Buddies for bubs due November 2009 - THIS GROUP IS NOW CLOSED

Hi all.

How are we?? Awefully quiet...

Well, I've started back at uni. It's nice to be back. Got a decent tummy now, which makes it hard to fit in those chairs with the fixed side desks. LOL.

What has everyone been up to?

I've recovered from the UTI and now have a wisdom tooth coming through, so back on the antibiotics for an abscess (spelling?).

Mynx - Good to hear you're looking forward to labour. I am, too! Have you gotten any books or DVDs you're happy with yet? Have you had anymore braxton hicks?

Lil - Sad to hear you have to move at this time. I have heard that pregnancy brings big changes in people's lives - and not just the adding to the family kind! Lots of pregnant ladies end up moving, taking up study or changing careers. It's quite funny, really.

Polaris - How are you? Not sure when you get back from Croatia, but hope you're having/had a ball!

Stay well everyone.

Hey Jen :)

I'm doing well apart from being diagnosed with SPD :( I've been signed off work with it but I'm due to go back on Tuesday.. that looks unlikely tbh cos if I spend an hour on my feet then I'm in agony so I'm gonna go back to my doctor on Monday and ask to be signed off again.
Aside from that, things are good :) We had our anomoly scan on 22nd and things are great :D Baby is doing well, all organs, fingers, toes, and limbs are present and correct ... oh and it's a GIRL !!!!!!
Our little Evie Carole is a proper little wriggler too! Oh and I have an anterior placenta too which means it cushions much of her movements... no wonder I havent felt any big kicks yet, just little movements really low down lol!

Hope you're well and your wisdom tooth isnt giving you too much grief!! Hope you're enjoying being back at uni too :)

As for the other girlies.. where are you all!! Hope you're all ok and doing well :D xXx
Hello Ladies..

Jen- good to hear from you, its been a while. good luck with you studies and its so true about the big changes. after having my son I felt the need to do something different and something for myself so after a few months started school again and got my masters degree. I guess this time around moving and maybe finding a job would be wonderful. with the current economy its been so hard to find a job and I kinda feel too empty with out one if you know what i mean.
sorry to hear about ur wisdon tooth, what a time for it to start acting up. I got two removed about a year ago and I spent a couple weeks in alot of pain afterwards so I can relate to what your feeling I hope it gets better soon and you don't have to do anything with it till after baby arrives.

Mynx- hun so sorry to hear about the SPD. I sure hope you feel better very soon. but its good that you take it easy for now and rest instead of work.
congrats on your little girl. and what a beautiful name you have for her I really like the name Evie its so pretty and cute.
Polaris- I hope your having a great time on your vacation and don't forget to drop us a couple lines when you get back.
I really can't wait to see the baby and hold him.
take care girls
Thanks LilianA :D
I've been back to the doctor today and have been signed off for a further 4 weeks so there'll probably only be a couple of weeks left of work before I start my unofficial Mat Leave (got some holiday to use :D) and the doctor said to go back and get another certificate for the rest of the time.
I had a call from the hospital about a kidney scan (for me, not for baby!) just to rule out kidney problems with all the back pain and I have that next Tuesday. I'm pretty sure it's not a kidney thing and so is my consultant but she just wanted to make sure because I've had some major foot swellings lately, yet my urine tests and blood pressure are all fine :shrug:
Hi girls - just got back from hols on Saturday but only just getting the chance to catch up with you all. We had a fantastic time, I'm so glad we decided to go at this stage because I wasn't too tired to enjoy it. OH is getting really excited about baby now and even wants to come to my GP appointment with me on Friday! We have picked out some names too but they're not definite yet.

Mynx - so sorry to hear about the SPD, sounds painful. Good that you've got signed off work though. Woohoo - congrats on your scan and on having a little girl! I love your choice of name too.

Liliana - I hope the trip to Houston went well. It is a stressful time to have the upheaval of a move, especially when it's so uncertain when it will actually happen, but try not to worry too much about it, hun, I'm sure everything will fall into place for you.

