Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Oh You guys make me laugh too! I did get on
My soapbox a bit lol! The culture clash sounds reasonable but theres definitely a 'stoning' mentality (lol nearly said stoner mentality then). Put someone else down to elevate themselves. Wasn't there one comment about one glass of wine capable of causing fetal alcohol syndrome?? Poor girl!

To those of you who had steak..hope you enjoyed it. :cry:

I'm feeling a lot better this evening but I've just had a bacon sarnie!
WOW! that dogs & babies thread is going CRAZY!! Darling I'm afraid some of those girls are not fond of you at the moment! They're taking a few of your comments out of context and taking great offense to it! again, WOW!! Pielette, maybe that thread should in fact be deleted if possible. I have a feeling it's just going to continue on and on as new people read the thread I'm afraid! :wacko:

So I felt "ok" most of the day at work... my backache is still there of course but dull most of the time. I even went to the store after work and was fine. When I got home and was washing some fruit in my kitchen I started to get a pretty horrible feeling down there. I felt an enormous amount of pressure in my lower abdomen. I don't know if that's called cramps or not, I've always thought of cramps as like sharper pains. This was intense but constant. Is that cramps though? TMI but it felt like my insides (uterus or something) was trying to push itself OUT of my body. I used to get the same EXACT feelings with my period when I was younger during puberty with my first year of having periods.
Anyone ever felt something like that? I don't think I need to be worried. I layed down and it passed after about 15 minutes and hasn't returned in the last hour or so, and I haven't had any bleeding.

What do you all think?
Wow I don't come one for half a day and I miss so much. How is everyone doing today?
I really haven't been reading other blogs on this website but reading this one really makes me want to find out what going on out there...lol

Today was my first day back to work and it was pretty hard to get through the day. I was so tired and cramping. Babylove-I did have a cramp just like the one you described and i asked my GYN. She said that as long as it was short (mine was about 10 min) and didn't have blood then it is normal. I was pretty nervous too but I felt better speaking to my GYN. She's great.

I got my blood tests back and at 4 weeks my HCg was 82...that made me worried. But when I was tested again on 4 weeks 2 days it went up to 280. Does anyone know if it should be higher? My gyn was happy that it went up but I heard that it should be higher.
I am a day after Halloween, but I will likely have my C-section the week before.... I can't wait, it seems SO far away!!
OMG.... you guys KILL me!! I just went through and read a lot of the posts... we have a great group! I am so excited!!
Angelique I love your pic!

Babylove I think some of those girls are exactly that! They have a lot of growing up to do. I used to have a cat that I used to say was like my baby. I called myself mummy and carried him around on my hip but I would never have had the neck to say to a mother that it was the same thing. I unsubscribed from that thread the moment they started getting arsey and bringing their mc's into it! They need to grow up! Yes dears having a baby is just like having a dog! They even like it when you rub their tummies! :dohh: What really gets me is that they haven't even had kids yet and they still argue the toss on a journey they've yet to experience and they can't begin to understand yet! And another thing, they don't even understand the most basic concept that a dog is a pack animal and that the relationship we humans enjoy with dogs is all part of pack behaviour! I would find it quite disturbing if a mother claimed to love her dog as much as her baby. Grrr!! They are all opinionated and unqualified to compare the two. Do you know I would expect this sort of nonsense on a teenage forum but certainly not an adult forum for expectant mothers! Actually perhaps it is hormones? It was Pielette's thread and her point (correct me if I'm wrong here Pielette) was that people who go on and on about their dogs being like their children are irritating. I agreed and then we started to get people who actually cannot see that there's any difference. Then it got nasty. I've had 2 mc's bla bla bla! I just unsubscribed because I felt there's was an unrefined, uninformed, unintelligible argument that was at best weak and at worst utter nonsense! Pielette please delete the damn thing!
Don't worry Darling. A new one is kicking off as I write....
omg just wrote a huge post and deleted by accident ....stupid lap top! Hope your all feelign well this morning will get back on later...going to the docs again...will tell you all about it when i get back xxx
OMG!!!! I just couldn't resist going over and having a read! What the hell are they all talking about??? What have my comments got to do with mc's and stillborn babies?? I'm not even going to defend myself because their comments are just so irrational! Guys thanks so much for your support! I had no idea it was that bad. I'm really shocked! 'Real baby' means human i.e. not a dog. Reading their comments I am just overwhelmed by how emotional their responses are. It's just silly. A dog is not a real.. sorry human baby/child full stop! I've become the evil nemesis of mc's it seems. And it is offensive to have your relationship with your children compared to having a family pet! The only time I ever said anything about mc's was 'sorry for your losses'. Someone even reported me! Lol. Wow! Words just can't convey my surprise.
Have a read of the "I'm pregnant and so is my Aunty. Devastated" thread. Its fair got my blood boiling today!

