Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

I would love to have them if the finances would allow but they just won't strech to it at the moment. The NHS sucks sometimes lol!!
i had a horrible experience bleeding at 16 weeks with the NHS, it was a saturday night in manc full of drunken louts and i wasnt treated as an emergency patient and had to wait over 3 hours with no concern whatsoever and they were so rude and i got to finally see the doc at 3:30am in the morning. it was horrible ... i personally would not want that happening..

but then again, its free service theyre trying to provide for the entire country so its not going to be easy to satisfy everyone.. but there i was bleeding and crying and they just made me wait in ER. and they were so rude. i was visiting england with DH.. hes english.

over here in dubai regardless of what time at night, if you go in with an emergency situation such as pregnancy and bleeding , you would be seen to immediately with the registered on call ob gyn within minutes.. so it was a shock to me.
Hi Girls,

Preethi, the NHS is NOT free - I have been paying my taxes for 21 years - that amounts to much more paid in than I have taken out:winkwink:

The whole NHS thing has left me shaking my head during this pregnancy - they were pretty woeful during early pregnancy for me too and I had a similar experience to you. Its really disappointing.

Quick update from me: pram and car seat arrived, baby has had hiccups twice (very cute and funny to experience!) and I've booked my NCT classes. Dog is doing better and my bump has suddenly gotten much bigger - I'll post a photo at the weekend when I'm 26 weeks.

Angie, I hope you get good news re your dog soon.

Hope everyone else is doing ok xx
sorry in advance for the selfish post but I'm feeling rotten tonight. Got nasty pressure and pain in my bladder. I phoned the midwife helpline this afternoon and was told it sounds like a urine infection. I've got an appointment with my GP in the morning tomorrow to get it checked out. Feeling grumpy and a bit worried it might be something more serious. LO seems to be still kicking lots so hopefully she's ok in there. My OH has been really sweet and has gone to the shops to get me some sugar-free cranberry juice as well as to stock up on ice cream and some other feel-good foods - but I'm feeling very sorry for myself :cry:
Feel better Leeze! Let us know! Had a super SUPER busy day and I'm worn out. I'm gonna go collapse
Leeze, do hope your ok, let us know soon xx

Waiting oh yeah youve got the normal income tax and then some other tax as well , what i meant by free was that you dont have to pay everytime you go in for individual treatments etc, over here its all about insurance, if you dont have one, youre pretty much doomed. al hospitals are private here, you even have to pay at the government ones, though they are cheaper. sorry about your experience., i didnt want to be too harsh about the NHS as people might be offended, but when im alone with dh , i rant about it lol. x

so cute about the hiccups.. must be awesome to feel it :cloud9:

and yay for your carseat and pram !!
thanks girls

the doctor said my urine seems pretty normal except for an increase in protein. He's given me antibiotics anyway and I'm going to take them for peace of mind. I drank loads of water and cranberry juice yesterday so he thinks I might have neutralised the bacteria a bit but that doesn't mean any infection has been cleared up. He also listened to LO's heartbeat and it sounds good and strong so that was reassuring. I might phone the midwife helpline again though because they said to call back if it wasn't a urine infection - also it's still sore even when I'm just sitting doing nothing! Am feeling much better emotionally though just to get that reassurance that LO is ok!!

How's everyone else doing today? :hugs:
glad to hear everything is well leeze and that its only minor protein.. good idea drinking water and cranberry, you could also try robinsons barley water xxx
im pooped !! so DH and i went this evening on a massive shopping spree for LO at mothercare and ended up bying absolutely everything on the list, except for small things like nappies and toiletries and soft toys which we would buy later, but instead bought clothes, body suits, mittens, play mat, bottle set, mattress, blankies, the whole lot,., and mind you a baby does not come cheap, i was simply calculating out of interest how much we have already spent on the baby and it came upto 11,000 dirhams my currency.. which would be £1833 and $3013 american respectively, we still have the whole breast pump set etc to buy and maybe few more clothes which im expecting as presents from the family.
Whew!!! That's quite a shopping spree! I bet it was a blast!!

