Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Waitress' dog:- you'll understand it's nothing personal and I'm sure you adore your owner but it's simply not the same thing! One day when you have pups of your own you'll understand that.. What's that? Oh you do? You are a very smart dog indeed? ;-P
Waiters - I think we have similar humour.

Pinksparkle welcome back! Glad it helped. That explains why people keep saying they keep losing this thread. Next time we need to tell them to user the user control panel.
You're clearly a mature, responsible cat owner. I had to do a similar thing with my old cat years ago. I relocated him to a magical spot halfway up a mountain in Wales. He loved it. It is sad. I hope you can work something out. I know it's heartbreaking getting rid of a pet. But you're right. My beef with these women was that they had no children and they think that having a dog is akin to having a child and then get uppity when you burst their bubble! Which I was morally compelled to do! Lol. Ok, ok, but I did eventually walk away :)
Funny about the dogs and babies thread comments! To be honest, there were a few threads that I read last night where I decided not to comment on them at all including the dogs and babies one, one about cats and living in a flat, and one about drinking when pregnant. The main reason I didn't comment because I made the assessment that there's a lot of pregnancy hormones flying around and some comments that felt really attacking of other people. I decided best not to get involved. I think the idea of this forum is that it's a support forum, and it's good people have different views and opinions but I also think some people were getting quite personal with each other and I don't like that on here. Like you say, Darling, best just to take yourself out of it. I guess some people will learn the hard way that there are some big differences between dogs and babies.

I normally find the thread again by going into my profile page, then clicking on statistics, and all threads posted by ... and then finding the last post I made. There might be a better way than this but this works for me!! Re the pumpkin signature, somebody else set this up so you'd need to look back through the pages for the link she posted for it. Sorry, I can't be more helpful than that!! I think it was maybe about Wednesday or Thursday of last week.

I'm feeling absolutely exhausted this afternoon and got a raging thirst. Could do with a lie down but need to do work stuff. Dreading to think what this will be like in a couple of weeks!!!!
Morning girls! Nice to see some of you on here already today!

I find it interesting that I have lost about 3 pounds in the last week. Strange since I have not had any sickness, nausea or food aversions or decreased appetite... I'm still eating completely normally. I also havnt even worked out since I found out I'm pg and I used to run frequently. I wonder if metabolism gets a little faster with early pregnancy???

Still my only noticeable symptom is backache. Yesterday was absolutely beautiful (I live in northern Florida!) so hubby and i went to the outdoor mall to poke around a few hours and wow did I get sore just from walking! My back, bum, hips and legs were so are like Id run a marathon lol.

On buying things: hubby was pretty cute yesterday as I was shopping for my friend's daughters 1st bday and so we went in target and babiesRus and my hubby wanted to look at the strollers in each store! Mostly because he's set on getting a jogging stroller (we like to run) so we can get back to lots of running after the baby is born. It's sweet but I'm not sure how quickly after childbirth he's thinking I'm going to want to go running! :wacko: but we won't buy anything for quite a while I'm thinking. Especially since we are moving in June all the way up the coast and we really don't need more things to pack/move!!
I have not looked at maternity clothes yet. I'm hoping to get away with wearing pretty loose float summery tops for a while at first. Unfortunately I have a uniform top at work and it is so UGLY! so I will not get to be a cute pretty girl at work, just a fat ugly shirt-wearing one! :nope:

Oh and we told our parents and siblings right away and they're thrilled! (my sister is already demanding to know what the sex is so she can shop!) I've also told a few close friends who I see often. Otherwise we are waiting to tell other relatives and coworkers etc porbably until 10-12 weeks or when I feel comfortable to tell.

