Bright new month, bright new cycle! Everyone's welcome!

Different days apart yet we're still online at the same time. Crazy! My little brain is just trying to comprehend. LoL
Yup its quite amazing really :) I have had a nice busy quick little Friday, 1.5 hours till home time and the weekend hurray!
According to my siggy, I'm "entering my fertile period". Yay!!!

Have to admit, BDing has made life a little more interesting. LoL Don't feel like an old married couple! :haha:

We need a smiley that is doing a little fertility dance.

How's everyone? *Where's* everyone? :)
Ooooh cool prepping! Glad you are nearing your O day again already!

Im at home today after a crazy busy sat.

Still no BD ing for me, OH is still not better yet :-( Its nearly been two weeks too!
Hi again!

Thanks for the replies prepping and waiting2c. sorry not been on here since last week but good catching up on reading about your experiences.

Had a really weird menstrual cycles again this month. Like I said I got the dreaded AF last friday (26 day cycle) and It only lasted heavily for 2 days then pretty much stopped. I think im all out of whack since comin off pill.

I know what you mean tho about finding out things about your body, I never thought i would be readin so much into CM, temperature etc, think i still have a lot to learn, havent started charting or anything and becuase I dont know how long my cycle is this month exactly im not entirely sure when i will ovulate but im on day 10 of cycle now so i guess I need to start having more :sex: around this wednesday up to sunday! sorry girls i probably sound clueless lol.

not to sound stupid but im still not familiar with all the3 abbrviations. what is OH and BD? :shy:

hope you girls that are entering your fertile period have a successful month! and is it me or is everyone I look at pregnant? :cry:

Hey Winter

OH is other half, BD is baby dance. There is a good article in the header of the forums about abreviations, its how I learnt them all a couple of months back :)

I should get my blood test results today, and hopefully will get AF by Friday and then can get back to the countdown to O day, and have some hope again :)
Winter, Welcome back! And yes... there are a heck of a lot of pregnant people out there! Was thinking on it today -- I think it's because they're just wearing less clothing so it's obvious. In the winter everyone's so bundled up that it just looks like they're pudgy (unless it's really obviously not pudge) :p. And don't you worry about the great big complicated world of getting pregnant. There's lots of info out there and it will get a lot easier to wrap your head around as you go through it. OR if you just feel it's a stressor, then take a step back and rely on good ole :sex: and lots of it! That's my strategy at the moment.
btw, here's the link to abbreviations

waiting, did you find out your results? only another week or so and you're back in the game! And hopefully you can have some practice in the mean time for fun.

So how was everyone's weekend? DH and I are having fun. Very relaxed about it all which is nice. I'm still trying to figure out what my fertile cm looks like so I think I may be at prime time right now? maybe? Think I'll just jump DH tonight and a few more times in the next few days just to be sure. If I wanted to be safe I would say that I'll keep at it until this time next week, but to be honest I'm not in my early 20s anymore! LoL There's a huge difference between being 21 and 29 when talking libido... unless that's just me? :blush: (technically I'm not 29 until end of Sept though... so maybe I don't have an excuse)

Hena, hope you're enjoying your vaca! Is there any news that we'd be dying to know about?
Morning Prepping!

I didnt get my results, well not in a way that I understood anyway. When the doctor never rang me I rang the surgery and a nurse told me that my first test level was 18.7 and the second was 24.4. I have no idea what that is the level of, or what it means.

I am feeling really really crampy today, like AF is about to start today, its weird.

Your tickers says only 2 days to go, so I would keep at it for a few more after that, and you should be good :)
That's a super helpful nurse, isn't it?! I have no clue what those numbers would indicate either. I was feeling early cramps like that last cycle and my AF ended up coming 2 days early... I have my fx that it means something different for you, but at the least I'm hoping that everything gets on with it so that you're back in the first 2 weeks again. :)

And yes, I'm thinking the same about BDing the next few days. I *think* I have had ewcm yesterday and today. The only thing I was going to do differently this month is just lots more BDing so we'll see if I was right!

So here's an interesting thing that we're planning right now... We have needed to do some minor renovations in the guest bedroom but have held off doing anything for the last year as it will be the nursery and we don't know what to paint it. Well, we're finally making the jump and getting the renovations done regardless of knowing or not. Guess it'll still be at least 5 months before we know what to paint it so I'm thinking we'll just prime it white for now.

I know, silly and minor, but it still makes me smile a fool at the thought awwwwwww, baby room! I've crossed my fingers more in the last 3 months than I have in my whole life. :p
Awwww Prepping, that is so cool, it made me smile too! Super exciting to be able to renovate and decorate! Fingers crossed you get to find out what colour to do it all very soon!

Ooooh I hope cramps mean AF is almost here... I suspect Sunday based on my chart.

Doctor text me last night to say my results prove I did ovulate so he thinks that the likelyhood that I have PCOS is low which made me very happy. He said to go back in 6 months if I havent conceieved yet.

I cant wait for my next cycle, i really want that one to be it!
yay yay yay yay yay!!!! That's excellent news! Know what? I think you're close to getting your wish because I bet you anything this will add a whole new burst of positivity to the chances of conceiving. Now all you and DH have to do is keep yourselves infection free! Because seriously, two months of thrush/UTI? nah. Not cool.

Will you be charting or peeing on O sticks next month? or just going with the flow?
Im going to pee on sticks, and charting next month to get a feel for my cycle and how it works, then might chill out again after that if that doesnt work. Im quite excited again about it all!

