Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hi Ladies,
How is everyone. I haven't been on for a week or so as have been busy and so am knackered in the evenings!
Glad everyone seems to be okay.
Pink Sparkle - we are also having a growth scan and so we will be asking them to confirm the sex again for us......i really hope it is a girl!

I am feeling good at the moment, my feet are swollen and i am tired, but apart from that i feel great.

We bought the Mamas and Papas Sola which we both love and i am really pleased we got it. What prams is everyone else getting?
Apart from that we have a steriliser, bibs, muslin cloths etc. I also have a baby bath which sits on top of our bath so i don't need to bend so far. We have quite a lot of clothes ranging in size from newborn to 6 months.
I really want to start buying everything else but we are getting home improvements done and need to wait for them to finish before buying everything else.

Our kitchen is being fitted this week! So exciting!! And then our loft is being converted the first week of August, which will then free up one of our spare bedrooms to turn into the nursery. We are trying to decide on nursery colours at the moment.
What has everyone else done for their nursery?

Do you ladies know if it is safe to paint when pregnant?

I have a bump picture from 25 weeks and 2 days, i just need to figure out how to post it now!

hope you are all okay
Babyhopes your class sounds very interesting you will have to keep us posted about the information they give you. I used sensitive baby wipes with both of mine..i know cotton wool is supposed to be better but i suppose just lazy and use them. Ive never had a cot bumper either, i think there was a bit of a debate on 2nd tri about them. I just never got a cot quilt bumper set as thought bit of a waste of money as not supposed to use quilts for babies either. My ds was facing the wrong way was told how to sit etc etc but nothing worked and he didnt budge sometimes i think they will just lay how they want to lay!

Aww Bernie so jealous of you getting your home improvements i spent yesterday afternoon on the net using ikea kitchen planner ...what fun! Hopefully in the new year we will be able to finally get it done.

I painted when expecting ds didnt research into whether or not i was supposed to, but kept the house well ventilated anyway, i know you can buy a special paint that doesnt give off such strong fumes etc but we just got the normal stuff. Let me know what you find out..we are going to be painting again soon freshen the place up before bubba arrives x
Hmmmmmmm first I have to say I used all that stuff on both my baby's, baby bath, wipes etc.... I also had bumber pads in my crib, I don't see how that little bumper can restrict airflow when they are in the middle of a huge bed. And in a bassinet or Moses basket or even a carseat there is much less airflow.

But that's just me.... as for painting I did that too, and am hoping to get to do it soon, for my youngest daughter and the baby. Keeping it well ventilated is very smart, and they do make masks you can wear if you are worried.

Leeze a diaper genie is hard to explain, it locks away diapers into a chamber and makes it smell proof. It holds as many diapers as a wastebasket but it twists the diapers into a special bag and the oder doesn't escape. They are fabulous.

I'm a bit Moody lately.... I'm in a serious funk. I don't wanna do a dang thing and I only wanna sleep. I'm worried its the depression I suffer from, and my meds don't seem to be helping at all. I will be asking my.doc when I go in.

Anyway, babylove, your class sounds like the one I went to, nobody talks or asks questions cuz they feel silly, but good for you for speaking up. That's what They are there for!

Sorry for my event spelling errors, I use my phone, and its got issues lately.
Bernie, great buys! we got the mothercare SPIN travel system..
i dont know about painting i guess if its not too strong then it should be okay.. xx mamas and papas is a great buy, they are so damn expensive here in dubai though !!

i will keep you ladies informed of the topics we discuss in class, although i know the bumper thing is a bit of a debate so lets just say i will be folding it and only using it on the head bit and not in a way that makes it come along the sides.. lol :haha:

my feet are swollen too and they hurt a lot..

pink sparkle, i got the duvet and quilt etc because the cot bed i bought can be converted to a bed and used until the age of 6.. so i can use the duvets then. x

angelique, i get mood swings too and sometimes i just want to cry, dont know if its the hormones, but you are not alone ! xx
We start ante-natal classes at the end of August. We have booked private ones as the NHS ones were at really bad times for us. I'm interested to see how helpful they are as this is my first.
Thanks for the info on yours Babyhopes, interesting to hear what is discussed at others.

I have read that cotton wool and water should only be used on a newborn, that was something i really was not looking forward too!! So it is interesting to hear that some of you lovely ladies have used sensitive wipes instead.

