was meant to have op in June last year, but I found out I was pregnant!) It is really really hurting me and I really don't know what to do...I don't want to put him on formula, but I am really suffering with my knees, I can't stay on my feet for more than 5/10 minutes today! Any advice/ideas as to what I can do!?
Hey guys...almost 10 months already here!

But I have a problem! I need an operation, badly! It's a knee one, not sure which op they are going to do, as I need to be re-assessed (was meant to have op in June last year, but I found out I was pregnant!) It is really really hurting me and I really don't know what to do...I don't want to put him on formula, but I am really suffering with my knees, I can't stay on my feet for more than 5/10 minutes today! Any advice/ideas as to what I can do!?

Can you not express? xxx
Congrats Celine ... wishing you a Happy and Healthy 8 months ahead :thumbup: xxxx
I can express, yes, but he's a snacker, and feeds off me loads in the night, so it's gonner be so hard to express enough for a whole day for him, and enough for a few months!
I can express, yes, but he's a snacker, and feeds off me loads in the night, so it's gonner be so hard to express enough for a whole day for him, and enough for a few months!

I know the feeling! Maybe start expressing now and freeze it? xxxxx
I would start expressing now but if you don't have enough in your stash, don't feel bad :) Maybe LO won't want to snack if you aren't close by? Wish I had more advice, but I haven't a clue...
JellyBeann- how many days do you think you won't be able to breast feed? I'm guessing it will be the day of the operation and perhaps any days you're taking a lot of painkillers... but it shouldn't be for too long. Could you start trying to pump and save some milk now and then while you have medicine in your body, pump and dump to keep up your supply, and then start bf again once you're healed up? I hope you can get your knee fixed asap so you can stop being in pain :hugs: You also might want to check and see if your LO will accept a bottle. It seems that many of our babies refuse bottles so thats one thing you could tackle now rather than the day of your surgery.
I wish I could help but know nothing about pumping sorry.

I see Neil mc Andrew is still breastfeeding her 3 year old! good on her. And that breastfeeding and pregnancy do not cause premature labour cause i am still here past term to.
JellyBeann- how many days do you think you won't be able to breast feed? I'm guessing it will be the day of the operation and perhaps any days you're taking a lot of painkillers... but it shouldn't be for too long. Could you start trying to pump and save some milk now and then while you have medicine in your body, pump and dump to keep up your supply, and then start bf again once you're healed up? I hope you can get your knee fixed asap so you can stop being in pain :hugs: You also might want to check and see if your LO will accept a bottle. It seems that many of our babies refuse bottles so thats one thing you could tackle now rather than the day of your surgery.

I'm really not sure on how many days I'll be taking painkillers for, the hospital are sending me an appointment so I'll ask then, but I'm starting to express and freeze today, so hopefully I'll have enough!

He accepts a bottle no problem, when he was first born, he had a tongue tie, and i had to pump and give him extra so he'd go down for a few hours at night, cos he was constantly hungry bless him!

I wish I could help but know nothing about pumping sorry.

I see Neil mc Andrew is still breastfeeding her 3 year old! good on her. And that breastfeeding and pregnancy do not cause premature labour cause i am still here past term to.

I know, good on her! I'm glad there's some positive press at last! o0o0o0o0oo not long then Dragonfly, how are you doing?


So far the plan is to express as much as I can up to the day of my surger so he can have that, I am hoping there will be enough, but if not, then i'm going to have to use formula for a little bit (sigh), but, I am also looking into milk donations atm!
I'm learning to be a BF peer supporter - and the other day we learnt that you can feed as soon as you're feeling ok after the anaesthetic. I'd double check with the Dr's/ Anaethetists at your pre-op appointment, but I think you should be ok to feed. And hospitals should let you feed LO on the ward - unless there is a massive infection risk & the ward is shut down, the same rules apply as everywhere else, they can't ask you to stop.

I'd avoided a lot of negative BF stuff so far, but now I'm starting to get disapproving comments and looks. My friend BFs her 3 month old, and she was saying the other day that her sister thinks it looks weird that she's feeding him because he doesn't look like a 'baby' anymore, and my friend agreed. God knows what they think of me - M is the size of an average 10 month old :haha:

Really angers me that people think we should either feel bad or have to explain our reasons for BFing. As if we're doing something wrong! All I hear from some is 'how long are you planning on BFing for' and I feel like I have to make excuses - it's ridiculous!

