Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Aww babyhopes do as they tell you and rest and keep hydrated, hope that everything goes well at your next scan x
My friend had her baby this morning 10lb! Quick labour no intervention hes massive and a real beauty, waiting to hear what they have named him, made me so excited cant believe im 26 weeks today mind you i bet time starts to drag now! x
oh yay congrats to your friend pink sparkle.. wow 10lb, thats one big baby... before you know it , it will be time for all of us as well xx
Wow!!! 10 pounds! Ouch LOL but good for them!

I am trying very hard to do nothing today.... I'm only up now to get my kids off to church with grandma and I'm going back to bed. I'm so drained I can barely stand it. So I am for sure resting. The swelling is only bad in the heat, and I plan to stay inside as much as possible.
No he told me nothing and turned his phone off!! He does this all the time and I never get invited out with him which hurts!!

I'd be absolutely fuming about this if I was you!!!! What if you and bub had an emergency and needed him? GRRRR :growlmad: - I think you definitely need to have a chat with him and agree what is acceptable and what isn't. Good luck xx
Pink Sparkle - that's a lovely birth story about your friend!! 26 weeks is incredible isn't it? Only 14 or so to go now!!!

Angelique - you do amaze me the amount you do with your family!! Sounds like you got a lovely OH there too

Babyhopes - was the midwife concerned about your amniotic fluid? I don't know much about what's normal. But good idea to take it easy and go back and see them soon if there's any concerns.

We've had a lovely day today. Eaten way too much ice cream (4 types!!) and some soggy chips too - then went for a nice Italian meal on the way home. Feeling very content now! And it was a lovely sunny day too. The ice cream festival was fun - Gary Numan was incredible!! Really amazing when you hear him do stuff from early 80s to realise how many more recent bands have been inspired by him and have sampled his stuff - Basement Jazz, Nine Inch Nails, Sugarbabes!! - quite a mix there!! Pink Sparkle - you asked me where it was - it was Clapham Common. Was a really nice size festival and great for children. We're hoping next year we'll be able to take our 9-month old daughter with us. Now, that feels exciting!!!!!!

Speak soon :hugs:
How exciting that most all of us will be under 100 days to go this week!!! I'm so excited!!!
Leeze, glad you enjoyed your day.. over here, you dont get seen to by midwives, your monthly checkups are done by your ob gyns who will deliver you, so its the main doctor you see all the way through.. which is kina nice, considering they scan you at every appointment, and thats how they tend to find most issues x

she checked me for leakage and i wasnt leaking so i guess she said come back in 10 days for another check up, but keep well hydrated and take lots of rest..

ive been very ill the last few days, cant get out of bed what with a banging headache and sore body all over, my swollen feet have also taken a toll on me and im having horrible sleep as i wake up about 5 times a night to pee and keep drinking more water.

i also discovered since last night ive got itchy hands and feet and my fingers have now developed a red like allergy itch spots all over it.. im concerned that it could be a symptom of something else but they say its normal because of oestrogen levels when i googled it. hope its nothing, i dont really need anymore scares in this pregnancy
Babyhopes just wanted to say I really feel for you. Some days its all going on. Just rest up if you can. Tske it easy. X
Aww babyhopes if i were you i would ring your doc and ask to be checked out as it can be normal but there is also a condition which can make your hands and feet very itchy. I really dont want to scare you and it probably is nothing at all but always best to get checked out. Im not sure what its called and i wouldnt want to google. Hope your feeling better soon big hugs xxx

Leeze sounds like a great day out and how lovely that you will be able to take your little girl next year will be lovely a proper family day out xxx

Well today i plan on doing absolutely nothing...im not leaving the house and making the most of the first monday of no school run. We spent yesterday with dh's dad, the weather was beautiful so he put on the sprinkler for the kids to play in they had such a great time i sat and eat lots...he always feeds me and watched the men having a drink! I never liked drinking in the day much anyway just makes me feel tired so i wasnt bothered about it. Last night watched the film Lovely Bones...jurys out on whether i liked it or not...could have had a much better ending i thought. Made me feel so protective of the children kept going upstairs to check on them in every ad break.
Thanks ladies, pink sparkle, i think the condition you are talking about is obstetric choelstatis and ive been tested for that and its negative so its got nothing to do with my liver which could be causing the itchiness and the condition you are talking about. my itchiness has randomly stopped this morning, so not too worried.. xx thanks though,

supposed to be 27 weeks today according to my ticker but bubs is measuring 6 days behind but doc is going according to my LMP.
Yeah thats it...glad you've been tested and thrilled that you defo dont have it! Take it easy and hope your feeling brighter soon x I noticed at my 20 week scan that mine was measuring 6 days behind too! They didnt change the date though and said they go by dating and growth at 12 week scan. Got my growth scan next week...i need to phone up and find out what time it is as ive lost my letter....oops! x
aw - babyhopes - sounds like you're going through a rough time of it. Definitely take it easy and try to do things that make you feel relaxed if you can. A good book, film, massage maybe? Glad the itching has stopped. I've read that's normal during pregnancy. I keep getting an itchy belly which is kinda weird!

My OH felt my LO kick the other day, I forgot to say! It was so lovely. We were lying in bed and she was particularly active for a few mins. Felt great that we could share such a lovely moment!!!