So, I really pushed too hard yesterday. I went to a water park for a party with my kids, and even though I stayed in the easygoing river and wave pools, I did a lot, and I mean a LOT of walking. Before the park, we were shopping for a new car, one with added seating and more cargo space, and the salesman practaly had us sprinting the lot.

So I'm taking it easy today and staying down, since every attempt I make at walking starts shooting pains and cramping

I'm sure everything is fine, just sore angry muscles and ligaments
wow - that does sound like an amazing shopping spree, babyhopes. Mothercare have got a big online sale at the moment over here and I've just been looking at a few bits - mainly bedding, baby bath and changing mats!! I also bought a very cute baby sleeping bag today - I can't wait until the LO arrives and I can put her in it!!!!

Angelique - good idea to take it easy today, sounds like your body is definitely telling you something!!!

My OH has gone out with some workmates tonight, so I'm staying home with comfort food and ice cream!! Yummy. Still feeling quite sore but much less worried about things.

Is it just me or does time seem to be dragging again? I'm feeling quite impatient now to get to the autumn and for the LO to be here!! So, have any of you that have got children already got any good tips about the 3rd trimester - I keep hearing about how difficult it's going to get and want to start preparing myself!!!!! xxx
angelique, hope you get some well deserved rest.. !!! xx you need it..

Leeze, time is dragging, i completely agree. i cant wait for the next three months and im impatient too.. i want to feel proper kicks etc. xx glad your enjoying your tub of icecream !
Hi ladies, weve just returned from a fantastic week in North Devon. The weather was beautiful and we spent lots of time on the gorgeous beach in Croyde Bay. Gutted to be home but nice to be able to catch up with you all.

I have been reading up but there was lots i missed so sorry if i forget to reply to everyone!

Happy V Day to those ladies who have recently celebrated!

Leeze so sorry you have been feeling a bit under the weather...glad you and lo are both ok and fingers crossed no nasty infections. Ive been suffering from thrush for the last couple of weeks which has been really horrible!

Ive never had antenatal classes, dont know if they are offered free here or not. Not really my thing to be honest and if you would have like them but arent having them i wouldnt worry too much the whole breathing thing comes natural...well i think so anyway.

Ive been feeling pretty well ...not so much pregnant though, still not got much of a bump to show off, i said to my mum the other day its going to be a shock when this baby comes as i still dont feel pregnant most of the time! Still not really thought of any names that we are 100% going with. Will have to see if anything comes along. I really love posh n becks baby girls name. At first i thought wtf but i like harper and i think her middle name has such a nice meaning to her daddy!

Babyhopes - wow you have spent a lot, is this your first baby? I think i spent most with my first and then tried to be a bit more 'sensible' with the next one and now this time too lol! But hey id love to be able to have a massive spend up and buy anything i like and not be 'sensible' all the time!

Hey angie i know what you mean about feeling down about your diet im the same, i havent stepped on the scales in ages i figured its only going to upset me so better not lol! I think its 2.2lb to a kilo?

Im pretty sure i have missed lots out so maybe you will see lots of posts from me the next day or two as i remember what i wanted to post lol! xxx
pinksparkle, sorry about your thrush, hope you recover soon.. glad you had a good time in devon though !!!

yes this is my first but mothercare was on sale and i cant believe i still ended up spending so much !!! i dont have a massive bump either so i know how you feel xxx
Tips for 3rd tri - mmmmmmmm i just think you get more tired more easily and have to slow down and put your feet up a lil more. When i was having ds, we redecorated dd's room brought new furniture from Ikea i done lots of moving furniture around helping set it up not to mention sorting out nursery too all in the third tri. I tend to find that about a week before i have my babies i get really really tired struggle to walk far and just feel exhausted but this has only happened right at the end with both of mine. I remember being at a bbq 4 days before dd was born and i sat in a chair the whole time and didnt move and everyone said you wont be much longer! She was three weeks early. With ds it was a really hot summer, the evening i went into labour i had gone on a really long walk with a friend but we had to walk so slowly the pressure was intense down there. I think it depends on each individual and your pain threshold and also in some cases i think some ppl milk it a bit lol! Thats so bad on me to say that but i know i like to moan and feel sorry for myself at times and hey 3rd tri great time to do it lol! Get hubby to wait hand and foot lol! x