Well this might be my longest post to date. Thanks for listening girls! I'm SO Excited to be 5 weeks today!!! Every week that goes by I'm going to feel like celebrating!! :wahoo:
Hi Leeze yes there's been a few that have raised eyebrows for me too but Pielette started that thread basically complaining of the same so I joined in agreeing with her. You're absolutely right about hormones of course which is why I am so devastated that I've gained 6 pounds!!! I've just been eating and eating! I think ms may have kicked in now after worrying about the lack of it! I feel yeugh!
PS. I just wanted to comment on those "controversial" threads over in first Tri (dogs and drinking)
First of all... :rofl: :dohh: :rofl:

Dogs/babies: i hadnt even reread it after i comnented so i had no idea it had all gotten so hostile lol! ok I adore my doggie I love her but you can't HONESTLY say it's the SAME as having a baby!!!!! One might be able to make some small comparisons but you can't insist that it's ACTUALLY the same!! (Amd I'm truly a dog lover) but c'mon!

Drinking: again I saw this thread early on when it was posted. But this one I DID know that it would get hostile! I mean I feel sorry that people got so offensive to her but perhaps she should have expected that in some sense. When you post a taboo topic like drinking alcohol on a public forum for first trimester pregnant women I wouldn't expect it to be well recieved. :dohh:

This website has proven to be informative and helpful .. And also pretty entertaining at times!! :winkwink:
*Waitress - sorry for the typo

Don't worry, my husband just said "I know you don't feel pregnant today, but you look it" so i am focused on him right now. I am adding it to my list of "Things Not To Say While The Wife is Pregnant". I'm thinking of writing a book.

Here is some of what I've got so far:

"Can you just give me a hand with this box of stuff into the loft". Er, no.
"Are you really going to eat all that?" Er, yes.
"You should see what she ate for breakfast" (to his mate) Er, F**k off pal.
"So apart from eat and sleep, what else have you done today?" Er, er, dammit!

He is lovely but, bless him , can always be relied upon for saying the wrong thing. :haha:
babylove - id love to be somewhere sunny right now the uk, well the midlands at least, is soo dull and gloomy today what i would give for some Florida sunshine! x

I will have to look for the signature when i have a few spare hours lol...thanks though x
Waitress. He's a man. Bless! Lol. When I was in labour with dd we hubby and I were just about to leave for the hospital when I gasped "Oh my god! You can't wear that!!!" it was a t-shirt that said 'If at first you don't succeed, buy her another beer!'. He said "Why not? It's clean." Bless. They are a bit clueless at times.

Pink Sparkle - yess!! Fabulous idea! I'll just grab my coat! Wait! I won't need one yay!!

Babylove - to be fair I was probably a little too blunt but they kind if asked for it and besides i cant help it its my hormones ;-D As a mother I do find that kind of nonsense offensive as it trivialises the parent/child relationship and none of them had kids. They were talking out of their botties!!
Thought of the Day!

It occurs to me that we really are a fantastic lot! I think we've got a great crew here. It's a privilege to be sharing the next 9 months with you ladies!
Morning ladies! My son gave me a cold so I'm feeling yucky on top of already feeling a little yucky :haha:

As far as the dog thread, I remember before having my son, my coworker had a kid and ended up giving away his dogs. I thought that was the worst thing I had ever heard of. Fast forward to when I had my son. My dog went through severe depression. He was used to being the center of attention and I was barely even petting him for months. My son was colicky so I really just did not have time or energy for the dog. I honestly thought he would be better off with someone else. I finally understood why my coworker had given up his dogs and it was not mean at all! We ended up getting through it and still have our dog, but I did question whether it was fair to him for a while.

Waitress - add this to your list of things husbands should not say... "You JUST got pregnant. How can you possibly be exhausted already?"
Darling - what a lovely thing to say and may i add you seem like such a lovely person x
Darling - what a lovely thing to say and may i add you seem like such a lovely person x

Doesn't she?! Totally agree. Even my dog likes her.

i have now watched the whole of that birth video on First Tri. It's 4 minutes and 47 seconds long. Can't believe thats all it takes!!!!
Afternoon, hope you are all ok :thumbup:

Girlnextdoor I have also woken up this morning with the start of what I think is a cold...sore throat etc! :(

