Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Everything is crossed for you hunni, update us asap xxx

My niece was born at 28 weeks 21 years ago and is a fit active beautiful young lady today and medicine has advanced since then x

Krissi - did it happen again last night? i was ok was scared to go to bed though incase it started.

Angie i dont know if i have missed a post but just wondered how you got on at the doggy hearing? Hope it was a good outcome xxx
Hi ladies

Babyhopes - I hope you're doing ok, let us know how you get on today. Sending you big hugs xxx :hugs:

Pink - I hate thrush!!! I used to get it a lot when younger and actually since I started TTC I got it about 3-4 times in 12 months. Somehow so far I've escaped it this pregnancy and I feel blessed about this, particularly since I had antibiotics last week. I'm eating lots of probiotic yoghurt every morning in a homemade smoothie, I dunno if this is helping. You probably already know all the things you should/shouldn't do - like wear cotton underwear, try to wear loose fitting skirts or trousers, only use unperfumed soap, cut down on yeast and sugar in your diet if possible etc. I hope it clears up soon xx

Angelique - any update on your dog? xx

Krissi and Pink - do you think you might be having braxton hicks? I'm not sure when they can start - does anyone know?

Pink Sparkle - No last night I was OK although yesterday I felt awful with diziness and feeling sick and today I feel very odd again. How were you last night? It may well have been braxton Hicks but i hope not cause it hurt I much prefer to think of it as a mini tummy bug lol!!
Im feeling fine today, you should mention the dizziness and sickness to your mw as can be a sign of high bp, dont want to scare you but always best to be cautious in my book. I was fine in the night too didnt need the toilet either which was great! x

No news from Babyhopes yet? although im not sure what the time difference is etc x
Hi, they confirmed the diagnosis today, although my fluid levels went up from 6 to 8 so thats good, but baby is weighing in the 840's or 70's range and she should be 10 % more i think by now, measuring a week behind in measurements,

but overall, no defects with kidneys or whatever and LO is healthy, although im going to be starting steroid injections on saturday to mature her lungs and i will be having scans every few days/ weekly and will also be monitored in the labour room on a CTG machine to check for distress as i dont feel movements..

i have appointments next week with the american hospital here where they have incubators and i have to be booked with them just in case i have to deliver prematurely.. so thats whats going on now.. im drinking water and fluids like crazy to try and top my fluid levels up and resting as well..xxx

Thank you so much all of you for your support... they are basically saying that my case is unexplainable as they look for three things when it comes to low AF.

birth defects in kidneys,
growth ******ation due to improper blood flow from placenta

ive passed all three tests, so its unexplained !

Thanks for all your support ladies, it feels so nice to know that people from other places in the world are so concerned xxx :hugs:

time difference is 3 hours in the summer between UK and dubai.. dh is from the uK by the way, we are having a mixed raced bump .. i do wish i can carry upto 35 weeks atleast,, the last thing i want to do is see her in an incubator xx
Im sorry that the diagnosis was confirmed but at the same time very pleased that your lo is fine and healthy albeit a lil bit small. It sounds like you are in very good hands and everything is crossed that your precious princess stays snug inside you until you reach the 35 week mark. Everyday she spends tucked inside makes her that bit stronger and good to hear that they are giving you the steroids and monitoring you so well. Of course we care ...its funny how much you do come to care for someone that you meet in a pregnancy chat room but i suppose it is because we are all sharing such a precious time in our lives and what is happening to you could easily be happening to any of us, lots of love xxx

Some of us are friends on fb if your on there and you would like to add us pm us your details xxx
Hi Preethi,

So glad you and your baby are ok. When you know what is going to happen it is easier to deal with I think and it sounds like you have a good plan of activity to ensure you and your LO are monitored properly. You must be worried still so make sure you lean if you need to!

I hope all you other ladies are all ok. I am headdng off on a hen do tomorrow - its an 80"s dance weekend and we're dressing up for a dance class and routine on Saturday. I have got a "Like a Virgin" vest top to wear - should raise a few smiles with my very big bump!

