Buddies for bubs due November 2009 - THIS GROUP IS NOW CLOSED

Well so far so good, I've had a few moments of queasiness when smelling cigarette smoke or other nasty smells, but generally have no m.s. for almost a week now!! It's great!
Hi Jessicah.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Unfortunately we've closed this thread as it was getting too busy. But since then one the girls found out she's due in Dec and I think she might be hanging out in another thread a bit more.

You're welcome to join us. Where are you from? How has your pregnancy been so far?

Hope the rest of you gals don't mind, but it IS looking a little quiet in here...

Hi gals.

Polaris - So awesome you have said goodbye to the ms!! Bet it feels great! I've been doing heaps better, too. For some reason, gone off food a little though. Not feeling very hungry at the moment. Sore, sore (.)(.)s though!!

Lilian - Glad your scan went well, and sorry you got a bit of a scare! Are you well?

Mynx - How are you going?

Well, back to the house cleaning/uni work/spending time with Emily.

Have a lovely day. :hugs:
hi girls

how are you all doing??
welcome to the thread Jessicah. how is pregnancy treating you?
I feel so much better today I'm not feeling as queasy!! im so thrilled could this be the end of ms?? yesterday was also alot better than before. but still can't get myself to cook.
I don't know why but i have gained another 3 lbs this week even though im eating really healthy and mostly fruits and salads!! I know it can't be all baby and fluids around it because now it barely weight anything right? how much has everyone gained so far?
mynx- i hope your doing well we haven't heard from you in a while.
Hi girls.

Well I am feeling so sick again today and my face has broken out again in millions of spots. Today is the first day I've really felt sick since last Thursday and I really thought m.s. was gone for good. And my skin had started to clear up but now it's right back to square one too. It's a bit depressing really!! I was also exhausted today and had to have a lie down for an hour. And that horrible taste is back in my mouth again. I haven't felt this bad in weeks!! What's going on??? :hissy:

Liliana - know what you mean about the weight gain, I'm afraid to get on the scales. I've put on almost a stone so far I think. Which I know is too much and is down to all the rubbish I've been eating and combined with the reduction in exercise. I'm just trying not to think about it too much to be honest. I'm sure I'll regret it when I'm trying to shift the pounds after baby's born. I had been eating healthy over the past week but today because I feel so ill again I'm just been craving sweets and carbs.
ohh so sorry your feeling so bad today polaris i hope you feel better soon and its just a one day thing.
Hey girls!

Had my 2nd MW appointment today, all went well. I've finally got a date to see the consultant too, 28th May, 2 days after my nuchal scan hehe, so not too long to wait. I'll find out then if the cone biopsy I had 9 years ago has affected my cervix's abilities to hold the baby in, or if I'll need to have a stitch put in.
Other than, my bloods were fine, aside from O Rh Negative (I now have a huge red and white sticker across the front of my notes saying O RH Negative lol!) but I knew this from having my DD. Urine's clear etc. She was concerned that I'd put on half a stone and told me to try and take it easy with the food I did explain that I've been having to graze all day to keep the MS at bay!

As for my MS, it does seem alot better of late, I havent had to wear my Seabands for a couple of weeks now. It's looking like I'm one of the lucky ones when it comes to MS. I do still get the odd bout of nausea and the tiredness comes and goes too. Sometimes I really feel quite energetic but other times, like today, I'm just soooooo knackered now I can barely keep my eyes open :rofl:
I have a bloat that makes me look more like I'm 5 months pregnant than 10 weeks hehe! But other than, I still dont feel pregnant! It would have been nice if the MW tried to find the baby's heartbeat earlier today but she said that in her 30 years of being a MW, she's never been able to find a heartbeat other than the mother's at 10 weeks, so that was out of the question :(
Still, only a couple of weeks to wait and then I get to see Lil Bean on screen again :happydance:

Hope you're all well, Polaris, sorry to hear your MS is back again, that really sucks for you hun :hugs:
Thanks girls, I'm really hoping that it's just a blip and I'll feel better again tomorrow. The sudden outbreak of spots seems to suggest a bit of a hormone surge too. Well I suppose it'll all be worth it in the end!
HI girls.. I hope your all doing great.
mynx- glad everything looks good and hopefully you will be able to carry the baby without any stitches full term. I bet you can't wait till the next ultrsound.
I can't wait for the big one when i know what im having.. i want to buy some cute baby clothes already but cant find anything cute that goes both ways.
polaris- I hope you feel better soon. I had a pretty rough day today with ms. and i ran out of medicine and the pharmacy couldnt get a hold of the doc to get me refills so i guess i gotta wait till monday. I also was so weak and dizzy for some reason today. I almost fell twice from being dizzy. its been ages since the last time i felt dizzy so it was kinda weird.
ohhhh ya i think i felt the baby!! not really kicks but when i lay on my back i can feel where it is and sometimes i can feel it moving around. I felt kicks at 16 weeks with my son and they say with the second you feel them earlier, pretty cool.
hello ladies.. how is everyone doing? whats up with this thread !! its so slow.. have you all found other threads or whats going on?
Hi Liliana,
I've been up to my eyes finishing off my thesis. Submitted it on Monday, yay!!! Such a relief to finally get it done!! I'm off to England to visit my parents for the rest of the week, so probably won't be around till Sunday.

