Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Uuuuuuugh!!! I'm going crazy! Is anyone else having to run to the bathroom 4-5 times an hour??? Night and day, it doesn't matter if I drink nothing, I still have to go... I know there is an increase during pregnancy but this is a little much.....

Deep breath....

Sorry for the rant, I'm trying to fall asleep, and every time I turn over, I have to get up and go... its frustrating lol
Aww hun, i dont go that often but still enough to drive me crazy im sure my lil girl is dancing on it at times. Can you get checked out for a UTI? just to be on the safe side, ive got the hospital tomorrow so hoping they can rule that out for me too x
I'm all excited but also scared today, i have my scan tomorrow but got told by the healthcare worker at my new doctors my bump looks small :( i thought it was quiet big and has definatly been growing, but now i'm all worried.

I go to the loo about 3 - 4 times a night i'm sure i've started sleep walking to it coz i don't really remember in the morning.
I'm up 3-4 times each night to pee too - or with bad leg cramps! Angie 4-5 times an hour does sound like a lot, maybe worth getting checked out like Pink Sparkle said

Sweetbuthyper - re your healthcare worker saying you look small, I've read before that some people don't even show till about 5 months so this seems a strange thing to say. Good luck tomorrow
Im not showing much only a lil bump although it seems to get bigger and harder towards the end of the day which is a bit weird x
thanks guys i'm feeling a little calmer, I haven't put any weight on but can tell i have lost weight in other areas than the bump so could be the reason that and i had really bad sickness, and am eating less rubbish. I have the midwife next week so going to have a chat with her and see what she says, my bump has grown as i've been keeping pictures so i wasn't worried.

13 weeks https://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb430/sweetbuthyper/224775_10150559751830648_606280647_18319614_1666831_n-1.jpg

21 weeks https://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb430/sweetbuthyper/2011-06-15102918.jpg

and while i'm postng pictures my 13 week scan picture
I wouldnt worry to much, have you had your 20 week scan? They will do all the measurements then and they will be far more accurate than your healthcare worker simply looking at your tummy and saying you look small, they should know not to say things like that as everyone carries so different. A friend of mine is 28 weeks and has a huge lovely bump (looks like a football up her top). Shes just had a growth scan and they are concerned as baby is measuring small, but she looks so big its crazy! She has to go back in two weeks for another one x

Your pics are great can see how your baby bump has grown xxx
pink sparkle I have my 20 week scan ( at 21 weeks) tomorrow :) will post pics and hopefully if bump is cooperative the sex tomorrow when i get back :)
My bump is almost exactly the same as your bump sweetbuthyper, seriously, its kinda funny. I bet You are carrying a little in your back like I am, and my baby is even a week bigger when measured. No worries!!

As to the peeing so often, I know I don't have a uti since I usually kinda go a lot all day, but its getting rediculous, and disruptive to my life, I'm out coaching Softball and have to running to the restroom 3 times a game, not cool!!
Hey girls.
Just wanted to say the hugest thank you to all of you for being so sweet and supportive. I think my hormones have been messing with my head a lot. I've felt very unstable emotionally. Very similar to when you start crying after a few too many glasses of wine and then twig that you have pms and alcohol in your system! Kinda like.. oh that's what's wrong with me. The sonographer was a bit off with me. I think she was running late and was trying to put me off having a scan pic as baby wasn't playing ball apparently and she said it would be very difficult and time consuming to get a good profile pic (i.e. just go away please!) so I gave in and said "don't worry I understand" - I'm really cross with myself now! Anyway, thank you soooo much for not being non-judgemental and lovely and everything.

Bernie - congrats on Team Pink!!!!!

Re alcohol - I really wouldn't worry too much about it. Just be responsible have no more than one glass and re breastfeeding you have a nice fat glass straight after the last feed of the evening and it goes out of your system within a couple of hours so by the time you come to do a night feed you're all clear. If you have a significant amount of wine in your breastmilk be assured your baby will not like the taste (or maybe it will... lol) Just moderation is key. Also a baby gets older, you can introduce it to a bottle so that if you want to go out in the evening occasionally someone else can take over and same if you fancy a few glasses of wine at the weekend. Its personal choice isn't it at the end of the day but I think you just need to apply a little lateral thinking. You don't have to be a saint.

Hope you're all well and sorry to hear about the toilet issues! I am so tired I've stopped waking up in the night and then I feel like my bladder is going to split in the morning and its so painful.