Jen - glad you are enjoying being back in college. Bad luck about the wisdom tooth but at least you are getting it seen to.

I'm off to my yoga class now so I'll talk to you girls soon.
Ah Polaris hun, welcome back! Glad you had a good time and you werent too tired to enjoy it :) It's so nice when OH gets excited about the baby, my OH has gone into an overdrive of excitement since we found out we're having a girl bless him :)
He moves in to my flat in 2 weeks and I was supposed to be doing some helping out on the day but with this SPD it's looking like I'll be staying at home and maybe making a few plates of sarnies to feed the working boys lol! Ah well, I'd have been pretty useless without SPD anyways! We're going to his place over the weekend to carry on with packing things up and to have dinner with his parents, and this will probably be my last trek over there (thank god, it's such a journey :() and then he wont be coming back with me, but staying at his place to carry on with packing etc. He'll be there for 2 weeks, so that'll be tough on us :(
It took us ages to come up with the name Evie for our daughter but it was the only name we both liked that sounded nice with my mum's name (Carol) I told my aunt yesterday about our choice of name and she was really pleased. She was VERY close to my mum and is always checking up on me to make sure I'm ok. She's said she's looking forward to being a surrogate grandma even tho she has grandkids already, bless her :)

As for me, apart from my SPD I feel pretty good. I know that I have to get cracking on a load of things over the next fortnight before OH moves in but I just keep putting it off.. :dohh: I'll probably get started next week :)

Hope everyone is well and bumps are growing nicely ;) xXx
Hi, all.

Been flat out. 3 babies born this week for me, 2 this morning within 2 hours of each other! And after witnessing 20 odd wonderful births, I finally got to catch my first bub. I am on a high. :thumbup:

Mynx - sorry to here about your SPD. I have a wonderful book called 'Relieving Pelvic Pain During and After Pregnancy' that I bought for a woman I supported who had SPD. You can check it out here:
Hope this is helpful. Good luck with your OH moving in!!

Polaris - welcome back. Sounds like you had a ball. Well done. :)

Lil - hey mate, what you been up to then??

Off to go to bed. Only 4 hours in the last 24. LOL. Self inflicted, but so worth it!!! :happydance:

Hey girls.
Well I had a miserable day today. Woke up this morning to find a speeding ticket in the post - 75 km/h in a 'special speed limit zone' of 60 km/h. I am raging as I actually never speed and I'm sure I must have thought the speed limit was 80 km/h. Then I had a really difficult day in work as an old client turned up out of the blue and has just been made homeless. Then I got a phone call from my boss who basically told me that there is unlikely to be a job for me when my contract expires at the end of September. The whole situation is very complicated, basically I'm on a trainee contract which is supposed to be upgraded at the start of October when I am fully qualified. Except that there aren't any jobs. She said that I 'may' be able to take maternity leave under my current contract if I apply for early maternity leave to start before the end of September but that depends on the health board 'not noticing' that my current contract is up at the end of September. So I really don't know what will happen, as I am hardly likely to get another job anywhere at this stage. Also, I have found out that I will have to go for a job interview on the week of the 5th October, even though there actually are no jobs! Even the job application form is about 20 pages long! The thoughts of it all are quite depressing and I'm also not sure how we will manage financially.

On the positive side, I had a check up with my GP and everything is perfect with baby.
ohh polaris..first of all welcome back.. I am so sorry to hear about your bad day and your job situation..I hope it all works itself out for the best.. does your OH have a good stable job? the current economy has no mercy on anyone.