How exciting to feel the baby! I wouldn't have a clue what to be looking out for!
Hey all :) It's been a while I know, I'm so bad at keeping up with these things!

Things have been up and down for me. Work is just going from bad to worse at the moment and I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place as I cant afford to cut back my hours but I really feel like I'm working too much atm. My Line Manager isnt very sympathetic either and is much more concerned about getting the online shopping hours done. If I could leave tomorrow I would! Just cant afford to :(

I'm off work right now trying to motivate myself into getting some housework done but had no luck so far hehe!

LilianA - I am really looking forward to my scan, 13 days from now! :happydance: Cant wait! And fingers crossed that I can carry this bean to full term without the aid of a stitch altho I know that even if I dont need a stitch, then the consultant will probably still want to keep me under some kind of observation to make sure it stays that way! The way things are going at work, I'm actually quite worried that pulling and pushing these heavy trollies around is going to affect my cervix and it might start opening on it's own as I get bigger. Huge concern for me right now, and I have mentioned this to them but they still think i'm low risk? I guess they know best but I wont put my baby in danger!

Anyway, feeling pretty good right now, nausea is at it's lowest so far this week, only had a little bout of feeling a bit queasy the other morning, put on my seabands and went to work. By the time 10am came, the bands came off :) Felt ok since then! I'm just sooooooooooooooo tired! It's ridiculous! :sleep:
oh myyy I spent a long time typing up a big old reply and when i tried to post it, it was gone :hissy:

Polaris- congrats finally your done and can rest a bit :happydance: that is awsome, I bet its a huge relief. im sure a little vacation will be perfect after all that work. hope you have a great time with your parents.
as for feeling the baby i havent felt anything since then so im thinking maybe it was gas or something :blush: so still waiting to feel it maybe around 16 weeks again.

Mynx- so sorry work is giving you a hard time. I can imagine how hard it is to push around trollies and shop for hours while being exhaused in the first place. wish i could help out :hugs: . even though it doesnt sound like a nice idea but maybe getting stitched would keep your mind at ease if you have to work and you worried about it affecting you and the baby. I hope it all works out for the best for you.
how exciting about the scan. I dont think i will be getting one till 20 weeks when i have the big one. after that i will get one at 38 weeks to check on baby's weight since I am going to try for a VBAC and last time the baby was too big to pass thru so had to have a C-section after 24 hours of labor and an hour of pushing. but i sure hope i can do it this time around.

Jen- I hope your doing well and everything is going great with pregnancy.

well i had a couple good days last week and thought that ms was going away..booooooooooy was i wrong!! I have had an awful week in terms of ms. day and night! I can't wait till it goes away.
HI gals.

Sorry it's been a while. I have 4 assignments due in 3 weeks and have only just started one due to my workload/family life/feeling crappy!!

Mynx - hope you don't need that stitch, but when it comes down to it (like Lilian said) maybe it's for the best?? Maybe they would do less interfering after if they decide a stitch is best. My advice would be to do a bit more research for yourself and find out exactly why they think you're low risk. If nothing else, you 'll be more informed and might make you worry less. Also, can't wait to hear news about your upcoming scan!

Polaris - Congrats on finishing the thesis. I'm soooo jealous! Have fun at your mum's.

Lilian - Sorry you've still got a bit of ms. I'm right there with you! I'm feeling my bub a tiny bit now as well. Only when I lie flat on my back for a long time, and it's less of a 'kick' but more of a 'buzz' if you know what I mean. Regarding the VBAC, there's some wonderful resources out there to understand more about why women have c-sections. I would query the 'wouldn't fit' theory for your last baby, as if that was truly the case then they would be talking about booking you in for a c-section already. So many women get told that their baby is too big/their pelvic opening is inadequate... I'm skeptical to be honest. There can be so many things that stall labour, but the amount of women that truly can't fit the baby they have grown through their pelvis is truly very minimal. I would encourage you to find out a bit more about what happened, if you feel comfortable with this, by asking for your records from the last birth; as part of the Freedom of Information Act they must provide you with a copy by law. And then I'd highly recommend you inform yourself about having a VBAC vs having a repeat c-section; here's a great article, if you're keen:


HTH in some way.