Big hugs :hugs:
pinksparkle :hugs: so true, it is a special time in our lives.. thats why we want it to be perfect, but i guess it dosent always happen that way xx i was on FB but had stalker issues so closed my account down.. it was well and truly scary ! i do have blackberry msgr though if any off you want an add ? xx

waitress, enjoy the hen do !! must be fun to get out and do something like that even whilst your pregnant !! xxx make the most of it x
just quickly checking in to see if any news from babyhopes. Good to hear that they've ruled out any of the very serious sounding issues and that your fluid levels have increased. I agree about caring for each other - I actually speak to you guys more than most of my friends out in the real world and genuinely care about what is happening with everyone. We're going through an amazing and precious experience together (that is sometimes also scary!). Great you're checking out the other hospital option too. I hope your LO hangs on for at least another 8 weeks or so, but like the others say every day that goes by she gets a bit stronger.

Hi to everyone else too - catch up properly in next few days xxx
Hi guys, quick post from me.... I've tried to post several times but my phone keeps kicking me out. Preethi, its soo good that baby seems to be doing well. And the docs seem to be doing a great job!

Leeze is it your bday? If so happy birthday!!

My dog hearing went well, but we wont know the decision for about 2 weeks. BUT the good news is since it was a first time thing he will likely only have a few restrictions, like having to be kept in a fenced yard. And a beware of dog sign. He wont be put down and that's a huge relief.

I went to the ob today had a horrible glucose test, the quick test said my blood sugar was at 120 and that's kinda high.... over 140 is gestational diabetes. So he wants me to follow a lower Carb and sugar diet for the next 2 weeks and I get to do it again. Blah. And I got my shot of rhogam in my bootie to protect against the RH factor. As I am O- and hubby is A+
Gotta run. Hope you are all doing good!!! Pink and krissi, I hope you are feeling better
oh angelique, i do hope your next test says you dont have 120 xx

Leeze, if its your birthday ...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNNI :cake: have a fab day xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hee hee. It was my birthday yesterday so thanks for the birthday wishes. As I get older I'm trying to let them go past a bit more quietly!!

Angelique - great to hear your dog doesn't have to be put down, must be such a relief

I'm going out for vietnamese food tonight with some friends. yummy xx
I meant to say - Angelique - good luck with the low sugar and low carb diet. That sounds like a difficult one. I know I'm eating too much sugar right now and my midwife said I need to cut down because the glucose levels in my urine were quite high. Difficult though xx
Well, turns out I have borderline gestational diabetes so now I get to cut sugars and pasta and potatoes etc..... not thrilled but if it helps me feel better then that's good..
How is everyone doing?
Oh no angie thats pants...good luck with the change of diet i have a feeling i will be the same after my next bloods i just cannot stop eating rubbish im so weak willed. Im glad the hearing went ok and that you dont have to have the dog put down x

Leeze sorry i missed your birthday i hope you had a great day and hope your food was good last night xxx

Im a bit of a hormonal mess atm...ive posted about it on curvy ladies if you wanna have a nosy cba to write it out again lol or bore anyone else with it xxx
angelique, sorry you have to cvhange your diet, but im sure with some change, the sugar level should be ok.. :hugs:

leeze, hope you had a fab day hun xxx

pink, ill try to get on there and have a nosey.

afm, im going to get my first steroid shot today and then my second tomorrow along with a scan. .. i hope baby stays in and cooks for longer xx will update soon
Hey babyhopes hope that by having the injections you can feel a lil more at ease let us know how your scan goes. im all for positive thinking and think your lil one is going to be just fine, im sorry your having such a rotten time but when you hold your lil princess in your arms she will be worth it xxxhugsxxx
Babyhopes good luck with your scan today... update us asap...thinking of you xxx

YAY im officially 3rd Tri today...cannot believe how quickly the time is passing x

Hubby spent yesterday building a wardrobe/cupboard space in our box room as there was a big box there because of the staircase so building on top of that to make the most of the dead space. Hes gotta finish it today just means another day of not doing much....well with him anyway. Be exciting when hes done as i will have hanging space for baby clothes and also for ds's too. So there will be more exciting sorting out for me soon yay! x
HAPPY THIRD TRIMESTER PINKSPARKLE !!!! :headspin: :headspin: :headspin: woohoo !! only 10 more weeks till full term ! xx yay for all the diy work getting done !

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