Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Kara that story about the cat cracked me up :haha: My Squeaks has done some silly things in her time but that's a new one on me! And your bump looks lovely! I feel absolutely huge now with this watermelon on my front, anyone else feel the same? Turning over in bed is a flipping mission.
Emma any advance on pains?
Really hope everything goes ok at the hospital krissi. Not surprised you're annoyed with them, sometimes it really amazes me that they can miss things like that, especially throughout a whole pregnancy. We're not talking about a random one-off appointment!
I really like the name Zachary Angie, although I have to admit I quite like the 'ch'! But you can obviously choose any spelling you like!

Preethi how is everything going? Has Gemma settled in well?

Well no new news on me I'm afraid. We had a lovely weekend, we did actually go to my best friend's for her little girl's birthday and I'm really glad we did, NHS direct cleared my friend's mum as well so my mind was definitely at rest. Then yesterday we went for lunch with some friends and we managed to do a complete clear-out of our bedroom, it looks fab. I was getting worried about it cos I couldn't stand the thought of giving birth, then going upstairs to get some rest and looking at a mess.
On the subject of my own pains, I am really getting the period type cramps today, pretty strong. They have got stronger over the past couple of days. Maybe it's starting to happen? :shrug: I really hope so, I want to meet my little man!
Lol. If Jez had got out wearing my thong I would NEVER have left the house again! Lol

Hun I'm so with you there. I sound like I'm in labour when I try to turn! And I'm tossing and turning all night. I just cannot get comfortable enough until after 1am where I am just so exhausted I can't keep my eyes open.. then I wake up and its ho hum back to the loo again!

Angie - I'm guilty too. I like Zachary. Zachariah is nice too. Its whatever you're happy with at the end of the day though hun. X

Krissi I can't believe how these people get to practice sometimes! Hope you're ok. X
Hmmm its not that I dislike the 'ch' in Zachery its that I don't like it on Zack.... I guess I cannot spell it both ways.

I've been having some very strange pains... all across the front of the bottom of my bump since last night and down in my girlie parts. I keep hoping I will go into labor and force the doctor into doing the c section.
I know he wants baby in as long as is healthy but I'm so miserable I can barely function. Its 130pm and I'm in bed. I was up last night till 2am scratching.

Pielette good for you for getting your room done.. I've been wanting the same thing I just can't make myself do it!

Darling I still laugh when I think of your cat.... I can so picture myself doing something like that. My cats are indoor only, but my male is peeing on any clothes or blankets left on the floor, and with kids that's a lot, and its making me want to get rid of him cuz I'm tired of cleaning up cat pee. Its a horrible smell!

Krissi... big hugs to you!

Pink.... how is baby girl... still chilling breach?
Angie I'm sending you a huge power hug girl! :hugs: And cat pee on top of everything else! My cat is the noisiest, most vocal cat (a black tom cat) I've ever encountered. Siamese cats would seem quiet comparatively and he likes to roger the kids toys.. particularly Bear for some reason and he is the laziest hunter.. in fact to call him a hunter is insulting to other cats who actually do hunt! His approach is the stake-out.. picking them off one by one when they come out for food. He is a loud, immoral, lazy gobshite!! But he is rather handsome! Lol

Well I'm getting a lot of menstrual type cramps or just constant braxton hicks. I'm not ready either. I don't have a nursery - we practice attachment parenting so the little guy will be in a bedside cot and we haven't moved it into position yet. Nothing huge just a myriad of little things to do and to pack. I've been a bit too relaxed! :coffee:

Anyway, i need you to vote:

Joshua Joseph aka 'Josh' or,
Joseph Joshua aka 'Jojo'

Christie and Thomas have been vetoed :cry:
Hi everyone

I'm officially exhausted today so I'm going to apologise in advance if I forget anything that's been going on here today!!!! Had the glucose test this morning - drinking Lucozade on an empty stomach was really unpleasant!! then this afternoon I went to visit a friend in hospital for a few hours, I've been meaning to go see him for a few weeks. this evening i've been defrosting the freezer because we've got a new one arriving tomorrow. we're also getting new electric heaters fitted tomorrow and the cot is being delivered. Phew!

Sorry I haven't posted a bump pic yet, I will definitely do this in the next few days

I like the name Zachary (whichever way you spell it) and I also think you could shorten to Zac whether you spell with a ch or ck!!