Well, lovelies, take care. It's lovely to hear how you are all going. Sorry I don't get in here as often as I'd like. :hugs:
Thanks Jen for the website its really good. I really want to try for a vbac I feel like i can do it. my son's head was bigger than average but im not 100% sure that is the reason because while in labor after pushing for a long time they tried the vacuum and it didnt work. he was kinda sideways, and honestly I wasn't pushing as hard as i could have I dont know if that has anything to do with it or not but the first few times i pushed gas came out :blush: and I was sooooooo embarrassed i was trying to push but at the same time not release any. and i think my hormones went crazy cuz i was crying the hardest i have ever cried and had no idea why!! I think i was so exhaused by then. so after they got the baby out via c-section they realized that his head was large but still in the normal range so im not sure what the exact reason was. what do you think?
Hmmm, well if he was 'kind sideways' it might have mean his head was presenting in a funny way. When a baby's head is not putting pressure evenly on the cervix, it can mean that the head presents uneven if that makes sense. He could have started coming down before he'd turned properly round so the 'smallest part' of head was not presenting - the wider range was! And if he had a slightly bigger head then that may have made it a little harder. Sounds like a bit more time would have done you good, but you really never know until you're there and you can see and feel what's going on.

About the farting thing, I know it's 'embarrassing' because it's your bum but midwives hear them all the time!! In fact, it's often poo as well. It's just part of having a baby. If you can leave those issues at the door this time, it will certainly help you. If it happens this time, just go on pushing like it didn't even happen! I once had a lady fart right near my face and she was really embarrassed; I honestly didn't care because she was doing some FAB pushing and her baby was born not long after - I just said "Good girl, that's the way!!" like I didn't even hear a thing. :)

GO VBAC!! :hugs:

How is everyone else? Come to think of it, WHERE is everyone else??!
Hi girls,
sorry I haven't been around. I had a lovely break visiting my parents. Lots of nice meals and we went out to see Evita one of the nights as well, it was fab! The m.s. seems to be almost completely gone and I've been feeling pretty normal for most of the week, but still very tired. I'm jealous of you girls who are feeling the baby already, I haven't felt anything yet. Mynx- sorry that work is such a nightmare at the moment, it doesn't sound like they are treating you properly at all. Make sure you tell the consultant exactly what you have to do in work and if they think there is any danger then your job will have to take notice. Well, I am back in work today after being on study leave for the past six weeks to do my thesis - I'm not really looking forward to it I must admit!! Talk to you all later.
Hmmm, well if he was 'kind sideways' it might have mean his head was presenting in a funny way. When a baby's head is not putting pressure evenly on the cervix, it can mean that the head presents uneven if that makes sense. He could have started coming down before he'd turned properly round so the 'smallest part' of head was not presenting - the wider range was! And if he had a slightly bigger head then that may have made it a little harder. Sounds like a bit more time would have done you good, but you really never know until you're there and you can see and feel what's going on.

About the farting thing, I know it's 'embarrassing' because it's your bum but midwives hear them all the time!! In fact, it's often poo as well. It's just part of having a baby. If you can leave those issues at the door this time, it will certainly help you. If it happens this time, just go on pushing like it didn't even happen! I once had a lady fart right near my face and she was really embarrassed; I honestly didn't care because she was doing some FAB pushing and her baby was born not long after - I just said "Good girl, that's the way!!" like I didn't even hear a thing. :)

GO VBAC!! :hugs:

How is everyone else? Come to think of it, WHERE is everyone else??!

your right I think i should have waited a little more i was so impatient and wanted to have him that i kept stressing on her to induce me. won't do that again.
thanks for all the input. I heard alot that women fart and poo during labour but when your totally exposed and have a bunch of people all looking at your bum and let a fart out ohhh my i wanted to kill myself especially that me and DH haven't been married for long and never farted infront of him before lol.
but hopefully this time i will prepare myself better for it. hmm I wonder if there is anything one can take before the actual pushing to reduce gas?
how was your first birth? i love to hear birth stories.

Polaris- gald you had a good time. It must suck to go back to work after all that time off.
my ms has also gotten better I feel it in the morning when i first wake up but im pretty good most of the day :happydance:
so is anyone showing yet? Im kinda at the stage were people are not sure if its fat or pregnancy. I can't wait till i show properly. I went out today and got a pair of maternity jeans cuz mine won't button up anymore.

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