Hey guys...almost 10 months already here!
But I have a problem! I need an operation, badly! It's a knee one, not sure which op they are going to do, as I need to be re-assessed (was meant to have op in June last year, but I found out I was pregnant!) It is really really hurting me and I really don't know what to do...I don't want to put him on formula, but I am really suffering with my knees, I can't stay on my feet for more than 5/10 minutes today! Any advice/ideas as to what I can do!?
I can express, yes, but he's a snacker, and feeds off me loads in the night, so it's gonner be so hard to express enough for a whole day for him, and enough for a few months!
JellyBeann- how many days do you think you won't be able to breast feed? I'm guessing it will be the day of the operation and perhaps any days you're taking a lot of painkillers... but it shouldn't be for too long. Could you start trying to pump and save some milk now and then while you have medicine in your body, pump and dump to keep up your supply, and then start bf again once you're healed up? I hope you can get your knee fixed asap so you can stop being in painYou also might want to check and see if your LO will accept a bottle. It seems that many of our babies refuse bottles so thats one thing you could tackle now rather than the day of your surgery.
I wish I could help but know nothing about pumping sorry.
I see Neil mc Andrew is still breastfeeding her 3 year old! good on her. And that breastfeeding and pregnancy do not cause premature labour cause i am still here past term to.
God knows what they think of me - M is the size of an average 10 month old
Really angers me that people think we should either feel bad or have to explain our reasons for BFing. As if we're doing something wrong! All I hear from some is 'how long are you planning on BFing for' and I feel like I have to make excuses - it's ridiculous!