Jen- wow girl thats alot of babies in 2 days..you better get some good resting time.

mynx- I'm hope your two weeks pass by fast and you are joined with your hubby very soon. till then enjoy having the whole bed to yourself lol.

we now are working on our house just touching up here and there to get it in perfect condition to show. in a few days it will be on the market and I will have to be ready at any minute for people to call the agent and want to look at it on the spot which means I have to clean clean and clean 24 hours a day to keep it in show condition!! with a toddler thats not going to be the easiest thing. but im excited to get this thing going and maybe be able to move before im too heavy and find a doctor down there that im comfortable with and all.
I hope you all have a great day.
ohh polaris..first of all welcome back.. I am so sorry to hear about your bad day and your job situation..I hope it all works itself out for the best.. does your OH have a good stable job? the current economy has no mercy on anyone.

Jen- wow girl thats alot of babies in 2 days..you better get some good resting time.

mynx- I'm hope your two weeks pass by fast and you are joined with your hubby very soon. till then enjoy having the whole bed to yourself lol.

we now are working on our house just touching up here and there to get it in perfect condition to show. in a few days it will be on the market and I will have to be ready at any minute for people to call the agent and want to look at it on the spot which means I have to clean clean and clean 24 hours a day to keep it in show condition!! with a toddler thats not going to be the easiest thing. but im excited to get this thing going and maybe be able to move before im too heavy and find a doctor down there that im comfortable with and all.
I hope you all have a great day.

OH has a stable job but he only works part-time so we do depend a lot on my salary. Hopefully everything works out for the best anyway. Sorry for moaning yesterday, I just felt quite depressed with the whole situation, but there is a lot of people worse off than me, we will survive, we are not going to starve! I'm going to try not to worry about it too much anyway as there's nothing I can do, hopefully I'll be able to take maternity leave under my current contract and the hopefully the job situation will improve a bit by the time I'm ready to go back to work. We will manage somehow!

I hope your house sells quickly and you can get moved and settled in plenty of time before the baby comes.
hello ladies

I hope your all doing well and enjoying your time. I had visitors over the weekend and was doing alot for the past couple weeks in terms of packing and getting the house ready to put up for sale. and I think I was working myself too hard because I was getting way too many BH contractions, it got me really worried at one point but now I have been taking it easy after the guests left and I barely got any :)
what about you all ?? anything new going on?
ohh haha I got a lecture about my weight gain from the doc at my last visit. so far I have gained 23 pound and feel like a whale. she told me if I don't gain anymore baby and I will be fine so im trying to watch out as much as possible.
Hi everyone.

Good to hear from you Liliana. Sounds like preparations for the house move are going well. Good that you have some time to take it easy now though.

I am really tired all week, haven't felt so tired since 1st tri. Think it might be partly the weather though, it's very heavy and humid here at the moment. I'm also seriously stressed about my job situation, I'm trying not to let it get to me too much but it's hard.

How's things going with the others - Mynx? Jen?
HI polaris..good to hear from you. sorry that your so stressed about your job situation I hope it all works itself out for the best.who knows maybe after delivery you will find a much better opportunity. I wish I could help relieve your stress :hugs2:
as for my house thing its still up in the air to when the move will be but we got the house ready for sale and to show people. so hopefully people will start coming soon and we can get this thing going. its hard keeping the house 100% sparkling clean all the time especially with a toddler.

mynx, Jen I hope your both doing well and hope to hear from you soon.
HI gals... where is everyone? I hope your all doing well and enjoying the last few weeks of pregnancy. I can't wait to meet this little guy even though i know the first few month i will be missing the good night sleep (well somewhat these days)

well just thought i would say hi and check on everyone.

take care
Hey girls!
Things here are good thanks, OH moved in last weekend so everything was a bit hectic for a few days in the run up to the move and once he'd moved in here too! I felt completely helpless when the van came and they were loading it up. Usually I'd be there shifting stuff in too but I had strict orders to just stay put lol!! I made up for it with the unpacking tho :D Still got a little bit to do but we're getting there! It's been very tiring for both of us, OH has relapsing/remitting Multiple Sclerosis so something like this can set off a relapse and altho he's been sore for the last 2 weeks, it's seems to be quite a mild relapse so far *touches wood*

I had a growth scan yesterday to make sure everything is ok and our little girl is measuring perfect for her dates!! Amniotic fluid is normal too. It was so nice to see her again, and it really looks like she's starting to fill out with all the baby fat :D I'll post the one pic that we got when I get the camera out later on ... we only got one pic cos the scan tech said that after 25 weeks, there's not alot of point in getting piccies cos you can only ever see one body part at a time..baby's too big to do whole body shots lol!