Rant over! Lol
God knows what they think of me - M is the size of an average 10 month old

Really angers me that people think we should either feel bad or have to explain our reasons for BFing. As if we're doing something wrong! All I hear from some is 'how long are you planning on BFing for' and I feel like I have to make excuses - it's ridiculous!

Ollie is in 12-18 month clothes, so he's huge...I'm dreading the day someone says something to me, I am going to flip I think, it's none of their business how long I feed my babay for!

I also co-sleep, and have put LOs cot in his own room as a way to fob people off into believing he's in his own room now, as I'm fed up of justifying something that feels so right to me!!
Maybe that's why it is - because it's different from what they did, so therefore they feel like we're saying that the way they did it was wrong. :shrug:

M usually sleeps in her own room but we co-sleep every so often if she's having an unsettled night. Luckily people just assume she's on her own room all the time so don't ask any more. But we used to get disapproving looks about it when we did it. That and the cloth nappies and BLW - I haven't made it easy to avoid comment! Lol

I'm so glad my mum BF my sister until she was 2, at least I know she'll never turn round and critisise me! I couldn't cope if I had a mum like some (Dragonfly especially). And MIL usually keeps her mouth shut about it, so I should be grateful for small mercies.
Ahh yeah, my mum didn't BF me, she didn't want to...but she's on my side as far as not stopping BF to FF, my nan on the other hand, keeps asking me when I'm going to stop!
I messed up quote there to Jellybean. Sat here with baby with hiccups in me as usual. I think i will go over due. Unless I wake one of these next 10 days one morning in labour. But since I know what over due feels like I am gearing up for it .

I am loving the way William says "shoe" when he finds a shoe its so cute!
My mom didn't BF me... she said she just didn't want to, plus she had a bad experience with my brother. She said she felt like she had to (aunt BF all 3 of her kids) and didn't want to, had inverted nips and had no clue what she was doing. After 2 weeks of hell she gave up with my brother and didn't try with me. She is a little bitter about it, and was supportive of my breastfeeding, but also would make comments like , oh formula is fine, give that to her... you need a life back, give her a bottle so you can sleep, then it went on to weaning.... and now she thinks Kayleigh is too old! I know she isn't trying to bother me so much but it does! Now my 88 yr old grandfather always asks when I go there every few weeks "are you still giving titty"? <--- seriously makes me laugh every time! And when I say yes, he says how natural and loving it is, he near sounds like a serious promoter! hehehe so love him! My grandmother is okay with it all :) She even nursed another baby before :thumbup: My OH is supportive all the way, and so is my SILs :) It helps Kayleigh still could pass as a 4-5 month old though size wise.
No one breastfed in my family. My mum did my brother for a week or so because she wasnt in this country and it was the done thing in Holland then but she hated it. She didnt breastfeed me or my sister at all she wasnt interested and it was all formula apparently. No one done it back then or now and apparently we all turned out just fine she just keeps saying. I beg to differ I have a list long of probs associated with formula feeding for each of your children. My aunt also ff hers and always mentions they are fine out of the blue to me when I was feeding my son. It was like they justify themselves without having to really which was weird. Done it al Williams bday party all sitting clucking like chickens shaking heads at me saying they never done that. was like some army of ff mums disgusted at me.
my mum didn't want to BF any of us either. She flat out refused with me, tried once with my sister & tried for a couple of days with my brother & said she was forced into it by the midwives. That being said, she is pretty supportive of anyone else who chooses to BF, although when Harry was really little, she did say I should think really hard about whether BFing really was the best thing for him, which annoyed me, but I know she meant well. Neither of my nan's BFed when they had their kids in the 50's, but all my aunties on my mum's side (4 of them) BFed for at least 9 months with each of their kids, and all bar one of my cousins have all BFed their kids, so it's nice to know us young'uns are carrying the torch, so to speak!

In just under 3 weeks time, (when harry turns 13 months 3 weeks) assuming nothing drastic happens to Harry's nursing relationship in the meantime, we will have BFed longer than anyone else in my family :happydance:

Did everyone enjoy Halloween & Bonfire Night?
The big iron count advert is back again only it looks like they took out the bit where it says 8 out of 10 toddlers. But the advert is still stupid!

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