Hena, All I can say is that I'm glad you are now able to have your doctor take you seriously. Now things can actually be acted on. Try not to get yourself too worried as I'm sure whatever it may be can be managed and rectified. Enjoy your anniversary to the fullest.
winter, Two minds alike.

It's the fact that there's this other power of chance that determines when the baby making will be successful that bugs me. Everything else in life I generally have control over. Like the designation program I'm taking right now -- I know it will take at least 18 months. It will be
very difficult. But I will achieve it within the next 2 years because I will put my mind to it. If baby making takes 2 years... well it's not out of lack of trying I'm sure! It won't matter how 'skilled' I become at

as that will not increase our chances for a shorter ttc time.

LoL It's just completely out of my hands and when I try to visualize seeing those 2 little lines, I have difficulty doing it.
And I'm right there with you on the fact that there is absolutely no reason for me to think that it would be difficult for myself and my DH to actually make a baby. We're both active, good weights, don't smoke, good eating habits... and

is fun as a bit of a bonus. Other than this one cycle, I'm generally just fine for 28 days. The powers that be have not decided it is our turn quite yet is all.
waiting, Don't be too concerned over your doctor's warnings. It's perfectly reasonable. Actually, now that I think of it, my doctor told me to come in when I miss my period -- which would put it at a week after at least. So I guess it kind of makes sense that your doc told you to come back later. I wouldn't be a fan of 'how' she said it either though. Just relax and enjoy the fact that you don't have to worry about all this silly ttc nonsense.

Keep us posted on how you are doing at every given moment too! LoL
Okay ladies, looks like I'll be announcing a November BFP

. Full blown AF has made a visit early. So the good news is that I've been thrown into the next cycle with no waiting around. Who the heck knows why it was 3 days short though. Guess my body really wanted the ability to party for Halloween. I'm generally okay... was pretty bummed as you would expect. But DH is awesome about it and just says that he's sure it will be this cycle as he has a feeling. Gotta love his optimism. So
waiting, you'll just be able to pave the way for the rest of us so we're prepared for what to expect. We'll still all have our 2012 babies.