My SPD is still a problem, I've now been signed off work till the start of my Mat Leave and I've been advised to take it at the earliest time I can (another 3 weeks) and I also have holiday that I can add on to the beginning of that so I need to go and sort things out with HR at work to confirm dates etc.
I've also developed Carpal Tunnel syndrome...how bloody uncomfortable is that?!?!?! It's awful! It wakes me up at night and will keep me awake for hours when it's painful. Most of the time it feels like my thumb and two forefingers are numb and tingly but first thing in the morning it can be quite painful :( Not good! MW said it often happens during pregnancy and is nothing to worry about. Easy for her to say when she can feel ALL her fingers :rofl:
I have some major swelling in my feet and have done for a couple of weeks now, my fingers and hands can get swollen too, but MW wasnt concerned as my urine has come back clear and my BP is on the low side of normal, so no pre eclampsia worries just yet!

It's funny girls, when I did this pregnancy lark the first time round, all those years ago, my body coped so much better .. I was just too naiive at the time so my emotions werent really ready back then. This time round, my emotions are ready, willing and able but my body is really struggling! I'm pretty sure that this will be our last baby, altho to be fair, I said that 17 years ago when I gave birth to DD and said it right up till I fell pregnant with this one!! :rofl:
You just never know what's round the corner eh!!

LilianA, I've gained probably a little more than you have and I'm further behind than you!! Dont worry about your weight hun, you'll have plenty of time to shift the pounds once LO arrives :D I think a bit of my extra weight gain is my fluid retention as my feet often look like Mr Stay Puft from Ghostbusters :rofl:

Polaris, please dont let your job situation stress you out :hugs: And the tiredness, it's almost like we're being prepared for being knackered all the time once our babies get here !!!

Anyways, that's my little essay done :lol: I hope everyone is well and is having a good weekend so far :)

Hi everyone, wow it has been quiet on this thread for a while! I hope that is because everything is going well with you all and you are busy getting ready for baby.

Well I am definitely starting to feel tired again and bump seems to be getting in the way more over the past week. I can't bend over properly and am very conscious of the weight of baby when i'm walking around. It's a bit like the first three months when you are so aware of the pregnancy all the time because of symptoms, now baby is really making his/her presence felt again!

I'm really looking forward to meeting baby, but worried too because I have so much to do before he/she arrives! The house is still in bits. And I still don't know if I have a job or not yet, so I haven't really been able to buy anything yet. Hoping to find out early next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

How is everyone else doing?
It sure has been quiet in here over the last few weeks! Hope all is well with you girls :D

Well, OH has been moved in now for a month and we've got the majority of his unpacking done but there's still alot to do, in that stuff of mine I've had to move around now doesnt have a home lol! I have about a million pair of shoes that used to go under my bed with no problem but we're now using OH's bed as it's newer than my old one and the bed practically sits on the floor... said shoes are now in bin liners and taking up space in our bedroom... cant work out where to put them just yet... cant find the energy to put them anywhere!
OH's multiple sclerosis flare up has since settled down and he's feeling alot better, thank god! It means that we can finally get some things done around the house. I want to have everything ready for when I'm about 32 weeks and that includes the baby's room and the rest of my hospital bag packed. Baby's stuff is packed (altho not washed yet) but I just have this feeling that I'm gonna be giving birth earlier than I should.. I dunno why, I think she'll be a couple of weeks early :shrug:

