Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Congratulations Leeze on your pink bump xxx

Anyone know how many pink blue and yellows we have now? Ive lost track x

Girls im probably being a bit of a worrier here, but this evening my tummys really been hurting, to the point of not eating my dinner which is so not like me. Im getting some really nasty pains, ive had an upset stomach all day too (which has been worrying me as always have a good clear out before i go into labour). They dont feel like contractions but tummy has been feeling tighter than normal. Im sorry to go on i dont want to worry hubby or anything just after a bit of reassurance really xxx

Angie I've had the same. Upset tummy and tummy pains and aches. I put it down to growing pains. Shouldn't worry too much love. You know what its like you get all sorts of funny pains and symptoms. I'm on my third pregnancy and only heard about 'dry eye syndrome' for the first time yesterday. I just thought it was my contacts drying out! Who knew? Lol. A whole entire syndrome lol. That said, if you really are worrying ring you MW. That's what they're there for. Try not to worry in the meantime, I'm sure we've nothing to worry about. :hugs:
Sorry just realised I missed page 196 altogether! Lol. Oh God! My brain cells are dying off daily now!
I think I am next for scan now I think I am only one left lol mine is Tuesday afternoon!!
Is dry eye syndrome only about pregnant women then Darling? I'd never heard of it till you said it just then!
Oh Angie I absolutely hate evil colds. You must be feeling really miserable. I had one a couple of weeks ago and I hated it, usually I use nasal spray cos I hate not being able to breathe, but couldn't and it drove me nuts.
Ooh krissi not long till the scan then! Think we need to edit the thread title to put our bump colours in!
I suffer from dry eye syndrome even before i was pregnant so i know what a pain it is...im mainly wearing my glasses as its so much worse now im preggers! Moses basket arrived...its so pretty...oh what to buy next! lol!

Yay for next tuesday Krissi i cannot wait to find out babys sex i think im feeling the time drag for you hun! xxx

Krissi sorry your poorly i hope the nasty cold goes soon and you can go shop! x

I cant see my lady bits either which is rather annoying! Only going to get worse.

Anyone had anymore thoughts on names? Im really stuck...ive got Lydia in my head lately but no one likes it everyone pulls a face and im a bit worried about it rhyming with chlamydia! lol

Darling im with you on the baby brain atm...would forget my head if it wasnt screwed on lately! xxx
we have names :) have had since before i got pregnant it is to be

Danyael Elliott if a boy and

Gabrielle Eve if its a girl
I had a dream about a baby boy named Jacob last night.... in my dream he was about 6 months old and a doll with blue eyes and brown hair. I'm hoping I dreamt about my baby boy!!

My cold seems to be progressing into something nastier... I'm gonna have to go see the doc soon I think

Hope everyone is well
Sorry i meant Angie not Krissi - about being poorly! See me and my baby brain! Angie hope the doc can give you something to help xxx
baby brain!! I've got that too. keep getting my words muddled - especially at work when I need to make the most sense!!

We're mulling over baby names. It's funny because we did have one girl's name that we both liked but now we know we're having a girl we've both gone off it again. We're going to have a good think about it over the weekend, and check website with lists on for ideas.

Sweet - those are both really lovely names

Angie - Jacob is a great name, had you decided already you wanted to call him that or did that come to you in your dream?

Pink - so funny that you need to think about what names rhyme with, I guess it's a good point though. Lydia is a cute name though

sorry to hear about the dry eye syndrome Darling and Pink

Krissi - not too long to go till Tuesday. Are you feeling excited?

Pielette - great idea to put bump colours in the thread. I think I've lost track already of what everyone's having (baby brain again!!)

I'm feeling really exhausted again today, I need to start getting to bed earlier. I ordered a body pillow which arrived today, hopefully this will help me get a better night's sleep too

Sheesh Leeze LOL idk how you remember everything to mention everyone in your post!! I know I can't and then feel bad for having baby brain and remembering right after.

As for the name Jacob, its one I was considering and still am. With Darrin (daddy's name) as a middle name, he could go by JD.
The dream I had was so.... idk the right word for it but all I wanted to do in the dream was hold that baby boy, no matter what. It was one of those dreams you don't wanna wake up from!

Lets see... Krissi, you are next? I'm so excited for you!

I had minor mouth surgery today. It may have been minor, but it was and still is very VERY painful. I have braces on my teeth to close a gap in my front teeth which I've hated since childhood, and finally its closing and pinched the gum between them, causing major swelling bleeding and pain. They numbed it with a gel and used a laser to remove it. Leaving me with 3 large sore areas in my mouth tonight. Heck I can't even eat pudding, not a good thing!! Cuz this pregnant lady is HUNGRY!!!!!!!
Oh angie that sounds painful! I hope you managed to eat something hun and feel better soon x

I love the sound of your dream, i had a dream when i was pregnant with dd (think i may have said before) i was holding the baby in my dream and it felt so real, the only thing was in the dream i thought it was a boy and she was infact a girl. However, id literally seen my little girl before as she looked just like the baby in my dream! It was very surreal! x
Oh Angie that sounds really painful. Is it getting any better yet?
Very pretty names sweet!
How is everyone doing?
I'm doing ok, morning sickness sucks though. I had a midwife appointment to meet my new midwife today she seems very nice if not a little ocd'ish was very helpful though and i have dates or antenatal classes, aquanatal, and mums to be groups, she did my iron levels as i requested it been stupidly tired recently so thought i'd get them checked. I've lost more weight but she was very reassuring that its normal for some women and got to listen to babys heartbeat well kind of between him/her kicking and punching the mic. This baby really doesn't like being disturbed to listen or view its heart. how is everyone else
Sorry to hear you are still suffering from morning sickness sweet! That's no fun! But good news that your mw seems promising.