I was with my friend yesterday who's got a 5-month old and 3 year-old. Her 5-month old is so smiley and happy - I was very broody indeed!! Can't wait for mine to come along. It does feel like it's getting a lot closer now!! I've broken my countdown into 3 blocks now - I've got 5 full weeks at work then a week off work then 4 full weeks at work till my maternity leave starts. Then 4 weeks later or thereabouts the LO will be here!!!!! :happydance:
Thanks pink sparkle, thats reassuring.. about the measuring behind bit. xxxxxx

Leeze, i do get massages and lots of rest as well, mums been around visiting spoiling me as well, so really im not at strain but i wont be driving all the way anywhere for the next few days until my scan, just resting up and drinking lots of fluid to make sure that my fluid levels go up what with the amniotic issue. xx

how cute about your oh being able to feel LO.. mine couldnt feel LO for a long while and even i couldnt feel LO up until 26 weeks.. but then i felt small hiccups and everytime i poked or prodded i could feel her and then DH felt her and so did mum and shes been active today so that gives me loads of relief !! xx

time does seem to be flying, but i want it to go faster as im already not keeping well and i know there is more to come !!!
Hi Girls,

Preethi - sorry you're not so great - I hope that gets sorted soon

Krissi, I don't think you're over reacting AT ALL. What was that all about? Is he sorry? Does he get it?

I'm hearing the rest of you on the tiredness front - last night I went to bed at 8.30! Rock and roll.

Well I had a quick peek in 3rd tri yesterday and the first thread I read was about enlarged "ladybits" which made me shut my laptop in a hurry. Is there anything else I didn't know about?! I had no idea THAT area would get bigger too. I don't feel ready for 3rd tri really - think it'll be a few weeks before I can contribute in there!

Hope everyone else is doing ok xx
I love 3rd Tri prefer it to 2nd! x

Lol at the enlarged ladybits...ive never noticed mine get bigger but dont really look lol! x
Babyhopes - great you can get lots of rest and some pampering too. I know it's easy to say but try your best not to worry. :hugs:

Enlarged ladybits!!!!! :haha: - I can't actually see mine anyway, I've already been threatening my OH with shaving my bikini line so I can keep going swimming and feel confident about not having lots of hair showing!!! :haha:

I just got back from my 26 week midwife appointment. I'm now seeing the midwife at my local GP surgery which is great because it's just across the road from where I live and also it means I'll see the same midwife each time now (apart from at the birth!!). Also, it felt much more personal and less rushed than being at the hospital. Everything was ok except I had raised glucose levels. I had to confess to her that I was at an ice cream festival yesterday and had 4 ice creams - and that generally I eat about 4 or 5 bowls of ice cream a week. She said I need to go easy on the ice cream. I know in the grand scheme of things this isn't really a big deal to cut down on ice cream but it's my only vice at the moment!!! I'd better do what she suggests though as I don't want to get gestational diabetes. I guess I'll just have to eat more smoothies instead and fantasise about ice cream!!!

Feels scary but exciting to be on the cusp of 3rd trimester!! I might go have a little peek there myself!! xx
Leeze - Ice cream is your only vice? You are a DREAM patient. I am currently addicted to Mars Bar ice creams, Snickers Ice creams, Magnums, mint kit kats and Mr Kiplings French Fancies! If I could have one of each every day then I would! In fact, who am I kidding. it is IMPOSSIBLE to only eat one French Fancie at a time....

I've had a nice peaceful day today and was reading through some of the early pregnancy stuff I used to pore over when I first knew I was pregnant. Turns out some of what I read is total b***ocks - well for me anyway. e.g. "You most likely will not desire alcohol throughout your pregnancy"

I have NOT been put off a glass of wine. I have wanted one every time I have sat down for dinner and a fair few sunny afternoons aswell. When I have allowed myself a glass I have ALWAYS wanted more! I feel like a bad mother to be but I really miss cold white wine on a sunny day and that feeling of being totally relaxed. Sadly I also miss doing my long runs and disappearing for a couple of hours with my ipod. I know I'll drink wine again but the 2/3hour runs will be a thing of the past for a while yet! I'm not moaning, just saying!

What has everyone else really missed?
This is going to sound so strange but i havent missed anything. I was not a big drinker before because of ds being so young anyway and if im honest when i have fancied a glass of wine i have had one. I just do half wine half lemonade which i prefer to wine anyway. I even had a bottle of orange bacardi breezer a couple of weeks (only the little bottle) i took my time with it and enjoyed every mouth full and i will continue to indulge in the odd drink here and there.

I just sound terribly sad for not having anything i miss!
i really miss my pints of cold bitter.. a nice creamy caffreys.. god i could have one just now..

turns out my itching started again and she is running me through a battery of tests for serum bile acid etc, and i have to do repeat blood work tomorrow as the samples they took today were not with me fasting, i need to be fasting , so she is concerned and i will be getting my bloods done and my amniotic fluid levels checked tomorrow.. i hope everything is fine.. xx

god everyones so close to third tri... My LMP says its third tri for me today, but bubs is measuring 6 days behind and my doc does not consider third tri until 28 weeks

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