I was thinking about buying a cot bumper (simply because i think they are pretty!! lol!) but i haven't decided yet. I didn't know there was a debate around them restricting airflow.
babyhopes good plan about the quilt being used later down the line, when i put ds in his bed (adapted cot bed) i brought a kids pillow and quilt from Ikea and they do some nice funky bed sets to fit them too. Im currently looking into getting ds a proper bed as he doesnt sleep well in his bed but wants to be in ours all the time so im thinking if i get him a divan then he may settle better and stay in his own bed. Only thing is i need to get a slightly shorter one and they seem stupidly expensive. Defo good on your for speaking up too, bit daft of the others to pay for the classes and then not make the most of them.

So tired today i could cry! x
pink sparkle, ditto !! im just like you.. i always seem to want to cry when my body is strained and overly tired..maybe thats an indication.. you need rest !! xxx put your feet up and relax for a while, you need it. xx
hi everyone

quick one from me as I'm at work

Bernie - how lovely that you're getting your home improvements done. I've read before that you shouldn't really paint when pregnant but if you do then make sure the room is very well ventilated. I think it's a good excuse to get someone else to do it - while you can supervise!!

I didn't know any of this stuff about bumpers and wipes etc and what should and shouldn't be used - I will definitely have to read up on this and get some advice from the midwife!

We found out yesterday that that buyers for my OH's flat have pulled out. I'm SO gutted. We were meant to be exchanging contracts this week. Apparently they have had some kind of personal emergency which means they can no longer proceed with it. The people we're due to be buying from have said they won't put their flat on the market immediately so will hold off for 2 weeks or so to see if we can get new buyers. But whatever happens, this means we either lose our dream flat completely or we have at least a couple of months more delay before we get our flat. I'm so annoyed that someone can agree to something like buying a flat and then go through all of the other processes over the next few months to get to the point where they're about to sign a contract and then pull out!!! GRRRRRRRRRR
Ahh leeze so sorry for you hun really hope you find a new buyer real quick so you dont lose the 'dream flat'. I cant imagine your so stressed out right now about it. We all want everything sorted before our babies arrive.:hugs:
Leeze, so sorry they pulled out, i can imagine how upsetting that must be.. xxx

im sure you will be sorted before bubs arrives though !! :hugs:
Hi girls how are we all!!

I have a freeze thing on my cot had no idea there was debates on whether they were safe I will have to look into it now!
Hi girls. Sorry I've been AWOL. Its been a very busy time! Last day of nursery tomorrow and ballet on Friday then rest!! Hurrah! I have a very sore bump and my daughter (who has literally just turned 4) has announced that she is now a vegetarian! Fabulous! Niw I struggle to feed her and whatever I do feed her is met with "I don't like this! and "I don't like that!" Grrr! Her best friend is a vegetarian and told Issy that ham is a pig's leg and that bad people eat meat! My son who is 2 is in love with another two-year old (friend's daughter) who kissed him and now they sing to each other! At least I have time to save for the wedding! Lol

Leeze so sorry to hear about your OH's sale. How irritating! I do hope you get a (cash) buyer soon enough to keep your dream place.

Re wet wipes - cotton wool and water has been recommended for a good while since then Huggies and Pampers have released their sensitive wipes and I used them on both my newborns and never had a problem. :)
Hi Darling so nice to hear from you! Glad your doing well, bless your children Issy sounds like a real character bless her i hope its a phase she quickly grows out of. You will have to make some yummy food and say oh you cant have it because its meat and see if that persuades her to change her mind. The wedding will be fabulous being as you have so long to save and plan lol xxx

How are you feeling in yourself? have you thought of any names for your new lil man? is your son happy that he is getting a little brother? x

Krissi - what cot were you getting and what debate is going on? x
Hi Pink. She's a case for sure! I don't think Ethan really comprehends what it all means yet. Issy just takes it in her stride.

