Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

:haha:Yeah me too I had a small bottle of vodka!! And yes of course I'm joking. You girls are all saints compared to me! I've been averaging 2-3 cupcakes a day! With frosting! Emma - i went off alcohol completely in first tri but not now sadly. I have a friend who drank all the way through both her pregnancies and gets really annoyed with me when I stop at one. She says "There's nothing wrong with Kate and Andy!!" Groan! (She's 60 so a different generation altogether).
I'm not really missing anything.... and the only real cravings I'm having are for ices and those aren't bad at all. But I have a feeling with all the hunger I've had, I'm gonna hate the scale on Thursday when I go back to the doc.

Tomorrow is the dangerous animal hearing for my dog, and I'm really nervous! Like sick to my stomach!

My ticker says I am at 26 weeks tomorrow and my last 2 scans he is measuring 9 days ahead... dunno what that means since doc isn't changing my due date yet, but still.... it matters to me
Erm, re ice cream being my only vice - I probably wasn't counting the mountains of cheese that I'm eating and the pints of chocolate milk!!!! (and definitely extra cakes and chocolate). I guess I was being a bit generous with myself on that one.

Re missing stuff - it's funny because I really thought I would miss alcohol a lot more than I do. I cut right down when TTC and actually had my last alcoholic drink on New Years eve because my OH and I agreed to give it up for 3 months to see if it would help me get pregnant. I'm really not bothered about it at all. And, it's not that I'm hugely against the idea of drinking when pregnant - I think it's more that I don't see the point of having just one drink so it's easier not to!!! I've been happily drinking lots of sparkling elderflower and other lovely sparkling drinks. What gets me more is when I do a cooked breakfast at the weekend and my OH always fancies a fried egg and I end up doing scrambled egg for me. I love scrambled egg but his fried egg with runny yoke always looks really yummy!!! And sushi, I love sushi - I miss that too!!

Angelique - good luck tomorrow honey, I really hope it all goes well for you and your dog

Babyhopes - good to get more checks done, sounds like you're in good hands there and they're being really thorough.

I'm feeling proud of myself because I've just cleared out a load of paperwork (about 2 years worth of filling) and it's a very satisfying feeling!!!! We also had some feedback from the estate agents today that a couple they showed round the flat at the weekend are quite interested - please please please make an offer and see it through!!!!! Hold out a good thought for us!!!
Leeze, good on you for being so productive !!! i eat lots of cakes now too.. and chocolate milk and mountains of cheese.. well ive had mountains of cheese swell before becoming preggo so its no different really, im a cheese lover !!
Well ive got lots to fear about.. and the news is not good.

we went to our appointment and they are waiting for a result for a virus test that comes back in one week to confirm OC, but apart from that they have found out that i have only 50 % of amniotic fluid, and not the rest, definetely not as much as she expects me to have which is 12cm, i only have 6cm or something and my babys head is measuring 2 weeks behind because of no fluid , so its being compressed, same goes to the abdomen as well, its measuring small.. i am not leaking the fluid, and theres nothing wrong with its kidneys, which is the first thing they check when they see less fluid. its kidneys are ok, but she cant explain why there is less fluid, so obviously now, the head and abdomen is an issue as its getting compressed. i may have to be injected with steroids to mature its legs , and may go into preterm labour by being induced if they see that the baby is distressed. she wants a second opinion, so i have to go for another scan soon to another doctor to confirm what she has seen, which she is 80 % sure of , and then we have lots to decide as the hospital we were supposed to deliver in, do not take patients until 34 weeks, so i have lots going on, am extremely worried and upset i may not be on for a while, well i dont know anything now, because i dont need anymore than i already have on my plate. ive had a horrible pregnancy as far as i can say, starting with blood clots, and bleeds and lots of stuff and now this.

i am really really upset and worried.
Preethi - I am so sorry to hear about your situation. What a dreadful worry that must be for you to take on board. I understand how agonizing waiting for answers can be as I also understand how telling you to try not to worry is like expecting you to do a back flip whilst running forwards! But you and your little one are in good hands. She is concerned and has the sense to seek a second opinion and I'm sure they will do everything in their power to ensure that baby is healthy and safe. Try not to think about the worst case scenario. It will only serve to panic you and that in itself could distress you both. Have a cry if that helps and a cuddle with your man. Try to be positive and think they're on the case and you're in safe hands. In the meantime, we are here to offer our support. I feel for you honey but try not to think the worst. Hugs.
Oh honey!!! I wish I could give you a big hug!!! Like darling says try not to stress about the what ifs. But focus on the positives.... like you are past 24 weeks and your baby has a very good chance of survival if she is born early. And the fact that it sounds like her kidneys are good and that's a huge plus. Also that your doctor is responsible enough to get another opinion. Try to stay calm, I know how hard it can be, and know we are here for you and thinking of you!!
Thank you so much darling and anglique, thanks for your support, thats really nice.. x

my doc is trying to fix an appointment for this thursday and if i get one then i will get confirmation and we will be able to move forward with whatever steps we need to take.,.. i just didnt think it would come to this you know pumping me with steroids to mature its lungs etc, its not nice,.. and everyone dreams of their waters breaking, and having a natural birth and bringing baby home, not the other way round you know, so it is really sad, but i want to wait for the diagnosis which i know is going to be what the doc said anyway.. and then just pray that i get to 34 weeks atleast without fetal distress., x will keep you all updated,. and am addicted to bnb so will probably be on anyway xxx wishing you all the healthiest of pregnancies !
Awww huni - so sorry for what your going through, like Darling and Angie have said we are here for you every step of the way. Obviously you will worry but do try not to think of the worst case scenario, what doctors can do nowadays is amazing and it sounds as though you are being very well cared for. Sending you a massive hug hunni do keep us updated lots of love and very best wishes xxxx
aw - Preethi - that sounds really tough. sorry that you're having to go through this. like the others say, it sounds like you're in good hands and they're checking everything out thoroughly. It's all good that they've found out there's less fluid than there should be and they can take all the steps to make sure baby is ok. I know it's probably such a worry for you, I hope they give you more answers on Thursday. Big hugs :hugs:
Hi Preethi,

I'm really sorry this has happened and hope they can reassure you tomorrow. I hope you have some people near you who can support you?

Thinking of you
yep, my mum comes to see me everyday and dh is being a gem about it, making sure i drink plenty of water and take lots of rest.. xxx thanks !! xx
Had a crap night last night literally thought i was going into labour. Need to go docs as think i have thrush again. Doing my head in. Cant get a docs appointment and my mw will be useless. Oh well!

How are you feeling today Babyhopes? xxx

Hey everyone else hope your well x
I was like that last night too pink sparkle I had contracting pains and couldn't stop being sick but felt ok by morning totally exhausted today though xx
pink sparkle, sorry to hear about thrush, im sure they cant sort it out with meds at the docs xxx hope you feel better soon xxx

weve got a confirmed appointment for 12 :30 pm tomorrow for another big scan to confirm diagnosis, but 90 % it is correct as per my doc.. i hope i can get my fluid levels up somehow.. xx
Thank you so much ladies, my scan is in about 3 hours, will get home and update you all.. xx they say movement is necessary to make sure baby is not in distress and the worst part is ive felt no movement for 2 days, only vague hiccups when i press down on my abdomen.. i hope everything turns out ok, even if i do have the diagnosis confirmed today, i hope i will be able to carry to atleast 35 weeks.

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