I'm not one for ganging up on people but this girl keeps making it worse - and she says she doesn't care. I've always been disappointed by the selfishness of some people - now that I am pregnant, it just makes me really mad!
Ok you know I agree that she's being selfish but it's apparent from the way she speaks that she's very young and hormonal. 42 is no age to be a grandmother. My grandmother was in her mid-eighties with short white curly hair a proper 'old dear'. But this girls just a kid and clearly thinks 42 is ancient bless her. She's only young she'll learn. I read your comment (being one of the earliest to make the point quite correctly but since then she's been subjected to a barrage if verbal attacks from hormonal women! She'll learn to think before she speaks and to consider other people's feelings. My point though is that these people are just looking for people to have a go at. Honestly Waitress if it wasn't for this thread and you girls being so chilled and supportive I would have walked away from this forum today. Someone on the dogs and babies said I was an example of what B&B shouldn't be while they all queue up to throw stones (literally reminds me of the Life of Brian where all the women turn up to a public stoning dressed as men - with no real interest in the guilt or innocence of the sentenced man). This is just nonsense. It's raging hormones and piousness! I know you're not like that btw. I agreed with your comments but I just thought she's young. She probably thinks 'old people' (i.e. anyone over 35 lol) having sex is disgusting :rofl:
You're absolutely right. She made a dodgy comment and should have taken the early warnings but sadly made it worse. Then it all got a bit nasty. It felt a bit like girls all ganging up by the end. I think its hard to answer their question, have your say (like I think I did) but not be part of the witch hunt (which I hope I wasn't!) Its been taken down now.

She's had a tough couple of days (she started the alcohol thread!)

How are you feeling today? I feel a little bit off. I haven't been feeling sick, just a little bit queasy every now and then, not enough to put me off my food though! There are only 6 days to go before my scan on 7th March. I'm a bit nervous about that now.

Just about to watch last night's One Born Every Minute. Tissues at the ready...
Don't be nervous honey be excited!! You're going to see your reason for living on that screen. I cried hen I first saw Issy. I was so overwhelmed and filled with so much joy I thought my heart would burst! It will hit home when you see your little bean. I sa mine at 13 weeks admittedly but I was genuinely shocked by how much it looked like a baby lol. Everything will be ok I'm sure. You'll forget everything else when you looking at this incredible little being that's gonna one day call you 'mummy'.

I think you've hit the nail right on the head. It is exactly girls ganging up on her. This forum is supposed to be a about supporting each other. Feels like theres a bit of a witch hunt going on at the moment. Whether what she thought was selfish or not she wasn't personally attacking any of them and they came down on her with fury. I thought it showed a real lack of maturity. Some of the 'stone-throwers' were moms too.

I'm feeling really ok today actually. Got my mother coming to stay and I'm wondering whether I should tell her. She recently said that 'you (meaning me) don't want any more' so I'm not sure how'll she'll react. My moms an ace at putting her foot in it. But its a good excuse to get her to take her cups out to the kitchen when she's here! Lol
Sorry forgot to add re the girl on the other thread. I agree she didn't do herself any favours.
Hi Ladies,
Can i join in?
I am not exactly sure when i am due as i thought it was around the 21st October, but the doctor has now said 14th October. But either way it will be at some point in October! lol!
How are you all doing?
I am starting to feel very queasy actually which isn't at all pleasant. And i am still very bloated!!! I think i need a nap at my desk.....not sure that would go down so well though!!
wow what have i missed? Im guessing a thread has been started that turned into a huge slangin match. I tend to read but not post on those. Things can so easily be taken the wrong way.

Hope everyone is well. I have my first Drs appointment today and im dreading it.

Morning girls. I was in bed last night before 9pm! Hubby and I ate dinner then I was sitting on the soda and my eyes just started to close! I don't know if it's the pregnancy fatigue setting in or if maybe I didn't get enough sleep over the weekend but I was wiped out!!

So I feel like I missed something juicy! Waitress i went to have a look at the post you mentioned about an auntie but I just can't seem to find it. Did it get deleted? What did I miss. It sounds quite serious since I see now there is an apology thread!! Wow! Fill me in!
I am honestly amazed at some of the threads and comments over on the boards lately. It's like you said darling, I really get the feeling that some of these hormonal women are just LOOKING for an argument. And they will gladly take things out of context and flip words around to gins something to take offense to and then it's nothing but a big mess. That's not what I thought this forum was line when I signed up!!

How is everyone this morning? Welcome to the new gals! We do have a nice little group over here!
Sorry about all the ugly typos girls. My iPhone likes to "autocorrect" and it just makes it worse!!

So also, I have a hair appointment today! Yay I really need a cut! Has anyone here gotten any advice about coloring or highlighting your hair during pregnancy? I usually get a light glaze of color just to brighten up my natural shade. It's just more of a shiny glaze not dark color so I don't have roots so I don't really "need" the treatment. Im thinking I should just skip it this time. What do you all think?

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