As for me, well I'm feeling cream crackered most days. My bump is huge and I know I've put on just over 2 stone and I still have 11 weeks left!!! :shock: I promised myself that I wouldnt put on the same amount I did with DD (4 stone!) but it looks like I'm going down that road already.
My SPD still niggles, especially if I've done too much walking or moving around. I'm sat down for most of the day apart from a short shopping trip to the supermarket and I usually really feel that on my hips and pelvis after .. not so good. TBH the lack of moving around so much has probably contributed to my weight gain!
Baby is kicking ALL the time.. she has her busy times about 4 or 5 times a day and has started to kick me up in the ribs which is bloody uncomfortable! The BH dont help either but I gotta say, at least they're not painful!
I'm officially on holiday at work now, and start Mat Leave next week!!! Whoop!! My sick pay had run out so cash has been a little tight the last few weeks but hopefully we'll be getting back on track before the baby is born :)

Anyways girls, I'm off, the house unfortunately wont clean itself - when does this nesting instinct kick in? I cant see any sign of it yet :rofl:

Hope you're all well and your babies are behaving and not making you feel too tired or crappy.

One more thing I have to say.... HEARTBURN!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!
Hi Ladies.. how are you? I hope your all doing well. can you believe we are almost at the end already?? sometimes it feels like forever and other times I can't believe how fast it went.
well I have had a very busy and frustrating few weeks. aparently my son's school and doctor think he is autistic to some degree and you can imagine how that news got me. so now we are taking him to specialty doctors to get a diagnosis. then my husbands company asked him to move to Houston right away so we have to be there within two weeks. I was hoping to have the baby and sell the house before moving but thats not going to happen. I have to find a good hospital and doctor and I have no clue where we would put our son while giving birth as we don't know anyone there.. ufff just so much and so little time. oh and my son just started therapies at school and now I have to get him into a new school there..hopfully his records will just transfer there with no complications.
sorry gals for the rant I feel better now lol.
pregnancy wise im doing good.. hope your all well and enjoying the last few weeks of sleep.
Wow it sounds like you have both been busy!

Liliana - stressful couple of weeks by the sound of it. I'm sorry to hear about your son, at least his difficulties have been noticed by the school and he can get the support that he needs. It must be a blow though. Not a great time to have to move either is it, but you will get through it! It's amazing what we can do when we have to.

Mynx - I'm glad that OH has settled in and that he's feeling better. How are the two of you getting on living together? Apart from the lack of storage space, LOL!

I am still so not organised! I think I now have all the stuff that I need for my hospital bag and for the first few days. Apart from the travel system. But the house is still a building site - it is really starting to stress me out! We are still waiting on a replacement window (one was the wrong size) and there's nothing more we can do until it arrives! If baby decides to come early we will not be able to bring it upstairs! Argghh!!!

The good news is that I have got my job!! Yippee!!! I am so relieved. I am off work on study leave at the moment, then I have to go back to work at the new grade for three weeks, then I am on maternity leave! I know it's going to be very tiring going back to work, especially as I will have quite a long commute, but it will be worth it for the financial security. It also means that I can take all my unpaid leave and won't have to go back to work till next September!
Thanks Polaris.. I am so happy for you that you have your job it must be such a reliefe.
as for my son..he is a mild case but I am so greatful for the school system and services and the effort people do to help it is amazing I have lots of hope that he will be totally fine in a few years.
speaking of hospital bag!! I totally forgot about it lol. but I guess I can't get that ready till I settle in houston. I sure hope this baby doesn't decide to come early.

mynx- how are you hun. sounds like alot is going on with you.. I hear you on the weight thing lol. I have gained hmm 32 lbs so far and I feel like a whale but its alot better than the 70 I gained with my son lol.
I'm glad ur hubby is feeling better and you can get ready for baby's arrival. and hopefully very soon ur pain will be gone too hang in there not much left. i have been having sciatica pain down my left leg sometimes I can't walk right because of it.

Jen- I hope your doing well and your pregnancy is going great. I hope we hear from you soon.

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