Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Congrats Pielette. I am very jealous I sooooo want a boy!!!

Leeze 9 days I still have to wait 19 lol!!

So is that 3 blue, 2 pink and one yellow!! Our own mini rainbow!!

Aw honey, that sucks big time that you've got another 19 days to wait. That's made me feel a little bit better about having 9 days to get through! Feels like 90 days though!!! :haha:
I've got mine on Monday and I'm so nervous. Don't get me wrong I love my son but he is hard work! Constant tantrums and throwing himself on the floor. So many mothers say boys are more difficult but I have friends who have girls and they're the same. I want another Issy although I would dearly love another girl, I don't mind so long as it's not going to be another Ethan! One of him is quite enough! Lol. Poor little guy. I'm always moaning about him.
Congrats Pielette on your blue bump! xxx

Darling my mum says you never get two the same and her two boys were sooo different one being extremely hard work and the other extremely laid back and a real bundle of joy! I hope that this is true as Megan was very hard work as a baby and was so independent very quickly a real lil madam! Good luck for monday cant wait to find out what your having.

Ive got my 20week scan on thursday looking forward to another peek and also confirmation that this bump is pink before i buy anything else!

Ive been a lil worried the last couple of days as ive hardly felt any movement and had been feeling it everyday for a while now, specially at night. my sis has her 20 week scan next week too and she keeps going on that shes worried that theres going to be no heart beat (because of a bad feeling and a bad dream about it). Im kinda freaking myself out that her dream and intuition is about me and not her! Wish i had a bloody doppler!!! Probably worrying for nothing but cant help it for some reason x
pink sparkle - i also have my scan on thursday i had little movement at the beginning of the week so much so i was ready to call the midwife when little one decided to move and start kicking around again, he/she could have just got into a position you can't feel them, maybe try fresh orange juice worked for me to get mine a bit more active when i was worried.

the answer to appealing uni is no. but i can take a year out if i have to i get my results for some modules on thurday and the rest on the 29th so will see then how many exams i hae in august and what the likley hood of me having to go back for a year is.
Yay!!!! Congratulations Pielette!!!! So cool that you totally knew! 3 blue bumps! I was looking in the forum and saw the pole asking boy girl, and boys are winning by quite a margin, I found some amazingly cute material, its pale green with butter yellow polka dots, and monkey faces all over it, and my mom is gonna make a crib quilt for little Mr. I have decided to have her do the whole thing, I also found matching material that has jungle written all over it in different prints, to make bumper pads, I'm so excited!! So now I'm going with a jungle theme for him, I wasn't sure until I saw this material. I am not a blue fan at all, so I wanna go with greens, yellows, and browns, and its just too cute, I will post pics soon as I can! Yay! I'm really getting excited!

So Darling on Monday.... I don't remember who said Thursday, but yay! Soon we will all know =)
scan day - hurry up already!!!!

What's everyone up to this weekend? We're doing lots of domestic things this weekend and also are going to a place called "Eel Pie Island" which has a bit of an artist/hippy community and they open it to the public twice a year. Something fun and different. I'm not sure if they still sell Eel Pies but I'll need to check this out!

Darling - maybe becoming a big brother will be the making of Ethan! You never know!! xx
Thanks ladies! We're on cloud nine. Yesterday we went out for dinner to celebrate our little man and are going shopping today to buy him some clothes, I can't wait!
Angie that material sounds gorgeous, I love the idea of a jungle theme. We've decided to paint our nursery mint green - I'm not a huge fan of going overboard on pink/blue either but still want it to be bright and colourful.
Ah good luck for Monday Darling, I bet you can't wait!
I know it's so easy to say don't worry pink sparkle, I'm sure all is well though! I think our minds are still going to worry, from that moment with the BFP till... well forever really :haha: First we worry that bubs won't survive, then we worry there'll be something wrong with him/her, then we'll worry when they're born and don't put on much weight... the list is endless!
Leeze - Eel Pie Island, how weird! Would love to know what that's like :flower:
Thanks Pielette, after a few days of worry this morning she was moving loads and felt her first proper 'kick' was lovely!

