Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Thanks Leeze,

My MIL and FIL are not my biggest fans. They think I've been neglecting their son for years while I've been working and any opportunity to give me a dig, they take! She calls me up and asks things like "What have you had for tea?" - checking up on what I'm feeding her precious 40 year old son. Its a bloomin' nightmare!

We are very different but I need to find a way to make it better. I thought the pregnancy might make me more mellow towards them and I've tried sending her an email each week updating her on how I'm feeling etc but I just get barbed responses like "well, you are quite old to be having your first". FFS, I'm not 58, I'm 38!! I find I'm getting more arsey with them, not better!

Oh well,
Sorry - posted before I was ready!

I have been looking at maternity clothes too - am actually REALLY looking forward to getting some jeans - they look so comfy! :thumbup:
Grrr! What is it with MIL's?? Mines useless (except she bakes the odd nice cake here and there) but she's not rude.. from what I read on here some MIL's make it their sole mission in life to upset there DIL's! Waitress you are a legend! Go you! Pity you couldn't have said, "That's right and by the time he/she graduates you'll be ... (you have a choice here depending how twisted your sense of humour is hehe!!) but here are a few to make you smile:-
A. Ninety!
B. In a home!
C. Pushing up the daisies!
D. Gaga!

Thanks Leeze. In bed feeling yuk! Just sicky headache and fatigue has just knocked me sideways.
Thanks Leeze,

My MIL and FIL are not my biggest fans. They think I've been neglecting their son for years while I've been working and any opportunity to give me a dig, they take! She calls me up and asks things like "What have you had for tea?" - checking up on what I'm feeding her precious 40 year old son. Its a bloomin' nightmare!

We are very different but I need to find a way to make it better. I thought the pregnancy might make me more mellow towards them and I've tried sending her an email each week updating her on how I'm feeling etc but I just get barbed responses like "well, you are quite old to be having your first". FFS, I'm not 58, I'm 38!! I find I'm getting more arsey with them, not better!

Oh well,

I'd be tempted to say "We're having our favourite, Pot Noodle again - and I can't wait for our little one to be born so we can go to MacDonalds to buy happy meals!!" :haha:

You could also remind her that "In her day, 40 was considered old to have your first, but that in these modern times women are having babies into their late 50s with all the treatment available!" or an approach like "Maybe it's a combination of my age and my pregnancy hormones making me feel like this, but I'm finding you to be quite rude and judgemental" :haha:
Sorry - posted before I was ready!

I have been looking at maternity clothes too - am actually REALLY looking forward to getting some jeans - they look so comfy! :thumbup:

I quite fancy a cape coat - I think this is because I've wanted a cape coat all winter and been trying to convince myself I don't really need it and it would be a luxury. Now I'm actually pregnant I feel like I've got a good reason - although realistically it would probably be about September or October before I would really need it!!! I just want to go shopping!! :haha:
Darling - sorry to hear about sicky headache - hoping this is a good sign! :thumbup: Looking forward to the ticker moving on tomorrow to 5 weeks!! I'm really excited!!!
Leeze yeah so funny that we get all excited about that! Lol. In both my pregnancies I've been a fanatical reader and I usedto love to readthe next part of baby's development each new week! :)
Leeze yeah so funny that we get all excited about that! Lol. In both my pregnancies I've been a fanatical reader and I usedto love to readthe next part of baby's development each new week! :)

Me too. I've got the B&B app and I love waking up and reading the days to go, daily info etc. I'm addicted to reading about what stage this little one is at. I don't know what I will be tomorrow in terms of "fruit" - can't wait to see!

We had some fruit salad after our roast today (Take THAT MIL!) and I just came out with "I really want to be a plum". My DH thinks I'm mad. I think he might be right! xx
I honestly can't stand my MIL. She is soo naggy and has an annoying little mousy voice and everyone including my hubby thinks she knows everything about medical stuff cause she used to be a receptionist in a doctors office. Drives me bonkers. To be honest she is the one person that I am really not looking forward to telling or FIL for that matter cause he always has to be so negative about everything. And every time I go over there I always feel so awkward cause I'm always getting these looks and then they wonder why I don't talk to them much.

I haven't even thought of maternity clothes. Hubby seems to think that I wont need any at all cause apparently he knew this lady at his old job that didn't have any. But he has another thing coming. As soon as my pants begin to get snug I'm going to get some maternity ones. I'm not going to be uncomfortable.

What I wish is that I could go and start buying some baby stuff. Even just an outfit or something. But again hubby says no, don't need to worry about any of that for a long while yet. But at the same time I don't want to be buying this stuff right at the end. I don't think he realizes how much that cost is going to be. Plus would make me feel good to have some baby item around. Would make it more real for me I guess.
Baby grows (or sleep suits) from the supermarket! Cheap as chips and nothing will make it quite as real as looking a the tiny little baby grow and imagining you're little bean all sleepy and tiny in it!

Waitress I have that app too!

Ok may be too much TMI but I am quitting on wearing a bra for now. t-shirts and sweatshirts for me. Bra's hurt WAY too much at the moment. Had horrible pain took off the bra and almost immediately felt better. Guess it's too much pressure. Anyone else finding they have to do this?
I know how you feel. I've been wearing a sports bra all week but i've been off work and tomorrow is my first day back. Regular bras kill me. Can't wait till I get home tomorrow.

I too only have a few symptoms and I don't feel them all the time. Only sore boobs and cramping at night. I'm going for my first u/s on Tuesday because my doctor wants to make sure everything is in the right place. I don't expect to see much.