How are you today?

prepping - thanks for the list of abbreiviations! :thumbup: very helpful, still need to get used to them all though! I know what you mean about the whole libido thing, im also 29 at the end of this year and I'm far too tired to manage to do it as often as I did when i was 21! LOL, hopefully my "OH" will be in the mood when it actualy matters, i remember last month, he had pull a muscle in his back at the gym right at the most crucial day so he couldnt really do anyting! think it was the day of O as well :dohh:

Waiting - good to hear your feeling positive about the start of a new cycle, not to be nosy but what are the bloodtests you have had for? sorry just that ive obviously missed a lot on this thread. dont worry if its too personal.

I think im in my fertile period now so need to do plenty of BDing!!! havent really checked my CM, I tried to last month and it didnt seem i had a lot so iim not sure what its supposed to look like exactly. Ive started taking pregnacare conception supplements which is supposed to improve CM quality.

how is everyone? xx
waiting, Glad to hear that you're getting excited again (and that your little "currently feeling" smiley on the side is not sad anymore! :D)

winter, Don't you love when life gets in the way? Our first cycle I found myself randomly out of the city at prime O time and our second cycle we had a rather busy weekend and fell asleep before we could even think of :sex: at what I believe was my prime O time again. Luckily this month I don't think anything is going to get in our way! As for CM, I'm still trying to figure it out myself. The only insight I have is just what's on the toilet paper. Didn't notice anything this morning so I think I might have O'd yesterday. Maybe.

Last night was a little different. I was reading my book in bed, he was watching a show, and by 11pm I was falling asleep so told him to wake me when he was done his show so we could have sexy time (romantic, I know LoL).... well, he didn't wake me (the sneaky bugger), but I still woke up anyway and had to pretty much take advantage of him while he was nodding off. :haha: After the cm that I was seeing all day, there was no way I was going to let a night pass without BD! Luckily it didn't take too much for him to wake himself up.

The things we do. :blush:
Haha that is funny! I know what you mean about life getting in the way. Last month during my supposed fertile period (still not sure exactly the days it was) I had a birthday party to go to, all I wanted was to go home after work and get on with it, but instead i found myself drinking loads, and so did the OH, needless to say,some men have a few "problems" and cannot reach that crucial moment, lol. the next day, hangovers dont do so well for feeling sexy, and then the day after was the pulled muscle incident.

I keep trying to check my CM, but same as you, i rely on the toilet paper.

you never know, it may just have worked this time! fingers crossed for you

Yep, that's pretty much what happened with us last cycle! I'm pretty sure he would have been able to 'perform' but we were both asleep before we could even try. And when your head is splitting the next day, doesn't make you feel too sexy. :p

Really hope it worked this time around! August seems like a good time to see a BFP. (any month seems like a good time really)

Just remembered, my ever so romantic husband said something last night that had me laughing. Something along the lines of how being intimate as much as we have been lately is great because it means more "injections". Think he may be a bit focused on how he's just happy to be :sex:... baby making is a nice bonus. He has a way with words. LoL
Hey winter :) I had blood tests done to check my hormone levels at the start of cycle and then check for ovulation at cd21. I was worried I might have pcos results were normal though so I just have a long cycle 32-35 days. That's all good just means waiting for o takes longer!

I know what you girls mean about timing. Cycle before this oh didn't know it was crucial time and pulled as was finishing. I was so disappointed lol. Then of course yeast infections all round this time which have meant no bding in over two weeks lol.

How is everyone today? Btw I'm 29 if I didn't already say that 30 next year. Eek.

Cm is hard to tell aye. That's why I started temping and using opks. Do you think you guys will try them?
Looks like we're a bunch of '82ers! that's neat. :p

I'll likely look at opks next month if it doesn't work for this cycle. DH isn't quite on board at the thought, but not much he can do about it! I just would like to know when I actually ovulate. Take this month for example, I had what I thought was ewcm from Sat-Tuesday. Wednedsay was nothing -- completely dry. Today I had an abundance of stretchy, slightly yellow tinged, and jelly like CM when I wiped (sorry TMI!). Well I have no clue what that means! Is it normal for after ovulation? or will I instead be ovulating today or soon?
I hope it doesn't mean I ovulated yesterday as we didn't get the chance to even think of BDing. Both fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow (maybe before). Will DTD tonight just in case!
hey waiting, prepping!

hope you're both well!

waiting: ive had my fair share of yeast infections! in fact i had it last month about a week before my period. I tried to convince myself it was an early pregnancy symptom! wishful thinking! I used to have 30+ day cycless before i went on BC, so im not sure why they are shorter now, maybe theyre just getting back to normal, my sister seems to think the hormones may still be in my body!

prepping: i hear your frustration about CM, mine a few days ago was very stretchy and clear, not quite ewcm but definately worth noting, then i saw some again y'day, but today Im so dry. I dont get it, there is no way i could have ovuated yesterday, i dont think im due to ovulate until at least tomorrow. god knows, im getting sick of pushing my finger inside like it tells you to do on all these websites! It just feels weird and im scared im going to scratch my insides or irritate it. but it definately feels far too dry, the same thing happened last month. prepping, maybe the CM you had today was post ovulation CM. also ive heard that an abundance of cm can be an early preggo sign, not trying to get your hopes up, but thats just what ive read. :)

yeah its cool we are all the same age roughly! its also nice to talk about this stuff with other people that are going through the same things. My OH wouldnt get it if I started talking about bodily fluids and BBT etc etc. lol

forgot to answer your question waiting. if nothing happens this month then I will prob start charting my temp and using OPKs next cycle

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