When i had Riley we brought curtains, wall art and maternial from Ikea, bright primary colour jungle theme and very very reasonable price. I didnt want anything to 'baby' and blue as they grow too fast and i thought it would last a few years.

How was shopping did you buy lots?

I brought a double pushchair today, sale at mothercare, £100.00 including raincover and coseytoes. We went to the shop and the sale price was on a different one to the one pictured on the net, different colour. We picked this one instead of the one on the net and was then told that they had made a mistake and that one wasnt supposed to be in the sale but that they would honour the deal so we got that one for £100.00 which was great. Quite plain really grey and red.

Spent the afternoon with our friend going around hotels to find a venue for his christmas eve wedding reception that he is planning as a suprise for his fiance! I think i should become a wedding planner had a great day!
Ooh that pushchair sounds like a good deal pink sparkle, what brand is it?
Well I thoroughly enjoyed shopping! We bought some vests and babygros, some muslins, big hooded towels and a baby bath. Oh and some socks and bibs :flower: It's so nice to be able to properly look now, because I have to say I find the selection of neutral stuff out there pretty rubbish.
I'm getting a bit frustrated though at trying to find a furniture set. So much of it seems to be online and I'm just not a fan of spending so much money on something when I haven't even seen it yet. Any tips ladies? I could check of Ikea but I have to admit I find the place so bloody exhausting I tend to avoid it as much as possible!
Pielette - yay for baby shoppin! xxx

Pushchair is just a mothercare one, tbh i doubt i will use it much ds only just fits in it. Ive got it mainly for school run when the weathers bad as i hate driving in snow and ice and i think it will be too cold to expect him to walk he will only just have turned 2! Will use my loola travel system from ds mostly, couldnt sell it as they only sell for around £50 for everything and i couldnt part with it for that price as its in excellent condition. When i had ds i didnt go out and buy the whole range of baby furniture. My sil brought a cotbed for us i just got it in white from toys r us and we brought a white chest of drawers from the dreaded Ikea! hehe. Tbh theres not much room in ds's bedroom for a set of furniture so i was kinda limited. Theres a sale on at mothercare atm looks pretty good the mothercare by mine has quite a few ranges of furniture to look at. If theres not much around in the shops i would go with the net specially if it will save you some money too!
Pielette just noticed your sig - how lovely Noah Michael xxx

Also im 20 weeks today...officially half way ..yipeee! x
True, I may just have to give in and order off the net and cross my fingers! I think I'm quite fussy though, I really love white sets and sleigh ones, and there are much more of the standard styles out there.
Thanks pink sparkle! I've finally got hubby to agree to the name - Michael is his dad's name which is why we wanted that in there, but he wasn't sure about Noah. Thought other people might think it was 'pretentious'. Which I disagree with! But he does like the name, just worried about other people's reactions. He said if Noah comes up to us in 18 years time and says 'why the hell did you name me that' he's blaming it on me :haha: I was determined to get my way!
You stick to your guns, dont tell anyone until he's here and once you have actually named your baby no one would dare give a negative comment! I think its a lovely name. Good luck with the furniture hunting, i can imagine that it would hard to pick just from looking at a picture, start by looking online and it may tell you if there are any shops which stock their range and then give them a call and see if they have the one you want on display to look at. Im sure that if you spent a good amount of money on something you would be able to return it so long as you hadnt assembled it. The main thing would be that its a good quality for the money you spend and you wont need to put it together to check the quality of it x


We have ordered this from M&P. LO is going in a relatively small room and I didn't want to spend a lot on expensive "junior" furniture so am going to use this and a standard white chest of drawers for the first couple of years. Its on offer, is VERY nice (saw it in the shop) - but you need to order now to get it July/August.

Hope that helps!