As for me, I'm still plugging along, getting rounder by the day, and still sick with a VERY sore mouth, but I'm hanging in there, tomorrow my girls start all-star softball tournaments and it gonna be close to 100 degrees and I'm gonna melt, I'm a bit worried, but its worth it to watch them play.

Gotta get some sleep!
sorry to hear about all the sickness, girls. hope you feel better soon

I'm feeling a bit fed up today. It's been a crazy week of trying to get documents ready for the flat selling and buying and my OH and I haven't really had any quality time together. Last night I was getting really excited about my ebay purchases (ok, I have bought 8 little pink bundles of stuff since our scan on Monday so maybe a bit more than necessary at this stage) and my OH was like "Do we really need all this stuff" and "Where are we going to put it all" - I lost it at him because I wanted him to share my excitement and it felt like he was being really critical. I think that he thinks babies don't need that much clothes and that a few babygrows will do. My point is that it's going to be almost winter when the LO comes so they can't just wear a babygrow and also that they need lots of changes of clothes because they tend to have lots of accidents!! Also, I spent about £40 in total and got some really nice stuff so I feel like I'm actually saving us money. Grrr. He did listen and then apologise later on - he said he was just worried that I was going to keep buying things at this level and buy like 8 bundles a week. That got me mad too because then I thought he doesn't trust me to be able to think realistically about what we need. It felt like we sorted it out but I still feel a bit angry about it today. This is the biggest and most exciting thing to happen to me in my whole life and I want to get really excited about it and want to feel that he feels the same. Anyone else had anything like this?

Rant over, thanks for listening. How's everyone doing today? x :hugs:
I think that men are just not as in tune to the shopping that actually needs to be done for a baby, like you said they can have a lot of accidents and sometimes need changed several times a day. Don't let him bug you, just try to remember they don't think like we do and enjoy what you have gotten for her so far. Maybe Its date night for you guys, sounds like you need some down time together.
Hey Leeze,

I think there is something in the air with the men this week - my husband behaved like a complete plank the other night. Our builders and decorators and plumbers have all gone and we could finally lay out our downstairs rooms and we had a massive argument. I was thinking "baby and then toddler in 4 months time" and he was thinking "watching football on the big TV ". I explained to him about the need for space with the LO and all the stuff we would need to think about having downstairs and he just didn't get it. I've started a cupboard in the bathroom and am buying the odd pack of wipes and nappies if there are any offers on and he saw them and said "Don't you think you're getting a bit carried away?". We have one pack of nappies and two packs of wipes! Idiot. He has no idea.

I am attaching a link to the BEST top I have ever bought-pregnant or otherwise. If I could take you all to the shop and make you buy it I would. Its like a magic top! So comfortable, so long and stretchy and it makes your bump look amazing - its got one of those tummy panels that stretches and smoothes it all out. Its only £16 and I honestly can not recommend it enough. I am desperate for other colours so if anyone sees any anywhere else let me know.


Happy shopping!
Hey ladies hope your all well...sorry about the draft men!!! They just dont get the shopping!!! My hubby was the same with our first but this time round he realises how much we need etc...although i havent started picking up nappies and wetwipes just yet i will do soon. I would highly recommend Asda and Sainsburys own brands they were brilliant with ds Sainsburys sensitive wipes are on special atm at 49p a pack. Asda's own sensitive brand are four packs for £3.00. I could never use any other than pampers sensitive with my dd but ds was completely different and could use anything on him although ive always stuck to the sensitive for some reason.

Im buying more than i said i would but think hubbys quite happy for me to as its defo our last baby and our agreement is to just sell as much as possible afterwards x
Hi guys my oh is being great :) infact it was him pushing to buy in the beginning, we now need very little just the small stuff and so are waiting a while before we start shopping again. the MIL however is doing my head in and i had tears last night, she turns up at random times without ringing all the time infact she has turned up at tea time or stayed over teatime the last few days and i just cracked after she left yesterday. I don't dislike her just would like it if she said she was coming and we were expecting her and she didn't turn up at tea time.She didn't leave till 8pm last night which meant i didn't get food till gone 9 and then coz it was so late couldn't get an early night that i really wanted and i proceeded to throw up most of what i'd eaten at 11 because my stomach had gotten empty and my meal was too heavy :( OH said he will have words after i broke down saying she can't do it when the baby gets here because if she wakes it up when i've just got him/her down to sleep i will flip that and when it gets to weaning i want routine meal times which means tea will be as soon as my oh gets in from work at 5:30.

I then had tears because i was sick and had eaten very little else that day and felt like i wasn't feeding bump well enough, my hormones seriously mess with me when i'm tired.

sorry just wanted to let it all out. how is everyone else today.

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