Buddies for bubs due November 2009 - THIS GROUP IS NOW CLOSED

Aww I'm so glad it all went well hun :) Shame the baby wasnt co operating so you could find out the gender tho! Never mind, big surprise on it's Birth Day then eh :D I didnt find out with my first and even tho I just "knew" she'd be a girl, it was still nice when they told me.
Yes names can be sooo difficult because you know that child will end up with that name for the rest of it's life! I'm really happy with the names we've come up with for this LO, as they'll kinda grow with the child if you know what I mean? Think of Gwen Paltrow's LO, Apple... she'll be a proper Granny Smith in her 80's! :rofl: (no offence to anyone considering the name Apple btw!)
My mum came up with my daughter's first name and I struggled to find a good middle name for her. She's called Elisha Faye, and she loves her name heh :)
I on the other hand am not too keen on mine... Nicola Dawn - I much prefer being called Nik or Nix and tbh, my parents have never used the name Nicola with me, it's always been Nik.
I personally really like unusual names that will grow with the child. Traditional names are always good too.
Hi girls,
well here are my scan pictures, you could see baby much clearer on the screen!


  • SCAN 22 weeks - small.jpg
    SCAN 22 weeks - small.jpg
    14.7 KB · Views: 3
Now for my big rant - I had a midwife appointment yesterday and had a big argument with the midwife about my due date. Basically I have been going on my date of ovulation because I was temperature charting so I know when I ovulated. But because I had a long cycle, those dates are about a week behind the dates calculated from last menstrual period. So my due date from LMP is 29th October, but I know this is wrong. So I had explained this to the midwife at my booking in appointment, and she told me the date would be adjusted at the 12 week dating scan, so not to worry.

So at the scan, by LMP I was 13+6 whereas by my dates I was 12+6. On the scan, the baby measured 13+1, so closer to my dates. But the midwife is saying that because there is only 5 days difference between that and LMP, they are going to go by LMP!! I am raging because I know it's not accurate. The hospital policy is that they will probably be pushing for induction from 10 days 'overdue', but since my dates are now a week out, that will only actually be 3 days overdue. She couldn't seem to see what my problem with this was, she was saying things like 'it's a good thing, you are further along than you think' - like as if the baby is going to come earlier just because they have decided on an earlier due date!!

So it looks like I could have a fight on my hands if I go overdue, because I really don't want to be induced just because it is hospital policy, especially because I know their dates are wrong. Just wanted to get that off my chest - now I'm going to try to put it out of my mind until the time comes. I'm still going to stick with my dates on my ticker!
HI polaris...don't stress out too much about it at the end they can't force you to do anything you don't want. and if you say you dont want to be induced then they can't make you do it. but from what i have read before pregnancy is 40 weeks from LMP and 38 weeks from ovulation day...so it should almost add up to the same due date at the end. but hopefully you will have the baby right around it and not have to worry about being induced :)
very cute pics btw..scan pics always amaze me..its so cute to see babies while still in the womb.
HI polaris...don't stress out too much about it at the end they can't force you to do anything you don't want. and if you say you dont want to be induced then they can't make you do it. but from what i have read before pregnancy is 40 weeks from LMP and 38 weeks from ovulation day...so it should almost add up to the same due date at the end. but hopefully you will have the baby right around it and not have to worry about being induced :)
very cute pics btw..scan pics always amaze me..its so cute to see babies while still in the womb.

Thanks! yes the scans are amazing, I could not get over how much we could see!

