Awwww prepping im so sorry to hear thatWas really hoping this was your month. I agree with the others - you are so super positive! I think that part is great. Enjoy having a few drinks for the silly season and lets see what next cycle brings.
Summer - any news yet??
Jchic - How long till O day for you now??
Awwww prepping im so sorry to hear thatWas really hoping this was your month. I agree with the others - you are so super positive! I think that part is great. Enjoy having a few drinks for the silly season and lets see what next cycle brings.
Summer - any news yet??
Jchic - How long till O day for you now??
No big news
Still waiting, but feeling more like it's not gonna happen. Tmi allert!!! Had a small amount of tanish cm around lunchtime today so feel like af is just sneaking up on me. Expecting it to show either tomorrow or Friday. Hate this waiting....
This was our 7th month (some months were better tries than others due to dh's work). Before that we spent 6 months just "seeing what happens" but didn't time things at all and bd was more or less random so probably missed o time most of those months. Got a specialist appt next Aug if nothing happens by then.