I shake my fist at thee!
Oh my oh's jib is also nt the bext for ttc. I really hope this month is it .Not likely. Dh's job is a definite downer for ttc! At least I have him to myself all of the Christmas holidaysWHOOP!
Hey All!
How was your Thanksgiving? I hope lovely
Waiting - UGH! I hate nasty bosses! When are you going to tell them you are prego? What is the maternity policy over there?
Summer - you are gearing up for your fertile period, right? WOOHOO!!
Prep and Dooper - how are you girls?
Morri - congrats on your win
1mm - Dont stress hun! I just got a bunch of tests done too! I went in for an HSG where they check if your tubes are open etc. and an ultrasound midcycle where they measure your eggs, etc. Everything came back completely fine. Its good to get it done so that it gives you peace of mind. I am sure lucky number 13 will be the cycle for you! It took my friend 16 months to get prego with her son and there was absolutely nothing wrong with her or her DH, so its all about timing. The statistics have to kick in at some point for all of us![]()
Hi all
Yes, this thread has been very quiet.
Good news... I got to see dh for a couple days around o time, so we may have a chance after all this month!! How is everyone these days. I've been charting this month and I think I o'd yesterday, so should be 1 dpo today. Also trying out epo this month.
hey ladies how are we all???
af got me on 30th so on to 12th month and if nothing this month i am off to the doctors!!!!!
on an up side tho xmas it just round the corner me and my oh put the xmas tree up together although it don look good on his half so going to have to sort it out before he gets home today lol
Hey everyone,
It is cycle day 2 for me today of cycle 14. I saw my husband for the first time in 4 and a half weeks yesterday which was super exciting - but it did mean that we literally did not see eachother for the whole of cycle 13!! CRAZY. I am looking forward to this cycle - hoping that the 5 weeks away from work with lots of good food and rest will really do the trick. I lost a bit of weight at the end of last month so I am trying to put that back on at the moment and get back into my healthy weight range so my target is lots of healthy food and another 2-4kgs by the end of December! My husband says he is happy to extra in support of my cause... such a kind soul
I am sorry to hear that AF has caught up with some of you. It has actually been kind of good to have a month off from TTC - just to relax and not be worrying and testing and journally everyday. Hopefully we can head into cycle 14 with some renewed energy. Also hoping that the testing goes well in the next couple of weeks so keeping my fingers crossed for that too.
Best of luck to you all x