Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Haven't been in here lately..:blush: Today is my 15 month milestone though!! :happydance: I haven't swapped my blinkie yet because I'm on the wrong computer but yay me!! :haha:

Twins..We are just now talking about them in another group. I said it would be my worst nightmare to have twins. :rofl: My high needs baby is bad enough. I couldn't imagine two at once! I'd probably be sent to a nuthouse.
It's my 10month milestone today!! I always thought they'd be a handful, but tbh, Ollie is so good, I don't think I'd have a problem with him acting up, he just entertains himself most of the day!!
When Sophia first started getting teeth she would graze me (not bite) and my nipples would get sore, but I think it was just because she wasn't used to having the teeth there iykwim? She soon learnt to feed without hurting me, so hopefully your little guy will too.

Another thought is - have you got you rperiods back yet? My nipples got really sensitive prior to my first period and I thought it was because of Sophia's teeth but it wasn't.

No I havent had one yet,I hadnt thought about that to be honest but now you mention it I have been a bit crampy past few days too,I guess time will tell.Thanks for the reply,df you too.
Hello! Can i join you!?
My name is Kat im 27 (28 end of the month) married, and have a gorgeous baby girl called Freya!
Love Breast feeding! She has the occasional EBM if i have to go out, and has been fine with this in a bottle!
We are now over 6 months and i have no intention of stopping! Starting to feel the "weirdo" pressure though! Maybe thats just my insecuritys as i alsways thought it was a bit srange before i started doing it!?? Dont know why!
Had to ask work to put a lock on the door and a blind so that i can express when i go back in jan, she will be 81/2 months then. They were fine, but at the same time felt a bit strange asking them, didnt want to put them out!
I havnt had an negativity but im expecting it! Want this feeling to go away so i can enjoy my BF journey!
of course you can join us, ive been getting looks since he was about 3 months caus hes so big
well if anyone was watching The wright stuff this morning I was mentioned but only for my comment on their facebook page and apparently they said my name right apart from the name dragonfly which matthew wright couldnt see right! I didnt see it but was told about it. I am famous! lol
well if anyone was watching The wright stuff this morning I was mentioned but only for my comment on their facebook page and apparently they said my name right apart from the name dragonfly which matthew wright couldnt see right! I didnt see it but was told about it. I am famous! lol

WOW! No, I didn't see it this morning! Sad I missed it now! I love my little claims to fame they're fun! x

I can't believe it's been 10 months, really must put a new ticker on my sig lol!x
get a milstone one. blinkies/?page=4&userinit=true&source=header

Hi ladies :flower: I've not made in for a while either. :blush:

Cleckner - congrats on your 15mth milestone. That'll by my next milestone too in a couple of weeks. Where has the time gone?

Jellybean - congrats to you as well.

Kat - welcome. My sister is called Freyja - although as you can see its spelt different. Its a beautiful name either way!

DF - I didn't see the show. I try to not watch tele in the morning as I'm reluctant to leave the house for work as it is. The tv would just make me later than I usually am :haha: What was your comment about?

Well I was off work on holiday last week and we were going to try have Kaiden sleeping in his own bed and DH was going to get him when he woke during the night to try wean him from the during the night feeds. Anyway, we never tried it and K is still in the bed with us each night & still waking lots! I've to go back to the HV with him in a couple of weeks again & get him weighed and then we'll take it from there. I just can't bear the thought of refusing him the boobie when I know thats what he wants. I refuse him the boobie if its just before a mealtime but other than that if he wants it he gets it. Some days I have noticed a difference in his eating solids altho not every day yet.

I'm sure I read somewhere that on average babies selfwean around 18 months. Is this right? I don't want to stop yet but I'm hoping maybe around then (if not before) he will sleep through.
I didnt even watch it myself but I know I left a comment's about people washing their dirty laundry in public on their facebook page as it came up in my news feed and I like leaving comments on debates. I do recall saying the phase fame whores I think lol But i liked a good facebook status fight as that was also mentioned. But wouldnt do it myself.
Hiya, i'd like to join you! Been breastfeeding for nearly 9 months now, where did that time go. Only just found this section (thanks cocoaone).

