Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2008
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Following on from a thread in the Breastfeeding section, here's a group for us to support each other through the next 'phase' of bfing - often described as 'extended' - where new challenges appear!

I'm kate, have been bfing William for almost 12 months and am hoping to let him self wean....or at least until we mutually decide to stop. He doesn't often bf in the day now - BUT if we're away from home for a couple days/he's overtired/or a bit unsettled he'll ask and I'll feed him. Otherwise he's generally just morning, bedtime and once at night to resettle (up twice a night normally still:sleep:)

I've had friends call me weird, tell me I should use formula etc etc etc and I'll bet I'm not alone! This group will let us feel less alienated I hope.

Love to hear your stories/experiences/meet fellow long-term bf buddies!

were still going at 14 months. i did start combi feeding when i returned work. he's now dropped ff for cows milk, but still bf evenings and weekends. like you my LO tends to ask for it when he wants some otherwise its just evenings and in the night to settle himself.
i don't tend to discuss it with family or friends as few were supportive from the start.
i'm intending to continue until LO wants to stop.
Hello I have a son called William also he is 17 and a half months old and yes STILL breastfed. No one bothers to ask me now as they give up as they know I am going to stop when ever I want to and William does.

I love my son and think he really benefits from breastfeeding in fact we both do.
Here is a pic of him.

ok pics because I cant resist the urge,

He is a booby only baby. :thumbup:


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I don't think we fit into this catagory yet, but I'm pretty sure we will!

I'm Rebecca, and Bethan is 7 (and a bit!) months old, and has been BF since she was born. I'm also planning on letting her wean herself, whenever she is ready (within reason). She is an absolute boob fiend, and would be happy to feed all day, if she could, which is fine with me at the minute, but by the time she's a year, I'd quite like her to just be a morning and night baby!
Hello! I'm so glad to have others to talk to about longer term breastfeeding! I'm currently nursing 11 month old Alice, and pan to let her self wean, although I'm hoping to get to at least 2 years. Generally, most family have been supportive, especially my husband, but it's great to get other perspectives from people who are in the same boat.
Fab group idea! Hope to come and find you in a couple of months x
My Oh sister is a child minder has been for years and likes to tell me that breast milk is useless after 6 months and only solids should be given then. She dosnt talk to me any more I think she got the hint i dont listen to her. My HV says the same, hardly supportive that.
Hi girls...

I guess I'm not really in the category yet, I'm in that limbo period in the middle, but I may as well get to know you all now as I have no plans of stopping any time soon :winkwink: although we have hit a bit of a night-time problem which I'll explain when the group's a bit more established...

Dragonfly - William's gorgeous!
Great idea for a group!

Dragonfly, your little boy is totally gorgeous! He looks like such a happy little fellow too.
Great idea for a group!

Dragonfly, your little boy is totally gorgeous! He looks like such a happy little fellow too.

He is really happy, sometimes I wish I woke up like him smiling and being lovely. not always an angel though but can always crack a smile. He really is amazing and I am so proud he is my son. :D
Hey girls! Just wanted to throw myself into this group as well. :wave: I've gotten a lot of horrible feedback about me still breastfeeding. Sadly most of it has come from my playgroup that I recently joined. But as of yesterday, I've already quit because they are all VERY judgemental. :(
Hi can I join you all?
Only just over 6 months but would like 2 keep going for a while longer!

Luckily I have quite a lot of support! I go to bosom buddies and Jenson is one of the youngest there! MY family support me 2- my mother BF me til 10months and my stepmother BF her daughter til 18months!

The only ones who have been on my case about stopping are my friends, who all bottle fed their babies!
Don't know why every1 always has to have an opinion on something that doesn't affect them in any way!

I love feeding my little man and think I'm gonna be sad when he eventually wants to stop
Hi I just wanted to say I think this is a great idea for a group.I bf my daughter to 22 months and have every intention of joining the rest of you ladies here in a few months time with Owen. :thumbup:

Also dragonfly your boy is absolutely beautiful and he looks so healthy and happy,why can nobody see how much goodness he has got from you ?!
Hi I just wanted to say I think this is a great idea for a group.I bf my daughter to 22 months and have every intention of joining the rest of you ladies here in a few months time with Owen. :thumbup:

Also dragonfly your boy is absolutely beautiful and he looks so healthy and happy,why can nobody see how much goodness he has got from you ?!
Apparently thats down to luck not breastmilk but he isnt getting enough to progress and thrive thats why he is like anorexic to them and dumb.
To be honest the OH sis is jealous she says she breastfed but for a few days and moans her child is severly obese and that breast milk was no good. :nope: My mum just wants to fill him full of junk food like my sister who has to eat 6 bars a day and constant junk. She is in weight watchers for like 15 years and gained and says once you eat it brush his teeth he will be fine. You can tell how she happens to be over 25 stone cant you. :shrug: I dont listen to her anyway.

And Clerkner I dont go to play groups because of that reason, I am been told I have to or my son will be a bigger weirdo because he dosnt get to interact with kids but I have no car and I cant be arsed with meeting other mums who I know will not agree with me as no one around here breastfeed. I heard it off several woman that the tin is the same so why bother and they want their lives. So I just cant be bothered to hear why they didnt breastfeed for no reason or argue why I do.
My Oh sister is a child minder has been for years and likes to tell me that breast milk is useless after 6 months and only solids should be given then. She dosnt talk to me any more I think she got the hint i dont listen to her. My HV says the same, hardly supportive that.

hmm strange isnt it then that formula milk is reccomended till at least 1 yr of age if babies dont need milk after 6 months, i bet any HV or doctor would go mad at a mother who stopped all milk for soilds at 6 months
No my HV said my milk was no good after 6 months and theres no point on feeding on. though my OH sister had a nightmare of a time with her kids she was going to his mums with them at 4 am screaming so maybe I am not surprised if she done what she recommends me do her kids would have been starving no wonder they where a nightmare and screaming all the time.
Don't know why every1 always has to have an opinion on something that doesn't affect them in any way!

Isn't that the truth? I tend to not discuss breastfeeding with most people as they usually seem to feel duty-bound to convince me that my life will be so much better if I give it up.
Don't know why every1 always has to have an opinion on something that doesn't affect them in any way!

Isn't that the truth? I tend to not discuss breastfeeding with most people as they usually seem to feel duty-bound to convince me that my life will be so much better if I give it up.

I tend not to discuss at all how I feed or even ask a mum how she feeds her baby, I dont think its my place to ask someone that yet so many ask me that? why do they have to know when I never question anyone its not my place. :wacko:

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