Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

I have diastasis recti :( it's where the abdominal muscles separate and everything else pokes out I have this huge bulge that runs from below my boobs to my tummy everytime I sit up or do anything that uses abdominal muscles and it hurts like hell! Apparently it will probably worsen during the pregnancy but should go once baby is born buy no lifting carrying etc and have to take it easy to try and allow muscles to reattach but doctor thinks as bump is so big it's unlikely! Doc thought I was full term and when I said no he said it must be twins then... Another no! Could cry!!
sorry about your situation krissi, hopefully with much needed rest it should get better? i dont really knw about it that well, will have to read up on it. xx
Krissi - that sounds really sore, what a nightmare. Good that it doesn't sound a threat in any way to your bub, but must be really uncomfortable for you. Are you going to be able to take it easy for the next 3 months?

Darling - what a neat bump you've got, looks very cute!

Shana - great to hear from you, sending you a big hug :hugs:

Angelique - great news re your OH's job and your stroller does sound lovely.

I'm feeling so tired today, I even had a little snooze this afternoon at work! We've got a sofa in the bit of the office where we eat our lunch and I lay down for "5" minutes this afternoon which turned into a half hour nap. I felt loads better for it though!

Has anyone else developed extra body hair? I noticed loads on my belly today - kinda freaky!

On Sunday I'm going to an ice cream festival in South London!! There's bands on and various things to do but the best bit is that you get free ice cream all day!!!! It's put on by Ben and Jerry's ice cream and I went a couple of years ago. This time I'm going to indulge myself shamelessly while my friends get drunk I'm going to pig out on lots of flavours of ice cream!!!! xxx
Wow ice cream festival sounds like heaven!!

No chance of taking it easy unfortunately even sitting pops it out at the mo!! I thought it was baby poking out but no it's my insides lol!!
9babies - so nice to hear from you hun, hope that things get better for you soon sending you lots of love xxx

Krissi - you poor thing! main thing is you and bubs are fine but must be awful, try and take it easy and get plenty of rest i hope it eases for you xxx

Leeze - mmm ice cream festival sounds great for us preggos no beer fest but ice cream fest lol! whereabouts in south london is it? i was born and raised in se london to age of 11 still feels like home though although i would be scared to live back there for some weird reason (just think its big and scary!).

Dont know if any of you have a sainsburys local that sell clothing but up here theres a big clothes sale on 50% off. Got some vests for £4.00 Bargain! xxx
Thanks all.

Shana I hope something wonderful comes your way. You deserve a little sunshine. Hugs Xx
Krissi, do you thing a support band that puts some gentle pressure on your belly would help? They have me use one after a c section and it helps, I just thought it might. I hope it feels better soon
Its definitely worth asking the bulge is 4 inches wide and about 8 long so sure won't do any harm to try.

Ok need to ask a question am I being unreasonable Paul told me tonight he was popping out at 6pm to help a mate for an hour move some slabs he then comes home at 3am with mates who stayed til 5am he had to be up at half six for work and I havent slept at all. He hasn't been out all night in a while but he always says he is going for half hour and it's always a couple of hours. I am thinking of leaving but not sure if over reacting it just feels like he is living the single life whilst I am in limbo so at least if I go I have a chance at being happy and I don't need the stress! Trouble is I love him and don't want to be on my own but I can't carry on like this and I don't want pumpkin witnessing rows so should I stick it out and hope for best or make a clean break now?
Aww Krissi - what a tough situation you are in hun. When i was growing up my mum was in a very destructive relationship with someone who she married they were together for a few years before she eventually left him. I have such horrible memories of my childhood becuase of her relationship with this man and i have had counselling because of it. I know your relationship is no where near as bad as theirs as not only did they argue but they fought too and he was a drunk/drug addict who would hit her etc. If you strongly believe that he wont buck his ideas up when this baby arrives and your child will be growing up in the middle of arguments i would say that you should cut your losses get over him and concentrate on you and your princess. However i do also believe that ppl deserve a chance and that ppl can change, but only you know if you have given him as many as he deserves. Your right you dont deserve the stress and its most definately not fair that he is carrying on as if he has no responsibilties. If you had a short spell apart do you think maybe this would give him a wake up call and he would realise that he is risking losing you both? You have waited so long for this baby i dont think anyman is worth the hassle if he is going to spoil your pregnancy and also your experience of being a mum when Charleigh arrives. My dd's dad left me when she was 12 months old for someone else and at the time i thought my heart was broken into a million pieces and that i would never get over it. Four years later i met the real man of my dreams who is a fantastic step dad to dd and now 10 years later i just literally laugh at the fact that i was ever with this bloke. We have an amicable relationship for dd and to be honest hes not an awful person we just wearnt meant to be. When i was pregnant with dd i brought everything he brought himself the lastest computer console! I helped him clear all his debt and he went off and ran up more credit card debt was a real nightmare.