Ooh forgot to say - re bump: I'm huge! Sweet you look so dainty! I look more like 30 weeks! I'll have to take a pic and show you. Well.. I think I look huge and a few people have been very surprised when I said I was 20 weeks (now 21). Funny huh? How we're all so different. A colleague of my husband's wife is pregnant and at 26 were very concerned about how large she was and they told her a C-section is likely! Eeeek! I so wouldn't want to know!
hi guys i'm back from my scan and i'm team ...................................

yellow :yellow:

i'm really disappointed i wanted to know so much but bump wouldn't sit still and the women doing the scan just ummed and ahhed and then said she couldn't say. I will post the scan picture later.
scan pic of the lovely :yellow: baby

Aw! I wish I got mine. Such a nice profile pic. Congrats. x
Hey Darling, hope your feeling a bit better now huni, thats pants about the scan picture what a cowbag not getting a picture for you! Just to cheer you up my pic is rubbish and i paid a bloody fiver for it! Grrrr ...honestly wish i hadnt bothered wasting my money! x

Sweetbuyhyper - great picture huni sorry they couldnt tell you baby's sex, will you book a private gender scan or wait for a nice suprise? x

I had my 20 week scan appointment today, was very brief and to the point. Four limbs ok heart ok face ok kidneys ok and pretty much went that way. Then was ok finished did you want me to look at babys bits...yes please...we think its a girl...yeah i think so too thanks for coming! Was a bit let down really but think its because ive experienced a private scan now which is just so much nicer, im an official scan snob. Would love another 4d one but i wont because id rather spend the money on baby clothes lol! Ive got another scan on 4th August as my babies are on the small side so just to check growing ok. I was quite suprised that now you dont see a midwife at your 20 week scan...i wee'd in a bottle for nothing...in fact its still in my bag ooops! After my scan we drove to collect baby swing that i won on ebay...over the moon with it...immaculate like brand new and the couple selling it were lovely and there house was beautiful, so nice to know its come from nice ppl who have clearly looked after it.

Well id better get off hope everyones ok xxx
Hi everyone

Sweet - what a gorgeous scan pic!! great to hear bub is doing well in there, and hope you're feeling reassured after the comments you got about your bump being small!

Darling - glad you're feeling a bit better, but seriously please feel free to rant anytime!! Thanks for the advice about alcohol and breast-feeding, that makes me feel a bit better as I was a bit worried it would be another 10 months or so from now before I'd feel ok about having a drink!

Pink Sparkle - sorry you felt let down by scan experience, but great to hear everything is looking as it should!! I've been looking at baby swings on ebay too - they're so much cheaper! I ordered a baby carrier that arrived yesterday. Me and my OH were trying it on, it was very cute imagining him with our LO strapped to his chest and for me to imagine our bub snuggled in to my chest!

I was feeling really hormonal yesterday, like I hated the world. I hate the commute to work at the moment, and I'm so tired all the time and my job is quite busy - I was in such a foul mood when I got in from work like bad PMS. Then my OH came home and gave me the biggest cuddle ever and made some lovely dinner and brought me a big bowl of ice cream. Suddenly the world didn't seem such a bad place! Then trying on the baby carrier after this just topped it all off. I think I could really do with not having to go to work and then life would be great!!!

Any more scans this week? xx
Hi guys

I am feeling alot more reassure that he/she is all ok now i have seen them avoid the scanner lol. I am starting to come round to not knowing being a good thing and will be a nice surprise think it will take a few days tho I was very teary to begin with. Pink Sparkle no we wont be going private unfortunately can't afford it have decided to get most things neutral and then save money we would have spent to go on a shopping spree when bump arrives.
Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been out of the loop this week. Lots to tell there!

But first, I hope you're ok Darling. I'm sorry you had a bad time of it earlier in the week. I'm sure your little boy will be a superstar...how could he not be? You're his mum! :flower: I hope you're feeling better now. I'm sure it was all exacerbated because of your hormones.

My own "losing it" threshold has taken to new heights this week. On Saturday our new kitchen was finally finished 2 weeks late, on Sunday our roof leaked in the bad storm all over the new kitchen, On Monday our decorator rang to say he had double booked and wouldn't be coming to finish our house for another 2 weeks, on Tuesday the guy came to fix the roof and told us the TV aerial guys had split the lead and its going to cost £4k to replace it all, on Wednesday my dog cut her paw on our walk in the woods and I had to carry her to the vet (she weighs 26kg!) and then today John Lewis rang to say that the curtains we had ordered to be delivered tomorrow hadn't actually been ordered and would be 2 more weeks. And then tonight my mother in law rang me to ask why she hasn't "heard anything" about the baby for a week. And then she said that my DH had told her I was starting to show and she said "Thats a shame, your nice figure will go to pot if you're showing this early, I never did". FFS!! Leave me alone!!!

Sorry for the rant but man, I've had a bad week!

I hope everyone else is ok. Tis true, I am showing. I went to the supermarket today and the old man at the checkout asked when the baby was due. Its quite nice to look pregnant finally - and to feel my LO kicking away - mostly in the evenings - is that normal?

Did anyone see OBEM USA? I had my legs crossed for the whole hour. Ouch is all I can say!!
At least you look pregnant I just look fat.. ugh its not a good thing LOL but I'm also where I don't care much what pol think

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