Ok after catching up on this thread, I am now intrigued about this birth video! I really want to watch it but can't find it, can you please direct me Waitress lol!!
Girls you are so sweet! :cry: Well you're all lovely too. I'm quite smug that I bagged all the best girls on my thread!
Waitress I like your dog too. He is clearly quite discerning! hehehe!!!
Pink Sparkle:hugs: I'm putting you in my sig too :)
Girlnextdoor - a cold or rather cold symptoms are part of my pregnancy symptoms maybe that's all it is. Both my children have colds at the moment but mine never developed any further than scratchy throat and sneezes, drippy/stuffy. Just realised I feel better!
Ok after catching up on this thread, I am now intrigued about this birth video! I really want to watch it but can't find it, can you please direct me Waitress lol!!

Hi Melstar

Sorry, I don't know how to post a link to the thread but its in the First tri board and its called "Ooh, My goodness". Its an eye opener. I have now watched it with the sound on - progress!

Let me know what you think! x
Hey Waitress!

I found it and watched the video with sound lol!

OMG....what was I thinking, I am pregnant with my second child and had a tough labour with my daughter but it seemed to have left my memory until I watched that!!

Oh well guess by worrying about the labour it stops me worrying about the first trimester for a bit lol.

It is amazing though and has got me even more excited about getting to meet this little one growing inside me!
Hi everyone!

I just had a quick catch up on babies and dogs thread because I'm so nosey and wow - there was lots more since I read it yesterday - scary stuff! The stuff I got more annoyed about was on the thread to do with the cat and someone saying that you shouldn't just dump a pet because of the inconvenience, and the alcohol thread and the stuff about fetal alcohol syndrome - it just felt like the people who had posted originally had genuine concerns/questions and they got harshly judged. I am in agreement with you, Darling, about the dog mummies bit - I don't have children but I've been around them enough to know there's a HEEEEUUUUGE difference! :haha:

Anyway, back to our group. I agree seems like a great group - with good sense of humour and good comradeship (sorry for naff word but my brain is mushy right now!!).

Re the OH points - my OH had a go at my last night because I had left a pile of clothes on the bed that needed to get put away. I said to him, I've done 3 loads of washing today, made a roast dinner, done all the dishes, had a friend round for hours while I helped her with a job application - now I'm exhausted - and I'm pregnant!!! He was then really sympathetic and realised that maybe it wasn't a good move on his part to criticise the clothes on the bed!!!

I'm definitely feeling dodgy today - not sure if ms coming - but have got quite a sore throat, feeling exhausted, had 1.5 litres of water already and still thirsty, got some toilet problems, and got a really strange taste in my mouth!!!! Feeling ok emotionally though!!

don't think i'm quite ready to watch a video about labour!! Am thinking when I'm about 7 or 8 months and feeling tired of carrying bump then I'll have a look!!! :haha:
When I was pregnant with dd I thought it was weird people filming you in labour. I really regret not having filmed either of my birthing experiences. My husband was rather busy at my side though. Maybe I can ask my friend to be my doula/camerawoman! I haven't seen it but 2 hours sounds like a result! Why was it difficult? Oh heck I'm gonna have to watch it now! Lol.
When I was pregnant with dd I thought it was weird people filming you in labour. I really regret not having filmed either of my birthing experiences. My husband was rather busy at my side though. Maybe I can ask my friend to be my doula/camerawoman! I haven't seen it but 2 hours sounds like a result! Why was it difficult? Oh heck I'm gonna have to watch it now! Lol.

Darling, you're getting confused! Or maybe I confused you!

My best friend had a 2 hour quick labour and difficult birth, the video is of another lady, who I don't know, giving birth in 5 minutes! (I'm sure her total labour was a lot longer but you see the last 5 minutes on the video!). Its worth a watch. My favourite bit is when the nurse or someone is saying "look at him, look at him" and she basically says "Is it alright if I finish delivering him first? There's a blinkin' big bump in the way". I'm paraphrasing but I'm sure thats what she was thinking. And not a swearword to be heard. Amazing.

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