Fingers crossed for you! My clearblue went from low to high 8 days before getting a peak reading. Now its been 10 days of “fertile window”. I hope you have similar rise in prep for ovulation Saturday or sunday!Those look really good! My opks are starting to get darker but hubby will only be home on Friday. Please keep your fingers crossed for us that ovulation holds off until then.
Fingers crossed for you! My clearblue went from low to high 8 days before getting a peak reading. Now its been 10 days of “fertile window”. I hope you have similar rise in prep for ovulation Saturday or sunday!
Mine turned from dark negative to positive yesterday morning by 10am and i’ve kept testing. Last night today are strong dye stealers on the opk. Im sick with the same snotty head cold as the rest of the house now also. Some have said the added mucus + weakened immune really helps in the tww. Idk. I can hope. Hubby and i bd last night and i’ll pounce on him tonight too. Nice to get some chances while the opk is dye stealer!
Oh yea you still have time then. Good luck!Erm not really tbh I had heartburn a few days ago and when we have caught that was always my tell tale, but past couple cycles I've had heartburn so that wasn't helpful lol, I'm mildly cramping last cycle I cramped from 2dpo all the way through, it's now 12:42am so technically I'm 5dpo i felt my daughter implant but she was the only one I did and that was 7dpoxx
Hi, please can I join too? I’m 2-3 dpo. I think 2 but my temp went up a day earlier than I expected (day after positive OPK) normally temp goes up 2 days after positive OPK so not sure what’s happened.
I am sooo impatient so will be testing from 7 dpo.
So far tiny little crampy twinges that I would not notice if not TTC and my nipples are a bit sore.
Good luck to us all X
That is exactly the sort of rationale I have@tdog Hahahaha! I feel ya on that! We all do it as much as we try not to! But you verified the batch is good for white negatives; any vfl you see in the coming days you’re good to go! Lol
Welcome @Beeka Lovely to have you!
Opks staying about the same (thankfully) so it's looking good for ovulation holding off until my husband is back. Sadly, I have gone and gotten sick. Hoping I'll get better soon and that I am able to enjoy dinner with the fam and the fireworks tonight.
Hope you feel better soon @ChibiLena. Glad your ovulation is holding off.
@Beeka great you could join us. I’m also a March birthday- 36 this coming yr. I think most of us on here are considered “geriatric” in the baby-producing world. Hahaha! I have two kids- 3 (b) and 13 months (g). Though hubby & I started wanting another in May/June and I’ve never been on birth control, this is my first postpartum cycle. I used progesterone to kickstart my period since breastfeeding always keeps my period away. So I guess technically it’s my first cycle ttc our third, though it’s been in our prayers and hearts much longer.
@tdog Those comments i’ve never had to contend with since we don’t have a large family, but Im not sure they would bother me. BUT- I hate hearing when the grandparents are negative about an added grandchild. When I married my husband, I told him i wanted 7 kids like you have. Seems like a sweet spot for a family. Haha! Hubby and I met at work and were secretly enamored by each other for 5 years before finally letting the other know! We both wonder how many kids we would have by now had we not both felt the other was entirely out of our league! haha