The way I was calculating my due date was by adding two weeks on to my ovulation date, so that would take account of the fact that it's 38 weeks from ovulation. But you are right, hopefully the baby will come on time anyway so it won't be an issue. I was just very annoyed because I already felt that the midwife was trying to assert control, e.g. saying 'I don't want to scare you but we had a woman recently who refused to be induced, and it wasn't a good outcome'. Anyway, in the end it is my body and I am able to do my own research and make my own decisions based on what is happening at the time!
I was 12 days late with my daughter and the placenta came out in bits rather than in one lump like it's supposed to! It was awful. I ended up having an infection because the hospital didnt make sure all the bits of placenta were gone. I was still passing large clots 6 weeks after her birth and was very poorly. Ended up on antibiotics and something to try and control the bleeding. Not a very pleasant experience at all. I've told the MW that this time I dont want to go more than a few days over due if I can help after my last experience, and she said it's not a problem.
Polaris, you stick to your guns hun, gut instinct usually tells you the right thing to do. I can understand why they dont like women to go overdue having been on the wrong side of it myself, but at the same time if you're positive that your dates are correct rather than theirs, then as I say, gut instinct is usually right!

Anyways girls, how's things with you all? The weather has been fabulous but sweaty :( Not so good! I'm just glad that the last part of my pregnancy will be pretty much in the winter, but then again, I'm still suffering in this bloody heat!
After my little scare on Friday, I've spent the weekend doing absolutely nothing! It's great :D Back at work tomorrow, then 4 days of work and I have a week off!!! Woot! Gonna start painting the nursery on my week off so that paint fumes have had a good chance to clear out before baby comes. We're gonna be doing the I Love My Bear theme as it's a lovely neutrual one. The room is so small that only light colours will help in making it look bigger, but we will be getting gender specific carpet from my best friend who has some offcuts of blue and pink :D Cant wait to get started!
Wow the nursery plans sound beautiful Mynx! We have such a long way to go. OH's dad is a builder so he is helping us out with some of the major work that needs to be done. He was round at the weekend measuring windows etc. We are getting a quote from him to get the upstairs of the house double-glazed and dry-lined, after that we need to get floors, and then finally I'll be able to start thinking about decorating. So lots still to do!!
I know what you mean hun, it's sooo daunting!
Hi ladies.. how are you all doing? I hope your all well. I made a mistake the other night andd had very spicy food, I woke up at 5:30 in pain and was back and forth to the bathroom for 2 hours with severe diarrhea. another thing is I can't seem to control my weight gain!! I have gained 4 lbs in the last week!!! how is that posssible. I am eating normal and trying to watch out..Yesterday morning i was 2 lbs less than this morning.
I have a doctors appointment monday. that is pretty much all thats new with me.
have a great day girls
Hi everyone.

Well all is good here. I now have proper kicks that are visible from the outside - so cool, I can happily sit and watch my belly move for hours, LOL! OH felt the baby move for the first time last night, I was so happy that he finally got to feel it!

Liliana - sorry to hear that you are struggling with weight gain. I think that it might be better not to weigh yourself too often, because your weight can go up and down a lot from day to day anyway as you have found, and also if you are eating healthily then there's not a whole lot you can do about the weight gain at the moment. Are you doing any exercise, this can help to keep weight gain under control, even a walk every evening would make a difference. I'm trying to go swimming once or twice a week and still doing my yoga too. Having said that, I weighed myself this morning after reading your post and I've put on about 4 pounds recently too (not too sure when I weighed myself last). I'm just trying not to worry about it cos there's nothing we can do at the moment once we are eating healthy, I think I could stay away from the chocolate and cakes a bit more though, LOL.

Jen - how are you doing, haven't heard from you in ages?

Mynx- hope that all is going well with you too. Hope you are now totally rested and recovered after your scare last week.
Hey LilianA. I wouldnt worry about your weight too much hun, it fluctuates daily anyways and being pregnant it's gonna fluctuate alot more on a daily, (sometimes hourly too!) basis. Mine's been up and down. I know I've put on a little too much but I'm trying to resist the urge to weigh myself all the time now cos I only get stressed about it. I'll have plenty of time after baby's born to start losing it. The MW isnt concerned by how much weight I'm putting on, she doesnt even weigh me at appointments and said that every woman is different and varying factors contribute to weight gain. Fluid, baby, boobs, etc. Please dont stress about it :hugs:

I'm fine, I'm officially on my week off now altho we havent started on the nursery yet, we're at my OH's flat this weekend to start getting his things packed up ready for the big move in August. Dinner with his parents later on and we'll be taking the doppler over so they can hear the heartbeat :D
Been feeling very little movement till last night when I felt 3 big kicks when we were using the doppler! OH felt them thru the doppler and got a little freaked out at first but then you couldnt get the smile of his face after that hehe!
Work has been good since cutting down my hours and my boss seems to be alot nicer now that my bump is showing. Strange eh.