Hope your scan goes well tomorrow Darling :thumbup:

EDIT: I don't much like being a banana! I've gone right off them since being pregnant and they look a bit too skinny to be baby-size?!
Oh definitely, the only person in the world other than us (and you ladies :flower:) who knows the name is my mum! No-one else is allowed to know, I see so often on here people saying this person said this and that about the name, I'm not letting people give me their opinions.
Oh that's nice Emma! I've just had a little look on their range and they do really have some nice bits, I also want to get an M&P pushchair. I just need to find a shop that stocks their stuff so I can see it.
Not too keen on the banana status either! I changed my ticker to the one where it shows you what the LOs are doing each week, practically because I didn't want to be a banana! :haha:
LOL I agree the banana is kinda skinny LOL. I love the name you have picked!!!! I think Noah is a fantastic name! I'm back to Peyton, but it can change next week LOL.

Emma you mentioned a white dresser, that's what I am doing as Well, only I am going to use removable vinyl to add cutsie baby boy things to it. Then its nothing permanent but still fun for baby, I'm already excited to add vines and monkeys etc, cuz I'm loving the jungle idea

So you guys have IKEA over there do you guys have babies r us? They have beautiful baby furniture, a bit pricey but gorgeous.
Hey girlies! D-day tomorrow!

Leeze - I hope becoming a big brother is the making of Ethan. He was very good today actually (for Daddy grrr!) Oh god I'm sooo nervous! I think I'll be fine with it either way once I know.

I'm so tired. My eyes hurt all the time and I have no energy. Its really getting me down because I can't get through the day without a cheeky nap now! Then by the time bedtime comes around I'm overtired and I can't settle. Is everyone else feeling really uncomfortable in bed now? I miss lying on my tummy! Lol.

I like the jungle theme too. Its sounds really cute.
Loving the name Noah Michael btw.
Best of luck for tomorrow Darling! I loved the 20 week scan, just found the detail incredible and being able to relax and look at every little inch of him was amazing. The 12 week one just made me feel nervous the whole way through cos the woman barely said anything for the first ten minutes!
I absolutely miss lying on my tummy. It was my favourite position to sleep in prior to pregnancy. After some cuddles hubby and I used to joke every night in bed - his favourite position is on his left side - 'shall we assume the positions?' Then we'd be asleep in next to no time! I love my pregnancy pillow though, do you have one of these? It's fabulous, I wrap myself round it before I go to sleep and I must be comfortable cos when I wake up I'm still wrapped around it. Before I bought it I'd be tossing and turning. It cost me about £10 off ebay. Bargain!
Thanks honey!
I used to have one but during the last trimester i just used to fight with it.
I love 'assuming positions'! Thats really comical. Well i'll let you know tomorrow. Im off to assume my position now lol. Sweet dreams. Xxx
hi everyone

good luck tomorrow, Darling. I know what you mean about sleeping positions - I used to love sleeping on my tummy, then I got used to sleeping on my back but you're not meant to do this after 20 weeks. I've been trying to sleep on my left side and found if I have a pillow between my legs and then wrap my arms around one too I can just about sleep although sometimes wake up with a dead arm!!!

Pielette - I think Noah Michael is a lovely name. I'm impressed you've settled on a name already. We keep milling over lots of names but I think when we know the gender it will make it a bit easier to narrow it down!

Waitress - that furniture is really lovely. your LO is going to be very lucky!!

Pink Sparkle - congrats on the 20 week milestone!! Halfway there!!

Angie - I've not heard of babies r us, but we've got toys r us so maybe there's a babies r us too

funny the talk of bananas! I read that this week bub is the same size as a can of red bull, that seemed like a strange image too. Did anyone look up "vernix caseosa", by the way - what baby starts to have in week 19-20 - it literally means "cheesy varnish!" - no wonder the latin name is used!!!

I bought some more toys and babygrows yesterday and had a big clearout of 3 bags of rubbish/recycling to make room for baby's things. I've now got a big space in my living room cupboard that is just for baby stuff - this feels like a step towards having a nursery!!!

speak soon :hugs:

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