As for telling people, my hubby and I decided to wait until 12 weeks to tell anyone. At first I thought this was a great idea but now I just want to tell everyone! I have seen 2 doctors (not OBs) and a massage therapist in the past few days and I had to tell them. It felt so great to say "I'm pregnant!" I went out with some friends and told them I couldn't drink because I was on antibiotics. I hate lying. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get throught the next 7 weeks lying to everyone, especially when drinking is involved? I can't be on antibiotics for that long.

I just want to say how happy I am to be apart of this. My hubby doesn't unsderstand whats going on with me and I love that I can talk to people who are going through this at the exact same time. Thanks everyone :)
It is true isnt it? So good we're all here to support each other. I am very lucky my husband is fantastic! But it's difficult for them. We're being flooded with hormones and it really can effect your moods. I'm not at tolerant as usual. I seem to be incapable of bull***t at the moment and I cried at Nanny McPhee last night! Lol. We're a bit volatile I suppose and I just want to tell everyone too. I've told two friends (one busted me and the other I told because I see her every day and wanted someone to talk to. The hardest thing for me is keeping it from my little girl who wants a sister! Lol. I can't bear not being honest with her.
Morning everyone :flower:

What's the B&B app - is it for the Iphone or something? I want one!!

Lovely to see that the heart and kidneys are being formed this week. Waitress, funny that you shouted out about wanting a plum!! You got a sweet pea instead this week! :haha: I also like the idea that Monday coming round is something to look forward to because I can get to see what's new this week for baby's development!

I think I want to wait until later on to get baby stuff but I do like the idea of browsing for maternity clothes. Even just imagining how it will feel to be looking in the maternity section and feeling happy about this - feels amazing!!

it's hard not to tell people isn't it? Re the not drinking thing, I've told some friends that I'm doing an extended detox - a lot of my friends know we've been TTC for a while because I told them about the m/c last year - so I'm saying that it's an extended Jan-March detox to try to help with health and fertility. Otherwise I think just try to get your own drinks and drink mixers without spirits in and let people assume you've got vodka or something in it.

I'm still ok with a bra but I did feel my boobs hurt for the first time this morning. I was quite relieved because I was starting to worry a bit about them not really hurting!! :haha:

I'm feeling very tired today and a bit vacant in my head. Not quite feeling sick but still a strange feeling in my stomach and back of my mouth. Hoping all are good signs! :haha:

I agree, it's great to have each other and am really appreciating this group already :hugs:
Morning Pumpkin ladies :flower:

Hope everyone is doing ok.

On the subject of telling people, OH and I told my parents and his mom last night :thumbup: All of them VERY excited. Just got to stop them blabbing to everyone else now as certainly both grannies are dying to!

Symptom-wise, I'm just still bloated, a bit gassy sometimes and getting a few twinges low down every now and again. Boobs are doing absolutely nothing :wacko: My appetite has decreased a fair bit. No nausea or anything but I'm just not that hungry.

I too took a while to find this thread again, how come it has moved? Do threads automatically move to the 'discussions' bit when they get to a certain length? x
You're the second person to say we've moved. I don't know.

Pielette I've unsubscribed from your doggy thread now honey because of women getting arsey with me because they think having a dog is the same as having a baby! It is actually starting to make me angry. If I don't I'm just going to be very very rude! I know people love their dogs but comparing a dog to a baby is ridiculous! I notice there aren't any mothers on there agreeing with them. Grrr! Sorry just wanted to get that off my chest. No offense to any dog owners here and if anyone here has actually given birth to a canine I'm dreadfully sorry for my insensitive and politically incorrect comments! ;-P
Afternoon all,

Darling - I read your Dogs and Babies post this morning. I read it out to my dog too - she liked it. I told you she was clever.

So everything I've read says I should experience morning sickness at 6 weeks. Well I've been 6 weeks for about 7 waking hours now and nada. I did 110 tumble turns in the pool this morning and completely over ate at lunchtime and I feel absolutely fine. I know I shouldn't wish it upon myself and I am sorry for those that are proper poorly with it but right now, even a little wave of nausea might, strangely enough, make me feel better!

My best friend gave birth this morning 3 1/2 weeks early and I've just spoken to her. 2 hour labour, no pain relief, no OH allowed in the room, very difficult birth but one beautiful little girl. After listening to her and watching 20 seconds of that video thats on the First Trimester board, I think I need to go for a lie down. I am going to try and watch 20 more seconds later on. Has anyone else seen it?

Hope everyone is doing well today xx
im going to try and keep up with this thread again - thanks darling for the usercp tip i didnt even know how to use this site properly. I havent attempted to read through previous posts apart from this page so i do apologise but will just have to start fresh from page 44 lol!

In terms of telling ppl i have told quite a few close family and friends should anything go 'wrong' i would want their support and comfort too so no point not telling them. Ive told my parents hubbys parents two of my sisters my sil three of my good friends and even my dd knows shes at that age where shes incredibly nosey and even if things go wrong i think she would know something was up and shes at that funny age of trying to be very grown up.

Darling - i havent been on the thread about pets, i have two children and a cat and dog, although i do love my pets and they do become part of the family my children come first without a doubt. I have already considered finding my cat a better home, because i think she deserves better than she is getting with us. She doesnt like children and is not keen on the dog she has no real space of her own and i think its only going to get worse once the new baby arrives. My mum and dh were shocked and didnt agree with me at first but i think it shows that i love my cat and want her to have the best life possible, even if thats not with us :( x
oh and how do i get the pumpkin signature ...its so cute...i love it x

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