I like Joshua Joseph better but I think they're both lovely

My OH is going through our "7000 baby names" book at the moment, we still haven't got a name either. We had a shortlist but none of those are really grabbing me at the moment. Lara is a new possibility we've added to our list this evening. I think I'm still relying on meeting our LO and being inspired by seeing her little face!!

I can't remember who said it but I'm in definite agreement about the turning over in the night difficulty - I feel like I'm hurling myself from one side to the other!! And getting up to pee about every hour during the night at the moment!

Sounds like there's quite a few of you guys with possible symptoms!! I've had a couple of twinges but I think it's more about bubs being low down now and getting pressure from her head. I've had some of the cutest movements ever in the last few days, one particularly felt like a little foot and it made my heart melt!!!

Right, bedtime - catch you all soon xxx
I'm feeling the same things Kara, maybe our bodies are warming up! I feel so impatient, I really want to cuddle my little guy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to try and induce labour or anything, I'm just hoping he decides he's ready fairly soon! The last bit of this pregnancy is really dragging, feel like all I can do is lumber around. So glamourous!
On the subject of the name, I think I like Joseph Joshua slightly more, but like Leeze said I like both! :flower:
You poor thing Angie, the scratching must be driving you mad. Surely he can go ahead and do the c-section now, you are full term. It's fantastic that you made it to full term! How is your liver doing? Oh, and on the subject of the name, I always assumed Zachary would become Zack? I would never spell it Zach.
Wow Leeze you've been busy! Well done on getting the heaters sorted. We haven't managed to do ours in time, but to be fair the little man will be in with us for a couple of months and it's a lot warmer in our bedroom. 7000 baby names? Think my head would be swimming after all that!

Well today I shall be going to a psychic reading with my mum (a different lady than the one I saw a couple of months ago). Something was said to my mum in the last one which has bothered her so she really wanted to query it with someone. And I just love a psychic reading so I'm going along for fun :happydance:
Just received the proof of our wedding album over email, it's so lovely! We got married last December so really should have sorted it earlier, but it's so nice to finally see what it will look like. Although it does make me look at my lovely belly and sigh in remembering what it used to be like... ah well. I'm determined I will get my figure back, I've got my personal trainer coming up with all sorts of evil workouts, she will be my saviour! :thumbup:
What's everyone up to today?
What about Zac without the 'h' or 'k'?

I'm with you on the last jaunt. I may try pineapple because I'm 38 weeks today so I feel anytime now would be great. My poor body can't cope with much more! Lol
I'm lucky if I sleep before 1.30am and last night was nearer to 2am.

The mw is coming to see me tomorrow (Haven't seen her in a month!) and I have to make a decision. Yeovil is practical and has everything I need (except a birthing pool and baths in the rooms :-( while Bath is perfect but an hour away. I feel I have a responsibility to choose Yeovil but I want Bath. Bath is a large mw-led unit and is bright and airy. Yeovil is mw/consultant and is really dark and dingy! Ohhh!! That bloody evil mw at Taunton. I could throttle her!!

If she says "I see a baby in your future" spit in her eye!
Lol ;-)
Could you not choose Bath, and then if things go too quickly go to Yeovil? They can't turn you away, can they? By the sounds of it you really want to be at Bath so it'd be a real shame! Or go camp out at a Travellodge nearby for the next couple of weeks :haha:

Hmm, yes if she says 'I predict you will give birth in the next month...' No s*** Sherlock!
Could you not choose Bath, and then if things go too quickly go to Yeovil? They can't turn you away, can they? By the sounds of it you really want to be at Bath so it'd be a real shame! Or go camp out at a Travellodge nearby for the next couple of weeks :haha:

Hmm, yes if she says 'I predict you will give birth in the next month...' No s*** Sherlock!

Lmao! See if she can tell you girl or boy! :baby:

I know I really do. But I have to think of Joe and the children. Around trip to Bath would take Joe the best part of 2 hrs travel time and Yeovil only an hr. If I had to stay in for any reason.. :dohh: :cry:
Kara - go for what you want. You're experienced at this labour malarkey - the extra half hour to Bath shouldn't be the deal breaker. Get Joe to drive fast!

