Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

The book is called Babywise by Gary Ezzo. It has been published, re-edited, re-published multiple times due to medical misinformation (and yes, it states swatting a 6 month old baby for 'misbehaviour' at the dinner table). I've read it myself when I was pregnant and looked online for more information because something just wasn't right.

This is an article written about it, by an actual doctor, because Ezzo is not even a health professional.
You can also read some of it for yourself:
(5-15 months)

355 *1 star reviews on Amazon for sleep training

Child centred parenting is dangerous. Avoid demand feeding. Avoid parental attention on demand.

Disgusting.... I seriously can't believe something like that would be published!
Thanks Aliss I'll be sure to avoid that book! I can now see the controversy surrounding it

Mum2j&kx2 - how is Kayleigh today? Hope she is better

DF - how's the tummy feeling?

My right breast still has the lump and another has appeared!!

It's on the right side of my right boob so I can't massage it when Evie feeds. I had a crap night last night due to the pain and woke up at 4am very engorged in that breast.

Evie took a good feed from the lumpy side this morning tho which was good but it's still hurting.

Also I'm getting ill :( woke up very hot at stupid o'clock and my head is pounding and my eyes hurt

Could this be mastitis???

I'm hoping to get dr appointment today but it's wishful thinking as it's the first day they open after Xmas
My tum isnt important now. Disaster in the house.
I heard a thump this mornig in the hall,didnt want to go and see as thats way to many freaky sounds this past week. Then when I did go to the loo I heard running water, Oh the showers running wtf? went into bathroom, nope. OH MY GOD! I coudlnt open the bedroom door I didnt want to see so I got Darren to do it and the whole rooom was wreaked! hole in the ceiling , waterfalls from the roof and everythinbgh wreaked! we where asleep in livinmgroom as the window is out being re made so we where to cold in there. We where going to go in last night since the snow had melted and am I glad I didnt! the cot and all is wreaked and out bed. My photo albums where in a box right under where teh roof came down and all the albums are ruined. my clothes and wardrobes which are built in are leaking , upstairs the tap bust in the vacant flat. WE dont know how to turn it off and the water was running down stairs and all! landlord or on hols in America! his place flooded other way and floats in there flooded . Everything is fucking busting here! Iwas s in hysterical tears and feel like crying again. All my stuff is ruined as I had it stored in there out of the way right under where the roof came down. :(
Miss Bump - sorry about your blocked ducts, it is best to get them sorted out as quick as possible otherwise they can cause mastitis. When I used to get them I did the following

before a feed, put a veryhot flannel over your boob and nipple for 10 minutes or so, and then during the feed massage towards the nipple (if youc an't reach the spot then you really need to ask someone to help as it is the best way to sort it out. Keep massaging (it may hurt but try to work through it!) towards the nipple for the whole feed and then if you are still sore (or have a hard lump afterwards) then express whilst massaging as well. It may take a couple of days to go completely but if you do this at each feed it should work. If youget flu like symptoms accompanying the blaocked duct then i would get to the doctors to get it sorted. youc an still feed through mastitis but you will need antibiotics to clear it up :hugs:
Thanks shiv I've been doing that and it's helped a little but I seemto have another lump now near the first one :(

Couldn't get a dr appoinent as today is a bank holiday so I'll go tmw

DF - so sorry to hear about your flooding! Saw your pics on Facebook :(
So glad noone was in that room hope you manage to get it sorted soon :hugs:
:hi: Sorry I've been MIA lately... but I'm still here! Hope everyone's okay.

DF - so sorry about the flooding - saw on your FB :( Hope things get sorted out quickly for you. :hugs: Alyssa sends William and Alexander kisses.

22 months and counting... roll on 2 years! :dance:
mine went from DD cup to F :O lol

Ever since Alex has been born I have had random direaha :( I dont know why but get dizzy spells to.

Iwent from a DD to a G!!

btw... if anyone wants to add me on facebook

its nice to have BF friends as i havnt got any :( just let me know who you are as i get a few random weirdos requesting me lol

added you!!
Kayleigh is starting to get better, we had to double her antibiotics and she has an ear infection now too... but she is getting into our tv stand right now like her old self :) Still not 100% by no means, but she is getting better slowly.
OMG! DF, I'm so sorry. :( What a disaster! Did the water at least get shut off? I'd be furious about the loss of all the pictures. :cry:

This is way old, but I was MIA during hols --

FB, re: tandem nursing: Otter hasn't really gotten too jealous. But I don't nurse them at the same time. There has been a few times that Otter has bit me while I was nursing DK. :growlmad: Not sure if it was jealousy or just a phase. It hasn't happened in a while, thank goodness!

Miss Bump, Shiv gave good advice re: the blocked ducts. I have used warm compresses and lots of massage on mine. Also, try feeding in a different postion/hold and getting LO to empty that breast REALLY well. I've even pumped my breast empty while massaging to clear one stubborn one.
Well, it happened to me -- the begging toddler. It was so out of left field that I was totally mortified and didn't know what to do! :haha:
Glad Kayleigh is on the mend :hugs:

Thanks TigerLady.