We DH dad is a twin so we could have twins next time, if i could choose i'd rather not dont know how i'd cope!

MiniKat - Glad you sorted out about pumping at work, i remember you questions from the breastfeeding section.
Welcome minikat!! :wave: I know what you mean about the looks. Now that Emma is walking I get the confused looks more than anything. :rofl:

Kaybee- I know they grow way too fast!!! I always get so sad when she does something new. I miss my little cuddly newborn. Although I was just saying to DH how boring newborns are and how great Emma is at this age right now. I'd be happy if I could just freeze her at this cheeky age. :lol:

Dragonfly- Your famous!!! :haha: You should find the clip and share with the rest of us. :thumbup:

Scooby- Welcome!!! :wave:
Congratulations Cleckner and Jellybeann on your milestones!! :) Yay!!

:hi: and welcome Minikat and Scooby!!

Dragonfly- I love your comments!! Most are def worthy of a mention!! :thumbup:
I dont know if i can bring myself to watch it if i do find it I probably crinnge! i think its on fiver player by now i will have a look soon.

William ate near a whole bowl of weetabix! OMG! miracle lol I cant get food into this child at all! his gran and aunt can but i cant.
I dont know if i can bring myself to watch it if i do find it I probably crinnge! i think its on fiver player by now i will have a look soon.

William ate near a whole bowl of weetabix! OMG! miracle lol I cant get food into this child at all! his gran and aunt can but i cant.

YAYY!! Go William, I can't fill Ollie up! He has weetabix with his daddy in the morning, it started just a few mouthfulls, and now, he eats like 2 weetabix! He's gonner be a proper fatty!
Thats what william was like to, eat all round him but this past few months since walking he just hasnt time for it, just dosnt want to sit and eat its very hard on me as i worry about it. he will eat when his dad is eating and for certain people but for me i have to chase him about with a bowl. I hope he settles soon. I have to get the high chair out of the spare room if he dosnt!
i watched that clip of show didnt hear me mentioned at all . weird but my mate know what i said and all. I didnt want to hear it as i cringe if my names said wrong like it always is.
Ahh...odd!! Maybe it was cut out of the online one for some reason!

I had a look for a BF milestone ticker, shall put it on my sig after dinner, I'm a bit manic atm, got a million people round my house (as usual)
Wish someone would come and visit me. I was saying to darren i like him and williams company but would like someone different. Soon as someone comes in here I trap them here and near not let them go talking the leg of them! i havnt seen my fam since william was little and not one of them have asked me apart from dad how i am through this pregnancy. I got a bull text from aunt when i text her to ask how she was as she just stopped visiting me (think it was because she was pissed over me breastfeeding and kept saying her kids turned out ok when on formula) not that I cared about that but must have annoyed her. she said she would call but didnt and so did my so called best mate. I havnt seen her since summer. Such a loner. :(
Hi everyone,
can I join in, We are at almost 7 months (so not quite as long as some of u... but I am hoping) However I am the only one of two mummies left in my group of friends who is still BF without supplementing or replaced entirely with formula. Sometimes I do feel a little 'kooky' that we are still BF, but I love it and Tobias loves it too.
(also, why would I go through the inconvenience of making bottles up when I have it on tap!!??)
I am hoping to let Tobi self wean when he is ready, sometime after 1 year. Although I shall be going back to work, so it might not be quite that way!
Wish someone would come and visit me. I was saying to darren i like him and williams company but would like someone different. Soon as someone comes in here I trap them here and near not let them go talking the leg of them! i havnt seen my fam since william was little and not one of them have asked me apart from dad how i am through this pregnancy. I got a bull text from aunt when i text her to ask how she was as she just stopped visiting me (think it was because she was pissed over me breastfeeding and kept saying her kids turned out ok when on formula) not that I cared about that but must have annoyed her. she said she would call but didnt and so did my so called best mate. I havnt seen her since summer. Such a loner. :(

:hugs: If I didn't live all the way in Wales, I'd come and see you! I know how you feel, I'm mostly in on my own with the bubs all day, and as much as I love DH and Ollie, I'd love some other company...I go to a baby group on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but thats it lol!

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