I'm ok. I've had a lot of soreness today and I have a lot of trouble breathing at night. Usual pregnancy stuff really. My friend is pregnant four weeks behind us and she has fibroids that are giving her hell after enduring months of persistent vomiting so I feel quite humble about my nice normal symptoms! Lol. How are you feeling? X
Im doing well thanks hun, some days i hardly feel pregnant and almost forget but then the tiredness can kick in and i can feel a bit rough, so hard with younger children and being at home with them but im sure you knew this before as Issy would have been toddling when you were pregnant with Ethan. Im struggling with names which is quite frustrating and i know we have ages to find one we love but i want to find one now! lol x
Names i have so far are: Tom (which I love but Joe doesn't), Joseph Junior aka 'Jojo' and later 'JJ' (I like but still unsure about having two Josephs), Christie, others which I'm not really serious about are Sebastian, Charlie, Henry, Jake (Jakob - Joe doesn't like grrr!), Noah, Samuel, Joshua and Finn (last two are too common now though). You?
Hi ladies, how is everyone? Really sorry I've been missing lately, just seems to have been so manic for me recently but things are starting to calm down thankfully.
So stuff to fill you all in on... Started my hypnobirthing on Sunday which was really interesting and I'm pleased so far. We have homework every night, Dave has to read a script to me. It's going well. My practitioner has said that we need to change the terminology we use to describe labour and birth e.g. a contraction is now a ripple.
My cranial osteopathy has been good too, I think it's really helped with my heartburn and I'm barely getting it these days, plus the crick in my neck has pretty much disappeared. Still getting backache - it's been made a little easier but I think there's no way to avoid it completely. I've just been noticing lately how heavy I feel! I'm assuming that everyone is also sleeping on their sides? So when I move from one side to the other and there's that split second of lying on my back, the weight of my belly is just... woah. My brain screams 'Move move move!' :haha:
This morning I had a painful experience though - the top of my bump suddenly really started to hurt, so bad I couldn't get up, I was literally panting with the pain. It turns out bubs had wedged himself really far up, there must have been feet in my ribs or something! Dave managed to encourage him to move down but for a while there it absolutely killed. Has anyone else had that?

Darling I love the name Tom, so cute and suits a little boy and a man. Bless your daughter although that must be a flipping nightmare at dinner time! Dave is a veggie and we've already had discussions about what this baby is going to eat, I'm determined that meat will not be off the menu!

Ah Leeze so sorry to hear about the flat, that's rubbish. It's so hard when you're in a chain like that. :hugs:

My God I feel you on the tiredness front, babyhopes and pink sparkle. I'm finding it so hard to get comfortable these days. What's it going to be like when I'm 36 weeks?!
Hi Ladies,

Leeze - sorry to hear about the sale falling through! I hate the housing market in this country as i think it is awful people can pull out at any point! Hope it works out for you.

Pielette- glad your hypnobirthing is going well. I always planned on taking lessons but i just haven't gotten around to it.

My feet are MASSIVE today and i feel exhausted. So i am right there with you ladies with the tiredness. What is annoying me is women keep telling me how much energy they had at this stage and they were full of life.......i just want to say WHATEVER! LOL!

Iam trying to upload my pictures for week 6 and then week 25, don't know if this will work as haven't done it before

week 6:
5 - 6 weeks.jpg

week 25:
25 weeks side 1.jpg
hi everyone - lovely to see you all xx

Darling - your kids sound adorable with great little personalities! hopefully your daughter's vegetarianism will be a short phase! Otherwise I can recommend Quorn products, I used to be a vegetarian and they're quite tasty and easy to cook with. probably a hassle you can do without though in terms of making separate meals for her! I think Tom is a lovely name.

Bernie - what an adorable bump! So neat! I'm totally feeling you on the tiredness too - I feel like I could sleep standing up today!!

Pielette - glad to hear you're feeling a bit better and the hypnobirthing sounds really interesting. I can't remember if I said but one of my colleagues is training in hypnobirthing and has offered to give me a few sessions for free so I'm going to meet with her tomorrow for our first session! We can compare notes!! I like the idea of contractions becoming ripples - I guess they sound a bit less scary!!!

Thanks for all of your kind words about the flat - I feel so angry about it all and quite deflated too. We're planning to use our time and energy over the next couple of months to do my flat up - my OH practically lives with me anyway - then it will be nice for the baby coming and also hopefully be easier to rent out when we eventually get a new place. He can then move in with me here too so we're at least in one place when the LO comes and then we'll feel like it's a nicer place for a baby too although it would have been better to be in our new place by then!

Right, it's definitely past my bedtime!! Speak soon xxx
Great names darling! x

Pielette glad your hypnobirthing is going well and sounds likes you are doing well in general defo not going to completely avoid back ache and agree with you that lo should eat meat. A friend of mine is a veggie but she cooks meat for her hubby and three children x

Bernie - great bump! very jealous wish i had one like you xxx

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