You know your oh better than anyone on here i would say have a real good think about things and what you want and whether you truly think that he can give you and your precious daughter the life that you want xxx
Wow angie seen your fb status's you must be exhausted...your such a fab mummy i could do with some of your get up and go ...your amazing! xxx
leeze, ice cream festival sounds FAB !!! XXXX enjoy xxxx

krissi, sorry about your situation..i know i would get really mad and teary in your situation, but i dont know if i would have the strength and courage to leave dh over that.. i wouldnt be able too.. im too much of a weakling.. but its up to you, maybe you can talk to him about it and sort it out without destructing the relationship? xxxxxx hope it all works out well for you
Hi everyone - quick one while we're waiting for our Chinese take-away to arrive!!

Krissi - I'm wondering if your OH thinks that it's ok to do this kinda stuff because the baby isn't here yet and he's making the most of the time before she comes and he has more responsibilities etc? I'm not saying it's ok to "pop out for half an hour" then come back in the middle of the night with other people till 5am - personally I'd be really annoyed if my OH did that unless it was a special occasion and we'd discussed it beforehand. Did he let you know during the evening that he was staying later or where you at home getting worried/annoyed? There's something about it that feels quite disrespectful, especially if you then didn't get any sleep. I think have a good chat with him about it and try to agree between yourselves what is ok and what isn't for the future - I wonder if he's not deliberately being disrespectful but more that he's just not thinking it through. Good luck hon xx
No he told me nothing and turned his phone off!! He does this all the time and I never get invited out with him which hurts!!
Awww krissi, that is a very tough call, my advice, talk about him, tell him how you feel, see if he is willing to discontinue the behavior that hurts and honestly is irresponsible with a baby on the way.... and go from there. But I have to stress staying calm when you do talk. Let us know how things are going

As for me, another weekend of Softball done, now I just have 1 more tournament in 2 weeks and we are done with tournaments. Don't get me wrong, I love it, and I'm a very proud mama, but the farther we get in the pregnancy the harder it is to deal with sitting in the heat for hours and all the walking in it. Luckily my hubby is amazing and never lets me carry much and always thinks about my comfort. He even offered to bring a cooler if ice water just to let me soak my feet in, and he was serious!! It would have been heavenly in the 95° heat, but I didn't want him to have to pack it...

Is anyone else retaining water? I'm retaining it in pockets in my legs, around my knees.... only.when I'm hot and been on my feet a lot, it worries me some cuz its new to me. Never experienced that before...

Well I'm off to bed, night girls!
I usually retain a lot of water towards the end of my pregnancy (i blow up like a balloon). Did notice last night that my ankles and legs were swollen but i had been on my feet all day. When you get a chance (i know your busy) you need to sit with your legs raised its supposed to help xxx
Hope everyone is doing ok.. xx

Angelique, ive got swelling around my feet, not pockets, but defo swelling and very painful . it is very tough to stay in heat and best to avoid it.. and stay hydrated.. i had my scan yesterday, baby was weighing 880gms, and they said my amniotic fluid was less and but tested me for leakage and there was none, so i was advised to take rest and keep hydrated and have another scan in 10 days to check the fluid levels.

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