Anyways, hope you ladies have a great day :)

Take care! :hug:

*Just to add..... 17 days till our scan!!! :happydance:*
Hi, all.

How we doing? I am relatively well. Had a bit of a scare last week - had a UTI start on Thursday and just dealt with it like I know how (Ural from the chemist and lots of water). Anyway by Saturday there was bright red blood in my urine - not good. Went to hospital and turns out the infection had gotten to my kidneys. I started to feel period-like cramping and they were concerned my body was going into premature labour; after some doses of antibiotics though, it all calmed down. There's a lesson for us all - if you have any kind of infection, however 'normal' you think it is go and get it all checked out!

Regarding the hypnobirthing, I did this with Emily and it was wonderful. I have also seen alot of women use the general long, slow breaths and relaxing technique very well and they have been the most calm labours. I did Calm Birth, but have also had good things of Hypnobirthing and Birth Skills. I'd recommend the books "Birth Skills" by Juju Sundin, "The New Active Birth" by Janet Balaskas, "A Good Birth, A Safe Birth" by Diana Korte, "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" by Ina May Gaskin, "The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth" by Henci Goer and "Birthing From Within" by Pam England. I'd also recommend the DVD "Birth As We Know It". If you can get your hands on any of these easily (check the library) I'd highly recommend you get them all.

About going overdue, Polaris, the risks of various things obviously do get slightly higher for everyday that baby is not born after your due date. The biggest problem is that we don't know EXACTLY when the baby is due; consider that not every baby takes exactly 40 weeks to bake and that every woman's cycle is different. Mynx, at the end of the day no one will ever know if your retained placenta is because you went over dates (case in point: when was your baby actually due?? - you say you were 9 days over, but if your dates were slightly out, which is obviously quite common as we use the same formula for every baby and woman, then you could have possibly been more or less than 9 days over). Sometimes things happen and we can put no real reason on it. I've seen babies who were "overdue" born with so much vernix you couldn't tell it was a baby under there (which can be an indication that the baby wasn't quite cooked yet) and I've seen babies born early who are dry and wrinkly (which can be an indication that the baby was overcooked)... Polaris, at the end of the day: 1. Do your own research. 2. Talk to your partner and decide on what your limits are. 3. Remember that you can say no without feeling guilty or being rude; just tell them you are making an informed choice as you understand the risks, and thank them for their concerns. 4. When making a decision: BRAND (B - Benefits, R - Risks, A - Alternatives, N - what happens if we do Nothing?, D - Decide).

Well, I have ranted enough. Still on hols from uni (I have 3 weeks left - YAY) but have 5 women due to birth between now and end of August!!

Take care all. :hugs:
DD was 12 days overdue. I was due to be induced on the Monday afternoon but I went into labour on the Sunday night and had her by 10am on the Monday :) She was jaundiced for a couple of days after which they told me is common in overdue babies, so who knows just how overdue she was, if at all! Even so, it's not a risk I want to take again after that nasty infection. It was awful :( It really hampered the important weeks of bonding as I was in so much pain.

Re the hypnobirthing/relaxation birth... I'm going to be ordering a cd from Ebay on Hypnobirthing. OH doesnt think this will work for me as I can get stressed quite easily but I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I can get the techniques right :) I'm soooo looking forward to the actual labour because of this hope too lol!

Well, I'm almost half way there now, and only 14 days till our anomoly scan!! :happydance:

Hope you girls are all well, it's been so quiet in here lately! :hugs:
Hi girls.

