Thank you so much to everyone,what a lovely bunch of people,I feel very welcomed.
I'm in the UK so have been offered an early scan for my (fingers crossed) next pregnancy whenever that may main concern is that what if the same thing happens again,in that I dont realise until 11weeks+ and I lose my other tube too?I didnt know this time as I had seemingly normal periods until a week before i went into hospital.I guess the only way is to test every month as a backup even if I get AF.
Its so reassuring to hear that some people can get pregnant with just one tube,its quite amazing really.
I think with it only being a week after surgery my brain is in overdrive trying to figure it all out.I feel angry but more confused at how I just didn't know I was that far on in the pregnancy. I'd like us to ttc once we both feel ready,but it will just be a relaxed approach.I'm sure I got told to wait 6 months after laparotomy...but I may be wrong as the information and aftercare I got was minimal.I've had no mention of hcg levels being tested or anything like that.
Thank you so much for replying,its given me a little light at the end of a dark week.hope to make good friends with everyone on their journies x x x