Ahh babyhopes its great to go on a massive spend out, you can keep things too for if you plan to have anymore children so you will find it a great investment! xxx
Yes time is definitely dragging again! Had a scare yesterday as baby hadn't moved for 36 hours so went to hospital to listen to heartbeat and all was ok thank god this pregnancy has been so scary. I am totally exhausted and will be relieved to see autumn!

Welcome back pink sparkle xx
Hey Krissi - sorry about your scare - fantastic that baby is fine though! This one keeps having quiet periods. Half the time i dont feel like im even pregnant!

Its nice to be back and catching up with you all x
Krissi, sorry about the scare, glad all is ok,.

pinksparkle, thanks for the tips, sure will be tired soon.. xx i cant mall walk a lot now even !

AFM, i have a shitty placenta so havent felt kicks or anything but i swear today when i used my doppler and pressed on my belly with the proble i felt a wave like movement inside as though LO didnt like being pressed with the probe .. it was an awesome feeling after so long. she is still very quite, never really kicks.,., i get the occasional low abdomen flutter once in 4 or 5 days, it sucks really x
Welcome back Pink Sparkle - sounds like a lovely break. Sorry to hear you've got thrush - that sucks. Have you tried taking a probiotic for it (as well as all the usual stuff?) - I'm not sure what sort is good for pregnancy but when I went to see a specialist fertility nutritionist (one of the many things I did when TTC) - I talked to her about thrush because in the last few years I've had it every 4-5 months or so - she recommended a probiotic and I haven't had it since then. Saying that, I'm on antibiotics now so watch this space... Thanks for the tips about 3rd tri - it doesn't sound so bad now!!

Krissi - sorry to hear about your scare, honey. Much as I love being pregnant, it can be really stressful can't it? I think it's always good to get it checked out though, even for reassurance because when we get stressed its not good for our LOs is it? And so hard not to get stressed when we're worried! I'm still in a bit of pain although it hasn't got any worse, but my over-active imagination is still playing up - including possible SPD, premature labour etc. I wish we could have a little babycam in our wombs so we could tune in every so often and see what the LO is doing!!! Mind you, I'd probably get nothing done at all and just watch her all day!!!

Babyhopes - sorry to hear you don't feel much in the way of kicks. Mine's much more regular now although it still feels like little bubbles or gurgles rather than kicks, if that makes sense. And still mostly after a big meal. Maybe it's her way of saying she's getting ready to experience some of it via the placenta!!!

I'm taking it easy this weekend. I was meant to go to a free festival type thing today but have decided against it. Partly because it's been raining all morning and partly because I think it's important to feel comfy and relaxed today and not worrying about queueing for toilets or trying to find somewhere to sit down!! I've been getting stuck into a good book this morning and just putting my feet up!! Bliss. I love lazy days, especially after a really busy week. I think tomorrow I'll do some more, a bit more sorting out. This week I've been going through a massive box of old photographs and putting some into albums and throwing others away. Mind you, I keep coming across old gems and then spending ages reminiscing! But at least it feels like I'm being productive! Not only have we got a LO to prepare for, but we also need to get ourselves ready for a house move in the next few months!!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, speak soon :hugs:
Leeze, glad youve decided to relax today, good idea.. xxx

i went to see harry potter part 2 the finale, and i had to pee, but i held my bladder and that was the worst decision,.. my abdomen hurts now.. it was a great movie though !

enjoy your weekend xx

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