Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Jaybee, as yet (finger's crossed) I've never been bitten by Harry, but a couple of times, his teeth grazed me as he was unlatching at the end of a feed & that hurt enough! Like the other's have said; be firm & tell him no & put him down so he gets the link between biting= no milk from mummy. I hope he quits biting you soon!

TL & DF- just out of interest with the tandem feeding... Do you find that Otter & William get jealous or want more booby time from you now that you're feeding your younger children, or do they not care? What do you do if both kids are crying & need soothing with some of the good stuff? Do you give first dibs, so to speak, to the younger ones? Also, does the latch feel different/stonger/weaker/ etc between each child? Just curious :)

DF- at least you know & can be informed & prepared in the future with the gene carrier. We have haemophilia (sp?) in the boys in our family, as well as very mild spina bifida, so we have to be careful too with things possibly being passed on, but as yet, no one in my generation or below has anything, which is a relief. My cousin Chris died when he was 18 from haemophilia, so it's always a worry, but at least we know about it....

Seraphim- Hope Hazel feels better soon :flower:

Becstar- I have no advice or suggestions. Maybe it's just thrown La out of whack feeling under the weather? Whatever it is, I hope things settle & get back to normal quickly.

Mum2K&Jx2- (that's a hard one to type btw!), glad your'e still BFing Kayleigh, as well as the formula; in a way it's like the best of both worlds, if that makes sense? I hope it helps with her weight gain so you can relax & your Dr can see it's working. Kayleigh's a total cutie in your latest FB pics & Jake looks like a very loving big brother! :)

Is everyone sorted for xmas? I may even have some wine this year!!!!
no William dosnt get jealous he strokes Alexs head and back and smiles at him.
im sorted for christmas or as sorted as im gonna get lol so it had better be enough lol im going to make gingerbread tomorrow with the boys
mmmm, I love gingerbread! I'm making my hubby's work collegues a cake right this moment. But I have to wait till Harry's asleep again tonight before \i can ice it, otherwise he's a nightmare trying to empty the cupboards & eat any leftovers, lol.
I love baking. It's one of the things i do just to chill and relax. I've never made gingerbead, i might give that a go
few of William today
Flora- You can just write Eve, or Evelyn :) I don't mind... the Mum2&Kx2 was a hard choice lol... I wanted to include Kaleb in my name, as I was going to go with J&K or something small... but didn't feel right without something to do with Kaleb, then I thought about Mum23Wife2b but either one would have been hard lol... so my real name is fine with me to use. I usually go by Eve :flower: and yes I know what you mean. She will get the extra iron, vit d etc... from the formula and still all the goodness from the breast milk. Only nursed 3 times so far, but probably once more before bed... which isn't bad. She has upped her solids too so she is getting everything she needs and more! I'm excited for her weigh in come Janauary :)

All my Christmas shopping is done. Jake is getting an Xbox 360 with Kinect (from Nanny, the kinect) so now we have to spend more to get a kinect game. Im going to go with the dance central one, so Im excited!!

We are doing dinner here with just us, so just getting a small turkey. Jake will be with his dad for a few weeks (I think)

2 more sleeps!!!!!!!! Eeeeek!!!!!!!! :)

oh and DF, William is just gorgeous as usual! You make very cute babies! :flower:
Thanks guys. Well, I took her to the GP who said viral infection, nothing they can do but should improve quickly. Her ear drum was a bit red. So the day before yesterday she seemed much happier and slept much better, fed better too. Last night was not so good waking wise! I'm knackered. But she did feed better. So fingers crossed!!!
I'm worrying i've missed someone's present out, but I can't for the life of me work out who's so I'm hoping it's just me being silly!!
Merry Christmas Ladies!!!!

Becstar- Glad your LO is feeding and feeling a little better! We're all sick here and Kayleigh hasn't been eating much of anything today :(

JellyBeann- Hope you didn't miss anyone! FX
So I'm pretty sure I have food poisoning. Been up all night throwing up at least every half hour. This won't affect Emma will it? She still breastfed as normal through the night but I have literally no fluids in my body right now because I just turn around and throw it back up(or it comes out the other end). :cry::cry: I'm a miserable wreck. And it would kill me if this is what ends our breastfeeding.
Cleck - you can continue to feed through food poisoning (it will even help Emma not catch it!), try to drink lots of water (or lucozade if you can stomach it) or get some rehydration stuff. I had it once when I was still feeding and manage dto continue to feed Sophia even though i wasn't keeping anything down. Hopefully it won't last long and won't affect your supply.

Mainly I hope you feel better really soon (good job you celebrated Christmas last month eh :haha:) but seriously I hope you recover quickly - I am sure this won't be the end for breastfeeding Emma :hugs:
try and jst sip water i had really bad food posioning when EJ was quite young and i ended up sucking ice chips to keep hydrated and having ice lollys caus i couldnt drink or eat anything i was drinking like a fish for a few days afterwards though
Cleck -
Are you sure it is food poisoning and Not a D&V bug?
She won't be able to catch food poisoning from you unless she ate the same thing. But if it is D&V, then be really careful to wash your hands and face after every sickness episode and other end episode. Especially before touching her. Maybe some antibacterial gel by the bed would be good?

I have been told that you can carry on feeding for up to three or four days even if you are not taking fluids in yourself, but to still try,. Like the others have said try rehydration salts or any fluids with electrolytes etc in. If you can't get any of that, then the very least you can do is to have a glass of water with two pinches of salt and a teaspoon of sugar to try and drink. A nurse friend of mine gave me this when I was ill, and it really helped.
Also, have you tried having milk? milk can help to line the stomach to stop the vomiting... although this only works towards the end of the vomiting!

Hope you feel better real soon, hon. It is very nasty to feel crap.
Oh hun, I hope you feel better soon!!! Like others said, try your best to keep hydrated and rest up!
I have a very sick baby who won't sleep... I mean hardly at all in the last 24 hours... she is up now at almost 10pm talking, crying, whining etc... I sure hope when she is out, she's out for the night.. or the most part of it anyways.
Aw cleck :(

We both had D&V over H's bday, about 4 days. I was so thankful for BFing.
Wishing you all the best. Great advice from jaybee x
Thanks for all the advice girls. :hugs:

It was just food poisoning. I'm mostly back to normal today. Just tired and my throat is sore from throwing up so much. :( I didn't hold down much fluid yesterday but today I'm trying to make up for it by drinking constantly. :haha: Thankfully Emma is being a complete sweetheart today so that helps. And she's breastfeeding as normal so I'm SUPER thankful for that.

I hope everyone is having a merry christmas! :flower:
Glad you are feeling better Cleckner! :) We had a great Christmas! :) Kids were spoiled! I loved it! Kayleigh is on the floor now playing with all her new toys and I'm drinking a nice hot chocolate (yummmmmmm)! About to check out the milky mommies group as after the new year, I am getting serious about my flub!
Yay!! :dance: I'm glad you'll be joining me. I need another food lover in there that understands my difficulties. :haha:;)

And yay for a good christmas!!! I'm glad the kids got nice and spoiled. :D

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