I managed to sneak off for 30mins to have a hot bath tonight and gave my boob a massage, albeit painful but I had to persevere thru the pain :wacko:

While I was massaging I was dripping and leaking a little but Evie started on the lumpy side for her bedtime boobie and kept unlatching and hitting my breast so I had to swap sides so I'm guessing my massage didn't work

Any tips on other positions for feeding? We've only ever done the cradle hold and now she is getting bigger she kind of sits on my lap and feeds but leans back into my arm

O/T me and DH watched Inception tonight.... Brilliant film!!!!

What's MIA??
MIA = Missing in Action (military term)

I used the rugby/football hold to clear ducts one time. Changing how they are positioned changes their latch just enough to clear milk from other parts of the boob. Hopefully she will cooperate with the change! Maybe trying side by side would be easier for her?

Oooo... I got Inception for my DH for Xmas, excited to watch it now! :dance:
I thought MIA was something like Missing Internet Action :haha:

Evie had a really good feed from the lumpy side this morning but it's still bad and I'm not feeling well so I'm seeing the doctor later

Inception was such a good film. It is one of those films that you need to concentrate on as it can get a little confusing. We had pause and rewind a few times as Evie would decide she would spit out her dummy on the really good parts lol buy we only had to go up to her about 3 times :)

Id like to continue feeding Evie for as long as I can but I do worry about getting into your situation TL with Otter wanting boobie like that lol

I've made sure to tell Evie that she is having milk as I think I'd die if she was shouting booby at me in public lol

hate my lap top i sat here and typed out loads and it bloody deleted it!
roof is being torn down in bedroom and electrician is in. Landlord actually screamed when staff told him as they where all in here yesterday, not that he was annoyed at them bearing as Darren is one of his staff practically anyway. His place is flooded to and he went on hols and didnt need to hear the rest had to. Though he offered me one of the cottages in the court yard but smaller and not much good to me since i am already sleeping in living room waiting on them windows to be made. 3 k new window cost! never mind what he will pay for the floor again and roof.

heres the damage, my printer/scanned was drowned!, my hair dryer.straighteners and all teh clothes i had on the floor and most of all my photo albums which include my parents wedding album I am afraid to look at was filled with water and debris. And if you look up the hole into upstairs you see how creepy it is up there, no one lives there, no one lasts. That tower was to let the smell of food and smoke out when cooking as my part was the old kitchens.
the wardrobes are ruined and thank feck they already where mouldy and ruined my decor plans so they are being taken out making more room. Bare in mine this is the sxecond time in 3 months we have had to redecorate that room as that tower leaked down when it rained and ruined the carpet that was there before. I think ladnlrod of going to claim off insurance and i dont know if i get anything out of that as I have stuff ruined.

I also found a gray hair this morning, my first one. I am not pleased and only 28 and should not have gray hair! also more wrinkles and already bought and wrinkle cream. Never been vain or anything just now that i notice life is going fast and i look like shit.
oh my df, that's one big hole in a wall. So sorry to hear that you've lost so much. I'm not sure on insurances etc, but unfortunately all the money in the world does not bring back some things. There are some clever people who can restore some photographs... worth a thought?
What a mess! :(

I don't know how things work over there, but over here you wouldn't get anything off the landlord's insurance. You'd have to have renter's insurance of your own.


I haven't settled on a word for Otter to use for boob yet. :confused: I've thought about milk a couple of times, but I don't want him getting that mixed up with cow's milk as he drinks loads of that, too. So, I don't know what to call nursing!
NO i think I have to have content insurance. Had to take loads of pics and uploaded them to his assistant who was over takingt pics to she asked did I have contents insurance so I take it my stuff is not getting anything. The pics seem fine, covers of albums seems wreaked but inside seems ok, had a look at my parents wedding album so thats a relief. A friend has donated straighteners and my mum has her old hair dryer to give me. She only bought me mine not even a year ago and it was a professional one and looked rather cool., I really liked it to. My straighteners where shit anyway,. I have to buy a printer though and scanner I need my scanner. I should have scanned that pic I had to do the other night. Its defo drenched. Our furniture is wreaked to so we have nothing to put cloths into other than a few drawers . I wish I never bough thnat crap from argos it was falling down anyway and then the water dissolved it! other chest smelled of mould anyway as it was second hand and now soaked up water. I would ask SVP for help only they where so rude to me when I lived in my previous house about where I lived they will not take nicely to where I am now! even though its a flat and cheap ffs. Its to embarrassing being treated like shit off poeple that are meant to help you anyway.

The pressure in water is shit here as they working and could go off, upstairs and court yard is off I think mine actually comes direct from a river as does the castle thats why we havnt went off. I tried to do William a bath and got no hot water, so had to clean him with baby wipes,We all need showered here.

And Williams hair has gone all locks now, always was curly but they are spirals as they get longer. really cute like a doll or something.

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