Hi all!!!! Sorry I haven't been around as much lately. DH and I are taking it easy for the coming months with the holiday season here. I've been all about babies for at least a good year and a bit that I am welcoming some time off from all to do with ttc. Well, except for the
fun part of course. I can't even recall what day I am now and don't intend on finding out! Feeling good!

And who knows, it may end up in some unexpected good news anyway.
summer, sorry she got you. the little witch. Hope you enjoyed a few glasses of wine! I certainly did.
morri, good luck with the 2WW!
jchic, Every time you have something else checked out, you just keep on getting the green light! Now all you have to do is just relax and see what happens

You'll be knocked up soon I'm sure.

look at the little misshapen bean! Is your healthcare covered in New Zealand or do you have to pay for each scan? We tend to have the heartbeat monitored at 8 weeks here and then an ultrasound approaching 16 weeks.
Glad you don't feel like death walking!!! I think that just means you're doing fantastic compared to lots of other people's stories.
Lots of

to everyone!
And don't forget all the rest of life out there to enjoy and look forward to.