Angie - any news?

Right, little update from me. Went for a long walk with the husband on Sunday and by the end of it my bump had dropped significantly. Had dinner at my mums and felt the most unbelievable pressure in my "vajazzle" :haha: and spent a very uncomfortable night certain I was going into labour with lots of sharp period pains. Nothing much happened yesterday, all pains abated and my bump seemed to rise a bit. Other than that I cleaned the house and then at tea time I had a bit of a wet incident in my knickers and I'm certain it wasn't my bladder. I went to NCT and had a few mild pains and then annoyingly slept really well last night but woke up a little concerned about the water thing so I rang Maternity Triage and they just had me do the one hour pad test which is exactly as it sounds and you do bugger all but lie down for an hour and see what happens. I had some lovely green snotty stuff come away which they think is part of my plug. I've still got some very faint familiar type period pains coming and going but nothing more. 3 and a half more weeks of this? I'll never last......!!

I'm off to the gym to see if I can help things along a little. I want to meet my baby too!
The thing is Emma if the traffic's bad I could have the baby en route particularly as I'm a third-timer. My body could pop this one out with very little warning! lol. Eek! Can you imagine Joe driving speeding through red lights shouting, "Aaaaargh!!! Keep your legs together Kara... !!!" :rofl: Then again if he's still posterior.. it could be a while. But there are other things to consider like if I had to stay a while how long it would take Joe to collect the children and get back to the hospital and vice versa. I know what you're saying because my gut says Bath. On the upside husbands can stay on the ward until
10pm in Yeovil but in Bath they have to leave at 9pm. Its torture!!!!!

You lucky girl! Losing part of your plug! (Jeez what a loony I sound! Lol) Don't mention green mucus to this lot though! They're obsessed with infections and Bacterial Vag-something-or-other!! Honestly, the amount of girls that have been told to see the doctor immediately just because their mucus plug was green made me feel quite annoyed! Clearly, these women must get a few themselves y'know!! Lol. I got told it too and mine was light brown! Wtf?!!! The women on here can be a bit of a nightmare at times! I've been scrutinizing my knickers since last week and zip! Nada! Zilch! Squat!! :cry: Seriously, statistically first timers are more likely to be late but you sound more like you're going to be early! Both mine were late so I'm hoping for an early or punctual baby this time around!
I'm not teling anyone else about my plug. My plug is private!! The Triage midwife wasn't at all concerned about the colour, in fact she was distinctly underwhelmed with my plug news!! - and anyways, it could be another 2 weeks yet before anything happens.

I have just had a gigantic clear out of the bowels though.....hmmmmm. I just hoovered again but only because I thought it would tick the nesting box, not because I actually wanted to!!

So I've been thinking and basically pregnancy is taking your knickers off to get pregnant, checking them for 2 weeks to make sure you MIGHT be pregnant then checking them right up until 37 weeks to make sure you stay pregnant and then checking them for 3 more weeks to make sure you will stop being pregnant at some point. Lordy. Its all about the pants! I was just saying this to my best friend and she said "It doesn't stop there, then you spend a year staring at your babies nappies...." Can't wait!
Sorry Kara, managed to miss off the paragraph about YOU!

I see what you're saying about the traffic. No one needs to see your G string and your ankles on the dashboard on the M5:haha:. BUT, if you were to have the baby so quickly you could go somewhere nearer like Vanessa said- or get them to come to you? If its happening so fast you're probably not going to get an epidural in before it comes? I can see the bit about Joe and the kids being a bit of a logistical nightmare. I would aim for what you WANT to happen and then deal with whatever DOES happen. Hope that makes sense? :shrug:
Hmmm sounds like everyone is getting g close now! I've been trying to send myself into labor to force doc to do my section.... I've been really bad the last 2 days. I see him tomorrow and as bad as it sounds I hope my levels have risen or that my BP is back up so I can just end the waiting. He had me so geared up to have this baby 2 weeks ago and now I almost feel overdue LOL.

Anyway darling I think bath is doable, its the same distance for my hubby 1 hour each way... though I don't have to worry about popping a kid out on the freeway LOL. My hubby doesn't seem to mind the drive. But then again your little ones are a bit younger.... I just think its time for you to get to be a Tad bit selfish and get what you want after all the hard work.