Jen - thanks for all the information and also the suggested reading material. Must check the library once I get back from my holidays. Sorry to hear about your scare, I would be so frightened if I saw red blood! So glad that the antibiotics have sorted it out. Like you say, it just shows how important it is to be a bit more cautious when pregnant.

Mynx - that's great that you are going to be doing the hypnobirthing too. We have decided to go to classes with a hypnotherapist, so I will let you know what I learn from that too. I have a book and a couple of CDs and am working my way through it and trying to do the relaxation every day.

Liliana - I hope your doctors appointment went well.

We are going on holidays on Saturday for two weeks, going to Croatia, can't wait! :happydance::happydance:
Hello ladies.. how is everyone doing? I hope your all having a great day.
Jen-so sorry you had to go thru that it must have been a big scare. im glad your doing better now and good luck on your last few weeks in school.

Polaris- two week vacation wow that sounds like fun.. have a great time and enjoy.. will you be coming on this site while gone?

mynx- I hope your doing well hun I thought i read a thread that you posted that you werent feeling so good!! is everything ok? I hope your feeling better by now.

well I am kinda stressed out these days as my husbands company asked us to move to Houston-Texas and it looks like we will once we sell our house. the thing that stressing me out is i would have rather been all settled and relaxed in my home when i have the baby rather than in the middle of a move or somewhere i have no clue were. also i really like my doctor and would like to have the baby here. at the moment we have no clue when we will be moving because with the current market its hard to predict when the house would sell but we have only till the end of the year since they will be closing the branch here. I just hope everything falls into place and things work out easily.
sunday we are leaving to Houston for a week :) I can't wait its not exactly a vacation cuz DH has to work but we will have fun after work hours and I'll get to see the city we will live in. :happydance: :happydance:
LilianA - Feeling much better now thanks hun :) Was having wierd cramps but someone suggested they might be BH, which I guess is possible? * shrugs * They've gone now and we've spent the last 2 days decorating our living room...we're just giving the whole flat a fresh lick of paint before we start on the nursery :)
How exciting for you about moving! I hope everything falls into place easily for you too hunny :)

Polaris - looking forward to hearing about your hypnobirthing classes. Unfortunately we cant afford anything like that so the books and cds will be the next best thing for us!! And off to Croatia too? My OH went there a few years back and he said it was gorgeous there. I've seen the video he made and it does look spectacular. I'm sure you'll have a great time, but if we dont see you before you go, have a safe flight and have loads of fun! Make the most of your quality time with your OH :hugs:

Jen - hope you're doing ok hun, and not working too hard! How's that UTI of yours? Hope all is well in that department! Thanks for the recommendations on the hypnobirthing books, I certainly will be looking for some of those as I'm really keen to experience this for myself :D It means I will actually look forward to labour if you can believe that :rofl:

Anyways, tomorrow I'm off out for lunch with Nikkinoonoo and her gorgeous daughter Jessica, and I expect there'll be some retail therapy in there too :) I just hope it isnt too hot as trapsing round the shops in the heat is no fun!
Take care and speak to you all soon :) xXx
Evening girls... what a great day :) The weather stayed good and Jessie was a little angel, incredibly funny and as always, gorgeous! The retail therapy was great too.. got some new bras in a bigger size (gone up a cup size *eek*) and they feel much more comfortable on my poor itchy boobies :blush: Had a great day in all, but thoroughly exhausting!!!

Hope everyone else has had a good day :) xXx
Hi ladies.
Well were off on our hols so bye for now and I'll talk to you in 2 weeks!
Awww hun have a great time and a safe flight! :hugs:
Hello ladies

I hope your all doing well and enjoying your time. we are back from our trip it was nice. I kinda feel now that maybe its better if the whole move happens real quick and before baby comes that way we can feel more settled down when baby arrives but if not thats fine too.
I feel like my belly really popped out the last two weeks. I will take a pic soon and post it on the bump thread.
well girls have a great night and hope to hear from you all soon

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