Waitress sounds like you are showing some serious signs! Very exciting! Keep us posted! I can't wait to see pics of all the babies!
So I've been thinking and basically pregnancy is taking your knickers off to get pregnant, checking them for 2 weeks to make sure you MIGHT be pregnant then checking them right up until 37 weeks to make sure you stay pregnant and then checking them for 3 more weeks to make sure you will stop being pregnant at some point. Lordy. Its all about the pants! I was just saying this to my best friend and she said "It doesn't stop there, then you spend a year staring at your babies nappies...." Can't wait!

:rofl: Its sooo true!!

Well.. I lost mine (whole.. sorry tmi) at 10am and was in labour at 6pm! That was my second, Ethan. Sooo.. you never know! I wpuld rather be early than late.
loving the pants theory!!! :haha::haha: So true!

Kara - I think it's a tough decision you've got to make. Is it a case of whether or not a happier mummy (better hospital) makes for a happier hubby and children, or whether or not happier hubby and children (less disruption and travelling) make for a happier mummy? Or substitute the word "happier" for "less stressed" or "more stressed! Good luck working it out!! I'm still tempted to say Bath but that's because I'm thinking more about you rather than your hubby and children!!

Emma - sounds like you could be getting close now!! I'm VERY impressed you're going to the gym still!! I've got seriously sore feet most of the time at the moment and can manage being on my feet for about half an hour at a time at the most.

Angie - good luck with your appointment tomorrow. Must be hard for you to keep thinking it's going to happen and then it gets put back a bit longer. Definitely won't be too long now though and it's fantastic you've made it to 37 weeks.

Pielette - let us know if you get anything interesting back from your reading. And, I'm also impressed with you getting your personal trainer ready too!! I'm thinking at this point that I'll start doing some exercise about 2 months after the LO comes, and even then it will probably be a half hour walk round the part to start with!!! Also, I don't mind the idea of having some extra padding in the winter to keep me warm!!!

So, we got our lovely new heaters installed today and they look great - so much better than the old ones (they were 18 years old!!!). I think we're going to be nice and snug this winter which is great because normally it's freezing in this flat. Also, our bedside cot arrived today! I'm so excited!! And, I went through my hospital bag again and added a few bits (warm socks and dressing gown mainly!). Has everyone got their hospital bag ready? I can't really decide how much to take and somehow I want to keep telling myself it will be straight-forward and therefore I won't need to pack for 2-3 days - just for 8-12 hours or so!!

Well, I haven't got any signs yet really - although have been going to the toilet a lot today (not quite diarrhoea but almost) - and my baby has definitely dropped a bit as there's quite a lot of pressure lower down now. I still feel like I'd be happy for her to stay put for another 3 weeks or so though, I want to spend more time sorting stuff out in the flat and lying about watching DVDs!! So far my maternity leave has been really busy and I want some more lazy time to myself before she comes!! I know I might feel differently next week when I'm even bigger and heavier!!! :haha:
Wow Emma, these signs are looking very promising! How are you feeling now? Definitely good that your plug's come away. Wish it would just happen though, like BAM! We're all in labour! Love the pants theory :haha: I did think to myself though, I'm going to HATE going back to periods again, I absolutely have loved not having them for the past nine months. Just makes me feel all grotty and dirty :nope:
Well fingers crossed for tomorrow Angie, I think it's amazing that you made it to 37 weeks with all the liver issues. It'll be fantastic when you can feel normal again and get to see your little man and be reassured that he's fine!
The heaters sound great Leeze, a bit jealous I have to say! Must get my butt in gear and sort our own out.

Well my reading was fabulous! Very specific and I can't wait to see if it all comes true. She knew I was having a home birth. Actually she knew loads of stuff but I'd end up writing a whole page if I told you all about it!
Great you enjoyed the reading, Pielette! Be interesting to see how much of it comes true! I know what you mean about not having periods, I was thinking that myself the other day. Definitely a perk of pregnancy that I hadn't thought about before getting pregnant! Although, I'm not looking forward to the post-birth bleeding that is meant to last for up to 6 weeks!! Is that the equivalent of 9 months worth of periods all saved up, do you think? :haha:
Girls!!! The baby's moved! Its anterior (ROA)!!! Hallelujah!!!

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